• last year
I got Ptera and Rhino on the scene! I'm joined with my friend once again who helps me out with this unboxing. Ptera and Rhino are defense type beys with strong capabilities. Expect some hilarious moments between me and my friend during the battles.

Feel free to check out my other Beyblade X unboxings! :)
00:00You guys want to see a magic trick
00:08Okay, anyway, here we have it
00:15Anyway, here we have it two more booster packs. So here we have Talon
00:19Put Tara Tara to Tara Tara
00:23The P is silent Tara anyway 380 B and then also horn Rhino or horn. Yeah, Rhino horn 380 s
00:31So basically, these are boosters that I really don't have and I know I apologize that the box is like kind of messed up
00:39Because I don't know
00:40But yeah, here are the parts and the stats over there and let's get it open
00:45I have my friend once again, who will be helping me out. And yeah, let's get these babies open
00:53Oh, I almost told you toward the box a little stop. Come on. Oh
00:58Come on, I didn't realize there was tape underneath. Oh, I don't want to cut myself
01:14There we go, there is the lair talent Tara and put the box aside we have
01:23Horn Rhino
01:27Why is it so bright it's so orange II I just love the dinosaur
01:33Don't worry. There are more dinosaurs. If we go to Target, we'll get another dinosaur. That's more Tyranno the t-rex. Oh
01:41But maybe I'll be going next week or next next week. I feel like my budget and stuff
01:47I'm trying to rip through this. Look at that. I'm trying to create a hole
01:50It's so fun and boxing a blades anyway junk aside and
01:55We don't need the two pamphlets or instructions put that aside and oh, we've got to
02:01Open this sometimes there are packages where it comes to two
02:06bits instead of one so I kind of find that hilarious because I
02:12Have stumbled upon like letter posts saying that oh we have found two
02:18Parts or pieces
02:21Defective manufacturing
02:24But like when the package of the parts
02:28They accidentally put in two copies of the same part. Yeah
02:35All the junk side. I'm just gonna quickly do this. It's like a little puzzle. So here we have the parts
02:40There's talent Tara. It is a tear tear doctor or supposedly based off tear doctor
02:45This is not an anime exclusive bait, maybe it appears in that I mean, I don't know but it's a very orangey
02:50I like it might see on the back of
02:53viper tails back
02:55There was a QR code for the beyblade X app and
02:59Yeah, nothing much to say about the dinosaur next. We have like didn't think this is 380 good for defense in its tack
03:05I think so. I love the color scheme the pearl white and the whitish lavender purple
03:12Very fitting and then lastly we have this maroon bit which is ball or repeat apart from wizard arrow
03:20And then next up we have horned Rhino
03:23Very shiny. Oh, I love the back. There's the QR code for the beyblade X app. That's kind of like see-through kind of ish
03:32So matte next we come to I think this 360 I think I like the yellow I know look at that
03:39What a night it might kind of reminds you of like the black and yellow
03:43Kind of like a B. Yeah
03:47And then next we come to this weirdly colored not weird the color I actually like it it's very like a neon lime green
03:55Sharp so it's us. Yeah, what are we waiting for? Let us
04:01Can I try putting one together? Yeah, go ahead
04:06Horned Rhino
04:08Well, my friend is trying her best to that's okay. Don't have to twist it. Yeah. Yeah, you have to twist it
04:14You can do this. Let everybody watch my struggle
04:17There you go. That's it. That's what's it? Oh my god. Now you insert the bit. That's it. Oh my gosh
04:22Yeah, you assembled your first beyblade x-bay on your own. So here's talent here right here. No anime owner
04:28So there it is. There's the babe. Come on iPhone focus. What's wrong with you? Okay, there you go
04:33And then here we have horned Rhino owned by I don't know who that character is to the left side
04:38So I'll just put a picture there, but there it is
04:42Anime exclusive and yeah, let us go into a test battle. What are we waiting for?
04:49Levi agrees
04:51Alrighty, we're ready
05:29Remedy you don't know the remedy the remedy. Yeah, just like last time. Remember you were you do all the other base. Well, I
05:36You can see okay. Yeah. Yeah, it's over there
05:41Okay, who is that? Oh, yes fiber tail
05:59Okay, wait, wait, wait, wait, no worries. Take a duck
06:20Go baby, darn it. All right, who's up next? Oh, is that wizard? No kill shark. Okay
06:28I love that
07:03That's not fair
07:05Who's up next who is that? Oh drag dagger. Let's go
07:24All right
07:37Thank You Rhino, okay, who the heck is that? Ah, what's that? Oh the yellow one the yellow one
07:47Extra right away
08:18We live with
08:21What the heck happened, what happened you hit the camera what happened? I don't even know what happened
08:45Okay, who's next
09:21They really fight I know
09:35Siphon send you no, wait, sorry chain and send you
09:50Center ballerina again, I think I'm winning. Oh, no. Oh, okay rematch with one Rhino
10:13Turn sword, let's go
10:28See I told you all right Rhino
10:47Your bacon and eggs are finished
10:50What are you doing? Wake up. Stop being sleepy. Did you take too much caffeine and now you're crashed out? What are you doing?
