Teenage Textbook S01 E08 Hindi Dubbed

  • last month
00:27Get on
00:32What happened to your hair?
00:34I went to the hairdresser and did some shopping
00:36And the hairdresser put food color on your hair?
00:40I thought I'll do something different
00:42You know you look like an idiot
00:46I look stylish, right?
00:48You would have looked good if you were 20 years old
00:50Please get your hair back to normal
00:52I like it
00:54What do you say, Mohi?
00:56I don't know you
00:58You are not used to it
01:00You'll look good in a few days
02:48Good morning
02:50Morning, beautiful
02:52Your bed
02:54is very soft
02:56and comfortable
03:04But this bed
03:06has always given me rest
04:04That's it
04:54Just look
04:56How good the performance is
04:58It's looking good, isn't it?
05:02It's very difficult to
05:04plan for the concert
05:06There are so many things to do
05:08Luckily, music wise
05:10we are set
05:12We have Tom
05:14And we have some good people from the audition
05:16Break dancers were pretty good
05:18Vivian is also ready to perform.
05:20That's great!
05:21I think we should give a chance to the rocker as well.
05:26Let me think about it.
05:30Oh, I like her hair a lot.
05:33Will Shawn be able to sell the tickets?
05:35He'll have to sell at least 500 tickets for Cici's mom's treatment.
05:39He didn't say anything.
05:41But when it comes to money and technology,
05:42there's no bigger player than him.
05:44Hey, do come to Cici's concert.
05:47Vivian and Monica are doing non-stop marketing.
05:52I didn't even know.
05:54Last week, she posted a hundred times.
05:57Hey, don't underestimate the power of social media.
06:01Say cheese!
06:03Cici and Hezlenda are taking care of the volunteers.
06:06And the logistics as well.
06:08Some students are of course supporting Cici.
06:12But some are still jealous.
06:15That's okay.
06:16They don't have to come to the concert.
06:18But one very important thing is yet to be done.
06:22Booking the venue.
06:23I know.
06:25This is for a good cause.
06:27For one of our students.
06:28And the other people…
06:29Ms. Debbie has done a great job by asking for sponsorship from the police.
06:33If she didn't get it for free, the concert wouldn't have been possible.
06:37So, sir, we have to sponsor the venue for her, right?
06:41That's the last hope.
06:43Yes, really.
06:45I have to go now.
06:46I'll get the banner later.
06:53Hey, Mui.
06:55I was coming to watch the audition.
06:57Is it over?
06:58Yes, you missed it.
07:00You know, a lot of weird things are happening.
07:02Sir has sent me for the ASPEC competition.
07:05That's great.
07:06I won't win.
07:07It's not that special.
07:09Yes, if you were a judge, you would have torn it before watching it.
07:12By the way, I wanted to talk to you about that.
07:15Do you remember I asked you to write the lyrics in the music studio?
07:19Music studio?
07:21Yes, I was a little distracted.
07:23Yes, you have to do that right now.
07:25So that I can sing that song in the concert.
07:30That will be our song.
07:32Our lyrics.
07:33Tom, I'm really not a good writer.
07:35It will be very embarrassing.
07:37And what will I write about?
07:39Something or the other…
07:40I can write about Sissi and my friendship.
07:42I can write about a second chance.
07:46I'm talking nonsense, right?
07:48You are a girl who can make herself agree to something unknowingly.
07:54It was very close.
07:55I won because I kicked him without any help.
07:58It was like a die-go moment for me.
08:00It was fun.
08:03So, today…
08:04There's a fight for the next stage.
08:05And I can't take tension.
08:06So, I'll go straight home for practice from college.
08:09Will you come with me?
08:10Sorry, I can't come.
08:11I have a very big organic chemistry assignment.
08:14And I have to talk to her about college right away.
08:17You will leave your girlfriend and go for the assignment.
08:20If I lose in this, the game is over.
