War Thunder International Tank Tech Tree - An Introduction

  • last month
Having finished my proposed British, Italian and Japanese tank tech trees, I decide to do France. Wait France is confirmed to be part of the International Tech Tree? Well I suppose I better do that then...

Quick introductory episode giving a basic run down of the tech tree, why I decided to do things a certain way, how it will affect the game etc

Please note the tech tree was created when the upper timeline limit was the 1960's, this has since been updated to the 1970's and I will update the tech tree accordingly in the near future.

Countries included in the International Tank Tech Tree (as of 19.09.2015):
Argentina: https://youtu.be/Z6p0kXANlrI
Austria: https://youtu.be/cha99aucLPY
Australian: https://youtu.be/Z-P0xkdHQZQ
Belgium: https://youtu.be/IPUmZ1TFaIs
Canada: https://youtu.be/dlkyfIcukqs
Czechoslovakia: https://youtu.be/OgGtRi07OIM
Egypt: https://youtu.be/TXeQki7i854
Finland: https://youtu.be/1SzQl9kRQiE
Hungary: https://youtu.be/Yqp5JM2W7YM
Netherlands: https://youtu.be/gBKEdQp6uuk
New Zealand: https://youtu.be/LxE3qjCMoII
People's Republic of China (PRC)
Republic of China (ROC)/Taiwan/Taipei
South Africa
Various export and lend lease vehicles

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Bluesky: https://bsky.app/profile/toreno.bsky.social
Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/Toreno4
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Mastodon: Toreno17@mastodon.social
Threads: https://www.threads.net/@toreno170
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Game: War Thunder ⬅️

