• last year
A lowly BBC employee pulls a prank at the studio and finds himself transferred to an isolated island where he is to set up a weather station at a lighthouse. As if in a fantasy, a ship carrying a bevy of beautiful models is shipwrecked off the coast and the models wind up on the island. However, when the models begin disappearing, the "back-room boy" investigates and finds a sinister scheme involving spies and Nazi battleships.

Source: IMDB
00:00:30© BF-WATCH TV 2021
00:01:00© BF-WATCH TV 2021
00:01:31Hello. What is it now? The war over?
00:01:34Mr. Revelle.
00:01:35Enemy battleship sighted off Newfoundland, believed to be the Nuremberg.
00:01:38Oh, the egg is to go after it, Mr. Finch says.
00:01:40All right, baby.
00:01:41I wonder if there'll be many people at the staff dance tonight.
00:01:44You know, I can't make up my mind whether I should go or not.
00:01:46Well, I've got an appointment at 7, but if you'd like me to fill in the breach after that, I should be delighted.
00:01:50Oh, it's not that, Mr. Revelle. I've got a partner, only he can't get there till after 11.
00:01:55His work keeps him late.
00:01:56He sounds busy. What's his line?
00:01:58I don't know that I should say. It's a job of national importance.
00:02:01Oh, backroom boy.
00:02:02Yes, I suppose you would call him that.
00:02:04Arthur's the only person in England doing it.
00:02:06In a way, millions all over the world are depending on him.
00:02:09He sounds terribly important.
00:02:11Oh, he is terribly important.
00:02:18Good evening, Mr. Pilby. A moment of power, please.
00:02:25Mr. Pilby is on his way down, sir.
00:02:28Good evening.
00:02:51Good evening, Mr. Pilby.
00:02:52Good evening, Mr. Pilby.
00:02:57Good morning, Ben.
00:03:08We're all ready, Mr. Pilby.
00:03:22Stand by, please.
00:03:53The key, Mr. Pilby.
00:03:54Aye, thank you.
00:04:01I think you'd better wait. I've got to be back in my backroom by midnight.
00:04:04Yes, sir.
00:04:05Now, let me see. What time must I leave?
00:04:06It took us 16 minutes to get down, sir.
00:04:08The map was with the wind. I think we'd better allow 20 minutes for the journey back.
00:04:1125 hours for the start.
00:04:12Yes, sir.
00:04:13Now, let me see. What time must I leave?
00:04:15It took us 16 minutes to get down, sir.
00:04:17The map was with the wind. I think we'd better allow 20 minutes for the journey back.
00:04:2025 hours to the front door. I can do that in three seconds.
00:04:22Say a minute up to my office.
00:04:24A quarter of a minute to put on my overall.
00:04:26Better say half a minute in case I'm butterfingers.
00:04:28We must leave here at 29 and three-quarter minutes to midnight.
00:04:3029 and three-quarter minutes to midnight it is, sir.
00:04:3229 and three-quarter minutes to midnight.
00:04:3429 and three-quarter minutes...
00:04:35I've lost a minute already.
00:04:41Put me somewhere in front.
00:04:43I'll only be ten minutes.
00:04:51Oh, sir, you've arrived.
00:04:52Yes, and not too soon.
00:04:53What's the matter?
00:04:54Well, here is my dance and this is Damon Rovell dancing it.
00:04:56I'm thoroughly enjoying it.
00:04:58And this is my fiancée, Arthur Fielding.
00:05:00Oh, how do you do?
00:05:02Oh, well, thank you very much indeed. I've loved you.
00:05:05Oh, look, will you excuse me? I'd rather leave. I've got to go to the dance.
00:05:08Thanks for keeping me place warm.
00:05:09Well, now you are here, you might as well get me an ice or a squash or something.
00:05:14Well, the bar's very crowded. I'll never get it in the time.
00:05:18What time?
00:05:19Twenty-nine and three-quarter minutes to twelve.
00:05:21What on earth are you talking about?
00:05:23I've got to be back by midnight, I'm afraid.
00:05:25I'd rather be there in time.
00:05:27I bet he carried it. I'll never get it in the time.
00:05:29Time? What time?
00:05:32Twenty-nine and three-quarter minutes to twelve.
00:05:35What on earth are you talking about?
00:05:37I've got to be back by midnight.
00:05:39Oh, supposing you're not back by midnight?
00:05:41But I must be back by midnight. I've got a car waiting outside.
00:05:45Fed up. Other girls get taken to the pictures and things, but not me.
00:05:49Oh, dear me. My fiancée's always popping off and pipping.
00:05:53I'm a jolly sight more important than Damon Revelle, anyway.
00:05:56Nobody puts their clocks right by him.
00:05:58Listen to me, Arthur. It's either me or your pips.
00:06:01If you leave me tonight, you needn't bother to come back again.
00:06:04Oh, don't say that. If it was the European pips or the overseas pips,
00:06:08it wouldn't matter, but the midnight pips, millions are hanging on them.
00:06:11Well, they can hang on them, and so can you.
00:06:13What's more, you can take that back.
00:06:15Oh, don't give that back to me. It's unlucky.
00:06:18I say, that stone's got very small.
00:06:20You haven't been putting it in hot water, have you?
00:06:22No, it's like your love for me. It's shrunk.
00:06:26Oh, don't say that. I've looked forward to tonight so much.
00:06:29Don't want to quarrel. Don't want to quarrel? I want to dance.
00:06:32You mean I can give you this back? Mm-hm, if you'll dance with me.
00:06:35Of course I will, Betty.
00:06:38Oh, you've got your high heels on again.
00:06:40Oh, one of us had to see which way we were going.
00:06:44Oh, it's half-past. Betty, I've got to go. I must, really, I must.
00:06:47Don't settle for it. Goodbye, Arthur.
00:06:50Where are you going? To find someone else.
00:06:52Someone else? Yes, someone who doesn't always give me the pips.
00:07:07I'll bring it back.
00:07:26Good evening, Mr Philby.
00:07:33But, Mr Philby...
00:07:45Stand by, please.
00:07:59Now, here's a cable from the Strathcona Observatory, Ottawa.
00:08:02Regret Principal Observatory should consider midnight time signal
00:08:06an occasion for deplorable levity.
00:08:10A Wang Pho Observatory cables humbly request Honourable Observatory
00:08:15make time signal not mirth-provoking.
00:08:21The National Broadcasting Corporation of America send this.
00:08:24Whoever it is, quit swinging the pips.
00:08:28Now, what have you to say to that, sir?
00:08:30Well, sir, I wish you could feel sorry about it, sir, but I don't.
00:08:33You don't? Oh, Mr Philby, will you come up here?
00:08:36Do you realise what you're saying? I do.
00:08:38And I'm fed up with the whole thing.
00:08:40When I came here, I was full of ambition.
00:08:42I learned astronomy, geometry, trigonometry,
00:08:45and every other blinkinometry, and what for?
00:08:48Just to pop in and out of a little back room and pip.
00:08:50You hold a very responsible position, if I may say so.
00:08:53Well, I'd rather not hold it.
00:08:54If I take my girl to the pictures, I always have to come out before it's finished.
00:08:58If I take her out to supper, I never get beyond the soup.
00:09:00If we go for a little cuddle in the park, I...
00:09:03Oh, well, perhaps that wouldn't interest you, gentlemen.
00:09:05But you must expect to make some sacrifice to duty.
00:09:08I have, and what's happened? She's sacrificed me.
00:09:10She's given me my ring back and gone after some other bloke.
00:09:13Well, well, there are just as good fish.
00:09:15But I don't want to marry a fish. I want to resign.
00:09:18I want to go on a submarine or a minesweeper or someplace where men are men
00:09:22and women are just pictures cut out of magazines.
00:09:24I must remind you, Mr Philby,
00:09:26you are engaged on work of national importance.
00:09:29Resignation is therefore impossible.
00:09:32You will kindly retire while we consider your case.
00:09:36Yes, sir.
00:09:42But I warn you, I'm not going where there's women.
00:09:49And I'm not working where there's pips.
00:09:54I propose, Mr President, that we consider this matter closed.
00:09:57No, I'm afraid that won't do.
00:09:59If we leave Mr Philby in his present office,
00:10:01who heaven knows what tunes he'll play on the pips.
00:10:04If I might make a suggestion,
00:10:06since he wishes to be removed from female influence,
00:10:10why not transfer him to my meteorological section?
