• 2 months ago
Shilpa Shetty attended an event supporting an inspiring initiative by Ms. Shaina. Known for her advocacy, Shilpa's presence amplified the importance of the cause.


00:00All you wonderful people, wonderful because you all have taken out your precious time
00:05for such a wonderful cause, they say where there is cause there is effect and there can
00:13only be effect when there is a cause.
00:17I think Vandana ji's journey, the cause for her to start this movement, to start this
00:24initiative must have been a very difficult one and a very brave one but the effect has
00:33been so enormous to give more people the encouragement and the impetus to believe that it's not the
00:42end of the road and you can be a cancer survivor.
00:47So I must congratulate you on having the compassion to move forward in life and to show people
00:55that if you could do it, it can be done again.
00:59So I feel very happy and honoured to be here today and thank you Shaina for calling upon
01:08The apple doesn't fall far away from the tree.
01:10I have actually been there for a couple of events for Shaina's dad and he also always
01:20went out of his way to do things for the better good and that for me means much more than
01:30having power and using it in places where it's not really needed but wanted.
01:39So for me, today's day will hold a very special place and I'm happy to be standing on stage
01:45with such wonderful people.
01:47Miki, I love what you do and belonging to the milieu and believing that health is one's
01:58greatest wealth.
02:00It's only about time that people become aware that we must take our time and value what
02:10we have that's been given to us for free.
02:13We take our time when we are told that we are sick.
02:18So all our life, we've been taught in school that precaution is better than cure but we
02:26aren't really doing the same in our life when it comes to practising it.
02:31So I think it's time today to take that into consideration and use precaution when it comes
02:38to something like cancer.
02:44You have to stay away from sugary foods.
02:47Make sure that you do not encourage your children by incentivising an achievement with something
02:55that's laden with sugar, junk food, aerated drinks.
02:58This is just one platform but I keep screaming horse from every platform that I get to make
03:05sure that we are the ones that can make that change, that small little change, that I can
03:11see maybe one house or one family, especially because this room is filled with women, we
03:18are the homemakers.
03:20So if we go back home with this heart that we should be encouraging it and today, in
03:26today's time and age, we have so many different alternatives.
03:31So let's make that small change and yes, I really resonate with what Seema said.
03:39I too look forward to a cancer-free country, a cancer-free world and I'm sure we'll reach
03:48that soon.
03:50So as I always say and on a parting note, stay healthy, stay happy, enjoy.
