HonkaiImpact3rdPart2 Stories-EngDub Ch3-Ph2-Pt8 Just Like Old Times

  • last month
What's wrong? You're #freaking out? Since you believe I'm just an #extension of the #Sacrifice, what else can it be other than a gadget? You should #drop the #double #standards.


00:00Those illusions must be a shrew's distraction. Are Songzhi and Baiqi already in that place we're meant to be dreamed of?
00:16So what if they are?
00:19You guys won't be able to get there if any of the shrews want to stop you.
00:24Someone who can get inside dreams just because gadgets needed you at the time.
00:32But the power of perception goes beyond the shrews.
00:36What's wrong? You're freaking out?
00:39Since you believe I'm just an extension of the sacrifice, what else can they be other than the gadget?
00:46You should drop the double standards.
00:49All I know is that you died on the street outside like a stray dog in the dream.
00:54That was just an illusion. Anthropy never saw it.
00:58I think even Baiqi won't kill Songzhi. If he really wanted to, why didn't he act over the past century?
01:14I'm back!
01:16Songzhi told Anthropy everything that happened in a dramatic tone, including Baiqi's backup plan.
01:26That's terrifying. This plan sounds challenging, but thankfully, your master didn't give up.
01:37Who knows? Maybe he did. You tried to teleport his scatter, the only balance here to Aksia. And how'd that go?
01:48Well, we tried to send the Langshu residents to Aksia, and it failed, unsurprisingly.
01:59Chengxu believes it has something to do with the Langshu people's fear gathering.
02:04They need shadows to meet their basic everyday needs, but they don't have the ability of the Shus.
02:10That's why they can't break away from the shadows' control.
02:14Or perhaps the Shus didn't try his best when he was helping with the teleportation.
02:21Don't say that, Kureili. Although Dong Yinghui isn't very kind, at least it still helped us.
02:30At least?
02:32You don't need to make the decision. I'm just your humble servant. I had nothing to do but complain. What else could I do?
02:42Were it not for the threat to the pool of shadows, I wouldn't help you at all.
03:00No, you're not. I also want to demolish Langshu right now, but I know what the priority is.
03:12Where's your master, Song Que? Didn't he come back with you?
03:17Master said he needed to drag the amorphous face, oh, I mean the shadow sphere, down to prepare for shaping.
03:26I couldn't really help him, so I went back to Ember Street to gather everybody.
03:31I think he's too ashamed to see us, so he asked you to come back alone.
03:37If that's the case, I must have quite a reputation.
03:42So, you...
03:44Dong Yinghui, you have a good nose. You must know where Lantern is.
03:50A good nose? I'm not a bloodhound.
03:55Dong Yinghui wanted to curse, but then noticed Song Que and Sanadina reaching for his tail.
04:02He suddenly felt that being treated as a bloodhound was acceptable.
04:13Well, being a bloodhound is okay.
04:17I mean, everyone serves others like a dog in the society, right?
04:36He didn't fail me.
04:41That's great. If Song Que is fine, I knew Uncle Bai Qi wasn't a bad person.
04:48Don't worry, I'm fine.
04:52But that black bar up in the sky...
04:56My master is truly capable.
05:04A weird scene unfolded before their eyes.
05:08The shadow sphere, originally hanging high in the sky,
05:12was seemingly dragged by an invisible force and slowly fell into the distance
05:18like a black teardrop full of sins.
05:21Master has started, so we need to hurry.
05:26It's actually not that hard.
05:28Following my master's instructions, we have only two steps to take.
05:32First, we need to get Perception out of the Sea of Theta, and then go to the master.
05:40Then, as my master said, we need to...
05:45Then, as my master said, we need to make full use of the Shu's power
05:53and quickly control all of Lang Qiu's shadows
05:56so we can get the fear gathering under his control to shape Perception.
06:03There are two possible outcomes.
06:05If we're lucky enough and Perception sorts out her act, she'll handle the rest.
06:11If we're unlucky, there will be a fight.
06:15Indeed, it's all or nothing, but the good news is
06:19if we get fully prepared, for Axia,
06:22the worst result of Lang Qiu's destruction will be nothing more than an earthquake.
06:30So, will you avoid the battle?
06:34Of course not. Why ask?