00:10:13Have you a vacancy, West?
00:10:14The Royal Air Force want us to convert the lighthouse on the Orry Islands
00:10:17into a station for weather reports.
00:10:19The Orry Islands? Somewhere off Scotland, aren't they?
00:10:21Forty miles, to be exact.
00:10:23There. The bleakest collection of desolate rocks
00:10:26in the whole of the United Kingdom.
00:10:29Well, gentlemen, I think the eyes have it.
00:10:34Is anybody home?
00:10:37Is that you, George?
00:10:39Aye, it's me. Here. I brought the gentleman from London.
00:10:43He's come up to the Orry Lighthouse in the morning.
00:10:45Hey, you mustn't shout that. It's a government secret.
00:10:48Ah, hey, Yarsir. Come along, then.
00:10:51I beg your pardon?
00:10:52I said, come along, then.
00:10:54Oh, come along, then.
00:10:56I'm sorry, sir, but I've got to go.
00:10:58I'm sorry, sir, but I've got to go.
00:11:00I'm sorry, sir, but I've got to go.
00:11:02I'm sorry, sir, but I've got to go.
00:11:04Come along to you, too. But I'm not Ben, I'm Arthur.
00:11:07No, sir. He wants you to gang up with Ben.
00:11:10Oh, he's Ben. Oh, pleased to meet you, Ben.
00:11:12Oh, come, Ben the Hoose. It's bleak and cold.
00:11:17This way, sir. Just a minute.
00:11:24Gang them all.
00:11:27Here. This is Dave McIntyre.
00:11:29Yon is the gentleman you'll be taking to the orries in the morning, David.
00:11:33Oh, aye. Aye.
00:11:35Oh, aye.
00:11:38Sit you down.
00:11:40I'll have something cooked for your supper.
00:11:42Oh, no, thank you. I had my cookie down the train coming up.
00:11:45Oh, maybe you'd like something to drink before you go to bed.
00:11:49Yes, I'd like a glass of milk, please.
00:11:51Milk? Yes.
00:11:53Er, milk.
00:11:55Aye. Scotch milk.
00:11:57Scotch milk.
00:11:59Gang away, Ben.
00:12:01Oh, aye. Aye. Aye.
00:12:08Now, then, boys, you've seen the gentleman.
00:12:10Gonna be crowding him out.
00:12:12The boys held you up for the island in the morning,
00:12:14so they thought they'd take a last look at you.
00:12:16Oh, that's very nice of them.
00:12:20A last look? Aye. You never know when you're coming back.
00:12:23Oh, I'll be back on the first of next month.
00:12:25Aye. Weather and Brunhilde permitting, as the fishermen say.
00:12:28Weather and what? Brunhilde. That's the water, Kelpie.
00:12:31Kelpie? What's a kelpie?
00:12:33It's a fairy. Oh?
00:12:35Aye. Brunhilde brings us all the bad weather.
00:12:38Oh, don't be ridiculous.
00:12:40Bad weather is simply a meteorological phenomenon
00:12:42caused by adverse atmospheric conditions.
00:12:44Science teaches us that.
00:12:46Oh, aye. Aye. Oh, aye.
00:12:48Well, it might teach you that, and it might teach other people that.
00:12:51But we know it's Brunhilde.
00:12:53All right, all right.
00:12:55You stick to your Brunhilder, and I'll stick to my Brometer.
00:12:58Oh, hell. Where do I sleep?
00:13:01Ah, I'll show you to your bed.
00:13:04What time's he taking me to the ollies in the morning?
00:13:06You'll have to leave at ten if the boots to be back be dark.
00:13:09It's only 40 miles.
00:13:11Oh, we only get four hours daylight up here at this time of the year.
00:13:15Four hours? Oh, aye. Oh, aye.
00:13:18That must be very inconvenient.
00:13:20No, no, no.
00:13:22This is a grand, long night in bed.
00:13:24Grand, long night in bed.
00:13:28Come along, sir. Come along.
00:13:30This is your room, and that's the bed.
00:13:33Ah, that's a grand bed.
00:13:35You know, my wife, my wife's mother,
00:13:38I and my wife's grandmother,
00:13:40they all died in that bed.
00:13:44I, uh... I suppose you haven't got anything small there.
00:13:47What about this?
00:13:49Oh, that's where the dog sleeps.
00:13:51Oh, put the dog in the morgue. I'll have this.
00:13:53Oh, please yourself.
00:13:56Good night, T. Good night, T.
00:14:17Good night, T.
00:14:47Good night, T.
00:15:09Tell me, Mr. McIntyre,
00:15:11what would be the population of the island?
00:15:16Well, only me.
00:15:18Aye? You'll go mad.
00:15:20They all do.
00:15:22First, you'll start talking to yourself.
00:15:24That's the beginning.
00:15:26And then, when the moon is full,
00:15:28Brunnhilde'll beckon to you from the Kelpie Rock.
00:15:30And that's the end.
00:15:33You're a nice, cheerful sort of bloke to go sailing with.
00:15:35Who is this Brunnhilde?
00:15:37She's a mermaid. Oh, I know.
00:15:39One of those girls who's half a woman and half a turban.
00:15:41Man, have you seen what I've seen?
00:15:44You treat the matter with more respect.
00:15:46All right, I'll buy it. What have you seen?
00:15:50One minute, a living man standing on the Kelpie Rock
00:15:54in the light of the full moon.
00:15:56The next minute, nothing.
00:16:00Oh, and does the lady always visit the Kelpie Rock?
00:16:04Good. Well, I'll stick to my rock, and she can stick to hers.
00:16:08Oh, is that my lighthouse?
00:16:10Oh, aye, aye. Oh, aye.
00:16:13And which is the Kelpie Rock?
00:16:15Yon is the Kelpie Rock.
00:16:19Aye, aye.
00:16:21Aye, aye, aye.
00:16:23Aye, aye, thank you all.
00:16:34One, two, three, four, five, six.
00:16:36There should be another piece.
00:16:38Is this your net?
00:16:40Oh, yes. Can't do without me old alarm clock.
00:16:42Sticking will be such good company. Oh, I've dropped it.
00:16:44I'll have to take my shoes and socks off now and paddle in after it.
00:16:46We've 40 fathoms here at low tide.
00:16:48Forty fathoms?
00:16:50Six feet, one fathom. Five feet, one-half a pilgrim.
00:16:55Here, the key of the door.
00:16:59Blimey, it's bigger than the lighthouse.
00:17:01Oi, aren't you coming off to show me round?
00:17:03No, I'm not coming off to show you round.
00:17:05I'm not coming off to show you round.
00:17:08Nay, oh, nay, I'll be a while back while the night lasts.
00:17:12Good-bye and good luck to ye.
00:17:18Oh, I've just remembered I want some cigarettes.
00:17:21Will you bring me a packet when you come back?
00:17:23I'll no be back for a month.
00:17:25What, wait a month for a packet of cigarettes?
00:17:27I could do better than that in London.
00:17:30One, two, three, four...
00:17:35Hey! Hey!
00:17:37You, wait a minute!
00:17:39Have you knocked off a couple of my bags?
00:17:41I'm too short!
00:17:44Nay, nay, lad, nay.
00:17:52One, two, three...
00:17:54Four, five, six, seven, eight...
00:17:56One, two, three...
00:17:58One, two, three...
00:18:28One, two, three...
00:18:58One, two, three...
00:19:28One, two, three...
00:19:58One, two, three...
00:20:22Wait a minute.
00:20:53She didn't even give him time to make the bed.
00:20:55Just like a woman.
00:20:57Who? Arthur?
00:20:59What, Mr. Pilbeam?
00:21:01You're talking to yourself.
00:21:03Do you remember what the boatman said?
00:21:05Yes, Mr. Pilbeam.
00:21:07It's the beginning.
00:21:10One more stairs.
00:21:12Oh, quiet, Arthur.
00:21:19Ah, spare bedroom, eh?
00:21:21This is Blackpool. I can let it to three families.
00:21:28Ah, room 504.
00:21:49How do you count for this, Mr. Pilbeam?
00:21:51I say, how do you count for this?
00:21:54I say, how do you count for this?
00:21:58You won't talk, eh?
00:22:45You can start matches, Mr. Pilbeam.
00:22:47Upstairs in our overcoat, Arthur.
00:23:01Was this bed made when you came up here before, Arthur?
00:23:03I don't think so, Mr. Pilbeam.
