Fugitivas En Busca De La Libertad Capítulo 36 Completo en Español

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Fugitivas En Busca De La Libertad Capítulo 36 Completo en Español


00:00Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
00:30You and I, against the world, running away from the light
00:35I'm sorry, I'm sorry.
00:36No, no, I'm sorry, Tony.
00:41I have to admit that I've been wishing for this to happen for a long time.
00:46The only good thing I've had from this nightmare is meeting you and having you by my side.
00:51I can't stop thanking you for the day I got to the DA's office and met you.
00:56Running away from the darkness, loving you in silence
01:03Even if it's for a second
01:06Maybe what I'm going to tell you sounds crazy to you.
01:09Well, now that we can't be lawyers and clients anymore because there's not much to do,
01:15we could give ourselves a chance to get to know each other.
01:18And if all goes well, we could have a nice relationship.
01:21I wouldn't like anything more.
01:24But I can't.
01:27Is it because of Ismael?
01:29No, no, no, that's over.
01:34I'm leaving here first thing tomorrow.
01:49No matter what they say, Lorena is incapable of hurting anyone.
01:54How is it possible that she was the one who sent them to hit that man?
01:59Did you see the conditions in which they left him?
02:02Can you really think that was my sister's doing?
02:05I understand that it's hard for you to accept it.
02:08But we don't know what state your sister is in.
02:11I think she must be very desperate, and anyone like that is capable of doing what you never imagined.
02:17No, no, even in desperation, I don't think she's capable, I don't know, of acting with so much evil.
02:25Lorena is a good person.
02:27Then why did that man accuse her?
02:30I don't know, but there must be another explanation.
02:33I can't accept that Lorena did something like that.
02:36No, no, my sister is the one who takes the bread out of her mouth to give it to whoever needs it.
02:42What that man said is not true.
02:45And why would he lie?
02:47I don't know.
02:48He doesn't have that ideal of what I would like to be thoroughly investigated.
02:52Someone is behind this.
02:54Someone who wants Lorena to look like a ruthless criminal.
02:58And I refuse to believe it.
03:01I'm sorry to tell you this, but your sister's actions speak for themselves.
03:05She was sentenced for killing Juan Pablo, and now she is on the run.
03:10And this Mr. Vilchis wanted to force him to change his statement.
03:14What for?
03:15So that she would stop being guilty.
03:18If you see it that way, there is nothing illogical about her being there.
03:22He is trying to save his skin as if from the place.
03:26No, don't talk about her like that, please.
03:28I understand that it is very painful for you to see how the image of someone you love so much collapses.
03:34If it serves as consolation, you are not alone.
03:38You have me and I love you with all my heart.
03:46If I stay here, I put everyone at risk.
03:49As much as I put on makeup, someone can recognize me.
03:51My face is everywhere.
03:53And the least I would do is to be recognized by me.
03:55But I would never forgive myself if my friends were arrested because of me.
03:58And that they accuse me of covering up for Marta and Dario.
04:01Well, you're right about that.
04:02You can't keep working at the Oasis anymore.
04:04But we can find another solution.
04:06Let's look for another place where you can hide.
04:09Do you think I haven't turned it over and over again?
04:13There is no other way out.
04:14Believe me.
04:16Between the two of us we can find it.
04:19But leaving the city is very drastic.
04:21Again fleeing to Salto de Matano.
04:23I can't allow it.
04:25I appreciate your solidarity.
04:28But I don't want you to get involved in this matter anymore.
04:30Today they arrested your house. We don't know what can happen next.
04:33And not only by the police.
04:35Now there is Arturo Marquez.
04:37I don't want him to hurt you.
04:38I know how to take care of myself.
04:42Tomorrow you have to say that you stopped representing me.
04:45That you are no longer my lawyer.
04:46That you have no idea where I am.
04:48That's the only way they will leave you alone.
04:52It's the best for both of us.
04:55I'm leaving first thing tomorrow.
04:57But you have nowhere to go.
04:59What are you going to do?
05:01I'm going to take a bus that takes me to Tapachula, Chiapas.
05:03From there I'm going to Hidalgo City.
05:05And from there I cross to Guatemala.
05:10You know what?
05:11It's okay.
05:12No, no, no, no, no, no.
05:13How can you think?
05:14No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.
05:15Lorena, listen to me.
05:16You are going to need it.
05:21Promise me one thing.
05:23When you are established somewhere, you will tell me.
05:26I want to know where you are.
05:30Calm down.
05:31You and I against the world, running away from the pain
05:38Looking for the way out for me
05:42It was a pleasure to have you call me.
05:45I thought I had swallowed the earth.
05:48I'm sorry, I've been very busy with the house, work, family, you know.
05:53And I haven't had time for friendships.
05:55And now you do?
05:57Well, things have changed.
06:00Hey, you look different, I don't know, sad.
06:04Is something wrong?
06:07I had problems with Dario and we decided to separate.
06:10Oh, don't tell me.
06:12But why?
06:13The last time we saw each other you were very good with him.
06:16In fact, they wanted to set up a bar.
06:19It was precisely because of that bar that the problems began.
