In der britischen Krimiserie Passenger gerät das Leben der eingeschworenen Dorfgemeinde von Chadder Vale aus den Fugen, als eine Reihe seltsamer Vorfälle und grausamer Verbrechen geschehen. Die Ermittlerin Riya Ajunwa will das Rätsel lösen.
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00:00Two girls went missing.
00:05You don't think there might be a link?
00:07I thought I made it pretty clear, no more conspiracy crap.
00:10Please, God, no.
00:11We've got to get it back, or we're dead.
00:15Is anyone in danger?
00:18Curse or no curse?
00:19There's something ain't right with this town.
00:20I still feel there's something he's not telling me.
00:21You need evidence.
00:22Say that again?
00:23Eddie Wells is getting out early.
00:31Tell them what he did to me.
00:36As a community, you will feel the pain of this together.
00:40We don't listen to these kids enough.
00:45I'm just praying it was an accident.
00:47It could be anything.
00:48You exaggerate.
00:49I'm investigating.
00:50Drugs, missing kids, this place is a tinderbox.
00:55You took five years of my life.
00:57Where's the body?
00:59There are pieces missing.
01:01I'm not good at stuff like this.
01:03What if it wasn't suicide?
01:05Cause of death was drowning.
01:09What the hell happened to Nina Carlson? Is she dead too?
01:11Found it, boss.
01:13This town is crying out for truth.
01:15What would you know about this town?
01:17Leave me alone!
01:20I want out! There is no out!
01:22I need answers.