00:23:05It's made now.
00:23:44Steady, Arthur, steady.
00:23:46This is no time for us to lose your head.
00:23:48There's only one thing to be done.
00:23:50What's that, Mr. Pilbeam?
00:23:52Take this thing and eat it quick.
00:24:04Small point, Mr. Pilbeam.
00:24:06What's that, Arthur?
00:24:08This table wasn't laid, Arthur.
00:24:10Oh, don't talk with your mouth full, Arthur.
00:24:40Two tablespoonsful, please.
00:24:42Then you wake up.
00:24:44I'm expecting to wake up at any moment.
00:24:48Would you mind telling me what you're doing here?
00:24:50Making me tea.
00:24:52I can hear that, but how did you get here?
00:24:54Under the tarpaulin in your boat.
00:24:56What, you came in my boat?
00:24:58That's right.
00:25:00Oh, so you're the black hand who's been getting my lunch and making my bed.
00:25:02Did he bite you?
00:25:07No! Messing about with my luggage and things.
00:25:09What are you after?
00:25:11Don't worry, I'm not after you. You're not my type.
00:25:13Well, if it comes to that, you're not my type either.
00:25:15I hate your sex. I loathe women, all of them.
00:25:17Why? Some skirt let you down?
00:25:19What's your name? What are you doing here?
00:25:21Jane Turn from Lambeth, age 13, come to see me Uncle Steve.
00:25:23Your Uncle Steve? Who's he?
00:25:25Steve Mason. I'm evacuated on him.
00:25:27Well, why come here?
00:25:29Because he ain't giving Aunty no money.
00:25:32Is your Aunty here too?
00:25:34No. She's in Lambeth. Uncle's a bird watcher.
00:25:36What, in Lambeth?
00:25:38No. On the island next door.
00:25:40What island next door?
00:25:42It's on the picture.
00:25:44Oh, you mean the...
00:25:46That's us on the right. Uncle's island's on the left.
00:25:49What's this bit of netting in the middle?
00:25:51That's the one across that split.
00:25:53I'm going over to look for Uncle as soon as I can.
00:25:55You're not. You're going back to the mainland on the next boat.
00:25:57That won't be here for months.
00:25:59Yes, it will. I'm going to radio and tell him you're here.
00:26:01That'll sound nice.
00:26:04What will?
00:26:06When you tell him you're here alone with a woman.
00:26:08Woman? I'll smack your...
00:26:10Well, I won't, but somebody ought to.
00:26:14Now what are you doing?
00:26:16It's getting dark.
00:26:18It's two o'clock.
00:26:20You only get four hours daylight out of here at this time of the year.
00:26:22Only four hours?
00:26:28Did you say two o'clock?
00:26:30One minute to.
00:26:32Blimey, I've got to send out my weather report at two.
00:26:35It's blowing up with storm. If that's any help to you.
00:26:37With a barometer of 29.8 and humidity practically nil...
00:26:39Don't be a silly little girl.
00:26:41We're entering a belt of fine weather.
00:26:43That's not what the seagulls say, and they know.
00:26:45Oh, do they?
00:26:47Well, that's what the wind will cause at Greenwich,
00:26:49and that's more than the seagulls have,
00:26:51in spite of what they've done to the roof of the observatory.
00:26:53All I know is the seagulls is flying in circles.
00:26:55And that means wind.
00:26:57Is that a good way of getting rid of it?
00:27:00And there's a full moon tonight.
00:27:02So I've heard.
00:27:04And another thing, Mr. MacDougall's corn's was shooting,
00:27:06and that means rain.
00:27:08Yes, and I suppose if his joints crack, that means frost,
00:27:10and if his tummy rumbles, that means thunder.
00:27:12All I know is when Mr. MacDougall...
00:27:14Touches his seaweed, he knows it's going to be wet.
00:27:16I prefer to rely on my instruments,
00:27:18and they tell me that the weather is going to be fine and mild.
00:27:20Wet and windy.
00:27:22Fine and mild.
00:27:24Wet and windy.
00:27:26Fine and mild. Now, listen, darling.
00:27:29According to these isothermal lines...
00:27:31Oh, they're to test the velocity of the wind at varying heights.
00:27:33Don't touch them.
00:27:35Now, according to these isothermal lines,
00:27:37the thermometer reading is normal.
00:27:39As for the wind, I never use instruments myself.
00:27:41I calculate by instinct.
00:27:43And I should say that the velocity of the wind
00:27:45is around seven miles an hour at the most,
00:27:47or what we term a gentle breeze.
00:27:54A gentle breeze, eh?
00:27:58Well, we all make mistakes sometimes.
00:28:00Perhaps this is a light breeze. That will be about 14 miles an hour,
00:28:02or the steady breeze is 21 miles an hour,
00:28:04or the gale is 40 miles an hour.
00:28:06That's what we're importing now.
00:28:08Don't be silly. The barometer's still rising.
00:28:10Sorry to see from the sound of it.
00:28:12You can't go by sound. You want science.
00:28:16And science is old and mild.
00:28:18Fine and mild.
00:28:20This is the Ollie Lighthouse.
00:28:24This is Ollie...
00:28:26This is... This is Honorable.
00:28:28Ah, metal.
00:28:30It's right over here.
00:28:36This is the Ollie Lighthouse calling Greenwich Observatory.
00:28:38Over to you. Over.
00:28:44Is your watch right?
00:28:46Yes. I set it right by last night's pips.
00:28:48Oh, the pips are not reliable any more.
00:28:50This is the Ollie Islands calling Greenwich Observatory.
00:28:52Over to you. Over.
00:28:54Greenwich Observatory here. Go ahead.
00:28:56Jane, I've got them. Come and listen.
00:28:58Isn't this exciting?
00:29:00Here is a weather report,
00:29:02and this is Arthur Pilbeam reading it to you.
00:29:04A belt of low pressure is slowly passing
00:29:07from the direction of Iceland towards the Azores.
00:29:09Wind, a moderate.
00:29:11A sea, a slight.
00:29:13Temperature, average.
00:29:15All indications confirm expectation of fine snow
00:29:17for the next few days.
00:29:24A light southwesterly breeze
00:29:26gives promise of continued fine weather
00:29:29with a good steady southwesterly breeze.
00:29:31And, of course, the wind may increase the gale force.
00:29:33But all other indications suggest
00:29:35that we're in for a dirty night.
00:29:37Are you sure you've got to go to bed now?
00:29:39I'm always in bed by nine.
00:29:41Yes, but as a special treat, wouldn't you like to come downstairs
00:29:43and let me read a book to you?
00:29:45I thought you hated women.
00:29:47So I do, but I thought perhaps you'd like a bit of company.
00:29:51Well, I mean, a kid like you in a place like this,
00:29:54on a night like this.
00:29:56What's wrong with it?
00:29:58Aren't you afraid of thunder?
00:30:00Of course not.
00:30:02Well, I'm going to bed now. Goodnight.
00:30:04Wait a minute.
00:30:07Wouldn't you like to leave the door open
00:30:09in case you want to call me?
00:30:11I'm beginning to think it's not only the weather
00:30:13that's wet and windy.
00:30:18Not tonight, Brunhilde, not tonight.
00:30:22Jane? Jane, where are you?
00:30:24I'm here.
00:30:26I thought you'd gone.
00:30:28There's a window banging upstairs.
00:30:30Oh, that's what it is.
00:30:32Perhaps we'd better go and close it.
00:30:42It's the door!
00:32:05Be a man, my boy.
00:32:07Open that door.
00:32:14Go on, do as you're told. Open that door.
00:32:35What happened? Has the chip stopped?
00:32:39You're no mermaid.
00:32:41Oh, you didn't half give me a nasty turn. Who are you?
00:32:43I don't hear the engines.
00:32:45This is not the Brighton Bell. This is the lighthouse.
00:32:47The lighthouse? Where am I?
00:32:49I don't know.
00:32:51You're in the wrong house.
00:32:54You're in the wrong house.
00:32:56You're in the wrong house.
00:32:58You're in the wrong house.
00:33:00Where am I?
00:33:02You're on the R.A. Meteorological Station.
00:33:04I'll get you a dressing gown.
00:33:06Oh, I remember.
00:33:08I've been torpedoed.
00:33:10You've been what?
00:33:12I've been torpedoed.
00:33:14Well, I didn't do it.
00:33:16Oh, this is terrible. It's awful.
00:33:19Now pull yourself together and keep warm.
