• 2 months ago
00:00She was so excited after the ultrasound, couldn't wait to be a mum.
00:11It's a bit more complicated now, right?
00:13Connor would be happy if he found out.
00:15He has enough going on right now.
00:17When I tell him, and I will, I want it to be because it's the right moment.
00:21How's Connor?
00:22He's got it.
00:23Me and Mac are looking after him.
00:24I'm sorry.
00:25Someone's just been trying to get a hold of me.
00:29Perry, you don't have to talk to him.
00:31It's fine.
00:32What do you want?
00:33Why can't his dad just back off?
00:34I mean, there's a reason why Perry's blocked his number.
00:36What do you want?
00:37I don't know.
00:38When I asked, Perry took off on his own.
00:39It's fine.
00:40I can handle it.
00:41Handle what?
00:42What do you want?
00:43Nothing good.
00:46This is Marley's newest creation.
00:50It looks pretty good.
00:51You're an amazing artist.
00:53Why not see where that takes you?
00:54Now is not the time to enter a competition.
00:57Why not?
00:58Because we have just lost a friend.
01:00So can you just drop it?
01:18Life really does just go on, doesn't it?
01:20You okay?
01:22Getting there.
01:24What's going on?
01:25I know it's early days, but any word on the funeral?
01:27A few people have been asking.
01:29I'm sorry.
01:30I haven't even spoken to Kasher Eden yet.
01:32I'm not sure anyone has.
01:34Yeah, fair enough.
01:35Look, if you do see him, give him my best.
01:38Will do.
01:43Have you had any second thoughts about this art competition?
01:47Well, I know that you weren't keen to begin with,
01:49but I mean, we could all do with a win right now.
01:52Who says I'd win?
01:55But you're never going to win if you don't enter,
01:57and the deadline's tomorrow.
01:58Well, it looks like I'm not winning then.
02:00Are you all right to take over here?
02:02I should catch up on some board orders.
02:04Just think about it, okay?
02:18Thought you might be with Xander now that Salt's closed.
02:20Oh, no, I was going to catch up later.
02:21How did it go with Perry?
02:23He's upset.
02:24Not that I could get a word out of him.
02:25Hopefully, Tana has more luck.
02:28Yeah, Xander said he saw you guys and looked pretty serious.
02:30Yeah, we're worried about Perry.
02:33I'm going to ask this.
02:35Do you think there's a possibility that you're using Perry as an excuse?
02:38For what?
02:39For not telling Tana?
02:41Yeah, I'm not doing this.
02:42Yes, we are, actually.
02:44Because I have listened to you talk about Felicity.
02:46I've listened to you say this is not the right time.
02:48Then why are you still going on about it?
02:50Because it's starting to feel like there is always going to be a reason that you can't be honest with him.
02:54Are you for real?
02:55Yeah, Xander sees it as well.
02:57Oh, enough. Quit talking about me with your boyfriend.
02:59So there isn't a chance that we're right?
03:01It's good to know that you're both judging me. Thank you.
03:03That's not what's happening.
03:04You know what? I am never telling you anything ever again.
03:06Okay, so you're just going to cut me out like you're doing to Tana?
03:08No, you're going to have to explain it to me because I do not understand.
03:11You said that he is going to be thrilled about this baby.
03:13It's not the baby that I'm worried about.
03:16Okay, I know that you have some feelings for him.
03:20I'm in love with him.
03:22So what do I do? I have to hide that from him every day.
03:24And then once he finds out about the baby, we're bound together.
03:30And I don't know if I can do that.
03:38I'm sorry.
03:40I'm sorry.
03:48He's got a job for you, right?
03:52Any idea what?
03:54He said he'd give me a call back once he had the details sorted.
03:57And did you tell him to go to hell?
03:59No, Tony. He's still my dad.
04:01But you don't owe him anything. Not after the way he's treated you.
04:03Look, I haven't changed my mind. I still want nothing to do with him.
04:06You blocked that number, right?
04:07Yes, but he'll still find a way.
04:10It doesn't matter. Whatever he wants, you say no.
04:14Look, we should probably get this new timetable sorted.
04:16Yeah, right.
