Desafío XX Capitulo 92 Completo en Español

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Desafío XX Capitulo 92 Completo en Español


00:00:00I'm going to be doing
00:00:09He's he poor me on poquito
00:00:11Dorin no se como yo creo que en las dos horas yo creo que una hora
00:00:14Y no se, no se
00:00:16Creo que duermo una horita ya está cansado
00:00:18Ya me senté acá me senté
00:00:22Si barrio
00:00:24Ah pero es porque
00:00:26Necesitaba distraerme
00:00:30Te levanta
00:00:32Yo lo dije
00:00:34Como para hacerlo entender
00:00:36Que a uno se le olvida respirar
00:00:38Pero en realidad en mi caso
00:00:40Por la obesidad
00:00:42Mi cuello creció
00:00:44Y cuando duermo eso
00:00:46El cuello por ser tan ancho
00:00:48Eh obstruye las vidas respiratorias
00:00:50Se quedan sin respirar
00:00:52Entonces manda la señal
00:00:54Y las hermanos están muriendo
00:00:56Entonces esos segunditos
00:00:58Que uno queda sin oxígeno acá
00:01:00Es horrible
00:01:02Horrible horrible horrible
00:01:04Mi mamá sufre de eso de amneas
00:01:06Y una vez se alcanzó a ir como
00:01:08Unos cuantos minutos
00:01:10Ella cuenta y todo que iba por allá
00:01:12Y que no despertó
00:01:14El esposo
00:01:16Y es que sintió un frío al lado
00:01:18Que cuando la tocó fría
00:01:20Y ya pálida
00:01:22Ella dice que ya iba por allá
00:01:24Y que estaba toda tranquila
00:01:26Y que si escuchaba que la llamaba
00:01:28Pero que ella no sentía ni de día de respirar
00:01:30Y me dice pero lo peor de morirse
00:01:32Es volver
00:01:34Y cuando ya como que ella
00:01:36La logró como despertar
00:01:38Así que todo
00:01:40Ay que es esto
00:01:42Claro y ahí ella se pudo
00:01:44Muchas amneas en la noche
00:01:46El cuerpo no descansa bien
00:01:48Y el cuerpo manea así
00:01:50También le mandaron el aparatico
00:01:52Aquí están las cajas
00:01:54Cada uno con su nombre
00:01:56Aquí cada uno va a meter su dinero
00:01:58Y ellos van a tener que escoger
00:02:00Que caja se llevan
00:02:02¿Quiénes quieren ir a llevar?
00:02:04Yo quiero ir
00:02:06El B y Madrid van
00:02:08Darling venga que esta la de nosotros
00:02:12No cabe
00:02:18¿El B y Madrid van?
00:02:21No, no cabe.
00:02:23A plata y no cabe.
00:02:25¿Cuántos que tenemos cada uno?
00:02:2725, 27.
00:02:30¿Estás segura que miti-miti?
00:02:33Ay, no, vi que me hace dudar.
00:02:34Ya hagámosle a la de ellos que hay cuerpochas.
00:02:38Usted me dice segura y yo no pienso.
00:02:40Pues yo digo es segura que si ponemos la misma cantidad
00:02:45o dejamos un poquito más en uno que no.
00:02:49Ellos saben que yo tengo plata.
00:02:51Pero qué tal que estén de corazón blandito y digan,
00:02:54no, a lo le quitemos a Natalia que la vieja ha
00:02:59comido mucha mierda.
00:03:00¿Viste quién va a decir eso?
00:03:02¿Quién va a decir eso?
00:03:04O tomamos el riesgo y digamos, ponemos en la tuya 10
00:03:06millones más.
00:03:08Eso sería tomar un riesgo.
00:03:10O no será delicioso si mitad y mitad hay quesos llegando.
00:03:13Bueno, siento.
00:03:15Pues yo no soy tan agarrada con la plata.
00:03:17A mí me la quitan.
00:03:18Y no sé.
00:03:19Y no creo que ellos vayan a.
00:03:21Y Karolina no te la quitará.
00:03:23Ay, yo no sé.
00:03:25A afectarte emocionalmente y psicológicamente.
00:03:29Ese castigo está heavy.
00:03:31Háblale, K.
00:03:32No, no, no, que yo pensando.
00:03:34Dirán ellos, ellos irán por nosotros cuatro.
00:03:37Ellos van a decir ahí, vamos a probar su avaricia.
00:03:41Yo creo.
00:03:42Me imagino que se les meterá eso en la cabeza.
00:03:44Es el juego.
00:03:45¿Que quién van a, que quién?
00:03:46No, sea ellos, porque pensarán que vamos a coger los cuatro
00:03:49que tienen más.
00:03:51Por eso, sí.
00:03:52El 100%, el dinero lo han quitado en otros desafíos.
00:03:55El 100%, no.
00:03:56No, siempre es el 50.
00:03:58Sabes que el de 100, digamos que ya estuvo.
00:04:00Y el de 50 estuvo con nosotros dos veces.
00:04:01Claro, y había el de la herencia,
00:04:03que cuando usted sacó un equipo, le quedaba,
00:04:05se quedó usted con la plata de ese equipo, completita.
00:04:07¿Venir aquí a pelear con él por la herencia?
00:04:09¿En superregiones?
00:04:09En superregiones.
00:04:10¿Venir aquí a pelear por la herencia?
00:04:12Vamos a ver que, como dice Alejo, no, pues, es un juego.
00:04:16Pues, esperemos que actúen con buena fe.
00:04:18Es que igual es un castigo.
00:04:19Tampoco es que ellos dijeran, no, es que me lo quiero quitar.
00:04:22Se los quiero quitar, perdón.
00:04:23No, yo digo que es un castigo que se tienen que efectuar.
00:04:27Ya lo de la mala fe, es lo que ellos como escojan.
00:04:30Ya es como escojan, porque es que mala fe sería que nos lo
00:04:32quitaran a los cuatro ensalekados.
00:04:34Eso sí sería mala fe.
00:04:36Si, pues, ahora nos dejan en blanco.
00:04:40Ahorita yo digo que van a ser ellos.
00:04:44Bueno, no fuimos.
00:04:45Lo que sea, lo que sea, que vamos por el.
00:04:47Se fueron.
00:04:47Muchachos, perdón.
00:04:49Que se les multiplique.
00:04:50No, ven.