00:33:23It mightn't be as bad as you think.
00:33:25Oh, but it is. They're all at the bottom of the sea.
00:33:27I saw them go down.
00:33:30In a trunk.
00:33:32In a trunk?
00:33:34All those beautiful dresses.
00:33:36We were taking them to South America.
00:33:38Who's we?
00:33:40The girls.
00:33:42Money girls.
00:33:44We were going to Rio to exhibit British fashion.
00:33:46Now we've got nothing left to exhibit.
00:33:49I wouldn't say that.
00:33:56Hello. That's funny.
00:33:58That radio's disappeared. It was here five minutes ago.
00:34:01Oh, I wonder if the kid...
00:34:03No, she's gone to bed.
00:34:05What are you talking about?
00:34:07Well, it can't have just disappeared.
00:34:09Do you realise without that radio we're cut off from the rest of the world?
00:34:11I read a book when a girl and a boy were thrown together on an island.
00:34:13I remember they fell in love under a coconut tree.
00:34:15There's no coconuts on this island.
00:34:17Oh, it must be somewhere.
00:34:19Well, why worry? You'll find it in the morning.
00:34:21Maybe too late in the morning.
00:34:25Why don't you come and help me to find it instead?
00:34:27Instead of sitting there drying your perm?
00:34:43I see the man! I see the man!
00:34:45All right, don't get excited. What do you think I am?
00:34:47Yes, but he's in the cupboard and he's got on all his skins.
00:34:49Wait till I get me torch.
00:34:52That cupboard there.
00:34:54All right, don't keep saying that cupboard there. Open it and show me.
00:34:56No, I daren't. You open it.
00:34:58All right. Promise me you won't go away.
00:35:00I'm only opening it for your sake.
00:35:03No, I won't go away.
00:35:09There you are. That's all it was.
00:35:13Oh! Oh!
00:35:15Let go of me. Let go!
00:35:17You know I hate women.
00:35:20A man in all his skins.
00:35:22But I saw a man, I tell you.
00:35:24Well, what happened to him?
00:35:26There was a radio.
00:35:28Well, there was a radio.
00:35:30And there was a man in all his skins.
00:35:32No, you only think you saw a man.
00:35:34You shouldn't think last thing at night.
00:35:36Now, come on. Come on to bed. Get some beauty sleep.
00:35:38Come on, there's a good girl.
00:35:40Is there a lock on our door?
00:35:42On our door? Doors with an S.
00:35:44Two doors, two rooms.
00:35:47I'm not going to sleep in there all by myself.
00:35:49Well, you don't think I'm going to...
00:35:51stand here talking to you all night.
00:35:53Go on. Go in.
00:35:59And I came here to get away from women.
00:36:10Listen, Arthur, you nearly cut our face.
00:36:13Sorry, Mr. Pilgrim.
00:36:15I'm not quite ourself this morning.
00:36:19Tell me, Arthur, did a young lady call here last night?
00:36:22Or was it a nightmare?
00:36:25A young lady did call, Mr. Pilgrim, and it was a nightmare.
00:36:28Well, what are you going to tell Jane?
00:36:30I mean, after all, a young woman in your bedroom.
00:36:33Very awkward, Arthur.
00:36:37Coming, Arthur. Coming, I mean.
00:36:50Wet and windy.
00:36:55Morning, Jane.
00:36:57How mucisous can you eat?
00:36:59I'm not very hungry. I didn't sleep very well.
00:37:01Did you have a good night?
00:37:04Yes. Why?
00:37:06Oh, nothing.
00:37:08What's the matter with you this morning?
00:37:10Tell me, Jane, do you believe in ghosts and things?
00:37:14Oh, nothing. Only, you know, there's a story about this place, don't you?
00:37:17Is it a rude one?
00:37:19Oh, no, it's a legend, a sort of folk story.
00:37:21Oh, a fairy tale.
00:37:23Yeah, once upon a time,
00:37:25there was a dreadful storm,
00:37:27and the lighthouse keeper looked out of his window,
00:37:29and there on the rocks below,
00:37:31he saw a beautiful mermaid called Brunhilde.
00:37:33How did he know her name was Brunhilde?
00:37:36We'll pass that.
00:37:38Now, listen, Jane, I want you to listen very carefully.
00:37:40I don't want you to misunderstand me,
00:37:42but last night, after you went to bed,
00:37:44I looked out of my window,
00:37:46and there on the rocks below,
00:37:48I saw a beautiful...
00:37:50Skip it. I've taken her up a cup of tea.
00:37:52Yes. You've done what?
00:37:54I've taken your bird up a cup of tea.
00:37:56You know all about her?
00:38:00I hope you're not suggesting I'm not telling you the truth.
00:38:03Listen, we had a gentleman, Dodger,
00:38:05staying with us at Lambeth,
00:38:07and he told me a story just like that.
00:38:09But this wasn't Brunhilde.
00:38:11It was Bertha, and she wasn't a mermaid.
00:38:13She was a barmaid.
00:38:15Good morning.
00:38:19I suppose there isn't such a thing as an urn on this island.
00:38:21I say that...
00:38:23Oh, don't be so fussy.
00:38:25I feel terrible this morning after what happened last night.
00:38:27I'll be in the kitchen.
00:38:29Oh, no, you won't.
00:38:31Now, all that happened was, she thought she saw a man in that cupboard last night,
00:38:33but she didn't.
00:38:35I bet she was disappointed.
00:38:37Why, you rude little... Little what?
00:38:39Well, I shouldn't like to say.
00:38:41Oh, and I came here to get away from women.
00:38:43Well, I didn't ask to be washed up on this dump.
00:38:46The sooner you find a boat to take me back to civilization,
00:38:48the better I shall like it.
00:38:50Me, too, as soon as I see me uncle.
00:38:52Has she got an uncle here?
00:38:54Yes, on the island next door.
00:38:56Oh, has your uncle got a boat?
00:38:58How should I know?
00:39:00Well, I'm going to see if I can find an uncle.
00:39:02And I'm going to see me uncle.
00:39:04And I'm coming with you.
00:39:06Here to say you mustn't be rude to the lady, you know.
00:39:08Lady, me foot.
00:39:10Well, after all, it's not her fault, because she was shipwrecked.
00:39:13Hey, wait for me!
00:39:15Come on, come on, it's quite easy.
00:39:37Open the door.
00:39:45I hope he hasn't gone to the fridges after us climbing that tightrope.
00:39:47Well, he's not in.
00:39:49Isn't he? Let's try down the back.
00:39:51Oh, and when we do see him, don't forget, leave the talking to me.
00:39:53Oh, I keep his shirt on. I was going to play about your girlfriend.
00:39:55Were you looking for someone?
00:39:57Ah, Mr. Mason, I presume.
00:39:59That's me.
00:40:01I haven't a card, but my name's Pilby. I'm over on the lighthouse.
00:40:03I sent weather reports to Greenwich.
00:40:05And this is your little niece, Jane.
00:40:07My niece? Oh, Jane, eh?
00:40:10Yes, I am.
00:40:12And Nancy says, why haven't you sent her any money?
00:40:14Oh, perhaps I'm in the way.
00:40:16Perhaps you are.
00:40:18Little Jane, eh?
00:40:20You've grown since I last saw you.
00:40:22What's the matter with the orchid herring?
00:40:24It's a gull.
00:40:26It had damaged its leg.
00:40:30This one's had a bit of a do, too, hasn't it?
00:40:32So you've come to see your old uncle, eh?
00:40:34I've been evacuated on you.
00:40:39Yes, haven't you heard? There's a war on.
00:40:41Yes, I've heard about that.
00:40:43Lucky you haven't.
00:40:45Oh, I'll bet the hand who laid this said, ouch.
00:40:47You can't be evacuated here. I only have one room.
00:40:49You must get back to the lighthouse.
00:40:51What about Auntie's money? Yes.
00:40:53I'll send that as soon as I can repair my boat and get over to the main man.
00:40:55Oh, you haven't got a boat, then?
00:40:57Yes, but she was stowed in on the rocks.
00:40:59She'll require two or three strakes put into her before she's seaworthy.
00:41:01Oh, what a pity. I did want a boat.
00:41:04Why don't you wire us to the coastguards and ask them to send you one?
00:41:06Have you got a wireless? No, haven't you?
00:41:08No, it's lost its wireless.
00:41:10Yes, it disappeared.
00:41:12It must be on the rocks.