04:24Okay, if I took her over this thing one more time, I'll leave.
04:27I'll move it out of the way.
04:31I still think that he did great up on that wall over there.
04:33Okay, so you won't put it up, you also won't enter the competition,
04:36but you're not going to take it home either.
04:40You're not completely allergic to doing this competition, am I right?
04:44Whatever you think, Kirby.
04:45Well, I think that you are a crazy, talented artist, and the world deserves to see that.
04:49You're wasting your breath.
04:50Well, you're all wasting your talent.
04:52Look, I did some research on previous winners, and they all sucked compared to you.
04:56Kirby, I'm not entering the comp, okay?
05:01Do you want to grab lunch or something, my shout?
05:06Promise to stop hassling me about the comp?
05:09We can talk about boring things instead, like work or annoying surf students.
05:14Sounds good.
05:20I didn't mean to upset you.
05:22I know.
05:24I'm just feeling a bit down.
05:26I didn't mean to upset you.
05:27I know.
05:29I just feel so stupid.
05:31You're not.
05:32Don't say that.
05:34He clearly doesn't feel the same way.
05:36I know that's not going to change.
05:38I think we have to take that out of the mix for the moment.
05:40Like I haven't tried.
05:44And you know I'm not trying to make things harder for you.
05:46You know I have your back, right?
05:49But this baby's still coming.
05:51And I hate being the one that says this.
05:55You're going to have to find a way to separate those feelings.
05:58How do I even start to do that?
06:00I wish I had that answer.
06:02All I know is that this is making you delay something that shouldn't be delayed.
06:06And this is not me pushing you to tell him right this minute.
06:09You know, you will find the right time, but...
06:12He deserves to know.
06:14Yeah, he really does.
06:16Is there anything I can do?
06:19No, thank you.
06:39Be with you in a minute, Mr Stewart.
06:41No hurry, Marilyn.
06:42We're busier than usual today because Salt is closed.
06:45Yeah, I heard.
06:46Which would normally be a good thing, but...
06:49I just hope everyone's being kind to themselves.
06:52I just wish I knew how to help.
06:54There's no word on the funeral yet, but...
06:56I reckon if people had the chance to pay their respects, that'd help.
07:00Yeah, absolutely.
07:01Well, let us know if you hear anything.
07:03Yeah, of course.
07:05Dana, hi!
07:07What can I get you?
07:08Oh, um, just my usual, thanks.
07:10It's been a tough week at the hospital.
07:12Yeah, it is especially hard when it's someone that you know.
07:15Much in cash, go through that.
07:18Poor cash.
07:22So if your dad calls again, you just let me know, okay?
07:25Yeah, sure.
07:26No, I mean it. I'm here to help.
07:32So did you sort things out with him?
07:34Yeah, I think so.
07:35I can tell he's scared, though.
07:37Is that why you wanted to meet up? To talk about Perry?
07:39Actually, no, it's something else.
07:41Oh, okay.
07:43Uh, I wanted to tell...
07:46You gonna get there?
07:51Are you kidding?
07:54That's Perry's dad.
08:08Once I've finished these board orders, we should have a pretty cruisy afternoon.
08:13Is all this work chat boring you?
08:17Sorry, kind of.
08:19Although it is nice to have something normal to focus on.
08:22It's okay if that changes.
08:24If you need a few days off, let me know, yeah?
08:27Thanks for helping me with stuff at the car, Mr Stewart.
08:30No worries, Marilyn.
08:31I might stay and grab some lunch.
08:33Okay, have a seat.
08:34Thanks, Marilyn.
08:40I haven't heard anything back from you, Norcash.
08:42Oh, well, thanks for keeping me in the loop.
08:44No worries.
08:45What about you, young fella?
08:47You change your mind on the art competition?
08:50No, I haven't.
08:52$15,000, just saying.
08:54Isn't he crazy not to enter? He'd absolutely win.
08:57Win what?
08:58Oh, don't ask.
09:00Oh, my goodness.
09:02Gosh, that's fantastic.
09:04I mean, I knew about your boards, but I did not know about your art group.
09:07It's not much different.
09:09You see Mr Stewart?
09:11Yeah, he's a real talent.