08:22You won't get a chance to support your girlfriend in a big match.
08:27You are useless.
08:32As soon as I complete the assignment…
08:33I will go straight to the field to cheer you up.
08:38But don't be late.
08:39Not at all.
08:40You will have to celebrate if you win.
08:42I will win today.
08:45See you in the evening.
08:57I got you something to eat.
09:01I have a lot of work to do.
09:04There's a good way to relax.
09:07My parents won't be at home next week.
09:13I will be alone at home for a few days.
09:19I will be alone at night as well.
09:25You will feel lonely.
09:26Very lonely.
09:28I wish someone was with me.
09:31Who will be with you?
09:33Maybe my girlfriend…
09:34Who is worried about the concert.
09:38You can stay back at night.
09:40We can relax.
09:43Do you want me to stay back at night?
09:46My dad will kill me…
09:47If he finds out that I stayed with you at night.
09:52We will just watch TV.
09:56I had to get the banner ready.
09:57Oh yes.
10:00Right now?
10:02Before starting the organic chemistry assignment…
10:04I have to complete this.
10:06I will call you later.
10:08Let me help you.
10:16One minute.
10:20Call me.
10:29Is there a bone in the kebab?
10:31There is no kebab being made here.
10:39I told dad…
10:40Use recycled paper for the printout.
10:43He said…
10:44How much will a box cost?
10:47We have that much money.
10:49He doesn't understand.
10:51Do your parents recycle?
10:53My parents?
10:54They recycle everything.
10:56We can't even throw garbage.
10:58Same goes for new things.
10:59We have to keep everything forever.
11:02This is the coolest thing.
11:04This is not cool at all.
11:05When I was a kid…
11:06All my toys…
11:07Used to be either old stuff…
11:08Or cardboard.
11:10Transformer's dream was incomplete.
11:14Our parents will balance each other.
11:17If they meet…
11:18It will just be a debate.
11:21We will just run around.
11:24You, Chang Kai.
11:26You are a nerd.
11:27I am not a nerd at all.
11:34You are…
11:36A nerd…
11:37Who pretends to be cool.
11:40It's nothing like that.
11:42Wait a minute.
11:43You mean…
11:44You think I am cool?
11:50I think you are cool too.
11:54Thank you for helping me.
11:55Despite being so busy.
11:57It's okay.
11:58I like helping people.
12:07What is this?
12:09Hi, Ms. Debbie.
12:11Hi, Ms. Debbie.
12:12I wanted to talk to you.
12:14I mean…
12:15You can call it bad news.
12:17I talked to Dr. Subramaniam.
12:19And he said…
12:21The school won't be able to sponsor the venue.
12:25But we need the sponsorship of the venue.
12:28We won't be able to pay the rent from the pocket.
12:30Ms. Debbie.
12:31If we don't get the venue…
12:33We will have to cancel this concert.
12:42I was so scared.
12:44What happened?
12:45I talked to Ms. Debbie.
12:47And Rhino won't sponsor the venue.
12:49They want to take the rent from us.
12:50We will have to deposit the money by tomorrow.
12:52Otherwise, they will give it to someone else.
12:55How will we get so much money by tomorrow?
12:57And the concert is next week.
12:59Can we find a cheaper venue?
13:01I can talk to dad.
13:03He will happily donate for this venue.
13:05Sissy and her mom will get upset.
13:08So, should we appeal?
13:10Ms. Debbie said that Rhino's decision is final.
13:13If we don't get the college hall for free…
13:16We will have to cancel the concert.
13:18We will have to cancel the concert.
13:39What's the matter?
13:41Instead of taking the empty bus, you took the crowded bus.
13:45Couldn't you sleep?
13:47We were playing football last night.
13:51You might have lost in the game last night.
13:55I won.
13:57I even reached the semi-finals.
13:59I won.
14:04You don't even have time for your girlfriend.
14:06No, it's not that.
