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Octonauts.. the Oarfish... full episode
00:00The Octonauts and the Oarfish
00:07Peso, be sure to keep an eye on your little brother
00:10We're going to have so much fun, Mum!
00:12We're going to play games on the Octopod and we're going to...
00:15Alright Pinto, but we can't play right now
00:18Captain Barnacles and the others are out on a mission and they need my help
00:22There's an injured fish who needs a medic right away
00:24Pinto, promise to do whatever your big brother tells you
00:28And Peso, good luck on your mission. Love you
00:31Love you too Mummy
00:32Bye Mum!
00:33Wow, a mission!
00:35This is just like the time those baby sea snails were in trouble and you saved them, remember?
00:40You were a big hero
00:42Oh, I wouldn't call myself a hero
00:44Well, how about when you have to take care of animals that are big and scary?
00:48You have to be really brave to do that
00:51Well, it's all part of the job
00:53Can I come with you? Please, please, please?
00:56I don't see why not, as long as you stay out of trouble
01:00I will. Oh wow, thanks Peso!
01:12Captain, I'm on my way and I've brought my little brother Pinto with me
01:17Ah, very good. We'll see you both in a few minutes
01:22Pinto, scarf off, helmet on
01:27Good to see you again Pinto
01:29Hi, glad you're here to help out your brother
01:32Where's the patient?
01:34Right this way
01:35I bet it's a barracuda, or a devil fish, or maybe even a giant octopus
01:42That's the patient?
01:45Say ah!
01:48I reckon it's really, really serious. Can you even talk?
01:52Er, actually, I've got a bruise on me fin
01:56Pinto, would you please hand me...
01:59A stethoscope, a thermometer, tongue depressor, body cast!
02:03Just a bandage roll please
02:12There, that should do it
02:14Dashie, can you please take a picture so I can show my friends what a hero my big brother is?
02:20No problem
02:25You should rest. Would you like to come back to the Octopod with us so that you can get better?
02:29Thank you, don't mind if I do
02:32Good work Peso, and Pinto
02:35We still have some exploring to do around here
02:38See you later back at the Octopod
02:41Wow, an angler fish
02:48What's that?
02:50Are you a snake or an eel?
02:55Hey guys, would you come over here and help me work out what I'm looking at?
03:00Hey, what is that?
03:02It's a giant octopus
03:04It's a giant octopus
03:06It's a giant octopus
03:08Hey, what is that?
03:13I wonder what that was? It was huge!
03:17Oh, a tale like that can only belong to one thing, mateys
03:22The dreaded monster of the deep known as the Nackawack
03:27The Nacka-what?
03:29The Nackawack
03:31He's as big as three whales said end to end
03:34Each tooth is the size of a dolphin
03:37And he's crafty, knocks over ships just for the fun of it, he does
03:41Oh, come on Quazi, you don't really believe all that, do you?
03:45Don't I? I bet that Nackawack comes back for a sneak attack
03:49And if he does, I'll be waiting for him
03:52Well, it's a mystery alright, and one we need to investigate
03:57Professor Inkling, are you there?
04:00Yes, Captain, how can I help you?
04:02Dashie took a picture of the tail of a mysterious animal
04:06But none of us has a clue what it might be
04:08It's the Nackawack, I tell you, the Nackawack
04:11She's sending you the photo right now
04:16Oh, most intriguing
04:19Let me take a look through my books and see what I can find out
04:22Thanks, Professor. Barnacles out
04:26Hello, Professor
04:28Would you like to join us for a little game of table tennis?
04:31Oh, I'd love to play, but I'm too busy searching for a monster
04:36A monster? Where?
04:38Well, Quazi thinks it's a monster, but it's probably just a creature we've never seen before
04:44Do you need any help?
04:46Certainly! Why don't you go through this book and look for deep sea creatures with very long tails
04:52While I go through this one
04:54And I'll keep an eye out for any monsters
04:58Look! Over there!
05:01No, just another anglerfish
05:03We're going to have to go deeper
05:05High, right into the Nackawack's lair
05:09Inkling, have you found anything yet?
05:12Not yet, Captain
05:14It's getting hard to hear you
05:18Oh, the radio doesn't work when they're down that deep
05:22Excuse me, but the monster you're looking for, is it long?
05:27Yes, extremely long
05:29And does it have shiny, silver skin?
05:32I think so, yes
05:34Does it have red spikes on its head?
05:36Red spikes?
05:39And does it have a long tail?
05:42And does it have long arms?
05:45And does it have long legs?
05:48Does it have red spikes on its head?
05:51Red spikes? Whatever made you think of red spikes?
05:59Sound the Octo Alert! Sound the Octo Alert!
06:05Octonauts, to your stations!
06:09Sound the Octo Alert!
06:17Octonauts, who sounded the Octo Alert? What's wrong?
06:21I'm sorry, Captain, but we saw the monster!
06:24It was right outside the visiting king's window, and...
06:27We have to get back to the Octopod now! Hang on!
06:32Long tail? Red spikes? Silvery skin?
06:36Of course! Now I know what it is!
06:40It's an oarfish!
06:42An oarfish? I've never even heard of an oarfish
06:47That's because they're so rare
06:50You see, Pinto, I told you it wasn't a monster
06:54Pinto? Where did he go?
06:57Pinto? Where did he go?
06:59Oh dear, I know where he's going, and we'd better catch him before he gets there!
07:08Pinto! Stop!
07:15Pinto, what do you think you're doing?
07:18I'm looking for the monster
07:20It's not a monster, it's an oarfish, and...
07:24Wow! That's the longest fish I've ever seen in my life
07:30I don't think the oarfish feels very well
07:33Listen, he's crying
07:36Let me check
07:41Excuse me, Mr Oarfish, are you alright?
07:45Oh no, I feel awful
07:49Why did you follow us back to the Octopod?
07:51Oh, I wouldn't usually, I'm kind of shy
07:55But when I saw you take care of that other fish, I thought maybe you could help me too
08:01Of course I'll help! What's wrong?
08:04Oh, me throat, it really hurts
08:08And I'm the longest fish in the ocean, so that's a lot of throat
08:12OK, let's have a look
08:14Say, ah
08:18Wider, please
08:28At last, it's the Nackawack, and it's got Peso
08:32We have to save him
08:40Your throat is all red, I think all you have is a bad cold, why don't we...
08:44Don't worry Peso, I won't let the Nackawack hurt me little buddy
08:51Oh, oh
08:53Whoa, whoa, Kwazi, false alarm, this isn't a Nackawack
08:58Huh? It's an Oarfish, the longest fish in the ocean
09:02You mean, you weren't trying to eat Peso here?
09:06Ah, of course not, I only eat tiny things, and besides, I don't have any teeth, look
09:15I knew that
09:17We just have to work out how to fit him into the sickbay
09:22Amazing, the Oarfish can keep his body straight up while he swims
09:27Teal looks good down here
09:29How do things look up there, Peso?
09:33Looks good, Tweak
09:35Ah, I'm feeling better already
09:38He is incredibly long, I can see why you might think he was a sea monster, Kwazi
09:43My brother's a hero alright, he helps any creature who's sick or hurt, from the smallest fish to the longest
09:50And look Pinto, I took that picture you wanted of him so you can show your friends