00:41:14I wouldn't go over there for anything.
00:41:16You oblige me by taking the cliff path back.
00:41:18My birds don't like to be disturbed once they've settled.
00:41:20My birds don't seem to care.
00:41:22Do you think he's coming back?
00:41:24I shouldn't think so.
00:41:26Let's get out of here before he stuffs us.
00:41:31Thanks for having us.
00:41:39What's that?
00:41:41Oh, it's only a sabbaton.
00:41:44Hey, wait for me!
00:41:47Want me to go in?
00:41:49Well, we can't see much from out here.
00:41:51Dummy, what's happened?
00:41:54I'd better have a look.
00:41:57Oh, she's fainted!
00:42:01Oh, what can I loosen?
00:42:03I know how to bring her around.
00:42:05Do you? Well, I'll go and get some water.
00:42:12Hey, stop that! What do you think you're doing?
00:42:14It's the quickest way to bring her around.
00:42:16Quickest way to knock her out, I should think.
00:42:18Oh, she's coming round.
00:42:20Stand back, everybody. Stand back.
00:42:23Where... Where am I?
00:42:25Don't worry. You're on a lighthouse.
00:42:27You've been torpedoed and you're among friends.
00:42:29Here, give me that.
00:42:33Oh, has he gone?
00:42:35He's gone.
00:42:37He's gone.
00:42:39He's gone.
00:42:41Has he gone?
00:42:43I'm still here.
00:42:45No, not you. The man.
00:42:47The man? Oh, the man in the cupboard.
00:42:49He crept up behind me and...
00:42:52Oh, don't worry. There's no man here.
00:42:54You said it.
00:42:56Oh, it was horrible.
00:42:58Suddenly a clammy hand smothered my face.
00:43:00Oh, I can't stand this, I tell you.
00:43:02Take me away.
00:43:04I can't stay in this place another minute or I'll go mad.
00:43:06Stop saying mad!
00:43:08Hey, wait a minute. Nobody's going to hurt you.
00:43:12You've done a fine thing smacking her on the head like that.
00:43:14You've shaken her brains up.
00:43:16Some men just follow anything.
00:43:18Well, a man touched her.
00:43:20They'll make her faint, I don't think.
00:43:23You're a naughty, uncharitable little girl.
00:43:25You don't know how to treat a lady.
00:43:27Lady? I see.
00:43:29I suppose I'm not fit to talk to her.
00:43:31I'm only a common little thing from Lambeth.
00:43:33Oh, Jane, I never said anything of the sort.
00:43:35But you meant it.
00:43:45I'll find that radio or bust.
00:43:52Well, I don't know what it is.
00:44:02Distress rockets.
00:44:04Well, if anyone's in distress, it's you, Mr. Colby.
00:44:11I'll see.
00:44:33I'll see.
00:44:42Write the blue paper and retire immediately.
00:44:51Write the blue paper.
00:45:07Ahoy there!
00:45:11Nothing. A boat. That was quick.
00:45:16Find those rocks.
00:45:18Found them alongside there.
00:45:20Found it.
00:45:26Nothing. More women.
00:45:33There are a lot of them.
00:45:35Ahoy, poor eyes! Where is this hole?
00:45:37Never mind where it is. You can't land here.
00:45:39It looks like a bit of island.
00:45:41It feels like ice. I wonder if there's any Eskimos.
00:45:43There goes Chris, always talking about him.
00:45:45Dr. Riviera, perhaps there.
00:45:47You can't land here!
00:45:49Where do we go from here, girls? Hey, girls!
00:45:54Oh, my God!
00:45:56Oh, my God!
00:45:58Now, listen, you girls.
00:46:00We thought so too. What happened to you, Bobby?
00:46:02We'd written you off as a meal ticket for the muscles.
00:46:04I won't be ignored like this. Who's in charge of this outfit?
00:46:06I am.
00:46:08Since when?
00:46:10Only let you steer because the wind dropped.
00:46:12Let me tell you, I was steering boats before you was born.
00:46:14Well, you can steer away from here
00:46:17and take your picnic party further up the river.
00:46:19Oh, what in? Well, in the boat you came in.
00:46:21Have you seen it?
00:46:23No, but if it was good enough to bring you here...
00:46:29Oh, it must have sprung a leaf.
00:46:31Yes, she's found it. So that makes us distressed mariners.
00:46:33More than that. It makes us bonafide travellers.
00:46:35And we're entitled to a bed and a place to sleep.
00:46:37End up, please.
00:46:39What do you think this is, a duck-side pub?
00:46:42We don't care what it is, but you're going to put us up until we're rescued.
00:46:44All right, well, I don't mind putting you men up,
00:46:46but I'm having no more women in my lighthouse.
00:46:48They can go and dust with the bird fancier on the next island.
00:46:50Come on, girls!
00:46:52Hello, where have they gone?
00:46:54Now, where do you think they've gone after 12 hours in an open boat?
00:46:58They've gone inside to get warm.
00:47:00Not in my lighthouse. Oi!
00:47:04I'll dry this for you.
00:47:06Thank you, Tobias.
00:47:09Don't you ever knock? Oh, I'm ever so sorry.
00:47:13They're my rations. They'd better last me till the end of the month.
00:47:15That's your food order. Lay off that.
00:47:17Steak and kidney food, that's me. Put that down.
00:47:19It's everybody's war, you know. Yes, but not everybody's rations.
00:47:21Share and share alike.
00:47:23What's up with you now? What's up?
00:47:25I come here to get away from women.
00:47:27I might as well have joined the A.T.S.
00:47:29Tobias, you're stupid. We're here and we're staying here.
00:47:31Yes, and feed in here. You'll see about that.
00:47:33I don't mind taking men who're not survivor or two,
00:47:35and putting this into a hole for shipwrecked mannequins.
00:47:38And that case is not for sitting on either.
00:47:40For break me safe.
00:47:42What's up with the man of Aaron?
00:47:44Oh, he's a pain in the neck, says he can't stand the sight of women.
00:47:46Perhaps one day, when your sweetheart double-crosses you,
00:47:48then you'll know what it is to feel unhappy.
00:47:50Well, what do you know about that?
00:47:53I've brought you your supper. What are you doing?
00:47:55I'm applying a scientific mind to a practical dilemma.
00:47:57You know some nice big words, don't you?
00:47:59Yeah. These balloons are going to get you back to the mainland.
00:48:01Well, if it's all the same to you, I'd rather go by boats.
00:48:03Don't be silly.
00:48:05I'm going to write S.O.S.s on these labels and tie them to the boat.
00:48:20write S.O.S.'s on these labels and tie them to the balloons.
00:48:23Would you like me to write them out for you while you fill the balloons?
00:48:25No, I can manage myself, thank you.
00:48:27Oh, come on, it'll save time!
00:48:29Oh, that's...
00:48:33You are a funny little man.
00:48:44S.O.S. Ori Lighthouse.
00:48:47Eleven survivors, S.S. Morrick Star,
00:48:50torpedoed North Sea.
00:48:52Short of food.
00:48:55And cigarettes.
00:49:01I've passed it on to the Admiralty.
00:49:02Thank you very much.
00:49:06That'll be all.
00:49:07With the good reward.
00:49:18Now, now, now!
00:49:34A parachute!
00:49:48Hi! What is it?
00:49:50Food, I think.
00:49:51You do look funny.
00:49:53I've joined the Foreign Legion.
00:49:54What's that?
00:49:55I hope it's not the bell.
00:49:57Oh, it's a message.
00:49:58What does it say?
00:49:59To the survivors of the Morrick Star,
00:50:00provisions herewith,
00:50:01relief boat calling tomorrow at 26th.
00:50:03They're coming for us at daybreak tomorrow afternoon.
00:50:06What about the grub?
00:50:07Who's going to get that to the lighthouse?
00:50:08Oh, I can manage that.
00:50:11I think there must be a problem.
00:50:13I don't know.
00:50:16I think there must be iron rations.
00:50:18You see the seagulls don't get it,
00:50:19and I'll fetch help.
00:50:22Don't nibble in!
00:50:27Jane! Jane!
00:50:29What is it?
00:50:31Come here, quickly!
00:50:34I've got something to show you.
00:50:35Come on!
00:50:37Look! Down there!
00:50:38In the mouth of the cave!
00:50:40How on earth did that get there?
00:50:44We'll have to haul it up.
00:50:45I'll take a few tins each.
00:50:46Well, where is it, anyway?
