Justice League Action Child Of Fire Cartoon Network

  • le mois dernier
00:00Somewhere, hidden amongst thorny brambles, is a little kingdom of elves and fairies.
00:09Everyone who lives here is very, very small.
00:14I'm Ben Elf!
00:17And I'm Princess Holly!
00:21Come on, let's play!
00:23Wait for us!
00:30Ben and Holly's Little Kingdom
00:36Today's adventure starts at the great elf tree.
00:43Chickens ride west!
00:49Oh my goodness! It's morning! I've got to do my deliveries!
00:53Relax Mr. Elf, it's early!
00:56Oh yes, I love these quiet moments before the day begins.
01:01Yes, it's so lovely and peaceful.
01:09It's the cockerel from the elf farm!
01:11The chickens have escaped!
01:13We have to round them up!
01:15Come on you chickens!
01:18Come on chickens!
01:19Come on, come on!
01:20Come on chickens, come on!
01:24Good! Everything's under control!
01:26Thanks for your help Mr. Elf!
01:28Lucky you were still here and not off on your deliveries!
01:32My deliveries! I really am late now!
01:39Look at the little brimroses! So pretty!
01:43Good delivery!
01:44Morning Mr. Elf! You're a bit late today.
01:47Yes, we had a problem with the chickens this morning.
01:50Chickens, eh? That reminds me, I really fancy an egg for breakfast.
01:55Ah, I didn't bring an egg today.
01:57No egg?
01:58No problem, I'll just go and get one.
02:00Can I come along? Of course!
02:03I'd better come too so I can pick a good egg!
02:05We'll drive back to the chickens, pick up the egg, load it on the truck, drive back here and hey presto!
02:13You'll have your egg, your majesty!
02:16All that for one egg? It'd be simple if I had my own chicken!
02:20Then I'd get an egg in time for breakfast!
02:23Ok, bye!
02:26You don't really want a chicken, do you?
02:29Of course not! I was joking!
02:34An egg! The king wants an egg!
02:37Does he? We might have a problem there. The chickens aren't laying any eggs.
02:43What? Why not?
02:45The chickens have run out of food. They've pecked away all the plants.
02:50Till all that's left is mud!
02:52Yes, if you want a nice flower garden, don't keep chickens.
02:59Look, there's one little flower left.
03:04Oh, they like eating little flowers the best.
03:08Hey, you cheeky chicken!
03:11If only there was somewhere else they could live.
03:14Oh, daddy said he'd like chickens at the little castle.
03:18Yes, he did sort of say that.
03:21It's true! The king said, I want my own chicken!
03:25It's the perfect solution. We'll move the chickens to the little castle.
03:31Ok everyone, we're moving the chickens west. Saddle up, cowboys!
03:40Cowboys? You're moving chickens, so shouldn't you be called chicken boys?
03:46Er, cowboys sounds better.
03:49Can I be a cowgirl?
03:51Sure thing, Holly! Here's your hat!
03:54Wagons, roll!
04:03I didn't realise moving chickens was so noisy.
04:07The chickens like noise, but we must be careful not to make a sudden loud noise.
04:13We don't want a stampede.
04:15Sudden loud noise? What, like bang?
04:20Ah! Chicken on the loose!
04:24Whoa! This way, this way!
04:28Phew! That was close.
04:30Now, no more sudden loud noises, Nanny Plum.
04:34We've got a long journey ahead of us.
04:37Chickens ride west, chickens ride west. Wagons are a-rolling west we are going.
04:46Chickens ride west, chickens ride west.
04:50We've reached Crooked Creek.
04:53What do you mean, Crooked Creek?
04:55It's a creek, isn't it? And it's crooked.
04:59It's just a little river.
05:01Somehow, we have to get the chickens to the other side.
05:05And chickens don't like crossing water.
05:08I thought chickens loved water.
05:11Have you ever seen a chicken in water?
05:14All the time. Swimming up and down, going quack-quack.