14:08Actually, something bad happened yesterday.
14:11We will have to cancel the concert.
14:13Because the college is not sponsoring the venue.
14:17I know that you worked very hard.
14:19You are not saying sorry from your heart.
14:21You know that I don't like that girl.
14:24Let it go.
14:26Her problem is more important than reaching the semi-finals in my boom zone.
14:30Am I right?
14:32Yes, because she has to pay the medical bills.
14:34I mean, your events are also very important.
14:48I don't think this will work.
14:50It will. Everyone does it these days.
14:52Captain Harry might not like me making his videos.
14:56Then I will make the videos.
15:00Where did Captain Harry go?
15:06Captain Harry is very special.
15:09He likes his space a lot.
15:13He doesn't disturb me and I don't either.
15:15This is a compromise between us.
15:22You are very handsome.
15:24But you have been coming here every night for weeks.
15:29Don't you want your space?
15:32It's done.
15:34Look, I have made your account.
15:36Shall we shoot the video now?
15:39I was thinking that I will watch TV alone.
15:42I was thinking that I will watch TV alone.
15:45But it's okay.
15:47Let's shoot the video right now.
15:51Let's go.
16:03It's well written.
16:07Yes. The lyrics remind me of us.
16:09But this is the first draft, right?
16:14Okay, so we can change the second verse.
16:17It can be better.
16:19I like the second verse.
16:21No, it's not that it's bad.
16:23It will be better if I change it a little.
16:26I told you that I can't write.
16:28Don't worry. I will fix it.
16:30Trust me.
16:34What's the point?
16:36Anyway, the concert is not going to happen.
16:38Yes, even if the concert doesn't happen, we should complete it.
16:42We will work on it together.
16:45This will be our song.
16:52I will try my best.
17:02Amy, I am so sorry.
17:04This is for my mistake.
17:06I have chosen all the gardens.
17:08Do you think I like flowers?
17:10Yes, I know.
17:12Take a look inside.
17:16This is a credit card.
17:18You can buy mobile games with it.
17:23There is also a restaurant card inside.
17:28Let's celebrate your victory.
17:30Trust me. I will like it.
17:34We will go to the Korean restaurant that you saw.
17:36The one with Kimchi rice.
17:40Shall we go for lunch?
17:45So, did you forgive me?
17:51I will tell you that after eating Kimchi rice.
18:00Mui, can we talk?
18:04Yes. Let's meet downstairs. Okay?
18:07Okay. Bye.
18:09The results of the Aspect competition have come.
18:12So, I thought of telling you myself.
18:16They didn't like it, right?
18:19Your essay didn't get selected.
18:21Wow! This week is full of disappointments.
18:25But it was really good.
18:27Yes, but obviously it wasn't that good.
18:30It means that I am not a good writer.
18:32Look, your essay didn't get selected.
18:35There can be many reasons behind it.
18:38It doesn't mean that you are not a good writer.
18:42Don't feel bad.
18:44Thank you for trusting me so much.
18:47Sorry for disappointing you.
18:51Don't think like that.
18:53Let's meet in the class.
19:01You know, we were supposed to distribute flyers in the other college tomorrow.
19:05I thought of setting up a booth in dad's restaurant and sell tickets.
19:09And by now the banner would have been ready.
19:13Hi, guys. Why are you so sad?
19:16It's good that Rhino refused.
19:18Otherwise, all of you would have been in trouble in the concert.
19:23Did you really think that people would come and support CC?
19:27After all that happened?
19:29What's your problem, Jenny?
19:31Everyone shouldn't get a second chance, Mui.
19:36Keep your free advice to yourself.
19:39Mui, let it go. Calm down.
19:42What is this?
19:44We have given up before even trying.
19:47What do you mean?
19:49I mean, we have to do something.
19:52This is not a commercial concert.
19:56This is like a charity for a good cause.
19:59It will encourage the students and PLP will also become famous.
