Im Thriller Motel Destino verlieben sich zwei rebellische Seelen ineinander, deren Einstellung alles andere als ungefährlich ist: Ein Mann, der sich gegen ein System auflehnt, das ihn tot sehen will – und eine Frau, die sich mit allen Mitteln gegen das Patriarchat auflehnt, das ihr das Leben zur Hölle macht.
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00:00What's your real name?
00:03Sounds like an important person's name.
00:18I can come by later and sort this out.
00:20I'll bring the money.
00:21I can bring it, ma'am.
00:31He waited for you until the last minute!
00:33He died because of you!
00:34He's my brother!
00:38I just need a place to stay.
00:40Can I spend the night here?
00:46Mrs. Diana said you're taking care of someone.
00:49What kind of job do you do?
00:54I need to get out of here.
00:56You know you're protected here, right?
01:00I need to get out of here.
01:02I need to get out of here.
01:05That's why the job isn't over, right?
01:17Do you like being spied on?
01:20I don't think I'm even that protected here.
01:25I'm crazy about you.
01:28What a fate!
01:30Who took care of you, boy?
01:39What happened?
01:42I was born.