06:22Some waitresses came to work who brainwashed him against me.
06:26Everything changed our relationship.
06:28How bad.
06:29The problem is that as I left the house I was left without a job and without a place to live.
06:35And I thought that maybe you could give me a job in your beauty salon.
06:39What do you know how to do?
06:40Well, manicure, pedicure, I can wash, I can paint my hair.
06:44Oh, I also know how to shave.
06:46What I don't know is how to cut my hair.
06:48Oh, okay.
06:50I can't pay you much, but hey, with the tips I think you can fix them, right?
06:55Thank you very much.
06:57You're welcome.
07:29It's good that you're here.
07:30Wow, why are you wearing makeup like that?
07:34That's how we all put on makeup to avoid being recognized.
07:37Good for all of us, very supportive.
07:39Well, yes, but I don't even feel safe like that.
07:43I'm very paranoid.
07:45What are you doing?
07:46I'm going to the bar.
07:47You can't go to the bar.
07:48I'm going to the bar.
07:49I'm going to the bar.
07:50You can't go to the bar.
07:51I'm going to the bar.
07:52I'm going to the bar.
07:53I'm going to the bar.
07:54You can't go to the bar.
07:55You can't go to the bar.
07:56I'm very paranoid.
07:57I keep thinking that anyone can recognize me at any moment.
08:00It's not for less.
08:01With that, your face is everywhere, but it's no use for you to worry.
08:07But I can't keep living like this either.
08:11I'm going to leave.
08:14I'm not going to keep trying my luck.
08:16At any moment it can end.
08:18And the worst thing is that if they catch me, they're going to investigate the oasis.
08:21And we're all going back to jail.
08:23And you and Darío would be very hurt for helping us.
08:27I'm not going to allow that.
08:29And it's a very drastic decision.
08:32I have no other choice.
08:35I've thought about it a lot.
08:37I wish I could tell you that I have one, but I don't.
08:41Don't worry.
08:42I'm already decided.
08:43I'm very sad that you're leaving, but you're right.
08:49It hurts me to be apart.
08:52My stay in the city is over.
08:55And the company of you who filled my life.
08:59Trying to prove my innocence put me in a bottomless pit where I can't get out of.
09:05I have nothing else to do here.
09:07And did you tell the others?
09:09No, but I don't want to tell them anything.
09:12Because I know them.
09:14And they're going to try to convince me not to go.
09:16As I told you, I'm not willing to put you and your family at risk because of me.
09:22I know it's going to hurt a lot, but you're right.
09:26It's better if you don't know anything.
09:28That's why I wanted to talk to you alone.
09:31I knew you were going to understand me.
09:33That's right.
09:35And when are you going to leave?
09:39Tomorrow morning.
09:42As far as possible.
09:44But when I get there, I'll let you know.
09:46Oh, please.
09:47Why am I going to stay with Jesus in my mouth?
09:53My girl.
09:56How much are you going to miss us?
10:00And you, me.
10:02Don't forget that you'll always have me.
10:08Wherever you are.
10:14I've never met someone as generous as you.
10:19I'll never get tired of thanking you for everything you've done for me.
10:24Taking care of you has been very easy for me.
10:28You've been very unprotected in life with all the injustice that's being done to you.
10:34That's why, Jesus.
10:37And as you are, I love you very much.
10:40And you too.
10:43Since I lost my parents, I've never felt as much love as I do now.
11:11They're watching me again.
11:32I don't know how I'm going to say goodbye.
11:35Maybe I'll never see you again.
11:40I love you.
11:48What's up?
11:49I saw Alejandro leave, but you didn't come back to work.
11:52I'm sorry, but I was so scared that someone could recognize me.
11:55Oh, come on, Cris.
11:57With the makeup, it's us.
11:59You don't have to worry.
12:01Yes, calm down, hammer.
12:03In a week, we'll leave as we agreed.
12:05Don't despair.
12:07I've never had friends as good and supportive as you.
12:11I love you very much.
12:12And we love you too.
12:15When paranoia comes to you, think that we're going to go...
12:18Where, Frida?
12:20To Brazil!
12:34Very good strategy to go to be the saint with Marcelo Canales.
12:38That's right.
12:39You're right.
12:41I can't prove that you're behind all this.
12:43But I warn you.
12:45If you continue to ruin Lorena Martinez's life,
12:47or touch Quiroga again,
12:49I'll make sure the whole country finds out
12:53that his beloved daughter Florencia Marquez
12:55was Juan Pablo Correa's lover.
12:57And I have proof of that.
12:59I have no idea what you're talking about.
13:01I'm convinced you do.
13:03But that's the least of it.
13:05You're already warned.
13:07You've already ruined too many people's lives.
13:09Either you stop, or your daughter will be the one to pay the consequences.
15:04Good morning.
15:05What are you doing here?
15:07I couldn't let you go alone.
15:09I'm coming with you.
15:10Have you gone mad?
15:13I'm crazy about you.
15:15I'm not going to leave you for anything in the world.
15:18I love you, Lorena Martinez.
15:33I love you.
15:34I love you.
15:35I love you.
15:36I love you.
15:37I love you.
15:38I love you.
15:39I love you.