20:03I don't know why you are calling it a good cause again and again.
20:07It's for CC. He is a student here.
20:08And everyone knows him and likes him.
20:11I can't digest this.
20:14And I know that after that incident, many students were opposing him.
20:18It's not like that. I was with him.
20:21Look, we had to give a statement regarding the controversy.
20:25Yes, because people don't know the truth about CC.
20:28I mean, what happened to his mom.
20:30According to the ticket sales, most of the students were ready for the concert.
20:37Okay, you are right.
20:39It's true that the students want to see the concert.
20:43So, the concert has to happen.
20:45But the venue can't be sponsored with the school's money.
20:49What? Why?
20:51If we pay the rent, there will be no money left for CC's mom.
20:55I am saying this from the bottom of my heart that I am sorry for CC's mom.
20:59But I don't think the students want to support CC.
21:02But you can't cancel the concert like this.
21:05You can't do this, Rhino.
21:07I mean, Dr. Subramaniam, don't do this to us.
21:12Kids, look.
21:15The school won't sponsor the venue.
21:18This is final.
21:22We have to convince Rhino that the students are in support of CC.
21:26How? By bringing Rhino's Singh?
21:29By bringing Singh's Singh?
21:31That was great. We have to agree.
21:33I don't think this is going to work.
21:36Hmm. What if people get worried and start following us?
21:39Yes, I don't think we should do anything.
21:41How will we know if we don't do anything?
21:43Guys, we have to do something that is obvious but not inconvenient or uncomfortable.
21:50What can we do?
21:54Good morning, PLP.
21:56You must be aware that we are organizing a charity concert for CC next week.
22:02But we also want to convince the college to sponsor the venue.
22:07To do this, we need to show the college how much we care for CC and her mom in this difficult time.
22:15And it is very simple to support.
22:17Just wear green.
22:19Green is CC's favorite color.
22:25Guys, CC is a useless girl. Why are you supporting her?
22:31I am not going to wear green.
22:35Support CC Singh.
22:37We want sponsorship from the school.
22:40One day, we will wear green.
22:42Support CC Singh.
22:44We want sponsorship from the school.
22:46One day, we will wear green.
22:48Support CC Singh.
22:50No, I don't support her.
22:54And this friendship will never break.
22:56So, we will see you all in green on Friday.
23:12Buttons, why did you have to do this?
23:16Let's hope this works.
23:18But if it doesn't, don't feel bad.
23:20Not at all.
23:22This is enough for me. Thank you.
23:25Who said you won't get a response?
23:27We have planned for OOTD.
23:29And we will hit the one who doesn't wear green.
23:32No, we won't.
23:34We will bring some green ribbons so that everyone has something green.
23:37Let's see what happens.
23:41I love you so much. Thank you.
23:44Come on, Amy. Group hug.
23:47What are you staring at? Dance for us.
23:50No, Shaun. Do you think my NS is complete?
23:53I can't wear green.
23:57Look, Amy. Everyone is supporting you.
23:59Even Kai will wear green.
24:01Yes, because he is Kai.
24:03It's his wish, but I don't want to help him.
24:05Accept it. People just have to agree to wear green.
24:08It won't take much time.
24:10So, you want me to go to college,
24:13talk to people and convince them to wear green?
24:18No, thank you.
24:20Anyway, Sissy and I are not friends.
24:22Do you even have a friend?
24:24You don't know her well.
24:26Girls like you go crazy when you see Sissy.
24:28And what happens when there is a girl like you?
24:30I am busy tomorrow.
24:32Oh, yes. You are going for lunch with Kai tomorrow.
24:35Oh, Amy. Oh, Kai.
24:38You are crazy.
24:40Good luck. Let's see how many leaves fall on your dream tree tomorrow.
24:48It's not easy to rhyme, Tom.
24:50It's not about rhyming.
24:52You have to awaken the emotions in your heart.