00:04:54O sea, es que uno se preocupa porque, ay,
00:04:57de pronto estoy siendo muy malo.
00:04:58Ah, pero piensen, si a ellos les cae eso,
00:05:00¿ustedes creen que lo van a pensar?
00:05:02No, ya llorin, de nosotros si ya caían.
00:05:04Ellos no lo van a pensar porque no van a querer dejar que ese
00:05:06castigo quede ahí para que después les caiga a ellos.
00:05:08Ustedes deben ser inteligentes en el juego.
00:05:11Buenas, buenas.
00:05:12Llegaron los cofres.
00:05:14Llegaron los cofres millonarios.
00:05:17Venga, pues, pa' que escoman.
00:05:20¿Qué dicen?
00:05:20¿Qué dicen?
00:05:21¿Cómo están?
00:05:22Escogen sin avaricia.
00:05:25Mucho dinero.
00:05:26Ahí les dejamos, pues, pa' que elijan.
00:05:29Gracias, niños.
00:05:30Chao, que estén bien.
00:05:31Dice chao, se cuidan.
00:05:33No, por aquí, no, por allá.
00:05:34No, has escogido el mío, Fernando.
00:05:37Bueno, tú marido de dos pingües, tú caramanga, tú terrué.
00:05:41Vete, marrana, que va a llenar, bebé.
00:05:46Ahorita, con lo que elijan, nos vamos a dar cuenta de cómo
00:05:48es que pensaron allá.
00:05:52Ay, sopa impura.
00:05:54¿Cómo les fue?
00:05:55¿Entraron y salieron?
00:05:57Lo primero es que allá se siente así como una fuerza
00:06:01negativa, o sea, como que entra uno y todo.
00:06:03Están así raros.
00:06:05Yo, oiga, se lo juro, yo quería ir porque, pues,
00:06:07ustedes saben que yo bien con, pues, a mí no me importa.
00:06:11Y yo llegué y todos como.
00:06:13¿Así como qué?
00:06:16El único bien fue el ímpico, que nos, a él le dio la mano,
00:06:19y a mí me abrazó y ya.
00:06:20El resto, todos.
00:06:21El resto, todos estaban así.
00:06:22Hasta Sandy.
00:06:24La mujer, pues, más que todas las mujeres,
00:06:25yo no entiendo qué le pasa.
00:06:27Están preocupadas porque saben que por esta cosa es.
00:06:30Digo que alguna persona influye en todas.
00:06:31Sí, hay una manzana podria que los pudiera constituir.
00:06:33Ah, yo sé que sí.
00:06:35Entonces, nosotros, o sea, yo empecé a escuchar como,
00:06:38pin marine, don pin, wey.
00:06:39Y yo le dije a Vi, y yo, eso lo están haciendo porque estamos
00:06:42acá todavía.
00:06:43Porque nosotros empezamos a salir.
00:06:45Como quien dice, ah, no sabemos.
00:06:47Ah, claro.
00:06:48No, ellos ya saben a quién.
00:06:51Ya, a esperar a ver quién viene.
00:06:53¿Qué fue lo que dijo la varicia?
00:06:55Así, ojo con la varicia.
00:06:57Con la varicia.
00:06:58Hombre, así no vamos a ver diferencia.
00:07:00Gordo, el dinero que ellos tienen es mucho.
00:07:04Y si pones mucho dinero en uno de los cofres, se va a notar.
00:07:07La tapa queda un poco más arriba.
00:07:09Pero todo se, pero todo se, no, no.
00:07:13Ay, mi amor.
00:07:14¿Qué dice acá?
00:07:16Órale, wey.
00:07:17Biscocho, sí se ve.
00:07:18No los toquen, no los toquen.
00:07:20¿Sabes qué hagas de aquí para allá?
00:07:22Por la rendija de la luz.
00:07:23Por la luz, sí.
00:07:24Por ejemplo, el de Sensei se ve en la rendija de la luz.
00:07:27El de Madrid también.
00:07:28El de Darlene no se ve en la rendija de la luz.
00:07:31Puede que la casa esté imperfecta también.
00:07:34Uy, papi.
00:07:34O sea, lo que sea.
00:07:37Vi, si va a ser pa' uno, va a ser pa' uno y ya.
00:07:39Sí, ya, elijan lo que quieran.
00:07:40Elijan ustedes, cada participante elija un hombre.
00:07:43Es verdad, o sea, sin ser avariciosos.
00:07:46Lo que sea y ya.
00:07:47Lo que sea, ya.
00:07:48Y se lo juro que yo quedé como, como,
00:07:50¿qué pasa, qué pasó?
00:07:51Sí, no es mentira.
00:07:53Yo iba como.
00:07:53Yo por ahora no vuelvo.
00:07:54Sí, yo iba como.
00:07:56Los ex-participantes, no tanto.
00:07:58Porque es que uno sabe cómo es la vuelta afuera.
00:08:00Esto es un juego, y uno eso no se lo toma personal.
00:08:03Bueno, yo siento que son más los ex-participantes.
00:08:06Uy, sí, yo también.
00:08:07Kevin es así, Santi es más relajado.
00:08:10Carolina es medio prepotente, pero se maneja,
00:08:12ella se maneja, ella es como doble.
00:08:14Cami es muy bien, ¿cierto?
00:08:15Cami es un amor de persona.
00:08:16Cami es súper bien.
00:08:17Pero no compitiendo.
00:08:19Bueno, ya hizo la tarea, ya.
00:08:21Pa' nada.
00:08:22¿Para qué no vamos pa' nada?
00:08:23Que bueno, aquí pa' que no pasen mucho, que los dejen ahí.
00:08:26No, a la casa no me la pisan.
00:08:27Me la llenan de mala energía.
00:08:29Yo me voy por Francisco.
00:08:30Tú si escuchaste lo que te dijo Madrid.
00:08:33No vayas a escoger mi cofre.
00:08:34Eso es psicología inversa.
00:08:36Psicología inversa.
00:08:37Yo creo que ya teníamos una decisión,
00:08:38vamos por esa decisión desde un principio.
00:08:40No la cambiamos.
00:08:41Y ya no la cambiamos.
00:08:42¿Cuál es?
00:08:42Sea la que sea.
00:08:43Los cuatro.
00:08:44Los cuatro principales que habíamos tenido en mente ya.