15:40I love you.
15:41I love you.
15:42I love you.
15:43I love you.
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15:55I love you.
15:56I love you.
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15:58I love you.
15:59I love you.
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23:36I love you.
23:37I love you.
23:38I love you.
23:39I love you.
23:40I love you.
23:41I love you.
23:42I love you.
23:43I love you.
23:44I love you.
23:45I love you.
23:46I love you.
23:47I love you.
23:48I love you.
23:49I love you.
23:50I love you.
23:51I love you.
23:52I love you.
23:53I love you.
23:54I love you.
23:55I love you.
23:56I love you.
23:57I love you.
23:58I love you.
23:59I love you.
24:00I love you.
24:01I love you.
24:02I love you.
24:03I love you.
24:04I love you.
24:05I love you.
24:06I love you.
24:07I love you.
24:08I love you.
24:09I love you.
24:10I love you.
24:11I love you.
24:12I love you.
24:13I love you.
24:14I love you.
24:16Thanks for everything.
24:20I really appreciate the effort you are making to fix things.
24:22I really value it.
24:23I do it because I love you.
24:26And because to me our relationship is the most important thing
24:28in my life.
24:31What does that smile mean?
24:32For you too?
24:35Well, if you are here it is because I agreed
24:40to take another opportunity, right?
24:42Of course, but you don't know how much I'd love to hear you say
24:46that for you it's also the most important thing.
24:48Well, I'm not as expressive as you.
24:50But you were.
24:52And I'm going to keep fighting for you to be the same as before with me.
24:59Good morning.
25:01How did you sleep?
25:05I had insomnia almost all night.
25:08Every time I tried to fall asleep,
25:10I saw the image of Vilchis all beaten up and screaming at me.
25:14Maybe you should consider him a therapist.
25:17He can help you get over everything you're going through.
25:20You have no idea how much I'd give to go back to my life
25:23before they put Lorena in jail.
25:25I know you're selfish, but I don't want to go back in time for any reason.
25:30Or we wouldn't have met.
25:32I want to spend the rest of my life with you.
25:36Me too.
25:38But I also want Lorena to be here.
25:42I pray fervently that one day my wish will come true.
26:03What's this?
26:04The detective gave it to me a while ago.
26:06But I don't dare to open it.
26:08Why are you still doing this?
26:10Veronica, Nicolás is back with you.
26:12This doesn't matter.
26:13No! Don't throw it away.
26:15Even if he's back with Nicolás, I want to see what's in the envelope.
26:20Please, open it.
26:34These are just pictures of Nicolás working at the DA's office.
26:37The only thing that's clear here is that you have a boyfriend who works a lot.
26:41I don't see any lover.
26:44And this one?
26:45Don't tell me she's in labor.
26:47You're being very paranoid. Please leave that subject alone.
26:50No! No and no!
26:53This must be his lover.
26:55It's very clear that it must be her.
26:59Besides, she's pretty.
27:00Do you really think Nicolás is going out with a policewoman?
27:04If it's to sleep with someone, I don't think he's paying much attention.
27:07Okay, stop it.
27:09Stop making up stories.
27:12I'm not making up anything.
27:13For some reason, the detective included this picture.
27:17I'm going to investigate who Amanda is.
27:21Thank you for helping me.
27:31Good morning.
27:33Oh God, I'm late.
27:35Charo is going to kill me.
27:46And Lorena?
27:48I don't know. She must be with Marta in the kitchen.
27:51Well, I'm going to the bathroom.
27:53I'm going to take a shower and then I'm going to go to work.
27:56Well, I'm going to the bathroom.
27:58I'm going to take a shower and that's it.
28:05Dear Marta, I hope you have a very nice day.
28:09Mine is already.
28:11Because I woke up thinking of you.
28:17What are you looking at that makes you smile so much?
28:21A video of a very nice puppy.
28:26What happened to Matías? Why hasn't he come down for breakfast?
28:28He's going to be late.
28:29He doesn't have school today.
28:30The last Fridays of each month, the teachers have a meeting.
28:33Oh, I thought it was weird.
28:35What are you preparing?
28:36Oh, some chicken soup.
28:39I prepare the sauce.
28:41I didn't know you liked to cook.
28:42Who do you think took care of that before you arrived?
28:44Besides, I'm not bad at all.
28:46I must have it in my blood.
28:47I'm going to teach you how to prepare my sauce, Morita, which is my star sauce.
28:51Let's see, I want to try it.
28:55Good morning.
28:56Hello, how are you?
28:58Fine, and you?
28:59Missing you.
29:01I wanted to tell you that the detective who hired Verónica gave him a report.
29:05And a photo of you and Amanda appeared, hugged.
29:11I didn't know you were interested in Detective Rojas.
29:15Of course not.
29:17No idea when they took it.
29:20But I never imagined that Amanda was going to be my screen.
29:23How nice, right?
29:25Yes, I also felt relieved.
29:27Now that Verónica is distracted with Amanda,
29:30you and I could see each other in my apartment tonight.
29:33How can you think?
29:35We can't see each other while Verónica keeps chasing you.
29:38If she keeps paying the detective, keep looking at her.