24:56If you want me to awaken the emotions,
24:58then I should get it written by someone else.
25:03It's hard, okay. I am not a good writer.
25:06Obviously, I didn't win the ESPEC competition.
25:08Anyway, the concert is going to get cancelled.
25:11What's the use of all this?
25:13On one hand, you are trying to do such a big concert for Sissy.
25:17And on the other hand, how are you losing hope?
25:21This is a talent.
25:23Forget it.
25:25We are so close to making it.
25:27And you want to back out now?
25:33Always remember,
25:34never give so much importance to your cute boyfriend
25:38that he asks you to write a song for him.
25:41Cute, huh?
25:43Tell him that his voice is also good.
25:50Come on.
25:56Hey, Debbie. Coffee?
25:58Thank you. But I am in a hurry.
26:00I have to complete this report.
26:02How much work will you do?
26:04I would have helped you, but I don't know how to make reports.
26:07Oh, so you are just handsome in appearance?
26:09No, I know how to make carbonara.
26:11I will make it this evening.
26:13After the exhibition in our Esplanade is over.
26:16I can't go. I have a lot of work this week.
26:19And anyway, we have been together every night this week.
26:24Don't you think this is a little too much?
26:29Is it?
26:30Is it?
26:33Okay, so call me when you are free.
26:55Hey, you know what privacy is, right?
26:58I have to research for my app, okay?
27:01Okay, dad.
27:05Wait a minute.
27:07What's wrong with dad?
27:09I don't know. Maybe he is too stressed about the app.
27:12I hope so.
27:29Oh, my God!
27:38So, you guys have defeated everyone.
27:42CC's favorite color?
27:44To show that this is a challenge.
27:48You guys have defeated everyone.
27:51CC's favorite color?
27:53To show that this is a challenge.
27:55You guys have defeated everyone.
27:57To show that this is a charity concert.
28:00And there is no rule against it, right?
28:03You guys wanted to prove me wrong.
28:09Look, it's not what you think.
28:11Sir, it is very difficult to include all the students in one thing.
28:16Especially for a good cause.
28:18So, this proves that they want to support us.
28:21We know that whatever CC did was wrong.
28:25But we feel that everyone should get a second chance.
28:31Do you know why the students call me Rhino?
28:36I didn't hear anything like that, sir.
28:38Is it?
28:40Everyone thinks that my name depends on my size.
28:44Even I felt the same.
28:46I mean, if someone calls you by this name.
28:49But there is no one like that.
28:51Because Rhinos are always brave.
28:53They are different from everyone else.
28:57Look, this is a very difficult task.
29:01To give a speech.
29:03This meditation is to attract people.
29:05But with respect.
29:07I can see that you have tried a lot to help your friend.
29:11We really need your help, Dr. Subramaniam.
29:14You have made a place in the hearts of the students of the school.
29:18No one can bear the punishment of one mistake.
29:20CC and his mom have…
29:21Now we are ready to sponsor the venue.
29:27We will sponsor the venue.
29:32We won't give you a chance to complain, Rhino.
29:35I mean, Dr. Subramaniam.
29:40Okay, so you will have to work with every department of the school.
29:46And remember to follow all the safety measures.
29:49I hope you will take care of this.
30:14We got the venue for free.
30:18So, let's start the preparations.
30:20Anyway, we are two days late.
30:22Let's tell everyone first.
30:24I will tell Monica to do a great decoration.
30:26Yes, finally it's happening.
30:28You did it.
30:30It's impossible to do this without you.
30:32Shall we have lunch together?
30:34We haven't eaten anything since morning.
30:36Oh my God! Amy!
30:38I have to go.
30:45Amy, I…
30:47Is this how you were going to apologize?
30:49Look, I know but…
30:51So, what now?
30:53Are you going to keep one more apology lunch for this?
30:56Look, it's not my fault.
30:58The phone was stolen and you couldn't even text me?