00:08:46Que tenga lo que tenga que pasar.
00:08:48Yo no sé yo por qué me iría con dos y dos.
00:08:50Sí, yo también me iría con dos y dos, pero no sé.
00:08:54Yo digo que no cambiamos la decisión, muchachos,
00:08:55que teníamos.
00:08:57La que eran los cuatro y ya,
00:08:58los cuatro que teníamos desde un principio ya.
00:09:00Claro, cuáles son los cuatro y ya.
00:09:05Natalia va a la calle y Alejandro va a la calle.
00:09:08Esos cuatro y sale.
00:09:10Y ya.
00:09:15Está lleno.
00:09:17Puro chichihua.
00:09:19¡Ay, amor!
00:09:20¿Cuál es el chichihua?
00:09:21Puro chichihua.
00:09:23De diez mil.
00:09:24Bueno, no importa, no piensen con avaricio.
00:09:27Eso es lo que les he dicho.
00:09:28Puro diez.
00:09:30Francisco, ¿qué habías cogido?
00:09:32¿Lo ves? ¿Ves?
00:09:35O sea, tampoco es algo que uno diga que es rico a hacer.
00:09:38No es bueno.
00:09:40Pues está en el juego.
00:09:41Es el juego, es el juego.
00:09:43Si es lo que pensamos o se distribuyeron.
00:09:46Obviamente se distribuyeron.
00:09:47¿Crees que se distribuyeron?
00:09:48Sí, totalmente.
00:09:49Por ejemplo, yo a Alejandro le tuve que haber dado el italiano.
00:09:54A ver.
00:09:55¿Van a contar eso ahorita?
00:09:58Toca contar el dinero.
00:09:59¿Cómo vamos a saber cuánto recibimos?
00:10:01Uy, hasta de dos barras hay, de dos mil barras.
00:10:05Yo siento algo.
00:10:06No sé.
00:10:08Que fueron muy inteligentes.
00:10:10Pusieron los...
00:10:11Pusieron todos los menuditos y los grandes.
00:10:13Las denominaciones pequeñas.
00:10:16El B fue muy claro, no piensen con avaricio.
00:10:19Y se pensó con avaricio.
00:10:21No esperamos ver cuánta plata hay en total.
00:10:23No, sí, pero es lo que ya se ve.
00:10:24Todo lo grande está ahí.
00:10:26Cien y cincuenta.
00:10:29¿Cuánta plata hay más o menos?
00:10:30Cincuenta y cinco, sesenta, sesenta y cinco, setenta,
00:10:33setenta y cinco, ochenta, ochenta y cinco, noventa,
00:10:37noventa y cinco.
00:10:38Noventa y cinco.
00:10:39Noventa y cinco, noventa y seis millones, setecientos...
00:10:42Setecientos veinticuatro mil.
00:10:45Está bueno.
00:10:45Ellos quedaron con menos.
00:10:47Ellos quedaron con menos.
00:10:48¿Quiénes quedaron con menos?
00:10:51No, sí.
00:10:53Está bien, está bien.
00:10:54Que tengan algo también para que vayan suertendo
00:10:56cuando les toque pagar.
00:10:57Sí, obvio.
00:10:58Quedó todo bien repartido.
00:11:00Si preguntan, teníamos una decisión tomada desde ayer.
00:11:03Desde ayer.
00:11:04Y se mantuvo con esa decisión y ya se nos fue.
00:11:07Sí, sí.
00:11:08Ya, yo la llevo.
00:11:09Santi con Jerry.
00:11:10Ahí voy, ahí voy.
00:11:11Mucha sabiduría, Santi, ¿oíste?
00:11:13Por si te provocan o algo.
00:11:15Lo que sí iban a decir es, ah, pensaron con la ambición.
00:11:18No fue así.
00:11:20Sí, pero no fue así.
00:11:21No fue así.
00:11:22Pues, es lo que dicen.
00:11:23Porque nosotros desde ayer teníamos una decisión tomada.
00:11:25Amor y paz.
00:11:27Nos vamos.
00:11:28Mucha suerte, muchachos.
00:11:29Ale, amén.
00:11:30¿Sabes quiénes fueron los perros viejos?
00:11:32Francisco y Alejandro.
00:11:34Yo sí tenía mi vaina con la Luisa.
00:11:36Y vea, esa caja estaba pesada.
00:11:38O sea que Alejo le hizo...
00:11:40Claro, Alejo con lo abeja que es.
00:11:42¡Buenas, buenas!
00:11:45¡Buenas, señor!
00:11:46¿Cómo están, familia?
00:11:47¡Buenas, buenas!
00:11:48¡Es mágico!
00:11:49¿Qué cuenta el viejo Santi?
00:11:51Ah, papi, bien.
00:11:52Gracias a Dios.
00:11:54Los muchachos, ¿no?
00:11:55Feliz día.
00:11:56Primero que todo, cortos y concisos.
00:11:59Que es algo que toca.
00:12:00¿Ustedes saben que el juego es así?
00:12:03Hijo de madre.
00:12:04Aquí nadie se toma nada personal.
00:12:05Y ese castigo...
00:12:06¿Ustedes saben qué?
00:12:07Murmucha lo dio una vez porque...
00:12:09Era un papaya.
00:12:10Claro, sí.
00:12:11Ese castigo de movilidad.
00:12:12Ese castigo de la plata.
00:12:13Ya lo conocimos.
00:12:14Ya lo que sabíamos.
00:12:15Murmucha lo dio una vez.
00:12:16¿Usted conocía a Jappen?
00:12:17Entonces, bueno, muchachos.
00:12:18Ahí les dejamos, pues.
00:12:19Y bueno.
00:12:20¿Ustedes saben qué?
00:12:21Todo bien.
00:12:22Todo bien.
00:12:24Todo bien.
00:12:25A buenas.
00:12:26A buenas.
00:12:27Todo bien.
00:12:29Felicitaciones en parte mía.
00:12:31Felicitaciones en parte mía.
00:12:32Si están muy lamones, que vayan con ellos.
00:12:35Chepa ya.
00:12:36El amor.
00:12:37Yo les voy pasando.
00:12:38Yo les voy pasando.
00:12:39En la mía no hay nada.
00:12:40No hay.
00:12:41No, sí hay.
00:12:42Tan, que tan, tan, tan, tan.
00:13:08El amor.
00:13:09A esa falta de cobrar mevante.
