• last year
00:00Hello, in this video, this video is addressed to my twin flame, Shia. Hi, Shia.
00:05For those who are watching, I thank you for watching.
00:08There's going to be some crime against me and my twin flame.
00:11None of this, none of what I say can be used against me.
00:14None of this is mere, whatever I say in this video may or may not be true.
00:19It cannot be used against me.
00:20If you do, you'll be sued and sent to prison for trying to frame me.
00:32Shia, uh...
00:35I, uh...
00:38I'm getting kind of tortured right now, so I'm going to act a little irritable.
00:42However, I'm kind of...
00:45I'm getting a little bit, uh...
00:47So there's going to be some interference, Shia.
00:54I'm just going to try to stop it as soon as it starts.
01:01Drinking a cup of coffee.
01:04I have some things to show you.
01:06So, basically, this is going to be probably a half an hour, 20 minute video, because I want to make sure this gets to you.
01:14I'm going to show you the emails that I sent to the...
01:20Detective of the Narcotics Department of the San Diego Police.
01:26Basically, uh, remember how I showed you the photograph yesterday?
01:32Well, I ended up sending the photographs, attached them to S-D-P-D Narcotics.
01:43And I also called them into voicemail.
01:52Uh, I'm not going to go out to the grocery store, because it's too dangerous.
01:56And something happened last night.
01:59A murder attempt.
02:01However, obviously I didn't get murdered, because I didn't open the door.
02:05So, I emailed the cop again today to explain what happened last night.
02:10I emailed the cop again today to explain what happened last night.
02:141235 P... 1235 A.M. I got a knock on my door.
02:18No, the doorbell rang.
02:20So, I'm going to explain that to you in a couple minutes.
02:28So, I'm going to work on my pantry...
02:30Actually, I have to explain it to you now.
02:34Okay, so...
02:36I should probably just show you the email.
02:40Let me just show you the email first, so that you can read it.
02:57Oh, I can't, I can't.
03:15Okay, so basically, I said...
03:21Hi Detective, and his name.
03:25This is what I wrote today.
03:28I wanted to let you know that there was an M-U-R-D-E-R attempt against me last night.
03:35But it did not go through, because I never opened my door.
03:41The neighbor that lives at 114th Street...
03:48rang my doorbell...
03:51at 1235 A.M. last night.
03:56August 20, 2024.
03:59This was 10 hours after the...
04:03undercover COP caught...
04:09the neighbor...
04:13as a D-R-U-G space D-E-A-L-E-R.
04:18The undercover COP person in the hallway.
04:22Like I showed you, Chey, I was wearing a Nike hat, holding a cell phone, probably...
04:27at the end of the hallway, in front of the window.
04:31He caught the neighbor...
04:37as a C-R-I-I-M-A-N-A-L-D-R-U-G-D-E-A-L-E-R.
04:46It is usually routine, it happens monthly, since I've lived here...
04:52that this neighbor sends his visitors to my door to knock or ring on the doorbell.
05:01In past videos, Chey, you've heard my doorbell ring after business hours...
05:09is when the doorbells and the knocks happen.
05:12Between the hours of 5 p.m. and 3 in the morning, I've gotten rings and doorbell knocks.
05:21But there's A.I. face masks that the criminal puts over the visitors that go to my door.
05:32There's an intimidation threat tactic.
05:36Gang stalking tactic as well.
05:39It is usually routine, it happens monthly, that the neighbor sends his buying visitors to my door...
05:48before they go to his door and enter his unit.
05:52They ring or knock on my door to scare me and make my heart race, and my heart races.
05:58I don't let anybody into my room. I don't have any friends.
06:02I have no family or friends around here.
06:06I have no one in this building, no one in San Diego, no one I would ever open the door to.
06:13So, it makes my heart race every single time.
06:18It feels almost like my heart is going to beat out of my chest.
06:22It was not one of his...
06:25It feels almost like my heart is going to beat out of my chest.
06:29It was not one of his DRUG visitors last night...
06:38that the neighbor uses to scare, threaten, and intimidate me.
06:43It was the NEIGHBOR.
06:48There was a little bit of a mask, but I couldn't clearly see exactly who it was...
06:55because of the AI masks that are being placed.
07:02I was repeatedly told by telepathic supporters and spirit guides...
07:08it was the neighbor that rang my doorbell last night.
07:15There was a little bit of a mask, but I couldn't clearly see exactly who it was...
07:22but I'm pretty sure it was the neighbor that lives in unit.
07:27He uses these disguises to make me not know what he looks like.
07:35I would be dead if I opened that door.
07:38That was a murder attempt. He was going to kill me.
07:41It was 1235 a.m. last night in the morning. I was half asleep.
07:46I was half asleep, and my doorbell rang. I woke up.
07:50My heart started racing. I could barely breathe.
07:53This happens every time I get knock and doorbell rings.
07:56A lot here in the early and late evening.
07:59And I should have said it early morning too.
08:02But I said a lot here in the early and late evening because of the dealer visitors.
08:10You know, buying visitors.
08:13The neighbor sends them to my door after business hours.
08:18It's always between 5 p.m. to 3 in the morning.
08:28I know the people at my door are not for me.
08:33I have no friends or family that live in the San Diego area.
08:36I don't have a social life, and I never have visitors.
08:40So that's why my heart races every single time.
08:43The neighbor got close to my door.
08:47The neighbor was standing back. I was looking through the peephole.
08:51The neighbor was standing back.
08:54I'll just read exactly what I felt.
08:57The neighbor got close to my doorknob.
09:00His shoulder was inches away from my doorknob peephole.