09:13He's an artist, a good one, too.
09:15When did you take that photo?
09:16Oh, well, I've had plenty of opportunity,
09:18considering you haven't taken the painting home yet.
09:23I should get back to work.
09:26Okay, bye.
09:28Is he okay?
09:29Yeah, he's just annoyed at me, Maz.
09:31He's not mad about the spotlight.
09:38I should have answered.
09:39How did he even get your number?
09:41Oh, remember when Perry went missing?
09:43I called Carl to see if he'd gone home.
09:45Oh, yeah, right.
09:46I'll try him again.
09:47No, no, Perry was clear. He doesn't want any contact.
09:51Yeah, so ignore him. You don't have to give him any information.
09:53Or I could talk to him and hopefully defuse the situation.
09:56I guess it's worth a try, then.
10:00Hi, this is Harper Matheson.
10:02I'm just returning your call.
10:04If you could give me a call back, that would be great.
10:08What if he doesn't give up trying to contact Perry?
10:10Well, then we'll deal with that when the time comes.
10:33Here he is.
10:37How did you know where to find me?
10:39Well, I figured the place to start would be this youth program you're interested in.
10:42You're working here now, eh?
10:44What do you want?
10:45Just a little chat.
10:47I'm a bit busy.
10:51You can't even spare five minutes for the man who raised you.
11:01I'm sorry to interrupt.
11:03It's fine.
11:05You left the diner in a bit of a hurry before, so Marilyn packed up these leftovers for you.
11:13Look, I know I put my foot in it back there.
11:17It's all right.
11:18No, it's not all right.
11:20I shouldn't have brought up that flamin' art competition.
11:23I shouldn't have snapped.
11:27Kirby reckons you're a shoo-in to win this thing.
11:30I know you've got your own reasons for not wanting to.
11:34If you change your mind, or if you want to talk about it, I'm just over here.
11:44Okay, thanks.
11:46Sure, bye.
11:48Well, Carl didn't call the office looking for me.
11:51So what now?
11:53I'll try him again.
11:55Maybe I should talk to him.
11:57That's not a good idea.
11:58Someone needs to see him straight.
12:01You need to be careful. Carl is still his father.
12:04It doesn't mean you can treat your son like trash.
12:06But that's not what I said.
12:08The relationship between parents and kids is really complicated when there's abuse involved.
12:13There's right and then there's wrong.
12:15Those lines aren't always clear when it comes to kids.
12:20In some families, survival can mean seeking approval.
12:25Like keeping the peace.
12:27We saw the burn marks on his arms. We know what he's been through.
12:30Look, I hear you, but Perry's 18 now.
12:33He doesn't need to have anything to do with his dad.
12:36You started this program wanting to help kids in crisis.
12:39This is what crisis looks like.
12:41It's confusing, doesn't always make sense, but this is the reality for Perry.
12:45Even if he can't always explain it to you.
12:50I should have seen it myself.
12:52You're doing a good job.
12:54I need to do better.
12:56He's probably wondering where I am.
12:59Uh, hey, what did you want to talk to me about before?
13:04Uh, later. You go check in on Perry.
13:18Listen, it's just one job.
13:20On my internet. It won't take you long.
13:23I told you on the phone I'm not doing that stuff anymore.
13:26Oh, so you reckon you're a bubble now, do you?
13:29I didn't say that, did I?
13:31Listen, family always comes first.
13:34So you get your backside to our place tomorrow night,
13:37and don't make me come looking for you.
13:41Is there a problem here?
13:42Nah, just checking in on my boy.
13:46Right. Did you ask them to come here?
13:50Alright, go into the office, close the door.
13:52Hang about, we haven't finished-
13:53You need to leave, and don't come back.
13:56And how are you?
13:58I own this place.
14:01I'm not going to say it again.
14:06That's fine.
14:09I'll see Perry soon anyway.
14:12That's it?
14:18You okay?
14:22I'll be right back.
14:23Tony, don't-
14:24It's fine.
14:40You stay away from Perry.
14:42Or what?
14:44I know what you have to.
14:46So you're the one who turned my son against me, are you?
14:49You did that yourself.
