RI-Arab Saudi Kerja Sama Bangun PLTS Raksasa

  • last month
Indonesia dan Arab Saudi bekerja sama, untuk membangun pembangkit listrik tenaga surya alias matahari. Proyek tenaga matahari yang akan dibangun, adalah PLTS Terapung di Waduk Saguling dengan kapasitas 60 MW.


00:00Indonesia and Saudi Arabia work together to build solar energy power plant
00:10The solar energy project will be built in Waduk Saguling with a capacity of 60 megawatts
00:21The construction of solar energy power plant is carried out by the government as an effort to develop renewable energy
00:30Indonesia and Saudi Arabia work together to develop solar energy power plant in Waduk Saguling, West Java with a capacity of 60 megawatts
00:39The solar energy power plant project started with the signing of the PJBTL or Power Purchase Agreement
00:50The project will be signed by the Chief Director of PT PLM Persero Darmawan Prasojo and the Chief Director of PT Indo Aqua Tendaga Saguling, Rudolf Rinaldo Aritonang
01:02The total capacity of the solar energy power plant will be targeted to reach 60 megawatts with a total area of 65 hectares
01:12This project can sometimes reduce CO2 emissions by 120,000 tons per year
01:18In this cooperation, the composition of the solar energy power plant operator Waduk Saguling is included
01:23Among them, PT Indo Aqua Tendaga Saguling will be the operator of the solar energy power plant
01:29PT Indo Aqua is a joint venture between Aqua Power from Saudi Arabia with 49% and PL Indonesia Power from Indonesia with 51%
01:42From Jakarta, coverage team IDX Channel
01:47Thank you for watching