05:17Look, there's one.
05:20That's a duck.
05:24Chickens are not ducks, and they don't like swimming.
05:28Ooh! So what can we do?
05:31We'll use an old cowboy trick to get the chickens across. Wait here.
05:37What's the old cowboy trick?
05:39I don't know, but it's bound to be very clever.
05:43Or very silly.
05:45But probably funny. Ta-da!
05:48Told you, he's dressed as Humpty Dumpty.
05:51Wise old elf, why are you dressed as an egg?
05:54Chickens like to look after their eggs.
05:57So if they see one floating across the water, they'll follow it.
06:03I'm an egg. Come in, chickens. The water's lovely and warm.
06:09I'm an egg.
06:11They're following the egg.
06:13I'm an egg.
06:15I'm an egg.
06:18That has to be one of the most ridiculous things I've ever seen.
06:23I'm an egg. I'm an egg.
06:26I'm an egg. I'm an egg.
06:29You see, it's all quite simple when you're an old cow hand like me.
06:35Ooh! What's the matter?
06:37Haven't you ever seen a cowboy in his underpants before?
06:43Wow! The chickens really like picking up flowers.
06:46They're eating machines, leaving nothing but mud.
06:50Yes. Are you sure the king said he wants chickens at the little castle?
06:55That's what Daddy said. I want chickens at the little castle.
06:59Very well, then. Paddle up!
07:03Chickens ride west. Chickens ride west.
07:08Wagons are a-rolling west we are going.
07:12We're in the Badlands.
07:14Badlands? It's the meadow.
07:18We'll stop here for the night.
07:20Get the wagons in a circle. Let's keep these chickens safe.
07:27Sleeping outdoors with a campfire. Life doesn't get better than this.
07:32Unless you're home in bed, watching television.
07:35Talking of home, we'd better phone the king.
07:44Hello, King Thistle.
07:45We're almost there, but we need to camp out for the night.
07:48Wow! How long can it take to deliver one egg?
07:52Don't worry, Daddy. You'll have your chicken by the morning.
07:56My chicken? What does Holly mean by that?
07:59Bedtime, everybody. Nanny, you keep watch.
08:03What do I have to do?
08:05Keep watching the chickens and do not fall asleep.
08:16Morning, Nanny Plum. How did it go in the night time?
08:20Er, fine.
08:21Where are the chickens?
08:23Oh, they've gone.
08:25Gone? The whole point of watching them was to make sure they didn't go.
08:31You never said that. You just said watch them.
08:34You watch them wander off into the night?
08:39All right, cowboys. Let's round up the chickens.
08:44Come back, chickens! Chickens, come back!
08:49Nanny, remember, no sudden loud noises. We don't want a chicken stampede.
08:56All right. You aren't exactly quiet yourself.
08:59Ha! Elves are good at being quiet.
09:02And we're elves!
09:08The chickens are stampeding!
09:11We'll head them off at the pass!
09:13Head them off at the pass? What does that mean?
09:17No idea. But they say it in all the cowboy films.
09:20The chickens are heading straight for the fairy village!
09:29Ah! Chicken stampede!
09:35Which way did the chickens go?
09:38They went that-a-way!
09:40Yes! That's what they say in cowboy films as well.
09:43They went that-a-way!
09:48It's so lovely to wake up to the song of a little bird.
09:56Good grief! What are those chickens doing here?
10:00You said you wanted a chicken, Daddy.
10:03I didn't expect you to take me seriously.
10:06You're the king! Of course we take you seriously.
10:12What are they doing to my flower garden?
10:14Eating it, Your Majesty.
10:16If you are going to keep chickens, you have to say goodbye to flower gardens.
10:22But you can have eggs for breakfast every day.
10:28And you won't have any problems waking up.
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15:37Lucy, would you like to come too?
15:40Yes, please!
15:42We'd love to join you, but I think we are just a tad too big to fit in your little submarine.