29:41Yes, yes.
29:43What happens is that I am very anxious to see you.
29:45Calm down.
29:47I know, Dara.
29:49I send you kisses.
29:51I would rather you give them to me.
29:54I love you.
30:04And these envelopes?
30:07It's Lore's letter.
30:09What's up?
30:18Dear friends.
30:20Believe me, it took me a lot of work to make the decision.
30:24I had to leave.
30:25My situation was already unsustainable.
30:28What? He left?
30:30It seems so.
30:31I had to go because I couldn't keep putting them at risk.
30:34The same as the superior and Dario.
30:37I will never be able to prove my innocence.
30:40Things are getting worse.
30:42That's why I decided to leave this fight for peace.
30:45I will be a fugitive until God says.
30:48I will never forget you.
30:50You taught me what true friendship means.
30:54And that has no price.
30:58I was very lucky to meet you and I will always be grateful to you.
31:04Don't worry about me.
31:05I'm going to find a safe place.
31:09Please say goodbye to Dario.
31:11Thank him for letting me work in the oasis and live in his house.
31:16I ask you as a last favor to send Gabriel the letter I left you.
31:20I hope we meet again someday.
31:22And that everything we went through together to survive becomes just memories.
31:29And I wish you good luck in Brazil.
31:31Drink a lot of caipirinhas.
31:33I love you with all my heart forever.
31:38She left.
31:39She left. She was our friend.
31:41I couldn't take it anymore.
31:43But now she's going to have a very bad time.
31:46Whatever you say.
31:48I don't even want to imagine it.
31:50I pray to God that you have a lot of luck.
31:58We received news of the informant we have in San Luis Potosi.
32:02They found Rosa Verdin.
32:04The local authorities have already implemented an operation to arrest her.
32:08Good. As soon as the arrest is confirmed, we must ask for support to transfer her.
32:12Don't worry.
32:13I'll be in touch with them.
32:17With your message, I started my day with a smile.
32:21Have a great day.
32:24Good news?
32:27A friend sent me a good joke.
32:30Excuse me.
32:31Don't worry.
32:34Oh, by the way.
32:36Did you find anything relevant among the things you brought from Castillo's house?
32:40Nothing. Nicolas reviewed the record, Amanda and I the boxes.
32:43Nothing that can accuse Castillo of covering up.
32:46Can I check everything again?
32:48Of course. The more eyes, the better.
32:50Do you have them, Nicolas? Ask them, please.
32:57I don't even want to imagine what Lorena is going through.
33:00She doesn't have much money, she doesn't know anyone.
33:03Her face is everywhere.
33:05At any moment they will recognize her and take her back to jail.
33:09No, I don't think it's easy.
33:11She is no longer the same naive girl who left the prison.
33:13She has become very fierce.
33:15They won't catch her.
33:17You'll see, they won't catch her and in the end she will be victorious.
33:20I would like to have your optimism, but I already see it behind the bars.
33:24No, no, Monce, it's not worth it.
33:26Leave your pessimism aside.
33:28You have to send her a good vibe, please.
33:34Oh, Superior, she won't believe what happened.
33:37What happened?
33:38The hammer is gone.
33:40I already knew.
33:42Lorena asked me not to tell you.
33:44But why didn't she want us to know?
33:46Because she thought you were going to try to stop her.
33:50And she didn't want to keep putting you in danger.
33:53But we would have found a solution.
33:55Anything is better than being alone, who knows where.
33:58She looked for her everywhere, but she had no other way out.
34:02She breaks my heart.
34:04But it was the best for her and for everyone.
34:07She had never been as exposed as she is now.
34:09Her name and her face are everywhere.
34:14And all because of that bastard Marquez who cornered her.
34:17We have to think of something that can help her.
34:20Does she have her cell phone on?
34:22Call her, call her.
34:24No, no, no, don't call her.
34:26For a good intention you can put her in danger.
34:29Let's stay calm and respect her decision.
34:33Yes, what do we have left?
34:34I, with just a few hours that I was alone, without you, I wanted to die.
34:39It's terrible not to have the support of anyone.
34:43Well, I can't stay with my arms crossed.
34:46I can't, she's my best friend.
34:48Calm down.
34:50I understand how it must hurt you,
34:52but for now we have no choice but to pray to God to take care of her.
35:04I love you.
35:35And this obsession does not understand reasons.
35:40Because love is stronger than adversity.
35:43For me it was very important that you live with me and accompany me to look for my mother.
35:46For her I am Eda.
35:48Monday to Friday at 1.30 pm.
36:05I know where you are destroying my life.
36:07The Honest Candidate, August 8, only in cinemas.
37:05What you owe me is the taxi.
37:07It's free.
37:08This Thursday at the end of the lottery.
37:10Auditions, compadre, action.
37:12What are you doing kissing the damn cripple?
37:16He stole everything to get back on TV.
37:19Emilio, what are we left with?
37:21Really? Is that your representative?
37:23Comadre, give me your phone.
37:25And he did it.
37:30In the Angel of Aurora, there are truths that cannot be contained.
37:34The son of your sister is alive and I know where he is.
37:37Our angel already met his mother.
