• last year
00:23Hey dos levante ese es mi sitio donde lo pone dos te levantas o te levanto eres una busona déjame
00:32Hay dos
00:41Venga por aquí señor por aquí
00:44Estupendo bienvenido el señor ates está al llegar quiere tomar algo mientras espera que no hace falta gracias no hay de qué
01:13Señor namik buenos días buenos días señor bien que tengo que firmar ahora mismo se lo enseño
01:21Vamos a resolverlo cuanto antes
01:33Aquí sí
01:40Muchas gracias a partir de ahora la tutela de sus tres hermanos y la administración de la empresa son suyas muy bien
01:47como ya hemos firmado quiero
01:49explicaros la decisión que acabo de tomar
01:52nos vamos de aquí
01:54Señor ates no le comprendo eso no es posible señor
01:58porque va contra las reglas que estableció el señor baji dije que le ayuda la primera condición del señor baji
02:05es que vivan juntos aquí
02:07compruebe lo claro
02:13Las reglas
02:17Regla 1
02:21Vivirán juntos en la casa regla 2
02:25Cenarán cenarán todos juntos cada día regla 3
02:33El gas podrá ir a conciertos y otros eventos iba a conates
02:38Esto que es la constitución de papá o eso parece el crío lleva razón son una especie de leyes no crees que deberías haberme
02:46Dado esto antes de haber firmado
02:48Esas son las condiciones señor ates al haber firmado ha aceptado esos términos
02:56No lo comprendo y cómo se va a comprobar tendrán que enviarme fotos como prueba
03:02Muy bien genial es increíble
03:06Perfecto vale vale baji si quieres jugar juguemos vale que más
03:11Llámeme si tienen cualquier pregunta que tengan un buen día gracias
03:22Si ves que no puedes abandona de verdad
03:35De que espera de que voy a hacerte una pregunta conoces a un interiorista bueno
03:41Si porque o genial pues dile que se pase mañana por casa en cuanto pueda vamos a hacerle un lavado de cara
03:48voy a cambiarlo todo hasta los candelabros
03:50Muy bien, se lo digo a test perfecto gracias a dios bien ya está hecho
03:57Pero que estás haciendo
04:00Aquí no puedes cambiar nada son nuestras cosas
04:03Tú crees mira oye aquí no dice eso así que puedo hacer lo que yo quiera puede hacerlo
04:10Me niego todo esto son los recuerdos de nuestros padres son sus cosas no dejaré que cambies los muebles
04:18Qué está pasando piensa las cosas antes de decirlas eso díselo a test que ha dicho que va a tirar nuestras cosas señor
04:25Ates le sugiero que lo reconsidere no voy a reconsiderar nada porque ya está decidido y ter no te apegues tanto a las cosas
04:32Todavía eres muy joven
04:34Eres la peor persona que he conocido en mi vida
04:37Porque has vuelto este es nuestro hogar sabes déjanos pete de aquí
04:43Que sepas que te odio
04:45Estoy deseando que salgas de nuestras vidas
04:47Basta por favor estoy mayor para esto me va a dar un ataque para por favor puede que ya me esté dando
04:59Porque estás haciendo esto
05:03Porque está siendo tan cruel no tienes derecho a arruinarle su hogar
05:07No lo entiendes a lo que tú llamas cosas son sus recuerdos
05:12No puedes quitarles eso e irte como si nada ates ni algo
05:19Vete, te quiero fuera de nuestra casa este no es tu hogar, ¡Fuera!
05:25Ojalá estuvieras muerto este es nuestro hogar
05:27No puedes estar aquí
05:31Ojalá estuvieras muerto
05:33¡Fuera de nuestra casa!
05:37¡Te odio!
05:42¡Te odio! ¡Fuera de aquí!
05:44¡Fuera de aquí!
06:08¿Ha ido usted?
06:10Estoy bien, tranquila
06:30¿Quieres venir a echarle un vistazo a los pájaros conmigo?
06:36¡Eidost! ¡Levanta! ¡Nos vamos!
06:38¿A dónde?
06:39Vamos Berit
06:40¿A dónde vais?
06:43Vamos Eidost
06:45Un momento, ¿a dónde vais?
07:01¿A dónde vais chicos?
07:04¿Puedes llevarnos?
07:13¿Los niños se van? ¿No va a hacer nada?
07:15Sube Berit
07:18Que se vayan
07:21Pues yo me voy con ellos
07:26Iré a donde vayáis vosotros
07:43¿Por qué hemos venido aquí?
07:45Este es el último lugar en el que estuvieron con sus padres
07:49Estuvieron aquí antes del accidente
07:51Después, mientras se llevaban a los padres al hospital, volvimos a casa con los niños
07:55Que descansen en paz
07:57Por eso lo de los pájaros
08:02Madre mía
08:05No entiendo cómo alguien puede hacerle esto a unos niños
08:08¿Qué ha dicho?
