Die ehemalige Polizistin Ha Soo-yeong hat mit dem Versprechen für eine Entschädigung eine Gefängnisstrafe für ein Verbrechen abgesessen, das sie nicht begangen hat. Nach ihrer Entlassung geht sie jedoch leer aus und begibt sich daher in Revolver auf einen Rachefeldzug, um ihre Entschädigung zu erhalten.
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00:00I'm Ha Soo Young, born in 1993.
00:03I'm a former police officer named Ha Soo Young.
00:12Who sent you here?
00:13Why are you talking down to me?
00:15I don't use honorifics to gangsters.
00:18I thought you were going to whine, but you're so cool.
00:22I got the money I promised at the prison.
00:26Did you get hit?
00:27We fought.
00:29You really don't know anything?
00:32All the guys who wanted to kill me are gone.
00:36He broke his promise to kill money.
00:40I just need to find my money and apartment.
00:45Who was it?
00:48It's fun.
00:54I just need this much.
00:57I'm on your side.
00:58Don't ever lie to Ha Soo Young.
01:02Andy is a crazy guy who wears perfume.
01:05Are you blackmailing me?
01:14Stop, stop, stop!
01:16How much do you want?
01:20I got the money I promised at the prison.
01:26I got the money I promised at the prison.