00:50:48Down there with Jane on the...
00:50:53That's funny.
00:50:54She was down there before.
00:50:55She was.
00:50:56It can't be the place.
00:50:57It can't be the place.
00:50:58It can't be.
00:50:59These locks are slippery.
00:51:00Look round.
00:51:02That's funny.
00:51:03I told her to stop here.
00:51:04Well, where's Brenda?
00:51:05They were both together up at the lighthouse.
00:51:07Perhaps they've gone up here.
00:51:12Oh, never mind about them.
00:51:13What about the grub?
00:51:15It was much too heavy for them to carry themselves.
00:51:16I don't think anything's happened to them.
00:51:18Of course not.
00:51:19Jane was here a minute ago.
00:51:24Oh, don't be a ninny.
00:51:25They couldn't have gone down there.
00:51:26That's for all he fathomed.
00:51:27Well, they couldn't have gone back
00:51:28and we would have met them.
00:51:29Oh, come on.
00:51:31I don't like the look of this.
00:51:32Perhaps she's gone to see her Uncle Steve.
00:51:33Who's Uncle Steve?
00:51:34He's the bird watcher over on the island.
00:51:35Well, what are we waiting for?
00:51:36Let's go and find him.
00:51:38Let me go first.
00:51:39It was my idea.
00:51:40Uncle Steve!
00:51:44Oh, spring cleaning.
00:51:45Auntie must have turned up.
00:51:46Uncle Steve!
00:51:51I told you they were here.
00:51:52I swear they were.
00:51:53Oh, well, they couldn't have gone long.
00:51:54There's a cigarette still burning.
00:51:55Oh, he's a pup.
00:51:57The kettle's boiling.
00:51:58I don't like this.
00:51:59Here, listen to me.
00:52:00Did you ever hear about a ship
00:52:01called the Mara Celeste?
00:52:03She was found in the middle of the ocean
00:52:04on a beautiful, calm day
00:52:05and everybody on board had disappeared.
00:52:06But what's that got to do with anything?
00:52:07I don't know.
00:52:08I don't know.
00:52:09I don't know.
00:52:10I don't know.
00:52:11I don't know.
00:52:13I don't know.
00:52:14I don't know.
00:52:15I don't know.
00:52:16What's that got to do with this?
00:52:17Jane's disappeared, ain't she?
00:52:19Brenda's disappeared, ain't she?
00:52:21Now uncle's off, didn't he?
00:52:22It's another Mary Celeste,
00:52:23that's what it is.
00:52:24I'm scared.
00:52:25Let's get back to the lighthouse
00:52:26before it gets dark.
00:52:27Oh, yes.
00:52:28Daylight's rationed round here.
00:52:29Come on, everybody.
00:52:30As quickly as you can.
00:52:31All right.
00:52:32We've got no time to lose.
00:52:33Come on.
00:52:34Now, don't get nervous.
00:52:35We must all stick together.
00:52:36Catch hold of each other
00:52:37so nobody gets lost.
00:52:38Now, come on.
00:52:40I know you don't.
00:52:42Are we all here?
00:52:44Now, how many of us should there be?
00:52:47Eleven, including myself?
00:52:48Eleven, including yourself.
00:52:49That's right. I'll count you as you go over.
00:52:51One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven.
00:53:01And myself.
00:53:09Hey! Wait for me!
00:53:11Wait! Wait!
00:53:13Something's gone wrong!
00:53:15Hey! Hey!
00:53:18There's one too many.
00:53:19Too many what of?
00:53:21I counted twelve.
00:53:23Oh, you must have counted one twice.
00:53:24I didn't. I was never so careful.
00:53:27I tell you, it's a Maori select.
00:53:28Oh, lay off, slap-happy Sam.
00:53:30You're giving me the willies.
00:53:32Oh, you must have been singing dumb.
00:53:34I tell you, I counted twelve.
00:53:35All me fingers and me two thumbs twice.
00:53:37Now, Brenda's turned up.
00:53:38Is Brenda here?
00:53:39No, I wish she was.
00:53:42He says he counted twelve of us over the bridge.
00:53:45Can he count after twelve?
00:53:47Well, we'll soon see.
00:53:48Stand still, everybody.
00:53:50One, two, three, four, five, six, seven women.
00:53:54One, two, three men.
00:53:56How many's that?
00:53:57That's, um...
00:54:00Two, four, six, seven, eight, nine.
00:54:03There's only ten now.
00:54:06Someone's mucking us about.
00:54:08Yes, come on, hold up.
00:54:09Which of you's missing?
00:54:13Well, where's Ginger?
00:54:14She came across the bridge.
00:54:15Not Ginger. She was next to me.
00:54:18Oh, this is ridiculous.
00:54:19She must be somewhere here.
00:54:20Yeah, she said that about Brenda, didn't she?
00:54:21She said it about Jane, didn't she?
00:54:23That's the Maori select.
00:54:24That's what it is, you know.
00:54:26She had a hand on my shoulder.
00:54:27Now she's gone.
00:54:28Well, perhaps she's gone upstairs.
00:54:30I'll go and see.
00:54:31Wait a minute. We'll all go and see.
00:54:35Ginger! Ginger!
00:54:37Nobody here, huh?
00:54:38Hey, don't wave that lamp in the blackout.
00:54:40That's right, you'll have the wardens round.
00:54:44Lovie, what's that?
00:54:48Struth, that was a short day, wasn't it?
00:54:52Here, look at this.
00:55:05Oh, the sturdy work in the lantern chamber.
00:55:07It's the light.
00:55:08Oh, dear! Oh, dear!
00:55:10Don't worry, little woman.
00:55:11All right, cut that out.
00:55:12Come on, get on.
00:55:13Go on, up the stairs.
00:55:14Go on.
00:55:15Oh, boy.
00:55:16Hurry up, get a move on.
00:55:30The lamp's out and the cover's still on.
00:55:31I told you, somebody's mucking us about.
00:55:34Now who's not here?
00:55:35Roma and Shirley.
00:55:41There she is!
00:55:43Wake up!
00:55:45Oh, perhaps she's dead.
00:55:46Can't you shut up?
00:55:47She's fainted.
00:55:48Well, haven't you got some smelling salts,
00:55:49ammonia or something?
00:55:50There's a medicine chest in the cupboard downstairs.
00:55:52Well, get it, somebody.
00:55:53Hey, where's Roma?
00:55:55That's right.
00:55:56They were both here together.
00:55:57Oh, Roma!
00:55:58She's gone.
00:55:59I tell you what, when the boat comes to Moray,
00:56:00you'll all be gone.
00:56:01I say, what peculiar perfume she uses.
00:56:03Smells like a dentist's.
00:56:04That's not perfume.
00:56:05That's chloroform.
00:56:06Well, she can't have had her teeth out
00:56:07while we were upstairs.
00:56:08What's Leslie doing with those smelling salts?
00:56:11I can't find a darn thing in the dark.
00:56:13Bring a light down, someone.
00:56:18She's coming too.
00:56:20Shirley, are you all right?
00:56:22It's me, Barbie.
00:56:23You're on a lighthouse, you've been torpedoed
00:56:25and you're among friends.
00:56:26Oh, what happened, Shirley?
00:56:28I don't know.
00:56:30Where's Roma?
00:56:32Don't worry about Roma.
00:56:33I was standing by the bed and I heard Roma scream and then...
00:56:36I don't remember anymore.
00:56:38Is Roma all right?
00:56:39She's disappeared.
00:56:43Oh, she's off again.
00:56:45Can't you keep your trap shut?
00:56:48Where are those smelling salts?
00:56:50Honor and Leslie have gone for them.
00:56:51What, by themselves?
00:56:53Hasn't anybody here got any sense?
00:57:04It's come darker.
00:57:28Fry's Balsam.
00:57:32I knew it.
00:57:33They disappeared too.
00:57:34Here, wait a minute.
00:57:35Where's Barbie?
00:57:36Where's Chris?
00:57:37Where's Sonia?
00:57:38We're OK.
00:57:41Have you found Honor and Leslie?
00:57:43I can't stand any more of it.
00:57:45Pull yourself together, kid.
00:57:46We'll all go one by one.
00:57:48Oh, no, we won't.
00:57:49We must all stick together.
00:57:51Remember, united we stand,
00:57:53divided we get knocked off.
00:57:57Now, from now on, nobody goes anywhere without the others.
00:58:00That'll be charming.
