The Bermuda Triangle Mystery _ What is the Secret_ _ Dhruv Rathee

  • 2 months ago


00:00Hello, friends!
00:01The year is 1945.
00:02On 5th December, at 2.10 pm,
00:055 US Navy torpedo bomber planes take off from Florida.
00:10This flight is called Flight 19.
00:13It is a 3-hour routine training mission.
00:17It wasn't a special flight.
00:19It was a regular training mission.
00:22There are 14 crew members in the flight.
00:24They are being led by a flight leader.
00:26He is an experienced pilot and a war veteran.
00:29These 5 planes take off and fly in the direction of the East from Florida.
00:34Everything is normal.
00:35The weather is clear.
00:36But after 2 hours of take-off,
00:38their squadron leader reports that
00:41there are problems with their compass.
00:43Their compass stops working.
00:45They remove their backup compass.
00:47But the backup compass also fails.
00:49They don't know where their position is actually.
00:52They ask the pilots of the other planes.
00:54And their instruments are also malfunctioning.
00:56The squadron leader's name is Lt. Charles Carroll Taylor.
00:59And after the compass fails,
01:01he gets a lot of confusing messages from the radio transmission.
01:04Taylor says,
01:05Both my compasses are out.
01:07And I'm trying to find Fort Lauderdale, Florida.
01:10I'm overland but it's broken.
01:12I'm sure I'm in the Keys but I don't know how far down.
01:15And I don't know how to get to Fort Lauderdale.
01:18The weather is getting worse.
01:20At 4.56 pm,
01:22Taylor feels that his planes have actually reached the Gulf of Mexico.
01:27So now he has to fly in the direction of the East to go back to Florida.
01:31So now he commands all his planes to fly in the direction of the East.
01:36But there are some crews in the flight
01:38who feel that they're already in the East.
01:41They should fly in the West.
01:43Right after this order,
01:44one of the planes transmits a radio transmission.
01:47Damn it! If we could just fly West,
01:49we would get home.
01:51Head West, damn it!
01:52So the rest of the crew members suspect
01:54that they should fly in the West to get home.
01:57But the weather keeps getting worse.
01:59The sun sets and it gets dark.
02:01At this time, it is believed that these planes
02:03were actually 370 km East of Florida.
02:06At 7.04 pm in the evening,
02:09Taylor transmits the last radio transmission.
02:12All planes, close up tight.
02:14We'll have to ditch unless landfall.
02:16We all go down together.
02:18After this, all five of these planes
02:20disappear forever.
02:22To this day, we don't know about these planes.
02:26Where are they? What happened to them?
02:28After the disappearance of Flight 19,
02:30a search and rescue mariner aircraft
02:32takes off with a crew of 13 people.
02:34Its mission is to find Flight 19.
02:37It goes out to find it and it also disappears.
02:40First, 14 people of Flight 19 disappeared.
02:42And now 13 people of this mariner search and rescue aircraft disappeared.
02:46After this, for many days,
02:47a very large air and sea search operation is called.
02:50One of the largest search operations of that time
02:53to find these two flights.
02:55But no trace is found.
02:57Neither a human body is found
02:59nor a broken part of the aircraft.
03:01Absolutely missing.
03:03The interesting thing is that
03:05the area where these two planes disappear
03:07is known today as the Bermuda Triangle.
03:16And a hundred planes have gone missing
03:18in a mysterious stretch of water
03:20in the Atlantic Ocean.
03:23Ships have gone missing.
03:24Planes have gone missing.
03:27Known as the Devil's Triangle.
03:30A source of intrigue,
03:32legend and fear.
03:35This is the Bermuda Triangle.
03:42The Bermuda Triangle is said to be
03:44a very mysterious part of the ocean.
03:46Where more than a hundred planes and aircraft
03:49have gone missing.
03:51And no trace of them is found.
03:53It is an area that ranges from Florida in America
03:55to Puerto Rico
03:57and up to the country of Bermuda.
03:59It forms a kind of a triangle.
04:01Overall, it is more than 5 lakh square miles
04:05where it lies.
04:07The stories of the Bermuda Triangle are more than 500 years old.
04:10In the year 1492,
04:12when Columbus set out to explore the new world,
04:14he reported that
04:16when he was passing through this area,
04:18his compass stopped working.
04:20And one night, when he looked out of his ship
04:22towards the sky,
04:24he saw a very strange light.
04:26A strange light
04:28that looked like a fireball.
04:30And he saw that fireball in the sky
04:32falling into the ocean below.
04:34This is where the mystery begins
04:36and in the coming centuries,
04:38many names were given to this place.