37:39Keeping this a secret is going to be impossible.
37:41And feelings that will not stop.
37:44What do you know about what I feel?
37:46I love you.
37:48From Monday to Friday, 4.30 pm.
37:50Comedy Supersecret Laboratory.
38:00Laughter is an exact science.
38:02Fortunately, although our scientists are not the most exact,
38:06they are the funniest.
38:08Televisa, we know how to make you laugh.
38:10Your day begins in Despierta.
38:14With the analysis of the information and the stories that matter to you.
38:20Also, everything about sport, entertainment and climate.
38:24Despierta, a newscast from NMAS.
38:26Monday to Friday, 7 to 9 in the morning.
38:28With the stars.
38:30Las primeras horas del día también traen las primeras historias que hay que conocer.
38:34Ágil, precisa y puntual.
38:36Así conocerás toda la información en las noticias.
38:39Porque lo que pasa en México y el mundo está aquí.
38:41Soy Carlos Hurtado y te espero en las noticias,
38:44un noticiero de NMAS.
38:46Lunes a viernes, 5.50 de la mañana.
38:48Con las estrellas.
38:50Cuando la oscuridad lo cubre todo.
38:52Creo que ya llegué al nido de los tortolitos.
38:54Ya estamos sacando a Gabriel y a Juana del medio.
38:56Y ahora me encargaré de que ni siquiera tengas la dicha de ser padre.
39:00El fiscal me va a llevar a un recluso.
39:02No, no es cierto.
39:04Una nueva vida es la luz de esperanza.
39:07Gran final viernes 30 de agosto, 9.30 de la noche.
39:11Miranos bien.
39:13Nos dicen jóvenes con pocos recursos.
39:16Pero nuestros recursos son ilimitados cuando descubres nuestras capacidades.
39:21Imagina todo lo que tu donación puede hacer por nosotros.
39:50En el dicho, te recordamos que cada vivencia es una oportunidad de crecer y adquirir experiencia.
39:57No lo voy a olvidar. Olvidar es permitir que nos sigan tratando de esa manera.
40:00Yo sé que no le estás pasando bien, yo tampoco, estoy muy preocupada.
40:04Cuenta conmigo para lo que necesite.
40:06Acepto muy agradecido.
40:08Como dice el dicho, historias que conectan contigo.
40:10Disfruta tus mañanas de verano con las estrellas.
40:13A las 9, consejos, ejercicio, juegos, música y mucha diversión solo en hoy.
40:18¡Feliz cumpleaños de Andy Nevado!
40:21Y a las 12, entrevistas, recetas, notas, invitados y todo sobre los famosos en Cuéntamelo Ya.
40:26Salma Hayek prendió las redes sociales.
40:28De lunes a viernes con las estrellas.
40:31¡Júrame que vas a ser honesto!
40:34Te hiciste tonatio.
40:36No sé qué me pasa. Pienso algo y lo digo.
40:38¡Licenciado! No soy licenciado, traje mi tesis.
40:41Ya la neta, como me veo.
40:43¿Traes colitis o es panza normal?
40:45Según esto, me está destruyendo la vida.
40:47El candidato honesto, 8 de agosto, solo en cines.
40:50Las primeras horas del día también traen las primeras historias que hay que conocer.
40:54Ágil, precisa y puntual.
40:56Así conocerás toda la información en las noticias.
40:59Porque lo que pasa en México y el mundo está aquí.
41:01Soy Carlos Hurtado y te espero en las noticias, un noticiero de Nemás.
41:04Lunes a viernes, 5.50 de la mañana, con las estrellas.
41:14Voy a subir al cuadrilátero.
41:16¡La leyenda Boricua y el alcalde asesino!
41:19¿Sabes por qué me dicen en ruedas mágicas?
41:22Yo soy luchador, me debo a mi público.
41:25Tú lo que me debes es el taxi.
41:27Está Libre, este jueves al terminar el noti.
41:44Imagina todo lo que tu donación puede hacer por nosotros.
42:14Ya estamos sacando a Gabriel y a Juana del Medio.
42:17Ahora me encargaré de que ni siquiera tengas la dicha de ser padre.
42:20El fiscal me va a llevar a un recluso.
42:22No, no es cierto.
42:24Una nueva vida es la luz de esperanza.
42:27Gran final, viernes 30 de agosto, 9.30 de la noche.
42:30El Borre tendrá su primer día de trabajo.
42:33Borrego, ¿ya conseguiste chamba?
42:35¿Yo, de botarga?
42:37Y probablemente el último.
42:39Acaba de conseguir chamba como bartender.
42:41Voy a dejar que tu sugar me invite a un trago, ¿está bien?
42:4540 y 20, este viernes al terminar el noti.
42:48Por las Estrellas.
42:50Estas son las noticias en punto.
42:52La Convención Nacional Republicana en Milwaukee es una celebración de identidad.
42:56Han reportado un aumento en el número de rescates de personas en peligro de ahogarse en el mar.
43:00Las autoridades siguen buscando la fuente de esta contaminación.
43:04Cada noche tu punto de encuentro con la información.
43:07En punto, 10.30, Por las Estrellas.