15:48Ah! What's happening to me?
15:50Just shrinking you down.
15:52My turn!
15:55Will we stay little forever?
15:58Oh no! The spell will wear off in a bit and you'll grow big again.
16:03All aboard!
16:12Prepare to dive!
16:15Dive, dive, dive!
16:21It's beautiful!
16:23Look, Dad!
16:25Yes, it's all very pretty.
16:27In fact, I'm beginning to quite enjoy this magical adventure.
16:31Lucky, Dad! The world without some fairies is fun!
16:35Yes, I don't know why I was so worried about being magically shrunk down.
16:39It's amazing to be as small as these sweet little fishes.
16:43Not all the fish in the lake are sweet and little.
16:46Don't forget the fish you met this morning.
16:49Big Bad Barry.
16:51As I remember, Barry is about this big.
16:54Er, that was before we were shrunk down, Dad.
16:57Now he would be about...
16:59That big!
17:00Look! It's Barry!
17:03What does he want with us?
17:05He wants to eat the submarine.
17:07Any boat with me in it, Barry wants to eat.
17:10Yum, yum.
17:12Hold tight, everyone. I'm going to reverse.
17:16Vehicle reversing. Vehicle reversing. Vehicle reversing.
17:21Now we go forwards.
17:26It's no good. Barry's too fast.
17:29He's going to eat us.
17:31Don't worry, Lucy. We've been in Barry's tummy before.
17:34And it was fine.
17:36That's good to know.
17:38Hello, Barry.
17:40I don't understand. He should have eaten us by now.
17:43Maybe he remembers how my dad was nice to him this morning.
17:47That's right. You let Barry go.
17:50And fish never forget.
17:52Or is that elephant?
17:56Oh, that's nice.
17:58Barry's saying that as you so kindly let him go this morning,
18:01he is your best friend forever.
18:04In fact, he now thinks of you as his brother.
18:08One tiny problem.
18:10In all the excitement of being chased by Barry,
18:13we've got lost.
18:18Barry's saying that he knows where the mermaids live
18:21and he'll take us there.
18:22That's what his brother wants.
18:24His brother?
18:25That's you, Dad.
18:26Oh, yes.
18:28Barry, old brother, please lead us to the land of the mermaids.
18:35Follow that fish!
18:37Right on!
18:40Look, Barry's found the mermaids.
18:43Mermaids love to swim along
18:46Mermaids sing their mermaid song
18:49Mermaids come, they're lovely men
18:52They sing so beautifully.
18:54Wow! A mermaid palace!
18:57This must be where Oceana lives.
19:00Diving suits on, everybody.
19:06Nice, Barry.
19:08We're friends of your brother.
19:10Yes, they're with me.
19:15Mermaids, mermaids everywhere
19:19Hello, mermaids.
19:21We're looking for Oceana.
19:23She's over there, being sad.
19:27Oceana, we brought your mirror back.
19:31Oh, thank you so much.
19:33But why is it so tiny?
19:35We had to shrink it down to fit in the submarine.
19:38Don't worry.
19:39The spar will wear off soon and it will grow big again.
19:43There you go.
19:44My mirror.
19:45Thank you all so much.
19:47You're very welcome.
19:49Well, it's been very interesting meeting you, mermaids.
19:54But we must be getting back now.
19:56Bye, Oceana.
19:58Bye, everyone.
19:59Bye, Barry.
20:06You know how the mirror suddenly got big again?
20:09Well, that happened to me and my dad.
20:12Yep, and the fun bit is, you don't know when.
20:15Which means we should get a move on.
20:17We don't want them to grow big in the submarine.
20:21I'm through it.
20:23So am I.
20:24We must get to land.
20:26Full speed ahead.
20:29Almost there.
20:30Almost there.
20:31Try not to roll too much.
20:39You see?
20:40There was no need to panic.
20:42We had plenty of time.
20:44What an adventure.