04:40The God of the Atlantic.
04:42The Sea of Doom.
04:44Sargasso Graveyard.
04:46These names were used in the 18th and 19th centuries.
04:48But the name Bermuda Triangle
04:50was first used only in 1964.
04:54There was a magazine called Argosy.
04:56A man named Vincent H. Gaddis
04:58wrote an article in 1964
05:00in that magazine
05:02entitled The Deadly Bermuda Triangle.
05:04And this was the first time
05:06that the word Bermuda Triangle was used.
05:08In this article,
05:10he summarized many disappearances
05:12that took place in the past decades
05:14in this Bermuda Triangle
05:16and tried to link them.
05:18And a mystery was tried to be made here.
05:20That there is something in this area of the ocean
05:22that is very strange.
05:24Because of which so many planes and ships
05:28Although no explanation was given in that article
05:30as to why this happens.
05:32But because of this,
05:34the mystery of the Bermuda Triangle
05:36became so popular.
05:38So popular that many books were written on it.
05:40Many films were made.
05:42Many computer games were made.
05:44And even some songs were written on the Bermuda Triangle.
05:46If we talk about some other incidents,
05:48there was another horrific incident
05:50in 1918.
05:52About the USS Cyclops.
05:54One of the biggest
05:56and one of the fastest ships
05:58that the US Navy had ever built.
06:00It was a very important asset for the US Navy.
06:02Especially when the US
06:04started taking part in World War I.
06:06It was used to transport troops
06:08and for coal transportation.
06:10On 4th March, 1918,
06:12306 people
06:14were seated in this USS Cyclops.
06:16Washington had a city
06:18West Indies, Baltimore.
06:20From there, this ship departed for Brazil.
06:22Apart from the people,
06:24this ship also had 11,000 tonnes of manganese.
06:26It took about 9 days
06:28to complete the journey.
06:30The ship departed safely.
06:32The weather was clear.
06:34The ship sent a message,
06:36Weather Fair, All Well.
06:38But this message
06:40was the last message from this ship.
06:42The ship set sail.
06:44After that,
06:46there was no sign of it.
06:48It disappeared suddenly.
06:50It shocked everyone.
06:52One of the biggest ships of the US Navy.
06:54How can such a big ship disappear suddenly?
06:56If this incident seems mysterious to you,
06:58then there is something
07:00that is very scary and frightening.
07:02The mystery of Alan Austin.
07:04In 1881,
07:06there was a 210 feet long ship
07:08named Alan Austin.
07:10It was going from London to New York.
07:12It's a very common thing.
07:14At that time, many ships used to travel on this ship.
07:16But on the way,
07:18Alan Austin saw an unknown ship.
07:20An unidentified ship.
07:22Near the area of the Bermuda Triangle.
07:24From the outside,
07:26this unknown ship seemed normal.
07:28But inside it,
07:30there was no sign of a person.
07:32There was no crew on this ship.
07:34So the captain of Alan Austin thought,
07:36let me go inside this ship
07:38and see what has happened here.
07:40First, he waited for two days.
07:42By putting his ship near the ship.
07:44If there is someone,
07:46let's see if there is any sign of him.
07:48Let's see if there is any response from the other ship.
07:50But there was no response for two days.
07:52After that, the captain
07:54stepped into that unknown ship.
07:56There was a lot of luggage in the ship.
07:58Everything was in its place.
08:00At that time, people were afraid of pirates.
08:02They were afraid of being attacked by pirates.
08:04They were afraid of being attacked by pirates.
08:06They were afraid of being attacked by pirates.
08:08This did not happen with this ship at all.
08:10Because all the valuable things
08:12were safe in this ship.
08:14For this reason,
08:16the captain of Alan Austin decided
08:18to send some of his crew members on this new ship.
08:20And take both the ships
08:22forward together.
08:24Till that time, both the ships
08:26move forward together.
08:28But then a storm comes.
08:30The paths of both the ships separate.
08:32And the unknown ship disappears.
08:34After the storm ends,
08:36the captain of Alan Austin
08:38tries to find the ship.
08:40And he sees the ship from a distance
08:42through his spyglass.
08:44When he gets close to it,
08:46he finds that there is no sign
08:48of a human being in the ship.
08:50The crew members
08:52who were in the ship,
08:54have suddenly disappeared.
08:56Where did they go? What happened to them?
08:58Nothing is known.
09:00But the ship is safe.
09:02It is said that the captain of Alan Austin
09:04tried again to take the unknown ship
09:06with him.
09:08He sent some more crew members
09:10to drive the ship.