09:03I thought he was going to attempt to break in.
09:07I stepped back eventually, and after one or two minutes I said,
09:11Excuse me, wrong door.
09:13He shrugged, looked up like he was angry, and he walked away.
09:16I didn't open the door.
09:18I didn't say he walked away.
09:22I said he shrugged, looked up like he was angry.
09:26I didn't open the door.
09:28This neighbor has made other attempts in the past that have not gone through.
09:31Thank you, kind regards.
09:33So now that I'm thinking of it, all those doorbells and knocking on my door with the fake AI masks,
09:41of these perfectly normal-looking people, men and women, that do not look like they're on DRUGS at all,
09:49I was told that that hasn't been all, just these visitors.
09:55There's been more than one time a neighbor has rang or knocked on my doorbell, at odd, early in the morning, late at night hours.
10:08But it's always thought of as just these visitors that are knocking and ringing on the wrong door.
10:29So that's what I emailed, and then I also emailed the photos of the undercover COP.
10:51I said, this was sent yesterday, hello, the name of the detective.
10:58This is Alyssa Kuchar.
11:00I am 38, victim of crime.
11:03I live in St. Teresa, Calcuttaville Apartments, on the address.
11:10I emailed you several months ago in regards to DRUG dealers, and specifically the neighbor that's been also committing crimes against me.
11:24I'm attaching the person, possible undercover cop, or person that's tried to pretend to buy DRUGS from the dealer in order to get him caught.
11:41I'm not going to read every single detail.
11:45I gave the description of what the neighbor looks like.
11:47So attach the photograph of the person, the DRUG buyer, slash undercover cop.
11:59I saw him texting in the hallway, then I looked through the peephole.
12:02When I heard his voice, I saw him again through the peephole, and he was sort of standing away, but close to my door.
12:08Close to the neighbor's door, the undercover cop was pretending to buy DRUGS.
12:15He stood right to the right of my door when I was looking through the peephole, not to get too close to the neighbor's door because security cameras.
12:27I think because the neighbor thought security downstairs in the lobby was watching him on the camera,
12:41because I was walking to my unit and saw the person with the Nike hat waiting down the hall, looking at his phone like he was texting.
12:52I'm not going to say, I don't say blah, blah, blah.
13:00Someone's automatically made me say blah, blah, blah.
13:04It was like, so I believe it was set up to get this criminal caught.
13:11I'm a witness, I saw the person waiting in the hallway.
13:14It was like he was waiting for the security to stop looking at the cameras.
13:19Surprisingly, I said in this first email, he's had many DRUG visitors, D-R-U-G-D-E-A-L, by visitors since I last spoke to you.
13:42They accidentally knock on my door.
13:44I don't think they're all visitors.
13:47I think it's possible he's been knocking on my door and using AI masks more than just last night.
13:55So I took the photograph of the person.
13:58They used good AI shots so they know when I can open the door.
14:02Because I just opened the door a couple hours ago because there was a senior health advocate that was just doing a wellness check.
14:11And they realized I'm not a senior so they walked away.
14:19So they were just walking around and knocking on people's doors.
14:23So if I get delivery, I'll be able to open the door.
14:30Because I can't go out for shopping, not after that happened.
14:34Because I can't go out for shopping, not after that happened.
14:38So the person in the hallway was waiting to enter into the neighbor's apartment.
14:45I saw him verbally speak to the neighbor through the paypal.
14:48I saw him turn his head to the right like he was looking directly at him.
14:52But he was not letting him in because of the security.
14:56If this management, housing management, does not have footage, there are people in the hallway that have security cameras.
15:06It's possible you could ask them.
15:08And I said if you need any more information, I wrote down my phone number.
15:13They're very, very busy. They get like 30 phone calls or probably like 75 phone calls a day.
15:20And I'm going to leave another voicemail after business hours to talk about what happened last night at 12.35am.
15:31I didn't even realize it was, did I think it, I'm not going to explain.
15:39So if I opened that door last night, I'd be dead.
15:44So they probably would just keep trying to think that the good AI is going to stop and like the good, well, the lumarian controlling the possession would stop.
15:54I had extremely bad nightmares.
16:20nightmares, extremely bad nightmares of getting M-U-R-D-E-R-E-D all night long. I was woken
16:29up with my heart racing. So, but he, at 12.35am, it was a darker skinned man that I'm not going
16:53to really explain the details, the description, because it was some kind of A.I. mask. But
17:00he stood there for like 30 seconds. I just kept staring through the paypall. He got close
17:04to my door. So say this is, he got close to my doorknob, like his shoulder was right near
17:10the crack of my door. And then with like some kind of V2K sound, I hear like a jiggling.
17:17So I got like nervous, but it was like kind of like a V2K sound. A step back away, I finally
17:30said, excuse me, wrong door. And then just made like, looked up, kind of like shrugged.
17:42It's possible they can throw demons through if I'm, I don't know. Anyways, he just like
17:57walked away slowly. But there was kind of a setup, 12.35am, to make the A.I. mask look
18:04like it was the undercover cop. And then like I heard a door kind of creak open to make
18:10it look like, oh, if I like take a photo, like that's more proof that like there's something
18:17happening. I didn't open the door. I actually had, there was no way I was going to open
18:22that door at 12.35am. So I'm going to upload this now, Cheyenne. To make sure that you
18:39get this. And like I said, these neighbors, visitors that knock on my door routinely,
18:58they spend at least like once a month, no matter what, for like a year, year and a half
19:08longer. And I, so I'm going to talk to you in the next part. I love you Cheyenne. Thank
19:26you everybody for watching. Thank you so much Cheyenne for watching.