10:58Okay, dad. Ah
11:01Siphon send you let's go
11:14Yeah, thank you down the dare all right
11:28Sounds crazy. Wow. Okay. Who's up next? Ah, come back. Let's go
11:56Know right. All right, who's up next?
12:00Oh, that is red run sword, let's go
12:11Wait, did I win or lose? No, you won. Oh, yeah. Oh look at that. You're trying to pop me out. Okay, wake up
12:18Yeah, just smack it like a bug. I know right
12:30I'm who is that? That is well green wizard arrow. Let's go the green one
12:52Yeah, let's go
13:15Should not be shadow. Let's go
14:13Yeah, you suck you look like you're losing
14:39Felt laughing it never worked
14:42Really? Oh, okay. Okay. Now we turn turn tend to that another stadium. Oh, yes. Okay
15:01I take revenge with Rhino now
15:22Okay, Oh shadow, let's go
15:39There you go, I win. Thank you tell with Tara. All right
15:54We both
16:02Oh my god, let's do it again. Actually. Yeah, I think we are. Oh my gosh, you're definitely gonna have to replay that
16:09I don't like how I'm spinning. Wait
16:26Winner oh, let's go
16:39I'm purposely trying to make you status. Yes. It's all calculated
16:55I know it's your princess. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no
17:01There we go my clock is ticking. Oh, there we go
17:27I know right loser. I know
17:39Like a little bunny
17:50Yes, thank you
18:03That interference really
18:09No, if I if I lose that means you cheat
18:14Only if I lose if I win the next
18:27All right, there's a thousand times stronger than a dragon true facts a rhino
18:34It's a thousand times stronger than a dragon how can you calculate a dragon string?
18:42Okay, who is that? Oh, yes viper tail. Let's go
19:10Don't we live in Africa
19:17Look at that see the snake one. Yeah
19:20Um, you're telling me scientifically that this thing doesn't have enough strength to defeat a snake
19:27What bullshit is that?
19:29Well, I call that bullshit. This one's in the half loser. No, no, no realistically talking
19:36A rhino has enough strength to trample a snake. That is a true fact. Yeah
19:43But guess who won what me I won
19:56Okay, okay, ah
21:05Kill him kill him anytime
21:14Anytime almost there
21:29Was that ow, it's chained to the incendio
22:14Don't know
22:18That was weird, well winner box, okay, that was so weird. All right, who's up next?
22:25This one Oh transport. Okay
22:31Stop doing that. There you go. Thank you
23:05Wow, all right. Who's up next? Oh wizard arrow green green
23:31Upside down, okay porn hot shocks horn
23:45They're all red too, okay good
24:36I just I just really
24:44Not this again, uh-huh
24:48Come on now hurry up. We don't have all day Levi's watching Levi's waiting
24:56He's sick of this I know, right
25:05To the winner's watch. Oh dang. All right. Who's that? Oh red transfer. Let's go
25:17File some action
25:24Dang that was crazy. All right
25:32There we go
25:35Come on
25:44Last one saw Phoenix. Yeah. Oh shocks. All right
26:05Okay, there you go
26:27Everyone please give this video a big thumbs up. Don't forget to subscribe and also don't forget to ring that Bell button
26:33I don't have my Bell with me. But yeah, you get the idea. What is my critique with these two booster pack base?
26:39They are amazing. I don't mind if they're repeated parts, but they have less such pretty colors and pretty
26:46Discs, but yeah, if you like to get them got them from Walmart. But yeah
26:51I'm still trying to get way too. So I have to hike up to Target in order to get those so seek out for like
26:59The Wyvern one, which is guilt vibrant the stink unicorn one war Tyranno. Can I wait to get that and also
27:07By crop, there's a crocodile. You didn't know that. Did you know you did that? Okay, they also have beer savage
27:13I do remember the bear. Yes
27:15So I'm trying to get those soon, but maybe next week or my next two weeks
27:19I will be getting some Beyblade Burst Base some Hasbro ones
27:24So there was one listing I saw that you get two in one
27:27And it's really good price, so I'm gonna get that as well. But yeah, I think that's pretty much about it
27:33Um seek out for more beyblade extra other beyblade first or whatever
27:37I'm gonna fight in boxing some battle videos and I think I'll see you guys next time
27:41Soon. Yeah
27:43See you guys down in Falcon Town
27:45My friend is signing off
27:51Crazy weirdo and endings and then Levi's also signing off. So yeah, there you go. Alrighty guys
27:57You guys down Papa
28:03That was not a camera
28:08Nice nice. Okay