09:12But again, after 2-3 days,
09:14when a new storm came,
09:16the same story happened again.
09:18The unknown ship separates
09:20and disappears suddenly.
09:22When Alan Austin's ship returns,
09:24his owners get so scared
09:26that they sell the ship
09:28to a German company.
09:30They change the name of the ship
09:32to META.
09:34You heard it right.
09:36The renaming that Mark Zuckerberg
09:38did to Facebook, was later renamed
09:40to META.
09:42Isn't it an interesting and legendary story?
09:44But unfortunately,
09:46this incident is most probably
09:48a myth.
09:50Because this incident is so old,
09:52it is not possible to verify it.
09:54And the stories that are
09:56historically popular,
09:58but it is not possible
10:00to verify them,
10:02it is not possible to know the truth,
10:04we call them legends
10:06or urban legends.
10:08Many rational thinkers believe
10:10that the Bermuda Triangle is also a legend.
10:12The legend of the Bermuda Triangle.
10:14There are many theories about
10:16the Bermuda Triangle.
10:18Some people blame the aliens
10:20that the aliens must have
10:22flown these ships
10:24and taken them with them.
10:26Some people say that
10:28there is a sea monster
10:30under the sea that must have
10:32made these things disappear.
10:34Some people say that the sea is
10:36in such a way that all the ships
10:38fall into it.
10:40These theories are very strange.
10:42But we focus on those theories
10:44to understand them.
10:46One explanation is given
10:48on the basis of magnetism.
10:50The Earth's actual North Pole
10:52and the magnetic North Pole
10:54are two different points.
10:56When you look at the compass
10:58in the direction of the North,
11:00the compass points towards
11:02the magnetic North Pole.
11:04But the actual North Pole
11:06is a little different.
11:08It is called the geographic North Pole.
11:10You can see in this photo
11:12that people who have been
11:14doing this for a long time
11:16take this into account.
11:18But there are some areas on the Earth
11:20where you can see the magnetic
11:22and geographic North Poles
11:24at the exact same place.
11:26These are called Agonic Lines.
11:28These Agonic Lines change
11:30with time.
11:32But in the last 200-300 years,
11:34the zero-degree line has been
11:36around the Bermuda Triangle.
11:38This can cause confusion.
11:40Another special thing about this area
11:42is that the area inside the Bermuda Triangle
11:44is very shallow.
11:46If you look at the satellite map,
11:48you'll see that the Bahamas
11:50and the Caribbean Islands
11:52are very turquoise.
11:54In a very large area,
11:56this is an area of the sea
11:58where the water is not very deep.
12:00You can see that the deep sea
12:02is dark blue.
12:04And this area stands out
12:06when you look at it from the satellite.
12:08Because of this, it is said that
12:10in the past, many ships that came here
12:12would get stuck because of the shallow water.
12:14Hidden Shoals.
12:16If there were any points under the sea
12:18where the soil would rise a little
12:20then they wouldn't be visible from the outside.
12:22When the ships would enter
12:24they would get stuck there.
12:26The third special thing is
12:28the number of hurricanes in this area.
12:30One of the highest in the world.
12:32If you look at which countries in the world
12:34have the highest number of hurricanes,
12:36China is at No. 1,
12:38USA is at No. 2, and then Cuba.
12:40Cuba lies in this area.
12:42And in USA, the highest number of hurricanes
12:44come in which state?
12:46In Florida, which is in this area.
12:48So hurricanes and water sprouts
12:50come more frequently in this area.
12:52The fourth explanation is about Methane Hydrates.
12:54There are some areas in the sea
12:56where there are large fields
12:58of Methane Hydrates.
13:00In Australia, scientists conducted
13:02some laboratory experiments.
13:04When there are more than one level of Methane in the water,
13:06the density of the water decreases.
13:08And the buoyancy of a ship
13:10cannot be maintained.
13:12So the ship will sink in the water.
13:14This is the logic.
13:16When there is more salt in the water,
13:18the density of the water increases.
13:20So it becomes easier for things to float.
13:22Like in the Dead Sea,
13:24I made a vlog on it, if you remember.
13:26A common man who drowns in the sea
13:28floats on the Dead Sea because
13:30the density of the water increases.
13:32If Methane is present in the water.
13:34It is hypothesized that
13:36if there are Methane eruptions in the water,
13:38they are also called Mud Volcanoes.
13:40Volcanoes erupt in the water.
13:42Methane comes out of them.
13:44Because of which,
13:46if it happens under the ship,
13:48the ship will suddenly sink in the water.
13:50Without any warning.