08:10No, nada
08:12Un momento
08:15Dime Meriem, ahora estoy ocupada
08:18Me da igual lo ocupada que estés
08:20Me ha costado mucho salir
08:22No podré hacerlo otra vez
08:24Mira, o vienes ahora o vuelvo al hotel
08:28Está bien, mándame tu ubicación y voy
08:30De acuerdo, me siento un momento y te la mando
08:34Me ha surgido algo urgente que hacer
08:37¿Puedo pedirte que lleves a los niños a casa?
08:40Ya me ocupo
08:42Hasta luego
08:47¿A dónde vas?
08:49Tranquilo, voy a hablar por teléfono
08:55¿Qué pasa?
08:57¿Qué pasa?
08:59¿Qué pasa?
09:01¿Qué pasa?
09:07Hola, tía
09:13¿Qué ocurre? Estás llorando
09:16No me lo puedo creer
09:20¿Qué ha pasado?
09:23¿Qué te ha dicho, qué?
09:26Vale, cariño, después hablamos
09:30Buenas noticias
09:32Nada más que eso
09:34Estoy segura de que Ates no va a cumplir ninguna de las normas
09:38De lo que ha firmado tan segura como que me llamo Fusun Arjali
09:44Si hubieras visto la expresión de su cara sabrías que va en serio
09:47Me da igual que vaya en serio
09:50Está perdido
09:52¿Qué te dije yo?
09:54Mientras tengas a Fusun Arjali en tu equipo no perderás ninguna batalla
09:59Por cierto, tía, ¿qué le ha pasado a Ilgaz?
10:02Ha sido a Tej
10:04Ha hecho lo que suele hacer
10:11Buenos días
10:17Ya han llegado, señor
10:19Perfecto, que pasen
10:35Señor Umut, ¿puede firmar aquí?
10:41Buenos días, buenos días
10:45Aquí también
10:52Buenos días
10:53Buenos días
10:56Tráeme un descafeinado, por favor
11:08¿Esto qué es?
11:09¿Quién ha hecho esto?
11:12¿Qué ha pasado?
11:13¿Qué ha pasado?
11:19Te espero en mi despacho cuando te recuperes del susto
11:26¿Qué ocurre?
11:27Lo que faltaba
11:28¿Qué está pasando?
11:33Vamos, rápido
11:43¿Y tú qué miras?
11:52¿Se puede saber qué haces, eh?
11:53¿Qué pasa?
11:54Umut, tranquilo
11:58Tej, querido
11:59Si me hubieses dicho que querías mi despacho
12:01Te lo hubiese cedido encantada
12:03La verdad es que no quiero el despacho de nadie
12:05Esa no es mi intención
12:07Entonces, ¿por qué?
12:10Mire, señora Fusun
12:13Gracias por los servicios proporcionados a esta empresa
12:16Pero está despedida
12:20Podrá pedir la indemnización en contabilidad
12:25¿Será broma, sobrino?
12:28¿De verdad?
12:30Soy Fusun Arjali
12:32¿Lo sabes, no?
12:40No puede hacer eso
12:42Pues parece que lo acabo de hacer
12:47Umut, por favor
12:48Vamos, di algo
12:52Sin mí no sois nada
12:55Y lo sabes perfectamente
13:09¿Por qué no estáis en vuestros despachos?
13:15¿Por qué no estáis en vuestros despachos?
13:24Ates, ¿pero qué estás haciendo, eh?
13:26La tía se ha dejado la vida aquí
13:28Esta empresa es lo que es gracias a ella
13:30Te equivocas, para no perder la costumbre
13:32Esta empresa es lo que es
13:34Gracias a Juli de Arjali
13:36¿Y qué va a pasar?
13:37¿Qué mamá va a volver cuando la tía se vaya?
13:40Me aseguraré de que no volváis a olvidaros de ella
13:43Y yo me aseguraré de que Fusun Arjali vuelva a ser admitida
13:46¿De verdad?
13:47¿Con qué autoridad?
13:49No tienes ni idea de a quién te enfrentas
13:51Lo sé muy bien
13:52Sé que estás tan mal de la cabeza
13:54Como para decir que mamá tenía un trastorno mental por el bien de la empresa
13:57¿No te pesa la conciencia?
14:01Dime, hermano
14:04Pero si acabamos de empezar, Wood
14:14Muchas gracias, querido
14:20Alucino con todo lo que te ha pasado
14:22Lo que has tenido que vivir
14:25Venga, cuéntame, amiga
14:27Vamos, desahógate
14:29Estoy aquí
14:30No quiero hablar
14:31No me apetece
14:32Cuéntame tú
14:33¿Cómo te ha ido?
14:34Cuéntame, que no sé nada de vosotros
14:36¿Cómo estabais?
14:37¿Y qué tal, Onur?
14:39Pues han pasado muchas cosas
14:41Tranquila, estamos bien
14:43Convivimos con ratones en el hotel
14:45Esperando a que nos muerdan por la noche
14:47Así que todo bien
14:52¿Qué pasó con el del hotel?