20:45Yes, it was quite amazing.
20:48Remember, Lucy's dad, the little kingdom is meant to be secret.
20:53You must not tell any of your friends what you saw today.
20:57Tell my friends what I saw today?
20:59Let me think about that.
21:01And then the magical fairies shrank me down to the size of my thumb.
21:05I saw singing mermaids.
21:07And did I tell you that I now have a fish for a brother?
21:10No, I will not be telling anyone what I saw today.
21:40Come on, let's play.
21:42Wait for us.
21:55Today's adventure starts at the magic bus stop.
22:01Daisy and Poppy go to the museum.
22:04Hello everyone and welcome to today's playgroup outing.
22:08Mme Fotheringill, are you sure it's a good idea taking the toddlers on an outing?
22:13They can be quite a handful.
22:16The little darlings do have high spirits.
22:19But this time, I'm not going to let them get the better of me.
22:23That's their spirit, Mme Fotheringill.
22:26She's doomed.
22:28Let's check all the toddlers are here.
22:30Daisy and Poppy.
22:33Daisy and Poppy have promised to be as good as gold today.
22:37Not that that means very much.
22:39I'm sure if Daisy and Poppy say they will be good, they will be.
22:44Good as gold.
22:46Nettle elf.
22:49She stung Mme Fotheringill with her nettle.
22:52Raspberry fairy.
22:55My little sister. Even her wand is rude.
23:00And last but not least, Tarquin.
23:04Tarquin like Fotheringill.
23:07Tarquin is a monster.
23:09Remember last time when the toddlers made Mme Fotheringill disappear?
23:14Yes, all they found was her shoes.
23:18Now, for today's outing, we're going on a trip to the museum.
23:22The big museum? But that's full of big people.
23:26Yes, but the museum has so many interesting things for the toddlers to look at.
23:33Are you going to take away their wands, Mme Fotheringill?
23:36No, Holly. If you trust a child, they will repay your trust.
23:42This is going to be a catastrophe.
23:45What's a catastrophe, Daddy?
23:47What this is going to be.
23:50Oh, look. Here comes the magic bus.
23:54All aboard.
23:55Come on, everyone.
23:58Hold tight. Going up.
24:02Next stop, the big museum.
24:06Now, as you know, there will be big people at the museum.
24:10And we don't want to be seen by big people, do we?
24:16So what should you do if a big person sees you?
24:19Turn them into a frog.
24:21No, no, no. If a big person sees you, just pretend to be a toy, like this.
24:27I'm a toy. I'm a toy.
24:30Last stop, big museum.
24:32Everybody up.
24:35Keep together. In we go.
24:38Wow, these stairs are big.
24:41Well, this museum is built for big people.
24:47Follow me, everyone, and try not to be seen.
24:52Look, Mom, a tiny little person.
24:55I'm a toy. I'm a toy.
24:57It's a toy. Some poor child must have lost it.
25:00Just put it over there so they can find it again.
25:02Okay, Mom.
25:05Phew, that was close.
25:07Yes, Ben, but it shows the plan works.
25:11If you're seen, just pretend to be a toy.
25:14I still think turning them into frogs is simpler.
25:20In the big museum, we can get an idea of how wonderful it was in the past.
25:26This first room is about the Stone Age.
25:31A long time ago, the big people lived in caves.
25:35These are models of how the cave people must have looked.
25:40There's a button to press.
25:43Did the cave people have electric light bulbs?
25:46No, that's to show how the campfire would have looked when it was lit.
25:50Here's another button.
25:53They move!
25:56You see, King Thistle, the toddlers are being as good as gold.
26:01Good as gold!
26:03It's actually going quite well.
26:05The toddlers haven't even made Mrs. Fotheringhill disappear, yet.
26:10Stone Age times. Close your eyes and imagine what it must have been like.
26:17I have always wanted to know what it would be like to live in the Stone Age.
26:26Oh, dear. I suppose it was never going to last.