43:10Se complica la situación para Paulina.
43:13Necesito cuanto antes la orden de aprehensión para detener a Paulina Martínez.
43:17Para Paola también.
43:19¿Podrá el amor vencer?
43:21Te necesito, Paulina.
43:23¿Los problemas que se avecinan?
43:25Te hice saber a la policía que la usurpadora está.
43:27Lunes a viernes, 2.30 de la tarde, Por las Estrellas.
43:29Buenos días, Fiscal Arteaga.
43:32Comandante, ¿en qué le puedo ayudar?
43:35El Fiscal Domínguez me dijo que usted tenía las cosas que sacaron de casa de Castillo.
43:40Necesito que me las entregue.
43:42¿Para qué?
43:44Quiero revisarlas personalmente.
43:46Ah, ya lo hice. No hay nada relevante.
43:48Yo también lo quiero hacer.
43:50¿Acaso no confía en mi trabajo?
43:52¿Cree que si hubiera algo que me ayudara, me ayudaría?
43:54Yo también lo quiero hacer.
43:56¿Acaso no confía en mi trabajo?
43:58¿Cree que si hubiera algo que comprometa a Castillo con Lorena Martínez, no me percataría?
44:02No estoy poniendo en duda su trabajo.
44:05Pero en estos casos es mejor que se vuelva a revisar.
44:08Dos cabezas piensan más que una.
44:12Pues va a perder su tiempo porque no hay nada que encontrar.
44:15De cualquier modo, quiero hacerlo.
44:17¿Dónde están las pertenencias de Castillo?
44:19Son esas dos cajas que están ahí junto a la puerta.
44:21Ah, también puse unas fotos que imprimí, que se sacaron de su computadora.
44:26Gracias, Artiaga.
44:32Ahora vengo por la otra caja.
44:36¿Cómo vamos a hacerle para entregarle la carta a Gabriela?
44:39Ah, pues podemos ir a su casa y meterla debajo de la puerta.
44:44No, no, no. Sería arriesgarnos muchísimo.
44:47Seguramente la policía tiene vigilado el edificio.
44:48¿Y si se la llevamos a su trabajo?
44:50¿Cómo crees?
44:52Trabaja en la constructora de los Marques.
44:54Entonces hay que enviársela por correo.
44:58Sabemos dónde vive, pero no sabemos cuál es la dirección.
45:01Además, alguien puede abrirla y no sabemos qué le escribió Lorena.
45:04Puede ser información importante.
45:06Sí, sí.
45:08¿Qué hubo, mis drag queens de Petatiux?
45:10¿Qué hubo, Leric?
45:12Pues eso es lo que yo digo. Las veo como de capa caída. ¿Qué pasó?
45:16Lorena se fue.
45:18¿Cómo que se fue? ¿A dónde se fue?
45:20No tenemos idea.
45:22Solamente nos dejó una carta despidiéndose
45:24donde nos decía que no tenía forma de comprobar su inocencia
45:27y que se iba para no exponernos,
45:29porque con eso de que su cara está en todas partes,
45:31pues tenía mucho miedo de que alguien la fuera a reconocer.
45:34La verdad, yo pensé lo mismo,
45:36pero no quería decirles nada para no preocuparlas.
45:39Ojalá, donde quiera que se haya ido, que esté bien, que esté bien.
45:43Dejó esta carta para su hermana Gabriela,
45:45pero no sabemos cómo entregársela y no exponernos.
45:50Creemos que pueden tener vigilada su casa.
45:52¿Y para qué me tienen a mí? Yo se la puedo llevar.
45:55¿Estás seguro?
45:57Sí, Simón.
45:59Bueno, pues sí, no tenemos de otra.
46:01¿Dónde vive?
46:03Mira, no sabemos la dirección, pero te decimos cómo llegar
46:05y las señas del edificio, ¿sí?
46:07Venga de ahí.
46:09Nomás que tenemos otra bronca.
46:11No la conozco.
46:13Dígame cómo es para reconocerla.
46:15Ah, sí.
46:17Es flaquita.
46:19Igual y talonera, pero más chiquita.
46:21Más bajita, sí.
46:22Ay, te dejar atrás
46:26Un pasado que te fue infiel
46:30Porque nada puede opacar
46:34El brillo de tu luz
46:38Tú y yo contra el mundo
46:41Huyendo del dolor
46:44Buscando la salida para vivir
46:50Lorena se fue.
46:52Nos dejó porque no quería ponernos en riesgo.
47:00Es Lizeth.
47:06¿Cómo es posible que Lorena se haya ido?
47:08Nosotras tampoco lo podemos creer.
47:10Entre todas, nos estábamos cuidando.
47:12Si hasta ahora hemos evitado que nos descubran,
47:14podemos seguir haciéndolo.
47:16Nos dejó una carta despidiéndose de nosotras.
47:19Dice que ya no va a seguir tratando
47:21de demostrar su inocencia.
47:23Está derrotada.
47:25Justo estoy encontrando cosas que pueden servirle.
47:27Ya ni le muevas, ni te pongas en riesgo tú.
47:29No tiene caso.
47:31Lo que no tiene caso es que siga trabajando aquí.