00:13:13Hostia lo hací con Ello.
00:13:18Press scientific.
00:13:24$1,200. $1,200.
00:13:27I told her in the end,
00:13:28I'm sure they're going to dump her on me.
00:13:30No, I knew they were going to dump me.
00:13:32So let's move on to this side.
00:13:34You're my Timiti.
00:13:35But well, there's no time to cry.
00:13:37I said, I'm kind of greedy,
00:13:39and I said, no, half and half.
00:13:40Mine is more of a piece of shit, obviously.
00:13:42I eat my own food.
00:13:44And they didn't let me stay with 10.
00:13:47Just as expensive, because they expected more money.
00:13:50See, they practically took the $10 million
00:13:52we earned with Tino's.
00:13:54You earn it by competing, and the others take it away from you.
00:13:58How did it go?
00:13:59It went well, it went well.
00:14:01The guys already knew that.
00:14:02They knew that many of the houses were punished at once.
00:14:04They were also aware.
00:14:06So they understood, they understood, and that's it.
00:14:09That's how the game turned out, but look.
00:14:12Now it is, but it's super even.
00:14:14Oh, well, let's distribute the money now.
00:14:16The first thing is for you to recover what you had already lost.
00:14:20The rent was an invitation, the first rent.
00:14:22Yes, the rent.
00:14:23We'll give it to the four of us who were there.
00:14:25What do you mean, what do you mean?
00:14:27No, I answered for Bosque, he answered for Guajira,
00:14:29Carolina answered for Jerry,
00:14:31and Can answered for Olimpico in the first rent.
00:14:33Thank you, friend.
00:14:34And that's it, you are the guests.
00:14:36What a blessing.
00:14:37And that's it.
00:14:37Let's take out the amounts of $10 million for each one.
00:14:40That would be $80 million, and then we'll divide the rest.
00:14:43What do you think?
00:14:53TINO'S TEAM
00:14:57I need you to encourage the guys who are going to die tonight.
00:15:01He's going for that, brother.
00:15:02Tell me that my two partners from Tino's team are victorious.
00:15:08Let's go for that, so that they take that energy with them.
00:15:12That's why.
00:15:13Well, we already know why we have both teams.
00:15:16On the left side is the boy's team,
00:15:19but on the right side is the Tino's team,
00:15:23made up of Sensei, pure wisdom,
00:15:28Alejo, strength,
00:15:31Darling, pure efficiency,
00:15:34Luisa, cunning,
00:15:36perfect combination to reach the finish line.
00:15:41The competitors are starting.
00:15:43Entering as well, there is the boy's team.
00:15:46He's going forward, but the blue team is taking advantage.
00:15:50He's looking at the back, at the boy's team.
00:15:53All four of them are going in line, all together.
00:15:57They agreed.
00:15:58Cheer up, guys.
00:15:59They're going to the pool, they're all entering the pool.
00:16:02And where is the boy's team?
00:16:05A total defeat.
00:16:07The four of them have arrived.
00:16:08This is for Odil, Fotofilis, Fotofilis.
00:16:12They have arrived.
00:16:14They have arrived.
00:16:16The four of them have arrived.
00:16:19They are the Tino's team, making history in the Tokyo Olympics.
00:16:28It's good, really.
00:16:30It gave me this excitement.
00:16:32This is the one you have to wear.
00:16:34This is the one you have to wear on the first day.
00:16:37For us, it's an honor to have them here with us.
00:16:40It's an honor to have them here with us.
00:16:43Thanks to you, we can enjoy the pleasures of life.
00:16:47We can feel that we are here for a reason.
00:16:53We want to give back to you what you gave to us.
00:17:00We want you to continue to fulfill your dreams and aspirations.
00:17:05We know it's not much, but we want to give it from the heart.
00:17:08It's a small blessing.
00:17:10We would like to give it to Marvel and...
00:17:13Marvel's cell phone.
00:17:15To our little friends.
00:17:17I'm so embarrassed.
00:17:19Thank God for giving us this opportunity.
00:17:23I'm really delighted to meet all of you.
00:17:28When I look at you on the screen, you are all admiring people.
00:17:32I'm a fan once again.
00:17:37It's a pleasure to meet you.
00:17:39It's a pleasure to know you as human beings.
00:17:43God bless you.
00:17:45Thank you so much.
00:17:47Thank you, Paco.
00:17:51We are all very grateful to have been here,
00:17:54to have seen you all on the track.
00:17:57We wanted to give you a little detail.
00:18:02The papayera is coming.
00:18:04The papayera is coming.
00:18:06Madrid has been waiting for so long.
00:18:08The girls have a little detail.
00:18:11Everything that is here.
00:18:19I hope it will help you.
00:18:24It's not much, but it's a lot of love.
00:18:27So that you can continue to contribute to the ecosystem.
00:18:30This is for Marvel and the communities here.
00:18:36To give is to receive.
00:18:38To do good is good.
00:18:41Thank you, God bless you.
00:18:45Team Pibe, how are you?
00:18:47I love to see Mappi.
00:18:49It's good to see you.
00:18:50It's good that you receive me with that phrase.
00:18:52I love to see you.
00:18:53How are you, Ufi?
00:18:54How is everything?
00:18:56Once again.
00:18:59I brought good news for you.
00:19:01Mercado Libre has arrived with all the things you asked for.
00:19:04Mercado Libre.
00:19:06Please join me at the door.
00:19:08Because he is waiting for us.
00:19:10I had told you that Mercado Libre arrives in less than two days.
00:19:13And it arrived much earlier.
00:19:14And it is very effective.
00:19:15So let's go for that order.
00:19:21Hello guys, how are you?
00:19:23Thank you very much.
00:19:24Here is your order from Mercado Libre.
00:19:26There is also more help here to carry boxes.
00:19:30Thank you very much.
00:19:34Nice to meet you.
00:19:35And the challengers, you know that in your house everything from Mercado Libre is already on its way.
00:19:40And it is not that it has already arrived, because it is very punctual.
00:19:42So I hope that when you arrive and return, you can enjoy everything you asked for.
00:19:46Thank you, Mappi.
00:19:48I love to see you and send you the good energy for today.
00:19:53I wish you all the best.
00:20:03Let's go!
00:20:11Challengers, good night.
00:20:12Good night.
00:20:13Good night.
00:20:15The punishment was executed.