06:37To observe all the samples, the researchers must fight shoulder to shoulder with them.
06:45If things go south, I can hide you all in the Astral Ring to survive this disaster.
06:53But Senna, if you overuse the Astral Ring's power...
06:59Don't worry, I'm just considering the worst-case scenario.
07:03If it really happens, I have no other choice nor energy to consider the aftermath.
07:12Things won't get that bad.
07:15I can still fight.
07:16Even if you can't deal with it, you still have me, the Shu of Perception.
07:21That's the last resort.
07:23When that time comes, make sure not to miss me.
07:29Things won't get that bad, will they?
07:33Who knows?
07:35Were it not for you, I could barely walk by myself now.
07:39Yeah, well, how about trying our luck right now?
07:45I suppose you haven't played Ultimate Slotho yet, Entropy.
07:48It's one of the ten traits of Lang Qiu, an exciting fortune game.
07:54Alright, here we go.
07:56Let's make the Dragon Gate Formation together.
08:00Fortune smiles down on me.
08:02My fortune today is completely different from that in the dream.
08:08It's just, you love to cheat in games.
08:13Good luck.
08:14Let's try it when the iron is hot.
08:19Honestly, when you were confirming the Rite of Tears with Bai Ji,
08:24I was also preparing some backup plans.
08:31Wait, isn't this...
08:34Yeah, it's Perception, who was temporarily surprised by Bai Ji.
08:38Right now, she has been capped into a storage belt along with the Gita.
08:45I see.
08:47I see.
08:48I see.
08:50I see.
08:52I see.
08:54I see.
08:56I see.
08:57I see.
09:02Although each storage belt only lasts for about half an hour,
09:06we can still use them as needed before the storage belts we prepared run out.
09:17No wonder we didn't see you on Amber Street.
09:22Wait, if that's the case,
09:24then you already knew that Bai Ji wouldn't hurt Song Que.
09:29I hate passively waiting for results, so I...
09:34need to do something, right?
09:38That's an outdated excuse.
09:44How'd you know?
09:47Oh, it's because of that dream?
09:57Never mind, let's stop here.
09:59We have something more important to do right now.
10:08Are you just a fool at heart?
10:12Do you say whatever comes into your head?
10:15Never mind,
10:16since Bai Ji prepared such a grand feast,
10:19we have no reason to turn him down.
10:24the bookworm also told me
10:26we can overcome any challenge so long as we stand together.
10:34So, what do you think, Dounigui?
10:38Now you remember to ask my opinion.
10:42Just to be clear,
10:43don't let me have the charge when we start the attack.
10:48are you scared?
10:50Of course not, you corp!
10:54Sensing threatening glances from others,
10:56Dounigui stopped and changed his attitude.
11:05you know that the key person usually comes last, right?
11:13But you don't look like a key person.
11:23What about Entropy?
11:28I hold the same opinion as before.
11:30This is Longqiu's affair,
11:32and you are our guest.
11:33I don't want you to get hurt or suffer even more.
11:36Because of you,
11:37we can't stand aside and watch.
11:39Don't worry,
11:40Chen Xue is in Oxian,
11:42and she is much more capable than me.
11:47unlike the highly advanced Oxian,
11:49here in Longqiu,
11:50one more person means greater strength.
11:56Having a spirit of adventure matters.
12:00I don't want you to get hurt or suffer even more.
12:07Valkyries don't leave vulnerable people unprotected.
12:11That's enough.
12:13I might start shedding tears.
12:19To be honest,
12:20I want to see how you look when you cry.
12:28just like when the world was opened up a hundred years ago,
12:32people representing the seven powers
12:34once again gather together.
12:41What's wrong?
12:47Are you eating candy?
12:51What's that look for?
12:52Do you think people like me can't have a sweet tooth?
13:00I used to hate candy.
13:01But a so-called master told me
13:03candy has special powers.
13:06I didn't believe her,
13:07so I thought I'd give it a try
13:09to prove her wrong.
13:14But I started loving it after trying it.
13:20sometimes it's good to be deceived by someone
13:22and try new things.
13:24by the way,
13:25we fought for the second time in your dream.
13:29And it seems that
13:30I didn't beat my destruction
13:32with her destruction.
13:36I don't understand
13:37how Xie Na managed to do it,
13:39and the side effects were huge.