00:58:10I wish I had a cigarette.
00:58:12Me too.
00:58:13I've got some in my...
00:58:14Oh, curse it.
00:58:15I left them in my bag upstairs.
00:58:17Wait a minute.
00:58:18No one saves from here without a convoy.
00:58:20I'll go with it.
00:58:21That's a good idea.
00:58:22I'll go with it too.
00:58:23Won't you, Albert?
00:58:25What's the idea?
00:58:26I'm talking to you.
00:58:27Oh, go on.
00:58:28I've ignored her with one of her cigarettes.
00:58:50No, thanks.
00:58:52Be safe.
00:58:53Sew your bike!
00:58:54Here you are, all safely back in pose again.
00:58:56Tie yourselves up alongside.
00:58:58Where's Chris?
00:58:59What's happened?
00:59:00I was watching the door when I turned around, she'd gone.
00:59:05Well, she can't have gone.
00:59:06Hey, hey, maybe somebody's having a joke with us.
00:59:08I told you we'd all go one by one.
00:59:10You told us?
00:59:11I like that.
00:59:12What have I been saying all evening?
00:59:15Now, we must lose our heads.
00:59:16There's a boat coming for us at dawn.
00:59:17Well, I've got the wind up and I don't mind admitting it.
00:59:20Be brave, little woman.
00:59:22Here, I'm going to put a stop to this. Come on, everybody, follow me.
00:59:25Now, from now on, we're post-picket. Albie, you go right up with the lantern chamber.
00:59:28Up there, by myself? Yes.
00:59:30Well, take that to keep you company.
00:59:32Jenny, you wait here, outside the girl's bedroom.
00:59:34Which side? Outside.
00:59:36I'll be down by the living room and we'll exchange signals every two minutes.
00:59:39Well, that sounds a crazy idea to me.
00:59:41Well, this is my lighthouse and I'm giving the orders. Come on, upstairs, you.
00:59:44You mean it? Yes. Well, of course he means it.
00:59:46I'm surprised at a young fellow like you. I don't hesitate.
00:59:48No, I wouldn't hesitate on this floor.
00:59:50Come on, upstairs. In you go, girls.
00:59:52You should leave the door open, otherwise I won't see you when you come.
00:59:55They're not going.
00:59:57Good night, girls, and remember, there's nothing to be afraid of.
01:00:02Famous last words.
01:00:18Nine o'clock and all's well.
01:00:20Nine o'clock and all's well.
01:00:22Nine o'clock and all's well.
01:00:57Nine eighteen and all's well.
01:00:59Nine eighteen and all's well.
01:01:05Albert! Nine eighteen and all's well.
01:01:10Skipper! Skipper! What is it?
01:01:12Nine eighteen and all ain't well.
01:01:14Now what's happened? Yes, what's happened?
01:01:16Albert, he don't answer. Albert! Albert!
01:01:18I told you it'd all go one by one.
01:01:20He hasn't gone, Albert. He's gone to sleep in his post.
01:01:22Albert! Albert! Albert! Albert!
01:01:24Albert! Nine eighteen and all's well.
01:01:26Nobody here!
01:01:28Albert! Albert! Come on, Albert.
01:01:30Go on, get him out.
01:01:34He's gone, like all the others. We've sent him to his doom.
01:01:37Oh, shut up, Shelley. We've got nerds, too.
01:01:39I'll say we have. Oh, hold on.
01:01:41Come on, let's get out of here.
01:01:47What time did you say the boat was coming?
01:01:49Dawn. Won't be long now.
01:01:51There's another 12 hours yet. There's plenty of time for you all to go.
01:01:54Oh, stop frightening the girls. Go on down.
01:01:56Come on, girls. We can't wait all...
01:02:21Listen, from now on, we've got to watch each other like hawks.
01:02:24I see. One watches while the other two sleep.
01:02:26No, two watch.
01:02:28While the other one sleeps. Good.
01:02:30I'll sleep first.
01:02:38Oh, well, courtesy.
01:02:40Well, it's 9.30 now. You call us at midnight.
01:02:44We'll call you at midnight.
01:02:59That's the doctor.
01:03:12Gerry, you...
01:03:16Where are you?
01:03:18Bobby. Gerry.
01:03:22I shouldn't see you. I won't be bloody.
01:03:24Never do a thing like that to me again.
01:03:26Now you've woken up, I can go back to sleep again.
01:03:28Well, when do I sleep? It's my turn.
01:03:33Now, listen here.
01:03:37Now, let's get organised.
01:03:39It's your turn to have a sleep now.
01:03:41There are...
01:03:45Have you no shame?
01:03:47I'm only undressing.
01:03:49Well, not before him. He's been carefully brought up.
01:03:51Oh, live and let live. Here, get that clothesline.
01:03:53What for? I'll show you.
01:03:55What do I do with it? Fasten it up there.
01:03:57I can't reach. Go on. You're a big boy now.
01:03:59That's it. Get hold of that.
01:04:01Fasten it to the line.
01:04:03This is daft. That's what I call this.
01:04:05Do as you're told.
01:04:07What are you doing?
01:04:09Nothing. Come away from there.
01:04:13Nearly choked me.
01:04:15Oi, eyes front.
01:04:17I was only looking like that.
01:04:19No, you weren't. You were looking like that.
01:04:21Here, you eyes front then, too.
01:04:31It's gone quiet, hasn't it?
01:04:33Yes, they've gone a bit quiet.
01:04:39Would you like to have a drink?
01:04:41No, thanks.
01:04:45Would you like a cigarette?
01:04:51That was clever. Must be done by mirrors.
01:04:53Don't be silly. It might have been one of us.
01:04:55Not me.
01:04:57Bobby, Bobby, where are you?
01:04:59That rabbit's foot was given to me by a witch doctor in Bombay.
01:05:01Witch doctor?
01:05:03I don't know. He never told me his name.
01:05:05You know, I remember this lighthouse when I was a boy.
01:05:09Did they have lighthouses in those days?
01:05:11Yes, they did. And steamboats.
01:05:13This lighthouse was wooden and built up on lakes.
01:05:15I suppose it got up and walked away.
01:05:17No, it's still here.
01:05:19I remember now.
01:05:21They built the new lighthouse around the old one.
01:05:23I think I know what's it.
01:05:25All right, don't tell me. Let me guess.
01:05:27It's like the Mardi Celeste.
01:05:29They found it in the ocean on a lovely day,
01:05:31and everybody on board it disappeared.
01:05:33All right, I'll buy it. What is happening?
01:05:47I can't. I can't.
01:05:59Oh, Cherry.
01:06:05Ahoy, there!
01:06:07Ahoy, there!
01:06:13Who's there?
01:06:15The Navy's here.
01:06:17Well, all righty.
01:06:19I didn't expect you for a long time.
01:06:21All right, Mr. Navy. I'll be right down.
01:06:23Mr. Navy. Mr. Navy.
01:06:25Sailor boys.
01:06:27Mr. Navy.
01:06:29Coming, boys. Coming.
01:06:33Uncle Steve, this is a surprise.
01:06:35Have you heard the good news?
01:06:39Go on. Get along there.
01:06:41Get along.
01:06:43Go downstairs and tell them everything's all right.
01:06:45But it isn't all right. Twelve people have disappeared.
01:06:47Thirteen, including you.
01:06:49Some of the others have taken off by fishy snack.
01:06:51That would be telling a fib.
01:06:53Everything's all right. Do you understand?
01:06:55If anyone thinks differently, you're a dead man.
01:06:57Time, isn't it?
01:06:59Now, you can't hurry civil servants.
01:07:01Open that door and get rid of them.
01:07:03I was afraid of that.
01:07:11Oh, good morning.
01:07:13Everything's all right now, thank you.
01:07:15That's fine. Now, where are all these shipwrecked mariners?
01:07:17That's what I mean. The fact is, there are no shipwrecked mariners now.
01:07:21No, they've all been fished out.
01:07:23They've been taken off in a fishing snack.
01:07:25They've gone?
01:07:27Yes, gone.
01:07:29I might be going myself at any moment.
01:07:31Oh, why don't you wireless to us?
01:07:35Oh, wireless. Something's gone wrong with the wireless.
01:07:37Oh, I see. We've rather wasted our time, haven't we?
01:07:39Well, so long.
01:07:41Don't hurry away. Make yourselves at home.
01:07:43Would you like a drink?
01:07:45Oh, that's different.