13:52And no one will even know about it.
13:54This is a very interesting explanation.
13:56But actually, all the disappearances
13:58related to the Bermuda Triangle,
14:00there is no direct evidence that
14:02any exact incident happened because of Methane.
14:04It is just a scientific thing
14:06that exists.
14:08But actually,
14:10the ship that disappeared
14:12has no proof yet.
14:14The fifth explanation, in my opinion,
14:16is the most important explanation.
14:18Because it is related to human psychology.
14:20It is called
14:22the Baader-Meinhof Effect.
14:24Or the Frequency Illusion.
14:26Baader-Meinhof Effect or Frequency Illusion
14:28is a psychological effect
14:30that when we start noticing things more,
14:32then we start seeing
14:34those things around us more.
14:36Remember when someone bought a new car
14:38in your family.
14:40The model of the car that you bought.
14:42After buying it, you must have noticed
14:44that for the next few days,
14:46for the next few months,
14:48the car that you bought,
14:50you start noticing it more.
14:52You feel that this car is
14:54more visible on the roads.
14:56You start buying new cars.
14:58In reality, the frequency of that car
15:00hasn't changed much on the roads.
15:02It was as common as it is now.
15:04Just because you bought that car,
15:06you started noticing it more.
15:08The same thing is said
15:10about the Bermuda Triangle.
15:12It is true that some big ships and planes
15:14disappeared in the Bermuda Triangle.
15:16But if you try to notice it,
15:18then in many areas of the world,
15:20in many seas,
15:22similar ships and planes
15:24have been found,
15:26where the Bermuda Triangle was not present.
15:28A recent example of this
15:30is the Malaysian Airlines flight.
15:32It didn't disappear in the Bermuda Triangle.
15:34Because when people heard
15:36about the mystery of the Bermuda Triangle,
15:38people started paying more attention
15:40to the disappearances and incidents
15:42that were happening
15:44in the Bermuda Triangle.
15:46People didn't pay much attention
15:48to the incidents that were happening
15:50outside the Bermuda Triangle.
15:52They wrote a book,
15:54The Bermuda Triangle Mystery Solved.
15:56It was based on the same solution.
15:58They said that in the beginning,
16:00there were many incidents that actually happened.
16:02But with time, when the mystery of the Bermuda Triangle
16:04became a bigger mystery,
16:06some people started creating their own stories.
16:08There was mystery mongering here.
16:10And some stories were completely nonsense.
16:12They never really happened.
16:14The story I told you about Alan Austin,
16:16is told in the same way.
16:18The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
16:20says that
16:22there is no evidence
16:24that the ships and planes that disappear
16:26in the Bermuda Triangle,
16:28the mysterious disappearances that we see
16:30in the Bermuda Triangle,
16:32occur more frequently in the Bermuda Triangle
16:34than in any other area of the ocean.
16:36There is nothing like that.
16:38We see the same mysterious disappearances
16:40in other areas of the ocean.
16:42The United States Coast Guard
16:44even says that
16:46the Coast Guard does not recognize the existence
16:48of the so-called Bermuda Triangle
16:50as a geographic area of specific hazard
16:52to ships or planes.
16:54The Coast Guard does not even recognize
16:56that the Bermuda Triangle is a harmful area.
16:58They said that the fact that the area
17:00within the Bermuda Triangle is heavily trafficked
17:02could account for some of the mystery.
17:04The area of the Bermuda Triangle
17:06receives a lot of traffic of ships
17:08and aeroplanes.
17:10Hence, the chances of these incidents
17:14Pair that with the fact that the Bermuda Triangle
17:16is swept by hurricanes and the presence of Gulf Stream,
17:18it is not hard to see
17:20why ships might occasionally sink there.
17:22Apart from this, if you keep in mind
17:24that more hurricanes occur in this area
17:26and the water here is more shallow,
17:28then you will get the answer to the mystery
17:30of the Bermuda Triangle.
17:32Despite these more hurricanes,
17:34when WWF conducted its detailed study
17:36in 2013,
17:38World's 10 Most Dangerous
17:40Bodies of Water for Shipping,
17:42the area of the Bermuda Triangle
17:44did not exist in these waters.
17:46To put it simply,
17:48these mysterious disappearances
17:50had nothing to do with the Bermuda Triangle.
17:52And if you ask
17:54what was the fireball
17:56that Christopher Columbus saw
17:58in the water?
18:00There is a simple scientific answer.
18:02Scientists believe that it was a meteor
18:04that Christopher Columbus saw.
18:06I hope you found this video informative.
18:08Thank you!
