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إذا كان لديك اعتقاد أن العمل المنشور في هذا الفيديو من أعمالك المحمية بحقوق التأليف والنشر وبدون إذن منك، يمكنك تقديم إشعار التعدي على حق المؤلف من خلال إرسال بريد الكتروني على العنوان التالي :

ويرجى النظر في ما إذا كان استخدامنا للعمل المحمي بحقوق التأليف والنشر استخداما عادلا غير مخالفا لحقوق التأليف والنشر قبل تقديم الإشعار.


00:00Today's an important day for the Zoo. It's our annual weigh-in and we're weighing many,
00:13many of the different animals we have at the Zoo. Now that's important because it gives
00:17a record for us to compare over the year what's changed with the animals' weights. It means
00:22we can compare with their wild counterparts and we can see what's going on. We can make
00:26sure our animals are staying healthy but it also might highlight any pregnancies that
00:30we're expecting and we can see weight change over time that will give us the indication
00:35that there's a healthy pregnancy.
00:56No, you don't need to touch that board.
01:01You have to get rid of it.
01:04I know Laurie would not give it that.
01:11He's managed to knock it at you.
01:13Squeak, squeak, squeak.
01:37It's got legs.
01:43Squeak, squeak, squeak.
01:52This is Polly.
02:13Come on.
02:16Yeah, yeah, yeah.
02:23You're a link.
02:38She's a big kid.
02:40Weighing in at 750.
02:43That's all.
02:56That's a little goose.
03:01I mean, that is the natural adaptation to owl, right?
