Dad's Army (1971) Trailer HD

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At last! Their epic story invades the Big Screen!

Dad's Army was a 1971 feature film based on the BBC television sitcom Dad's Army. Directed by Norman Cohen, it was filmed between series three and four and was based upon material from the early episodes of the television series. The film told the story of the Home Guard platoon's formation and their subsequent endeavours at a training exercise.

Norman Cohen
Jimmy Perry -David Croft
Arthur Lowe -John Le Mesurier -Clive Dunn -John Laurie -James Beck
00:00The time is World War II, when the free world was threatened by a maniacal dictator, when
00:14the skies over England were harassed by a ruthless enemy, hell-bent on our destruction.
00:21The time of crisis that cried out for a man to match the hour.
00:26Another Drake, a George Washington, another Churchill.
00:30Spring, summer, autumn, or winter, over the sea or out of the sky, or up between our legs,
00:37or up...
00:38Wherever they come from, we'll be ready for them.
00:41Who do you think you are kidding, Mr. Hitler, if you think we're on the run?
00:49Now we've no arms, but we have one invaluable weapon in our armory.
00:56Ingenuity and improvisation.
00:58That's two.
01:00It was a time for men of ingenuity.
01:03Well, excuse me, Padre, I don't suppose you'd be interested in buying some petrol cubots?
01:08The hour for innovation.
01:10What's that supposed to mean?
01:12You said if we hadn't got anything else, we'd tie a carving knife to a broom handle.
01:16I didn't mean that you were to leave the broom on the end of the handle, you stupid boy.
01:21Dud's Army.
01:24Men of valour, men of courage.
01:27Guardians of our survival.
01:30Meet them.
01:31Captain Mannering.
01:33Sergeant Wilson.
01:37Lance Corporal Jones.
01:40Who do you think you are?
01:41We're the local defence volunteers, and I'm their appointed commander, Captain Mannering.
01:45And I must ask you to keep your hands off my privates.
01:47And the privates, God bless them.
01:55Uncle Arthur must be a very light sleeper, Mum.
01:57How am I?
01:59When I came down this morning for the milk, his bed-hardy look slept him.
02:05And the women behind the men.
02:07You shouldn't have had that joint the weekend.
02:09No, well, you know what my husband is, Mr Jones.
02:12I mean, he will insist on his little bit of brisket.
02:15Right, get ready.
02:17Oh, nothing's happening.
02:27The war took six of the best years of the lives of millions.
02:32Now you know why.