00:20:17Millionaire coffers.
00:20:18And this made the accounting of the houses a little crazy.
00:20:21So I'm going to ask you, Kevin, to be the one to update me.
00:20:24So get that accountant spirit out.
00:20:27And let me know how much you collected.
00:20:30How did you distribute that money?
00:20:32It was 96,000,000.
00:20:37More or less.
00:20:38And after what did you do with that money?
00:20:40How did you distribute it in the house?
00:20:43We distributed it equally.
00:20:46Among the 8.
00:20:47Among the 8.
00:20:48So the reinforcements already have something in their pockets.
00:20:52The truth is that it is part of the family.
00:20:54So obviously it was for everyone.
00:20:57Since we're talking about money, since the reinforcements arrived,
00:21:00I've been curious about how the negotiations went.
00:21:03So little by little, over the course of these days,
00:21:05we're going to consult so that you can tell me.
00:21:07Today, for example, Guajir, how was yours?
00:21:10Well, Kevin, at first he offered me 60 million pesos to come,
00:21:15but I was extremely excited that I told him,
00:21:18everything is fine, we'll talk about the money later,
00:21:20so don't worry, it's more of an honor to come back.
00:21:22And I said yes, and while I was here,
00:21:24they talked and agreed that he was going to give me 80 million,
00:21:29and I think it's fine.
00:21:30Ah, so it was a renegotiation.
00:21:32Yes, yes, yes.
00:21:33Ah, look, how interesting.
00:21:35Well, little by little, look,
00:21:37getting to grips with the rest of the agreements
00:21:39between the semifinalists and the reinforcements.
00:21:41Challengers, tonight's event is historic.
00:21:46For the first time in this place, in the black box,
00:21:50we're going to have a match starring couples.
00:21:55And what a size of couples.
00:21:58For the first time, also, since the golden stage began,
00:22:01we're going to see the semifinalists competing shoulder to shoulder
00:22:05with their reinforcements.
00:22:07Santi, if you survive today, for the sixth time,
00:22:11surviving death?
00:22:12Of course, Andrea, without a doubt,
00:22:14it would be my sixth death in which I would survive,
00:22:18and that's the intention.
00:22:19Survive as many times as necessary.
00:22:21This is not going to be the exception,
00:22:24in the name of God, and forward.
00:22:26I know that I am the host of the competitors that I have next to me,
00:22:29the legendaries that are on the part of the former participants
00:22:32and the good participants that we have this year.
00:22:34Well, I also want to take this moment
00:22:36to tell the challengers of the week,
00:22:38thank you for joining us, for enjoying it,
00:22:41for enjoying with us this celebration,
00:22:43the 20-year challenge, to Tee Frank, to Marvel,
00:22:46to Carolina Almar, to Peñuela,
00:22:48how nice that you have accompanied us with intensity,
00:22:51with passion, with desire, like all the challengers.
00:22:53You will have a few minutes to say goodbye
00:22:55to all your housemates once we finish this connection.
00:22:58To the sentenced, I'll be waiting for you soon.
00:23:02Bring your suitcases.
00:23:04Let's go, Tee!
00:23:08Let's go, Tee!
00:23:09Let's go, Tee!
00:23:12Let's go, boys!
00:23:14There is nothing left but to reiterate the thanks.
00:23:17I thank you for the victory,
00:23:20for the people you are,
00:23:22for the humility you reflect.
00:23:24Another hug.
00:23:26Thank you for everything.
00:23:28Thank you for that victory.
00:23:30Thank you, builder.
00:23:33Keep building.
00:23:35And for the future.
00:23:37We are here to help you.
00:23:38You are part of the Ambiguous family.
00:23:40Thank you, Maravendiga!
00:23:45See you!
00:23:46We love you, boys!
00:23:48We love you, boys!
00:23:50Team Pide Los Tres!
00:23:52With soul and heart!
00:23:55They squared 80 bucks.
00:23:56You didn't square anything.
00:23:57Yes, me too, Francisco.
00:23:58We squared 1,200.
00:24:00You know I came here for the honor
00:24:02and to see you enjoy this.
00:24:04We need money.
00:24:05You don't like this, do you?
00:24:06You come here for...
00:24:08But if you win the 1,200,
00:24:10you do have me in mind.
00:24:11I'll throw the league.
00:24:12Any little detail.
00:24:14Sure, I'll throw the league.
00:24:16How much would the league be?
00:24:18Around 200, 150.
00:24:20You're starting to get interested.
00:24:22You can count everything.
00:24:24I look pretty.
00:24:25I don't need a winning boyfriend anymore.
00:24:28Francisco, let's do it.
00:24:30Let's do it.
00:24:37Sensei, darling,
00:24:39Caroline, Jerry,
00:24:41Luisa, Alejo,
00:24:43Santi, Camila.
00:24:46One of the four couples
00:24:47will be the first eliminated
00:24:48in this golden stage.
00:24:53This will be their challenge to death.
00:24:56Each of the couples
00:24:57will do this relay test.
00:24:59The men will start
00:25:00at the top of the box,
00:25:01where they will have to
00:25:02release a ladder
00:25:03that is in a cage
00:25:04full of ribbons.
00:25:06They will descend the ladder
00:25:07and will find a tunnel
00:25:08with obstacles.
00:25:10When they cross it,
00:25:11they will have to roll
00:25:12over a structure
00:25:13helped by ropes
00:25:14arranged at the top.
00:25:16When they reach the marked point,
00:25:18they will go to a giant tank
00:25:20and there they will submerge.
00:25:21In this way,
00:25:22they will take out some slings
00:25:24that will have to fit
00:25:25in a board,
00:25:26forming a ladder
00:25:27that they will use
00:25:28to ascend to the second floor
00:25:29of the box,
00:25:30where they will release
00:25:31a rod.
00:25:32Then they will descend
00:25:33with the rod
00:25:34and release some rings
00:25:35that they will take
00:25:36to the beginning of the track
00:25:37to be able to do
00:25:38the relay test
00:25:39of their partner.
00:25:40The women will go
00:25:41through the same obstacles,
00:25:42but unlike the men
00:25:43on the second floor
00:25:44of the box,
00:25:45they will release
00:25:46a rotating key
00:25:47that they will use
00:25:48in the lower part
00:25:49arranged in a ladder.