31:00No, Rhino wanted to meet me about the concert.
31:03After lunch?
31:05Yes, and I got stuck there.
31:07But do you know what happened?
31:09Our concert is happening now.
31:11College venue is sponsoring.
31:13You should have been there.
31:15We showed a lot of courage.
31:17One minute.
31:19Who are you?
31:21Mui was with me.
31:23Mui again?
31:25Do one thing.
31:27Stay away from me and don't call me.
31:31Stop it!
31:46Oh my God!
31:48Oh my God!
31:52Oh my God!
31:54Oh my God!
31:56Oh my God!
32:15Sissy, she sings really well.
32:18Yes, you are right.
32:35Thank you so much.
32:37Love you, mom.
32:39I love you.
32:55Okay, so I am going to sing this song for the first time.
32:58And no one has heard it yet.
33:07This is our song.
33:37But it's never fair
33:40And I pretend that I don't care
33:46Spin me round and round again
33:49In circles and trapeziums
33:52You're like a spider
33:54Only nicer to its prey
34:00Lately I've been thinking
34:03It's hard to say
34:06I can't sleep without you by my side
34:10I've been thinking
34:12I should learn to trust myself
34:15If that's alright
34:17I've been thinking
34:19We'll come back, relax
34:21We'll be just fine
34:29I like the rain
34:33It makes me sing
34:36Like how you're shouting at me
34:39Now it calms you down
34:44Lately I've been thinking
34:47Should anybody speak to me like that
34:52I've been thinking
34:54I should learn to love myself
34:57If that's alright
34:59I've been thinking
35:02It's time to say goodbye
35:34Hi, I'm Kara.
35:36I handle A&R for Ruga Records.
35:39You must have heard about us.
35:43Anyway, you sang really well.
35:47So I've been thinking
35:49Can we talk about work next week?
35:52Is it possible?
36:24Sweet Kyung!
36:30How long have we met?
36:3130 years?
36:35I can't believe it.
36:37How are you?
36:39Do your kids study in PLP?
36:41I'm fine.
36:43My nephew studies here.
36:45How come you're here?
36:47My daughter, Mui, has organized this concert.
36:55You have nice hair.
36:56You look good.
37:01Some people think I don't look good.
37:04I look good.
37:10Let's have tea or coffee sometime.
37:15What's your number?
37:17Give it to me.
37:20Here's my card.
37:24Next week?
37:26I'll be busy next week.
37:28Check your schedule.
37:30Let me know if you're free.
37:35I heard you're a swimming champion.
37:38And a college topper too.
37:42I want to know how you handle so many talents.
37:49Call me.
38:13This is for you.
38:17What's this?
38:19I didn't want to give you anything expensive.
38:22It's not like you don't deserve it.
38:25What you mean to me...
38:27It's not about money.
38:30And this...
38:32This crazy bunny is you.
38:35You're my courage.
38:37You inspire me.
38:40You never stop trying.
38:43I'm very happy to have you.
38:47This was a little insulting but...
38:50I've never heard anything more romantic in my life.
38:56No matter where our relationship takes us...
38:59I'll always remember this moment.
39:03And whenever I feel like...
39:06I'm filled with happiness...
39:09I'll remember you.
39:13You're mine.
39:32Are you upset?
39:34No, I was just thinking.
39:39I've been single for many years.
39:42I like to live my own way.
39:45And I don't want to change that.
39:47I think...
39:49We're not ready to be a couple yet.
39:51But we can still be friends.
39:53I thought...
39:55You like to spend time with me.
39:57That's true.
39:59I really like it.
40:03Us being together every night...
40:07And eating meals together...
40:11And sharing everything feels a little too much.
40:13Okay. I understand, Debbie.
40:20Remember I told you that you're very romantic?
40:25And you are.
40:28I know that because...
40:30I am too.
40:45There's no need to rush.
41:09Okay, bro. I'll leave now.
41:11See you.