47:33No vayas a dejar el trabajo.
47:35Estás ganando un dinero extra que te va a servir
47:37para cuando nos vayamos.
47:39No puedo creer que ya no podamos volver a ver a Lorena.
47:41Nosotras tampoco lo podemos creer,
47:43pero ya no está aquí.
47:45Se fue.
47:47Y no hay nada que hacer.
47:49Ay, te tengo que cortar.
47:51Dígame, doñita.
47:53Tienes estrictamente prohibido hablar por celular
47:56en horas de trabajo.
47:58Por eso te tardas tanto metida aquí en el despacho.
48:01Ay, ya no, doñita.
48:03Es que era una emergencia y tuve que llamar a mi casa.
48:05No quiero escuchar explicaciones.
48:07No lo vuelvas a hacer o te quito el celular.
48:10No, no, ya no lo vuelvo a hacer.
48:12¿Para qué me buscaba?
48:14Vete a la cocina.
48:16Necesito que me peles las papas
48:17y que me desinfectes las verduras
48:19para la hora de la comida.
48:21Sí, doñita.
48:37¿Tienes hambre?
48:42Hasta aquí podemos comer algo.
48:44¿Y dónde estamos?
48:45En Tlaxcala.
48:47¿Y adónde vamos?
48:50Vamos a un lugar donde vamos a estar seguros.
48:53Ahí nadie nos puede encontrar.
48:55Ya lo verás.
48:57¿Te piensas quedar ahí conmigo?
48:59Así es, señorita.
49:02Y no quiero que pienses que cuando te vi a Farah de Lasis
49:04no me emocioné.
49:06Me salió el corazón.
49:08Pero lo mejor es que me dejes en el lugar que dices
49:10y regreses a la ciudad.
49:12No quiero que te metas en más problemas.
49:15No voy a dejar que te vayas sola.
49:17¿Es tu plan de tomar un autobús hasta Chiapas?
49:20Es demasiado arriesgado.
49:24Estoy contigo desde que empezó esto.
49:26Y me voy a quedar hasta el final.
49:28Pase lo que pase.
49:40Vamos, que hace hambre.
49:41Sí, mucha, mucha hambre.
49:51Soy amigo de tu hermana.
49:53Te manda esto.
49:57No, no la voy a recibir.
49:59Cuando hablé con ella quedamos en que lo mejor
50:01era no tener comunicación.
50:03Lorena se fue.
50:05Le dejó esto a sus amigas para que te la entregaran.
50:08Yo me ofrecí a traértelo, nada más.
50:09Tu hermana es una buena persona
50:11y lo único que le importa en la vida
50:13es que tú estés bien.
50:15Y como están las cosas,
50:17pues quién sabe si vuelvas a saber de ella.
50:40¿Hasta cuándo se va a acabar esta pesadilla?
50:55Buenas tardes.
50:57Ay, buenas tardes.
50:59¿Qué le vamos a hacer?
51:01No, no, no, no, María.
51:03Carmen no es clienta, oye.
51:05No, no, no.
51:06No, no, no, María.
51:08Carmen no es clienta.
51:10Va a trabajar con nosotras.
51:12Ay, mucho gusto.
51:16Mira, puedes empezar con las señoras Flores.
51:19Es un manicure.
51:21Llega en media hora.
51:23Ah, perfecto.
51:25Allá va a estar tu lugar.
51:27Muchas gracias.
51:29Si quieres yo te explico
51:31cómo están ordenadas las cosas.
51:33Mira, ven.
51:37Buenas tardes, ¿puedo pasar?
51:45Son los presupuestos que me pediste.
51:50¿Podemos hablar algún momento de un asunto personal?
51:53Por supuesto, siéntate.
51:59¿De qué se trata?
52:01¿Puedes tenerme confianza?
52:02Lo sé, por eso me estoy atreviendo.
52:06Se trata de mi hermana.
52:08Ajá, entiendo.
52:10Es que...
52:12estoy muy confundida con todo lo que está pasando.
52:15Ay, ¿cómo no?
52:17Entiendo lo difícil que puede ser para ti.
52:19Anoche le pedí a Vicente que me acompañara a hablar
52:22con el hombre que está hospitalizado.
52:25Fue horrible.
52:27No me dejó ni hablar.
52:29Me dijo que Lorena lo había mandado a golpear.
52:32Y que me fuera o que llamaba a seguridad.
52:35¿Y para qué fuiste?
52:37Es lógico que ese señor te iba a correr.
52:40Yo quería escuchar de su propia boca
52:42que mi hermano había sido culpable de lo que le pasó.
52:46¿Qué querías?
52:48¿Que te lo negara?
52:50Si ya salió su declaración por todos lados.
52:52Es que no puedo creer que Lorena haya hecho eso.
52:55La conozco muy bien, es muy buena persona.
52:58Tú eres una buena persona.
53:00Pura, ingenua.
53:03No te mereces esto que te está pasando.
53:07¿Has pensado en cortar de tajo
53:10con todo lo relacionado con tu hermana?
53:13Ya lo hice hace mucho tiempo que no sé nada de ella.