00:25:51From there,
00:25:52they will take out
00:25:53two more rings
00:25:54and they will start
00:25:55the return to the beginning
00:25:56of the box,
00:25:57where they will meet
00:25:58their partner.
00:25:59At this point,
00:26:00each one will have to
00:26:01throw two rings
00:26:02and invoke them
00:26:03in one of the four tips
00:26:04of the hanging hook.
00:26:06The first three couples
00:26:07who manage to do it
00:26:08will escape death.
00:26:29Muy bien, Sensei.
00:26:30Muy bien, Alejo.
00:26:41¡Vamos, vamos!
00:27:08¡Vamos, Alejo!
00:27:09¡Vamos, vamos, vamos!
00:27:10¡Muy bien!
00:27:11¡Ahí, soltela!
00:27:40¡Vamos, Santi!
00:28:09¡Fuerza en esas piernas, Jerry!
00:28:39¡Vamos, Sensei!
00:28:58¡Lo estás haciendo bien, Jerry!
00:29:00¡A pie, a pie!
00:29:01¡Muy bien!
00:29:09¡Alejo, así, sentado!
00:29:10¡Alejo, sentado!
00:29:45¡Vaya dándole dirección, Alejo!
00:29:46¡Vaya dándole dirección!
00:29:57¡Vamos, Jerry!
00:29:58¡Luke, no paras!
00:30:01¡Vamos, Alejo!
00:30:31¡Santi, avanza!
00:30:46¡Bien, Sensei!
00:30:54¡Santi, cepedecos!
00:30:55¡Bien, Elton!
00:30:56¡Con las dos manos!
00:30:57¡Y adelante!
00:30:58¡Sepa los pies!
00:30:59¡Ahí sí puedes!
00:32:08Por ahí.
00:32:11Ah, mis complicaciones, ¿sí?
00:32:13Sorry, yo también son muy opciones, ¿sí?
00:32:15Sí, sí.
00:32:16Ett jejeje.
00:32:17¿Alejo qué está pasando?
00:32:19arntabiones Keplí, ¿no?
00:32:20¡Cálmate, no te estoy diciendo!
00:32:21Ahorita en el sistema elie.
00:32:23¿Es el sistema porque bailas así?
00:32:25A ver, es que estamos hoy ГОing.
00:32:26¡Vamos Alejo, vamos, vamos!
00:32:46¡Katy, ya!
00:33:52Ahora sí
00:33:56¡Los tuyos Jerry!
00:33:59¡Los tuyos!
00:34:01¡Los tuyos!
00:34:26¡Siga, siga, siga! ¡Santi, ale! ¡Santi, ale!
00:34:57¡Vamos Santi, vamos! ¡Te vienes!
00:35:05¡Rápido, rápido! ¡Vamos, bajamos!
00:35:26¡Jerry, ya! ¡Jerry, ya!
00:35:32¡Vamos Alejo!
00:35:47¡Vamos Santi, vamos!
00:35:56¡Santi, va subiendo!
00:36:12¡Vamos Alejo!
00:36:13¡Vamos Alejo!
00:36:14¡Vamos! ¡Vamos Alejo!
00:36:20¡Decidido Santiago!
00:36:23¡Vas muy bien Jerry! ¡Focus en lo tuyo!
00:36:51¡Vamos Jerry!
00:37:08¡Alejo, no vas a hacerte la hizo! ¡Vamos Jerry!
00:37:43¡Cuatro! ¡Santi, vamos! ¡Santi, vamos! ¡Santi, vamos!
00:37:46¡Empújalo, empújalo! ¡Eso!
00:38:21¡Vamos! ¡Vamos! ¡Vamos!
00:38:37¡Vamos Alejo! ¡Eso!
00:38:51¡Empújalo! ¡Empújalo! ¡Empújalo!
00:39:01¡Enderézala ahí Karo!
00:39:03¡Eso! ¡Ya está!
00:39:07¡Eso! ¡Eso!
00:39:08¡Ya! ¡Sigue! ¡Sigue Arnie! ¡Sigue!
00:39:12¡Vamos Karo!
00:39:15¡Muy bien!
00:39:39¡Arnie cuando termine, ¡organízalo!
00:41:22¡Santi, vamos!
00:41:27¡Párese! ¡Párese y se sienta!
00:41:41¡Dale Santi!
00:41:46¡No! ¡Pide por la izquierda! ¡Le va mejor pidiendo por la izquierda!
00:41:53¡Espere! ¡Y haga esto! ¡Duro!
00:42:00Es que no me da p***, ya no entiendo.
00:42:52¡Vuelva a empezar! ¡Párese y se sienta!
00:42:54¡Risa! ¡Risa!
00:42:55¡Vaya y empiezas! ¡Empiezas y empiezas! ¡Corre! ¡No pierdas tiempo!
00:43:27¡Listo Arnie! ¡Nos fuimos! ¡Nos fuimos!
00:43:43¡Dale Santi! ¡Tú puedes!
00:43:52¡Vamos! ¡Dale!
00:44:13¡Dale Santi! ¡Dale! ¡Dale! ¡Dale! ¡Vamos!
00:44:21¡Buena Luisa! ¡Buena!
00:44:30¡Santi! ¡Dale!
00:44:39¡Santi! ¡Hazlo como si te quisieras quedar! ¡Házlo!
00:44:45¡Santi! ¡Vamos! ¡Vamos! ¡Vamos! ¡Vamos que ya voy el resto! ¡Dale!
00:45:45¡Santi! ¡Ya está!
00:45:47¡Cárrale! Cuidado con los aros
00:46:04Move, Ale, move!
00:46:10Lisa, rápido, rápido!
00:46:16Vamos, Santi!
00:46:43Vamos, Santi!
00:47:16Simplemente la repetición, constante y acelere.
00:47:18Vamos, nada más.
00:47:29Bien, Jerry.
00:47:31Carona, ahí comenzamos ya.
00:47:39¡Buena, Lisa, buena!
00:47:48¡Santi, vamos!
00:47:51Pero es que está torcido.
00:47:53Cuidado que está muy torcida.
00:48:10¡Lanza, lanza!
00:48:15Espera que se detenga.
00:48:25¡Dale, dale, dale!
00:48:38Dale vuelta ahí, bájate un poquito.
00:49:04¡Tírate, tírate, tírate!
00:49:09Tírala a la derecha.