14:51Listen, mate, I don't know what he's told.
14:53He's told me enough.
14:55You don't deserve that kid.
15:00Alright Perry, that's enough. Come on.
15:02No. He's not going anywhere.
15:06What'd I just tell you, son?
15:12Perry, come on!
15:20Well, you'll learn.
15:23He's a waste of space.
15:25And he'll only ever let you down.
15:28That's your problem now, isn't it?
15:31Like I said, don't come back here.
15:50You all good?
15:52Yeah, fine.
15:54Come on.
16:19Come on.
16:38Can I get you anything, darling?
16:40Oh, not yet. I'm just waiting for my sister.
16:43Bit of a tough time for everyone at the moment, isn't it?
16:47Can I get you anything?
16:51Is everything okay?
16:53Well, I was thinking if Salt stays closed,
16:55maybe we could offer to do the catering for Felicity's funeral.
16:58That's a lovely idea.
17:00I'll give it some time and then I'll reach out to Cash and see what he's planning.
17:03You let me know if there's anything I can do to help.
17:09Hey, what's up?
17:11Oh, just me getting a head start on the whole cool art thing.
17:14Shh. Keep your voice down.
17:16So, I heard what you said and I went to talk to Tana.
17:20Seriously, Dana, I was just about to tell him and then Perry's dad called me.
17:24I couldn't do it.
17:26Just derailed everything.
17:28Is Perry okay?
17:30I don't know. Tana's with him.
17:34You are going to find the right one, okay?
17:37You know what, I'm just going to enjoy this for as long as I can
17:40before I have to add him to the equation.
17:45Okay, do you want to see what I bought?
17:49Oh, Gossip Central.
17:53It's adorable.
17:54Yeah, I'm pretty good at the whole art thing.
18:09Look, I really feel like I should still be at work.
18:12The boss says you can have an early mark, you take it.
18:14And I am sorry.
18:15I didn't realise my dad was going to show up.
18:17It's not your fault.
18:18And I'm pretty sure you've got the message to stay away.
18:21You don't know him like I do.
18:23Well, if he does come back, I'll be here.
18:25Got you.
18:27You know what you're doing is brave.
18:30It's not easy to walk away from your own dad.
18:32Not when he's like mine.
18:34Look, all I'm saying is that it's okay to be upset that he's not the way you wanted him to be.
18:39Oh, hey.
18:40One more thing.
18:46I've been waiting for the right time to give this back to you.
18:52Alright, hungry?
19:00Do you need a hand?
19:04I've had enough of your help today.
19:05Yeah, really.
19:08I tell you this is private and then you go around and show everybody.
19:11Well, in case you didn't notice, everyone thought it was amazing.
19:14You put them on the spot.
19:15Marley, you just need to back yourself.
19:16And you need to back off.
19:43Did you get on to Eden?
19:47The funeral's not going to be in Selma Bay.
19:50Cash wants to take Felicity back to where they grew up.
19:54What, you mean out in the country?
19:57Oh, I always thought it would be here.
19:59Yeah, so did I.
20:01Well, I mean, her brother is here and her business and all her friends.
20:06Yeah, yeah.
20:07Look, I guess Cash wants her buried with her parents.
20:11I understand that.
20:13And how are we going to pay our respects?
20:16I don't know.
20:17I don't know.
20:28Ah, didn't expect to see you still here.
20:31Big day, eh?
20:33Kind of.
20:35You got a minute?
20:37Actually, I was about to head off.
20:39I was a bit surprised to see you snap at Kirby like that before.
20:44You want to tell me what's going on?
20:55What is wrong with you?
20:56How could you cut me off?
20:57You're stealing from family, from other people.
20:59Can you just tell me what is going on?
21:01I suspected Levi's sister of stealing the surf club's petty cash.
21:04He told me I had nothing to worry about.
21:05You don't believe him.
21:06Did you lie to the police about her stealing from the surf club?
21:09This is my family.
21:10I need you to stay out of it and let me deal with it.
21:12Then actually deal with it, Levi.
21:14Come on, we're not done.
21:15Abby, just...
21:16No, what changed me?
21:18What's wrong with your arm?
21:19Someone hurting you?