01:07:47I've got some in the cupboard.
01:07:49Oh, no, the survivors drank it all.
01:07:51Would you like a cup of tea?
01:07:53No, thanks.
01:07:55Like Mother used to make?
01:08:02I wonder if you'd do me a favour.
01:08:04Go on, what is it?
01:08:06There's a Miss Betty Moore works at the BBC.
01:08:08Would you give her that ring?
01:08:10Yes, certainly.
01:08:12It's only an ordinary ring.
01:08:14It's an engagement ring. There's no message in it.
01:08:16Would you tell her that I never forgot her
01:08:18and I kept on thinking about her right to the end?
01:08:20The end?
01:08:22The sound is where you thought something was going to happen to you.
01:08:24You never know what might happen in a place like this.
01:08:26OK, Miss Moore, BBC. Cheerio.
01:08:29Oh, shut your mouth.
01:08:31Close that door.
01:08:39That'll stop them interfering.
01:08:41Oh, that's better.
01:08:43Now we can talk together as man to man.
01:08:45Man to half a man.
01:08:47Oh, don't go into fractions.
01:08:49I say, what happened to the others, you know, the girls?
01:08:51They saw things they shouldn't have seen.
01:08:53Oh, well, when you're all heaped together in a lighthouse,
01:08:55you can't be too fussy.
01:08:57They won't worry you again. They've been taken care of.
01:08:59But you can't do that. They haven't done anything to you.
01:09:01I mean, be British.
01:09:05I think I know what you are.
01:09:07Shut up.
01:09:09You're a quizzling.
01:09:11But you're not going to quizzle me.
01:09:35Jane, where have you been hiding?
01:09:37I'll tell you all about it in a minute.
01:09:39Now, look here.
01:09:41Yes, you look here.
01:09:43Hey, stop him. That's my Uncle Steve.
01:09:45Well, who am I running away from?
01:09:47The fellow that took my place when they tied me up in the cupboard.
01:09:49He's a Nazi agent.
01:09:51That's my real uncle.
01:09:53Are you sure? What have you done with Nazi's money?
01:09:55Never mind that.
01:09:57Now, down the stairs, quick. Follow me.
01:09:59What I can't follow is this. Why did you come from up there?
01:10:03This is the staircase of the old wooden lighthouse.
01:10:05It runs down inside the walls.
01:10:07So that's how they did it.
01:10:09But don't you think if they came down...
01:10:43I'll shake a rubber.
01:10:53Hmm. German.
01:10:55Oh, you're on our side, aren't you?
01:10:57But what happens now?
01:10:59We've got to get the others out.
01:11:01That's an idea.
01:11:03Hey, who built this lighthouse?
01:11:05Jasper Muskeline?
01:11:07Come on.
01:11:11Right now, round his neck.
01:11:13Yes, nice and tight.
01:11:17Oh, God.
01:11:21Come and join the party.
01:11:23Hey, what's been going on here?
01:11:25Brenda and Jane saw this boat till the Nazis collared them.
01:11:27How about the other girls?
01:11:29Well, they collared us to keep us quiet.
01:11:31I wonder why they didn't take me.
01:11:33They had to keep you to talk to the Navy.
01:11:35These lighters were sweeping a channel through our minefield out there.
01:11:37We ought to do something about that, oughtn't we?
01:11:39Yes, get back to the mainland and tell the authorities.
01:11:41Come on, everybody. All aboard.
01:11:43Wait a minute. Is it all right for us to take their boat?
01:11:45Oh, it's ours now. We're prized food.
01:11:47What about the minefield?
01:11:49The minefield? The mines won't worry us in this.
01:11:51We only draw two feet.
01:11:53We'll go right over them.
01:11:55Back to ice, dear.
01:11:57Here we go.
01:11:59Had it all for sailing.
01:12:01Back in time for tea.
01:12:03We all right?
01:12:05Hey, look here.
01:12:07Look here.
01:12:29Do I keep to the left like I do on my bicycle?
01:12:31Keep your eye on the binnacles.
01:12:33Hey, what do you know about binnacles?
01:12:35Binnacles are on the front bell at Hastings.
01:12:39You sure you know how to work all those gadgets?
01:12:41Don't talk to the man at the wheel.
01:12:43That's right. I've got to keep my eye on the barnacle.
01:12:47Do you know where we're going?
01:12:49Jerry, take these girls to Baskerville.
01:12:51Aye, aye, sir.
01:12:53And come back here.
01:12:55Aye, aye, sir.
01:12:57Well, there we go.
01:12:59This should be plenty of room.
01:13:01Oh, I see. It's these two things leading the way.
01:13:03Well, perhaps these wheels have got something to do with it.
01:13:05Oh, yes.
01:13:09I see. I see.
01:13:11I'll sit there and make ourselves at home.
01:13:27Oh, look.
01:13:29What are those black things bobbing up and down over there?
01:13:31They look like lobster pots.
01:13:33Lobsters? Oh, don't. I'm starving.
01:13:35All face on top.
01:13:37Who's doing?
01:13:45We must have hit a piece of seaweed.
01:13:51What's that ahead?
01:13:53Oh, it's a big boat.
01:13:55The navy.
01:14:01Oh, what a lovely battleship.
01:14:03Be careful you don't dent it.
01:14:07Ahoy there. Ahoy.
01:14:19Ahoy there. Ahoy.
01:14:23Sounds like an alien to me.
01:14:25He's talking German.
01:14:27Oh, no.
01:14:29He's talking German.
01:14:31Oh, it's a German battleship.
01:14:35Anybody know any German?
01:14:37I only know four words.
01:14:41Bobby, you speak German, don't you?
01:14:43Shut up.
01:14:49He says they're ready to proceed through the minefields
01:14:51and he wants us to lead them.
01:14:53They've mistaken us for Fritzing.
01:14:55This must be the ship that's leaving the channel for.
01:14:57I don't go.
01:15:07You're a bear.
01:15:09You're a bear.
01:15:11You're a bear.
01:15:27Hey, what's the idea?
01:15:29We're going back the same way we came.
01:15:31They want to go through the minefield. We'll take them.
01:15:37Hey, what are all those black things bobbing about?
01:15:39Those will be the mines, but we only draw two feet.
01:15:41We'll pass right over them.
01:15:43Yes, a hundred feet right over them if we touch one.
01:15:45Look out.
01:15:55Look what you're doing.
01:15:57Right, careful.
01:16:05Oh, dear. Oh, dear.
01:16:07Over to your right. Now over to your left.
01:16:11I tell him, I am Percy,
01:16:13Cecil Pobishul of this parish, being sound in wind and limb.
01:16:17Now, all aboard. Look out.
01:16:25Achtung, Nuremberg. Achtung, Nuremberg.
01:16:27Hier, Nuremberg.
01:16:29Nuremberg amfangsbereit. Bitte geben sie durch.
01:16:31Verflucht Himmelsgasse.
01:16:37Herr Leutnant, eine Nachricht von der Oris-Insel.
01:16:39Das ist ein englisches Boot.
01:16:41Wir fahren auf den Mühlenpferd zu.
01:16:43Klar zum Gefecht.
01:16:45Klar zum Gefecht.
01:16:47Geschützer sechs und sieben.
01:16:51Gehen. Feuer.
01:16:57Der Schussjagd.
01:16:59That wasn't a rotten shot. They're finding the range.
01:17:01Finding the range?
01:17:03Yes, they've got one behind, one in front, and the third one's all ours.
01:17:07Here you are. One behind, one in front.
01:17:09The third one's all ours.
01:17:19They've hit a mine.
01:17:27But it isn't really me who deserves the credit.
01:17:29It's the boys in the back room
01:17:31who rise every morning to the sound of the factory hooter
01:17:33and make us those mines.
01:17:37I used to be a backroom boy myself.
01:17:39My factory hooter was a loudspeaker shouting,
01:17:41Last warning, please.
01:17:43I used to...
01:17:47Here, Jane.
01:17:49You tell them.
01:17:55Betty. Wait a minute.
01:17:57Betty, I want to speak to you.
01:18:03I thought I was going to lose you again.
01:18:05Last warning, please.
01:18:07Last warning, please.
01:18:09Arthur, last warning.
01:18:11Oh, I don't have to bother about that now.
01:18:13No, but I do.
01:18:15You do?
01:18:17I've got your old job.
01:18:23It's a tough world, isn't it?
01:18:25Aye, aye, aye, aye, aye.