00:49:15¡Dale, Santi, vamos, vamos, vamos!
00:49:17Ya llegaste, vamos pues.
00:49:37¡Vamos, Santi!
00:49:39¡Vamos, Santi!
00:49:41¡La campana, la campana, Santiago!
00:49:44¡La campana!
00:49:59¡Carolina y Jenny, ustedes continúan firmes en este desafío!
00:50:02¡Tres silencios!
00:50:23¡Vamos, Luisa!
00:50:44¡Por la derecha, ya!
00:50:54¡Dani y Sensei, siguen vivos en esta competencia!
00:51:02¡Bien, Sensei, bien! ¡Pise en la mitad!
00:51:05¡Y alentando!
00:51:22¡La llegaste!
00:51:36¡Lu, Lu! ¡Pise más a este lado!
00:51:38¡Pa' que te vaya torciendo!
00:51:43¡Vamos, Mikami! ¡Eso!
00:52:10¡Vamos, Kami!
00:52:15¡Tira los aros y más tranquila!
00:52:51¡Cuidado! ¡Cuidado, Reina!
00:53:04¡Vamos, vámonos!
00:53:06¡Espérense, espérense!
00:53:19¡Esfuerzo, esfuerzo, esfuerzo!
00:53:21¡Vamos! ¡Último esfuerzo! ¡Vamos!
00:53:23¡Cuatro minutos, dos cuentas!
00:53:25¡Lánzalos, lánzalos, lánzalos!
00:53:27¡Venga, venga, venga!
00:53:49¡Te viniste, mi Kami! ¡Vamos!
00:53:54¡Una, una, mi Reina, una!
00:53:59¡Dale ahí, dale ahí que volcó!
00:54:01¡Ahí fue!
00:54:09¡Vale, Queen Luisa!
00:54:10¡Siguen adelante en esta etapa dorada!
00:54:19¡La hice de la sueleda muy bien!
00:54:25¡La prueba terminó!
00:54:34¡Eres una princesa!
00:54:36¡Respire, respire por la nariz, por la nariz!
00:54:39¡Eres una...!
00:54:40¡A ver, vas a tomar algo!
00:54:42¡Bota algo, bota algo!
00:54:50¡Ay, sensei, para rato!
00:54:52I didn't make it today to see you, Santi,
00:54:54because you were always the last one to arrive.
00:54:56I feel like I owe you competitively.
00:54:59I apologize to you, Camy,
00:55:01because maybe I didn't overcome enough of my obstacles.
00:55:06My partner, my partner.
00:55:08Oh, what a shame, I put it to your face.
00:55:10No, my job was to enjoy myself.
00:55:13I love you.
00:55:14No, I don't know, I feel like I made a very good run,
00:55:17very good, but I turned around,
00:55:19but it's going to be part of the race, as I said.
00:55:21Yes, not bad at all.
00:55:22Two, three, you did very well.
00:55:24Very good.
00:55:27Darling, Sensei, Alejo, Luisa,
00:55:30you, Caroline, Jerry,
00:55:32you're still with us in this competition.
00:55:34I congratulate you.
00:55:38Oh, Santi, the kid's captain is leaving.
00:55:42A low blow for the kid, of course.
00:55:45Karen, being chosen by the kid,
00:55:48we're talking about big words.
00:55:51What makes Santi such a special being?
00:55:53Oh, no, Santi is a character.
00:55:55Santi is a great leader,
00:55:58he has an incredible voice of motivation.
00:56:01He knows he's going to be a...
00:56:04He's going to be...
00:56:07Oh, wait.
00:56:12He's going to be a huge help.
00:56:14He knows that, wow, I love him so much.
00:56:17I didn't expect this outcome,
00:56:19but he knows that many doors are going to open
00:56:22and there's no way forward.
00:56:24Santi, you can't leave that position.
00:56:27You have to leave a delegate in the captaincy of the kid team.
00:56:30I don't know what you've thought.
00:56:32Andre, without a doubt,
00:56:36we have great leaders in the team.
00:56:39Not just in words, but also in the competition.
00:56:44This time, I want to give him my big vote of confidence
00:56:48and I know he's going to do it in a spectacular way.
00:56:52My great partner and discoverer of so many battles,
00:56:56Thank you very much.
00:56:59I laughed, I laughed a lot.
00:57:01Many people thought that he and I didn't sympathize,
00:57:04but in reality, we sympathize a lot.
00:57:07We have a lot in common and he's a great person.
00:57:11The captaincy of the kid team is in the hands of Kevin
00:57:16and our partner Guajira.
00:57:21Camila, it was short, the 20-year challenge,
00:57:25but intense, as always, what happens here in this citadel.
00:57:29How did you live it? What do you take with you?
00:57:32No, a wonderful experience, very grateful for one more opportunity.
00:57:37With my partner for trusting me.
00:57:40I bring many new friendships and great memories.
00:57:48It's a beautiful experience that is worth keeping in my heart.
00:57:53How do you feel about the team that Armando left?
00:57:55It's a very strong team.
00:57:58It's a matter of trusting, letting go and going out like lions to the tracks.
00:58:04And always trusting that the result will be given.
00:58:08Obviously, enjoy the process.
00:58:11Alejo, Alejo, your partner is leaving.
00:58:14What do you want to tell him?
00:58:15No, Santi, you know I love him very much,
00:58:17that he is welcome in my house.
00:58:19It hurts.
00:58:20It's good that he could have stayed longer,
00:58:22but these are the situations of the game.
00:58:25And nothing, Santi, you know I always have him in my heart.
00:58:27Here he will be representing the PAPE.
00:58:29Amen, may it be so, PAPE.
00:58:30Amen, Santi.
00:58:32Natalia, you also shared a lot of time with Santi.
00:58:36What would you like to tell him before his departure?
00:58:39Nothing, Santi, he is a wonderful person.
00:58:43Actually, I came with a lot of urgency to be able to talk to him.
00:58:48Santi, I love you so much.
00:58:50You are a wonderful person, an innate leader.
00:58:54Above all, you are a human being.
00:58:57And I applaud you for that.
00:58:59Because, seriously, you are a very great person.
00:59:04Now you have many doors that will open for you.
00:59:07You have an incredible future.
00:59:10And really, my heart is very happy to have met you here.
00:59:15Thank you because you made many things possible in this challenge.
00:59:20Without you, it would have been very difficult to have gone through many difficult moments that we lived.