26:29All they've left is her shoes.
26:32Daisy, Poppy, where have you sent Mrs. Fotheringhill?
26:36Stone Age!
26:38They've sent Mrs. Fotheringhill back to the Stone Age!
26:43That was a very naughty thing to do. Bring Mrs. Fotheringhill back right now.
26:51On second thought, you don't want to know what it was like to live in the Stone Age.
26:56Oh, my shoes!
26:58It's good to have them back.
27:01Right. Next room, Ancient Egypt.
27:07Look, here's a model showing how a pyramid was built.
27:12It's quite small. Were the Ancient Egyptians the size of elves and fairies?
27:17No. The Ancient Egyptians were big people.
27:20And the pyramids are huge.
27:22But they wouldn't be able to fit a full-sized pyramid into the museum.
27:27That's right, Daisy. Think how big a real pyramid would be.
27:33Here we go again.
27:35Use your imagination.
27:40Oh, no! Stop! Stop it!
27:45What's going on here?
27:47Big people are coming!
27:49What's in there?
27:51Everyone, pretend to be toys!
27:53And what are these little toys doing here?
27:57Er, hello?
27:59Frog times!
28:03Well done, Tarquin.
28:05Like they always say, when things are not going quite right, turn them into a frog.
28:11That doesn't even rhyme. And turning people into frogs is not a good way to do things.
28:17Why not? He'll turn back to a person in a moment and he won't remember a thing.
28:21We'd better get out of here before he turns back again.
28:25Yes, on with the tour.
28:27My goodness, that was all a bit of an adventure.
28:30What we need now is something a little less dangerous.
28:34Next room, the vikings.
28:36Less dangerous? Vikings?
28:39People think the vikings just ran around shouting.
28:42But really, they were gentle people who farmed and played music.
28:49If only there were vikings around today.
28:52I'd love to know what they'd say to us.
28:56She never learns.
29:05Ah! Vikings! Running around and shouting!
29:11Is it frog time?
29:12Yes! Now! Please! Turn them all into frogs!
29:16Right you are!
29:23I know an interesting fact about vikings. All they ate was spam.
29:28I don't think that is correct.
29:31It's true! Vikings ate spam. It was on the telly.
29:35Er, Nanny, what happens when the frogs turn back into vikings?
29:39They'll be very confused and maybe a tiny bit annoyed.
29:43Right, let's make sure we're not around when that happens.
29:48Wow, look at all those frogs. And what's this?
29:52Sorry about this, but I'm going to have to turn you all into frogs.
29:56Just for a bit. Frog time!
30:01Nanny, why are there still bangs going on in the other rooms?
30:05Well, it was going to happen at some point anyway.
30:08So I thought I'd save a bit of time and just turn a whole lot of them into frogs.
30:13All the big people in the museum? You've turned them all into frogs?
30:18That's right. I knew you'd be pleased.
30:23Oh, what happened? Where am I?
30:27It's the museum man. He's turned back to himself again.
30:31Yes, and he's confused and a little bit annoyed.
30:36Oh no! All the vikings are turning back too!
30:40Right, I think this is as good a time as any to leave.
30:44Let's get out of here!
30:49All aboard!
30:50Keep together, children. Back on the bus!
30:53Next stop, the little kingdom!
30:59Last stop!
31:02Everybody off!
31:05Well, all in all, that didn't go too badly.
31:08We survived and the museum wasn't destroyed.
31:13Kids, go!
31:14You see? All you have to do is trust the little darlings and they will repay your trust.
31:20She's really in a world of her own.
31:22She never learns.
31:24And next time, I thought we could visit a...
31:27Next time?
31:28Yes, we'll visit a big castle!
31:31You know, I've always wanted to live in the times of knights in armor.
31:40Let's bring her back. Abracadabra!
31:44On second thoughts, I never want to live in the time of knights in armor.
31:49I think the safest, nicest time is right here and now.