13:43who had nothing to do
13:44with destruction
13:45in the past
13:46can't do it
13:48The side effects were huge.
13:51who had nothing to do
13:52with destruction
13:53in the past
13:54had defeated me
13:55on this path.
13:59You may say so.
14:01I see.
14:05It's fine.
14:06I just learned something new.
14:10Maybe I can use it next time.
14:21You look happy.
14:23Is it because
14:24you can now fight
14:25shoulder to shoulder
14:26with other shoes again?
14:28Shut up.
14:29I'm not happy.
14:32I wouldn't have gone back home
14:33and slept
14:34if I hadn't seen you
14:35for my identity
14:36as sacrifice
14:37and concerns
14:38about killing the moon.
14:40I'm not happy.
14:42I'm not happy.
14:44I'm not happy.
14:46I'm not happy.
14:47I'm not happy.
14:49You're a bad liar.
14:51You can't deceive me.
14:56You guys can't deceive me.
15:01When you're happy,
15:02your tail is wagging in the air.
15:04Solid evidence.
15:10I thought
15:11I was the only one
15:12who noticed.
15:13I thought I was the only one
15:14who noticed.
15:18Yeah, everyone does.
15:37Are you ready?
15:43I'm not ready.
15:59No, it's not even.
16:13No, it's not even.
16:32Where are you going?
16:35Don't you have
16:36a better idea
16:37than me?
16:44are you okay?
16:47What do you mean?
16:49I'm not a terminally
16:50ill patient.
16:53Yeah, well.
16:56Judging from your reaction,
16:58you think I'm pitiful.
17:02don't you?
17:08I know.
17:09Ordinary people
17:10don't have
17:11I know.
17:12Ordinary people
17:13love to see the privilege
17:14in difficult circumstances,
17:15don't they?
17:19I'm not
17:27Atmosphere has its own appeal.
17:29That's why
17:30there have been
17:31so many dramas
17:32that explore suicide
17:33throughout human history.
17:39why can't we
17:40pursue such outdated
17:42Wouldn't it be
17:43more interesting
17:44to tear away
17:45the outdated future
17:46and tailor it
17:47to my style?
17:50can the future
17:51be tailored, too?
17:54Although I don't know
17:55what to do,
17:56I'm willing to help.
17:58Thanks, Aha.
17:59Your union
18:00proves to be
18:01of indispensable help.
18:10I love you.
18:11I love you.
18:12I love you.
18:13I love you.
18:14I love you.
18:15I love you.
18:16I love you.
18:17I love you.
18:18I love you.
18:19I love you.
18:20I love you.
18:21I love you.
18:22I love you.
18:23I love you.
18:24I love you.
18:25I love you.
18:26I love you.
18:27I love you.
18:28I love you.
18:29I love you.
18:30I love you.
18:31I love you.
18:32I love you.
18:33I love you.
18:34I love you.
18:35I love you.
18:36I love you.
18:37I love you.
18:38I love you.
18:39I love you.
18:40I love you.
18:41I love you.
18:42I love you.
18:43I love you.
18:44I love you.
18:45I love you.
18:46I love you.
18:47I love you.
18:48I love you.
18:49I love you.
18:50I love you.
18:51I love you.
18:52I love you.
18:53I love you.
18:54I love you.
18:55I love you.
18:56I love you.
18:57I love you.
18:58I love you.
18:59I love you.
19:00I love you.
19:01I love you.
19:02I love you.
19:03I love you.
19:04I love you.
19:05I love you.
19:06I love you.
19:07I love you.
19:09Are you ready?
19:20Let's go.
19:28Yes, amorphous face.
19:30With no fixed form, everything is possible.
19:34It's just like Langqiu's version of a wish machine.
19:42And this wish machine is filled with people's fear.
19:47Yes, although we've tried to let shadows benefit the people, the original sin cannot be altered or eliminated.
20:01Fear is inherent in all living beings.
20:07Humans are good in nature, destruction and killing.
20:11Almost all the evil perpetrated by humans stems from fear.
20:20So, amorphous fate is the ultimate embodiment of evil.
20:29As I mentioned before, those concentrated shadows are just like the cemetery of Langqiu.
20:38What greater fear is there than the looming specter of death?