00:59:25Thank you very much.
00:59:26I love you.
00:59:27Thank you, Nati.
00:59:28Thank you, Santi and Camila.
00:59:31I miss you so much.
00:59:34Oh, Bernardo.
00:59:35Oh, my head.
00:59:36My little cake.
00:59:37With everything, please.
00:59:38With everything.
00:59:42Long live, long live, long live!
00:59:47Thank you very much.
00:59:49Thank you very much.
00:59:58I'm listening.
00:59:59I'm listening.
01:00:00I'm listening.
01:00:01He's a friend inside and he's a friend outside,bro.
01:00:03Of course, yes, I know.
01:00:04I'll tell you.
01:00:05I wish you all the best.
01:00:07Thank you so much.
01:00:08Nice to meet you.
01:00:10And don't lose that humility.
01:00:11It hurt me when you wore your veil.
01:00:13Same here.
01:00:16I love you a lot.
01:00:18I wanted to tell you.
01:00:19From the bottom of my heart.
01:00:21You are really the best.
01:00:22Please don't forgive me.
01:00:23I'd love to be able to talk to you outside.
01:00:25I was in a hurry to talk to you.
01:00:28I'm so sorry. Please forgive me.
01:00:30Of course. Always.
01:00:32You're a wonderful person.
01:00:34I made a lot of mistakes with you.
01:00:36I'm sorry.
01:00:39Don't worry. You know you're forgiven.
01:00:41I love you so much.
01:00:43Don't give me any emojis when I talk to you on Instagram.
01:00:47Don't give me any emojis when I talk to you on Instagram.
01:00:49I'm talking to you.
01:00:51I'm sorry I didn't let you die.
01:00:53I'm so sorry. You're forgiven.
01:00:55I love you so much.
01:00:58Don't give me any emojis when I talk to you on Instagram.
01:01:02I'm sorry. You know you're forgiven.
01:01:04I love you so much.
01:01:06Don't give me any emojis when I talk to you on Instagram.
01:01:10I love you so much.
01:01:12I love you.
01:01:14I'm so sorry.
01:01:17I love you, baby.
01:01:18I love you so much.
01:01:19I love you so much.
01:01:21Camila, how was the experience of competing alongside Santi?
01:01:26It's an incredible experience.
01:01:28I'm very grateful to him for trusting me.
01:01:31I think we connect very well energetically.
01:01:34He's a person with a big heart.
01:01:37And I need a lot to be able to realize that.
01:01:41And sharing the track with him is an honor, really.
01:01:45The honor is mine.
01:01:46Oh, Santi.
01:01:48Your step through this challenge was like a novel.
01:01:51If we look at it from a distance, you were last.
01:01:55You went through a lot of ups and downs.
01:01:57Speaking of heights, you fell from the second floor of this box.
01:02:00You gave a huge scare to everyone around us.
01:02:04Then, at a given moment, you confessed,
01:02:07I'm out of gas and I can't go on.
01:02:09And you became a semi-finalist.
01:02:12How do you feel today, Santi?
01:02:15How do I feel today, Andrea?
01:02:17I see myself as a great example of perseverance,
01:02:21in every way.
01:02:23I think that if anyone doubted that you have to persevere
01:02:27to achieve your dreams,
01:02:29look at Santiago in the 20-year challenge.
01:02:32Perseverance leads to success, to achieve great things.
01:02:36If at some point you're going through some difficulty
01:02:39and you think that your dream is not going to come true
01:02:42or that it's getting in the way,
01:02:44remember that here was a Santi
01:02:47who fought day after day, box after box,
01:02:51situation after situation, to achieve his dream.
01:02:54And his dream took him to this point.
01:02:56From the first moment he entered
01:02:58to the first moment he left,
01:03:00he was a warrior of perseverance.
01:03:02You are Colombia's boyfriend, Santi.
01:03:04I don't know if you heard about that.
01:03:07It's like a generalized love.
01:03:10How do you feel?
01:03:11I'm proud to hear that, Andrea.
01:03:13Because when I hear it, I feel like I'm doing things right.
01:03:16That as a human being, as a person, I'm fulfilling
01:03:19and I'm contributing a grain of sand to all people
01:03:22so that they have more humility, nobility and empathy.
01:03:26It's time to start, but not without first telling us
01:03:29how much money you have.
01:03:31Santi, how much did you accumulate in this 20-year challenge?
01:03:34Andrea, I accumulated 32,800,000 pesos.
01:03:38And you, Jami?
01:03:41Well, I love it, I love it
01:03:43that an exceptional competitor like you, Camila,
01:03:47could accompany an extraordinary man and being like Santi.
01:03:53Santi, Camila, your story in this challenge is over.
01:03:59Thank you, Andrea.
01:04:10I have the courage to risk my life
01:04:15To get out of the falls, I won't let myself be defeated
01:04:23Here it's not a matter of luck
01:04:25Here the strongest win
01:04:28The life is to put yourself to the test and resist
01:04:33Fight and face the fears
01:04:36Until I conquer my dreams
01:04:38It's being the extremes to survive
01:04:44Putting the body and the hammer
01:04:49I will never go a step back
01:04:54I have in my heart the courage
01:04:57To go through this journey
01:05:00To get to the end
01:05:02Today I will face my destiny
01:05:29Mayagüez sugar will sweeten your moments
01:05:31so you feel at home.
01:05:33Refresh yourself, delight yourself
01:05:35and give your life the perfect touch of flavor.
01:05:37Mayagüez sugar will brighten your world.
01:05:42We deserve it.
01:05:43You see what's here.
01:05:45Oh no.
01:05:46What's that?
01:05:48It's a cake.
01:05:50A cake.
01:05:51It's mine.
01:05:52Oh good.
01:05:53It's mine.
01:05:54It's mine.
01:05:55It's mine.
01:05:56It's mine.
01:05:57It's mine.
01:05:58It's mine.
01:05:59It's mine.
01:06:00It's mine.
01:06:01It's mine.
01:06:02It's mine.
01:06:03It's mine.
01:06:04It's mine.
01:06:05It's mine.
01:06:06Mayagüez, Mayagüez.
01:06:07Very spicy.
01:06:08It doesn't taste the same without sugar.
01:06:12Thank you God for bringing us all home.
01:06:17No one will stop us.
01:06:18No one will stop us.