Entertainment of Islam

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#Entertainment of Islam
# Viral
# Islamic video
00:00Abu Imran Jani narrated a hadith from Hazrat Jandar R.A. that the Prophet of Allah s.a.w. said
00:07One man said, I swear by Allah, Allah will not forgive such a person.
00:13So Allah s.w.t said, who is it that is swearing on me that I will not forgive such and such,
00:20I have already forgiven such and such, and the one who said this,
00:24I have already done all your deeds.
00:29The Prophet of Allah s.a.w. said,
00:32A woman went to hell because of her cat or cat,
00:36which she had tied up, nor did she feed herself,
00:41nor did she leave her, that the small, fat animals of the earth would eat her,
00:45so much so that she became weak and died.
00:48Hadith Sahih Muslim 1681