20:42Usually, remarks like this sound cliche, but at that moment, it carried a weighty significance when uttered by Song Que.
20:55Well, we're here now, but honestly, we've got no idea what to do.
21:00Mr. Bai Ji, why don't you just give us something to do right now?
21:04We've been hanging around Amber Tree for so long, it's about time we do something for everyone.
21:13Oh, Chen Xue just reminded me to film the ride, or help the institute with its follow-up studies.
21:21This time, the ride is called the Ride of Shaping instead of the Ride of Tears, right?
21:28Yes, it refers to the shaping of the appearance of the amorphous fate.
21:33Although it only took Master a few seconds to name it, it's very concise and clear.
21:39As Song Que told you before, the Ride of Shaping is for the shoes to control the shadow as much as possible.
21:47It's best if we can control all of them in Lang Qiu, then I'll complete the Fear Gathering using Phosphate.
21:58And I do need your help with this process.
22:02Come on, Master, don't beat around the bush.
22:05All right.
22:07I need you to protect the formation when I'm performing the ride.
22:11As long as you can do that until the formation is done, I'll deal with Wolverines.
22:19Did Einstein ever do something similar?
22:23Who's Einstein?
22:25Maybe my mom?
22:27But she only lets me call her sister.
22:30Nothing, that's not important, forget it.
22:35The course gradient I took including guarding other formations, I'm sure the techniques will still work.
22:42I see.
22:44So we need to prevent strange things from getting close to the shoes and the formation, right?
22:50All right.
22:51We've learned a lot about how to deal with the shadows after arriving in Lang Qiu.
22:55Also, we have other gadgets apart from Perception, so this should be easy, I suppose.
23:00Be more confident, please.
23:05Anyway, thank you for all your help.
23:11Bai Ji is about to express his thanks and then look at the other shoes.
23:20Come, everyone.
23:22The ride of shaping is about to start.
23:26With everything as our chess pieces, we beseech the heavens for timing's grace.
23:32I pour all my heart and soul into this.
23:42They've really appeared.
23:45Here we go.
23:58Most people fear the world because their existence will one day be erased by the world.
24:05Be it an individual, organization, or concept, generally speaking, none can escape death.
24:13Interestingly, it's because one recognizes the inevitability of death.
24:24Individuals believe in redemption, and the world has the power to evolve.
24:34In other words, even if humans despise fear and see it as the root of all evil, their creations and sacrifices are made on the basis of fear.
24:51Across the brooding heavens, the shadow sphere glided towards the turn of final rest like a nascent black sun.
25:03None could foresee what would come after this eclipse, whether the land would be granted a fleeting reprieve from its troubles or shrouded in darker shades.
25:22Stay away from them.
25:32Suddenly, Bai Ji recalled his childhood and how the seniors in his family spoke about him.
25:41The wise are often inspired by their own suffering.
25:49Indeed, that is the case.
25:54With my limited wisdom, I ended up achieving nothing.
26:04The skilled swimmer drowns, and the adept rider falls.
26:14The leader of the Seven Shrews, who tried to resume the reality of the world with falsehood, ended up being trapped in the prison forged by falsehood.
26:28Wisdom may plot against mortals, yet it cannot plot against destiny.
26:35How much weight does humanity truly hold over fate?
26:42Ask yourself honestly. Right now, how confident are you that you can compete with the universe?
26:57So many monsters. Catch this.
27:04Is this ever going to end?
27:07After making many decisions, he eventually picked up the question that had been in his mind for over a century.
27:15How? How dare you?
27:26Yes, a century ago, a man asked such questions.
27:36How dare you glimpse heaven's will?
27:42How dare you change people's fate?
27:48How dare you decide the life and death of other beings?
27:55How dare you represent the will of all beings?
27:59How dare you control the greatest secrets and riches of the world?
28:04How dare you hold the fate of the entire world in your hands?
28:13These, all including yours, yes, isn't the pleasure I seek.
28:19But as you said, they're far from enough.
28:24I haven't seen people more interesting than you.
28:27Nor a sage more intriguing than Langqiu.
28:31I have yet to taste all the pleasures of the splendid feast.
28:39I accept your invitation.
29:01I accept your invitation.
29:18I accept your invitation.
29:30I accept your invitation.
29:46I accept your invitation.
