00:03Come on. I don't touch it. Thank you. I'm here. What are the things that I will take it out of it
00:09But I see another one. We're in sorority. Yes, it's on the top
00:13Muzi that's what I think about it. Oh, yeah, I'm not
00:19So don't see me I was in a circuit dog. Oh, I'm gonna
00:23Want to get married to me again? I'm not shaking, but I'm going to live again. I'm going to hang on to my father. I'm going to go on a date next time
00:34Mr. Nam Tae-pyeong, why do you keep doing this to me? I don't know. We were living well, but why did you suddenly appear?
00:42Didn't you miss me?
00:45Still pretty