#warthunder #international #techtree #proposal #proposed #toreno #excel #introduction
00:00Hello everybody, Tereno here, and welcome to the first episode of a new series, my proposed
00:05international tank tech tree series. I should actually explain, because I did tell everyone
00:10I was going to do the French tech tree next, but basically just before I could get round
00:15to doing it, it was announced that France wasn't getting its own tech tree. This was
00:19announced in the French plane tech tree, or proposed tech tree on the forums, but I assume
00:25it's going to be the same for the tanks as well. So I sort of thought a bit how I was
00:30going to include the French if they weren't getting their own tech tree, and I came up
00:34with doing an international tech tree. You know, doing an episode on each country, each
00:39individual country. That way France gets shown, all the other countries get shown, everyone's
00:44happy. Now this episode is just to really look at the tiering system I've come up with.
00:50We're not really looking at the tanks themselves in too much detail. I'll also show you in
00:56War Thunder the precedents and examples I've used when coming up with these tiering systems,
01:02or where to put tanks in what tier. Now some of the, you may notice some of it looks a
01:07bit odd, tiering wise. We've got a few post-war tanks in tier 4, the Stridsvagn 74 and the
01:12ARL 44, and we've got the Pattenhard 178, which looks ridiculously over-tiered. Now
01:19the reason, well there's a few reasons I've done this. With the Pattenhard and some of
01:24the other armoured cars, I've put, well, they look a bit over-tiered but they're not. It
01:29doesn't actually matter what tier they are, it matters what battle rating they are. This
01:33could be tier 4 but it'd have the battle rating of a tier 2 armoured car, so that won't matter.
01:38The reason I've put it at a higher tier though, is the inefficient research bonus. Basically,
01:44say you get a tier 2 tank, you go to research tier 5, you get the inefficient research bonus,
01:48which means you only get 30% of your RP. So obviously a massive reduction, and that's
01:54going to slow you down. You may be using the tier 2 armoured car because it gives a bonus
02:02when researching the next thing in line, which may be the Pattenhards if these are in tier
02:062. But because of the inefficient research bonus, you'd be losing most of your points
02:10still. So this way you can still have a low battle rating, but still get your research
02:18as normal. There are actually precedents for the post-war tanks being in tier 4 as well,
02:25which I'll show in a minute, but the reason I've done that is because I was having a lot
02:29of trouble filling tier 3 and 4. As you can see they've only got 11 tanks at the moment
02:35as it is. You need 6 at minimum to get to the next rank, so this way, not including
02:42premiums, you've got 10 tanks or other vehicles, so you can get your 6 vehicles and you've
02:47got a bit of leeway on which ones you research. There used to be a bit of a problem, especially
02:52on the American tech tree with planes, where you had to research everything, including
02:55bombers, which put a lot of people off when trying to get to tier 5. You can also notice
03:01I've colour-coded some of the vehicles, which is nice and hopefully lets you see where they
03:07are a bit easier. For example, yellow, Spain, dark blue or blue, France, that sort of thing.
03:15Now before we move on, I'm going to quickly go to War Thunder itself, and I'll show you
03:19the inspirations I got for doing the tiering system this way. So here we are on War Thunder,
03:25or more specifically the American tech tree on War Thunder, and we've got the M41A1 Walker
03:31Bulldog. Now this is tier 4, which is the same as the M4A376, you know, WWII tanks.
03:38It's before the M26 Pershing, a WWII tank. But you go to information, you see delivery
03:44didn't even start until 1953. So we've got a post-war tank before some of the WWII tanks,
03:52it's before the M26 Pershing. And you know, battle rating is before the M26 Pershing.
03:58So we can see there is a precedent for post-war tanks being put in the WWII tiers.
04:05If we now pop over to the German aircraft tech tree, you can see the Focke-Wulf 190D9,
04:12battle rating 4.7. But if we go up here, the 190A4 is 4.3. So we can also see there's
04:20a precedent for putting planes higher up in the tier, but adjusting their battle rating
04:24so they meet tier 2 aircraft. So, you know, my tech tree has got some precedent, it's
04:31not like I've just made it up. You know, Gaijin have done this sort of thing before.
04:36I think you can also see this on the Japanese tech tree. A6M3, 4.3, next one's 5, and then
04:43the one after that is 4.7. So, again there, M1K2J, 5.7, J2M3, 5. So you know, this has
04:53been done quite a few times. You can also see it again on the German tech tree, if I
04:59can find it. The HS129B2, battle rating 4, the B3, 3.3. So, you know, just to give you
05:10a few more examples. So, as that clip shows, there is some sort of precedent for doing
05:15the tiering system how I've done it, which hopefully will allay some fears. Now you may
05:20notice some of these vehicles could go in other tech trees. The LTVZ38, I believe is
05:26actually a Panzer 38, which is already in-game. The ADGZ is an Austrian armoured car, which
05:32was used by the Germans. The ACG1 is a French tank, but with a Belgian turret, modified
05:37by the Belgians themselves. And the Type 38 Beta is actually a Hetzer, but it's built
05:44by Switzerland post-war. Now I've included these because they may have had modifications
05:49for some of them. You know, it helps beef up the tree a little bit. You know, it's nice
05:54to have some slightly different vehicles for the international tech tree. I'm assuming
05:58the Type 38 Beta would have had some modifications being post-war. I assume the Germans would
06:02have modified vehicles they took over, so hopefully they'd be different enough. You
06:07can also see that I've included Commonwealth vehicles. I've previously included them in
06:11the British tank tech tree, but they could fit here as well. So I've included them just
06:16in case. I've also added a number of neutral tanks to the tech tree, and there's a few
06:20reasons for this. One of the reasons is, you know, to boost the numbers of tanks, obviously,
06:26but also because without the neutral tanks, it would be hard to reach the minimum of six
06:31tanks per tier. So you need the neutral tanks to do that. Another reason, some of these
06:37countries did produce a lot of tanks. Sweden produced hundreds, possibly even a thousand
06:42tanks during the war. So it'd be ludicrous to leave them out when they produced so many
06:47tanks. You can also use the neutral nations for alternate history events. For example,
06:51Germany invading Czechoslovakia because the Sudeten Crisis turned out differently, or
06:56invading Sweden and Switzerland because the war turned out differently, or Germany actually
07:00won the war. So you could have those nations against Germany, possibly with allied help.
07:04You could also help simulate some of the other wars, such as in South America. The Vickers
07:106-ton was used in South America, if I'm correct, as well as the Panzer 38. I'll probably talk
07:15about the events in more detail when I get to the individual episodes. Another example
07:20could be Spain teaming up with Germany to attack Gibraltar or something like that. But
07:23like I said, there's a lot of alternate history events that could be used, and I think it
07:28would help spice up the game a little bit. You know, Japan versus Australia, invading
07:34Australia, you know, it just helps to improve the game. Now, one of the other things you
07:39may have noticed is the medium-slash-heavy tank line. Now, the reason I've not given
07:43heavy tanks their own line-up is because there's only six of them, and a lot of them
07:49are bolded and underlined. Some are post-war and may not make the era cut-off line or deadline,
07:56which I'll talk about in a minute. Some were prototypes, and some were only used in small
08:01numbers. So I decided to put them in the medium tech tree or line-up. And again, battle ratings
08:10can be adjusted if needed. You know, I didn't want to leave them out completely, so this
08:15is a fair compromise for keeping them in the game without, you know, getting rid of them
08:19or doing a line-up with only a few tanks. Now, talking about the era cut-off, it's meant
08:25to be 1953, at least for tanks, for planes. But with tanks, they seem to have given it
08:31a bit more leeway. For example, we're getting the Leopard 1 and the M60, which I'm pretty
08:37sure are 1960s tanks. I'm trying to stick to the cut-off of about 1953. I have included
08:44some past that cut-off in some cases, but they are bolded and underlined. So, you know,
08:52I will try to keep to 1953 where possible. Now, one last thing I'd like to mention is
08:57that this isn't actually the finished tech tree. As you can see, I've still got to give
09:00colour code for some of them. Yeah, while we're on the subject, there's a little colour
09:05code thing to help you find the different nations' tanks. But I do tend to tweak these
09:10as I sort of go along. You know, as I get to each nation, I tend to do a bit more research
09:15into it just to make sure it's completely right, and, you know, sometimes I remove or
09:19add tanks as I'm doing that, or, you know, change the tiers and battle ratings. So this
09:24is subject to change. It will stay roughly this, you know, setup, but, you know, you
09:30may see a tank move a tier or two, or one or two being added and taken away, that sort
09:36of thing. But, yeah, anyway, hopefully that's just given you a quick, you know, introduction
09:40to the international tech tree. I'm going to be doing one episode for each nation, so
09:45we'll start off with Argentina, go to Australia, Austria, they'll all get an episode each in
09:51alphabetical order if I can, you know, see how it goes. But, yeah, I think this is the
09:57fairest way to give all nations their own episode, give them all a little look in, and,
10:02you know, hopefully it'll be a good little series. It's been a pain to research, I must
10:06be honest, because I haven't got many books on them, different nations. But, yeah, hopefully
10:11you've enjoyed this episode, and I hope you'll watch the series when I'll get started on
10:16it properly. Thanks for watching, I'll see you next time.