53:17No solo me refiero a cortar el contacto,
53:20sino a sacarla de tu vida, de tu corazón.
53:24No, no puedo.
53:26No puedo, es mi hermana, es lo único que tengo.
53:28Pero no estás sola.
53:31Me tienes a mí, a Vicente, a mi papá.
53:36Y lo sé y se los agradezco mucho,
53:39pero no es lo mismo.
53:41Somos huérfanas y solo nos tenemos ella y yo como familia.
53:45Ay, chiquita, no te mereces sentirte así, ven.
54:22¿De quién es esta cabaña?
54:24Era de mi abuelo.
54:25Yo me la llevo en vacaciones cuando era niño,
54:28pero hace tiempo que no venía.
54:30Nunca me imaginé que me ibas a esconder en un lugar así.
54:35Todavía no puedo creer que hayas decidido estar conmigo.
54:39¿Qué más puedo esperar de ti?
54:45Te amo y no te voy a dejar sola.
54:56Te amo.
55:04Disculpa, estoy...
55:06Estoy tan angustiada que no paro de llorar.
55:09No, no, no, por mí no te preocupes.
55:12Puedes venirte a desahogar cada vez que lo necesites.
55:19Siempre quise tener una hermana menor y apareciste tú.
55:23Creo que la vida me está dando la oportunidad.
55:26¿Será por eso?
55:28Por lo que te tengo un cariño tan especial.
55:31Qué linda eres conmigo.
55:33Y a mi hermana pequeña, en este momento,
55:36le digo que lo mejor que puede hacer es que se vaya a descansar.
55:39Tómate el resto del día.
55:41No, no, no, no.
55:43No quiero fallar en el trabajo.
55:45Yo sé que eres muy responsable,
55:47pero en este momento el trabajo no es tan importante.
55:50Por favor, vete a tu casa.
55:56Cualquier cosa, me llamas.
55:58Recuerda que no estás sola y puedes contar conmigo.
56:17¡Ay, qué rico huele!
56:19Mi mamá está preparando unos sopes
56:20y yo la mejor salsa del mundo para acompañarlos.
56:26Sí. ¿Te falta mucho por conocer de mí?
56:28Poco a poco. Paso a pasito.
56:34Tengo algo muy importante que decirte.
56:37Esta mañana muy temprano Angelina se fue.
56:40¿Cómo que se fue?
56:42Sí, es que tuvo que...
56:44Lo que pasa es que le avisaron que su mamá sufrió un coma diabético
56:46y se tuvo que ir de emergencia al hospital.
56:48¿Pero su mamá está bien?
56:50Pues esperemos que ya le hayan revertido el cuadro.
56:53Me pidió que hablar contigo
56:55y que te agradeciera todo lo que habías hecho por ella.
56:57No sé, que no va a volver.
56:59Pues por ahora, en el corto plazo, no.
57:02Pero no te preocupes por el trabajo,
57:04porque entre todas nos la vamos a arreglar
57:06para atender a los clientes.
57:08Sí, no tengo duda.
57:10Pero ¿podrán o va a ser necesario que contrate a alguien más?
57:12No, no, no, no hace falta.
57:14Usted tranquilo, jefecito,
57:16que yo me encargo que su negocio no se venga abajo.
57:17Me encanta lo optimista que eres.
57:19Es que no vale la pena ser pesimista.
57:21La vida es muy corta.
57:23En un abrir y cerrar de ojos se te puede escapar
57:25y es mejor disfrutarla.
57:27Y eso es lo que voy a hacer ahora que estoy contigo.
57:30Disfrutar la vida al máximo.
57:47Uyanka 2007.
58:17Hay un pueblo aquí cerca.
58:19Voy a traer algo de comida para que podamos estar aquí
58:21tranquilos, sin tener que salir.
58:23Vale, ¿yo me puedo encargar de cocinar?
58:25Ey, déjame te consiento.
58:27Soy muy buen chef.
58:29Ey, ¿qué se me hace?
58:31No, no, no.
58:33¿A las pruebas me remito?
58:35Ya veremos.
58:37No, no, no, no, no.
58:39No, no, no, no, no.
58:41No, no, no, no, no, no.
58:43No, no, no, no, no, no.
58:45No, no, no, no, no, no.
58:47¿Quién anda ahí?
58:57¿De qué quieres hablar?
58:59Te vi besándote con mi papá.
59:01Desde que me dijiste que se filtró la información de Vilchis,
59:03me quedé preocupado.
59:05Mira, discúlpame que te lo diga.
59:07Además de la gente del hospital,
59:09también los había el comandante y la detective Rojas.
59:11A mí ellos nunca me han dado buena espina.
59:13Llevo meses viviendo esta pesadilla,
59:15pero hoy contigo a mi lado es la primera vez
59:17en mucho tiempo que me vuelvo a sentir feliz.
59:21Te amo, Alejandro Castillo.
59:23Si Castillo no regresa a su casa es porque está con ella.
59:25Se fueron juntos.
59:27Bueno, Alfredo, déjeme explicarle, ¿sí?
59:29¿Explicarme qué?
59:31¿Que eres una asesina que se escapó de la cárcel?