14:54Meriem, ahora mismo no tengo ganas de hablarlo
14:56Porque me dan como un poco de...
14:59Escalofríos de pensarlo
15:03La gente así suele provocar ese efecto
15:05No te creas, Meriem
15:07La verdad es que ese tipo es perverso
15:11Es un desalmado
15:13¿Cómo que es un desalmado?
15:14¿Qué ha hecho?
15:16Solo te voy a decir que si hubieras visto lo que le ha hecho hoy a los niños
15:19Te morirías de la pena
15:21Oye, Leila
15:22Qué exagerada
15:23Si quieres sentir pena por alguien, siéntela por nosotros
15:26Esos niños son ricos, no tienen problemas
15:28Piensa en los ratones del hotel
15:31Los padres de esos niños acaban de morir
15:34Te aseguro que están pasando por un mal momento
15:36Sobre todo una de ellos, la niña
15:38No puede ni hablar, está muy triste
15:40Ya sabes que yo más que nadie entiendo lo que es ser huérfana
15:44Cuando lo pienso me siento fatal
15:46Te hierve la sangre, lo sé
15:48Y no vas a poder mantener la boca cerrada
15:50Pero hazlo
15:51Leila, un poco de autocontrol
15:52Te digo que Jakub va en serio
15:54No dudará en echarte a los leones para salvarse él, créeme
15:57Ya estoy harta de mi mala suerte
15:59Justo cuando empiezo a pensar
16:01Ya ha pasado lo peor, Leila
16:03Me pasa algo peor
16:04Todavía, bueno, me voy ya
16:05Acabamos de llegar, ¿a dónde vas?
16:07Meriem, me voy porque tengo prisa
16:08Además me están esperando los niños que me tienen muy preocupada
16:11Hasta luego
16:12Hay que ver el corazoncito que tienes
16:14Eres de oro, de oro
16:16Cuídate y hazme caso
16:18Manténme informada, ¿vale?
16:20Pero no me llames, por favor, escríbeme
16:22Por favor, no abras la boca
16:24No, tranquila
16:29Te pillé, Leila, querida
16:35Onur, escucha
16:37Tengo una sorpresa para ti
16:43¿Qué nos van a dar?
16:45¿Es que no me da muy buena suerte?
16:47¿Qué te hace?
16:49¿Qué te hace?
16:51¿Qué te hace?
16:53¿Qué te hace?
16:55¿Qué te hace?
16:57¿Qué te hace?
16:59¿Qué te hace?
17:01¿Qué te hace?
17:03¿Qué te hace?
17:07Buenos días
17:09Hola a todos
17:11Soy Ates
17:13Y ahora trabajaremos juntos, aunque seguiremos mis normas
17:15Pero si no queréis hacerlo
17:17No tenéis porque quedaros
17:19Podéis iros
17:23Bueno, chicos
17:25I want to tell you that it is a fashion company, so I think that dressing like this does not make sense.
17:33From now on you can come to work as you want.
17:37In addition, working days will be reduced to three.
17:42You can also work at home with certain applications.
17:46The concept of working hours will disappear completely.
17:50I don't understand. So we don't have to come at six?
17:53Unless you want to come very early, then no.
17:59And there will be no more eternal meetings that are useless.
18:04Those things are over. They don't make sense.
18:08I only ask you to do the work that is assigned to you quickly and effectively.
18:13I don't care where or how you do it.
18:15I want the work you do to matter to you.
18:18You don't always have to work in the same place.
18:20You can move around the different spaces.
18:23You can work wherever you want as long as you comply.
18:26Do whatever you want.
18:27This site will be what it was again.
18:31A site full of creativity.
18:33Okay? Thank you very much.
19:03What do you want? To take us to the ruin?
19:05Tell me the truth. Are you looking for revenge?
19:09We are almost in Bangarrota.
19:11I am saving her.
19:16See you tomorrow.
19:20See you tomorrow.
19:51Aunt, are you okay?
19:55Aunt, come back to Earth.
20:00Get in the car.
20:09I know what to do exactly.
20:11Be on the offensive, not on the defensive.
20:14So, aunt, how do we do it?
20:17The trial will take place in three months.
20:20This time we will finish the job.
20:23It is obvious that we will not leave anything to chance.
20:25We will collect evidence.
20:27Among them, false evidence.
20:30We are going to get the heavy artillery.
21:04Yes, Mr. Ateix.
21:05What are you doing?
21:06I'm taking pictures, sir.
21:08What the lawyer said.
21:11I'm going to send them to you.
21:13Hey, Inter.
21:15The new things will arrive tomorrow.
21:17If you want to keep something, you can send it to the warehouse.
21:20As you wish, sir.
21:21No, I want to get in where they don't call me.
21:46But what kind of person are you?
21:49I try, but I can't understand you.
21:52One day you help me without having a reason.
21:55The other day you don't have compassion for a horse.
21:57And now you're too cruel to understand what those kids are going through.
22:01I don't understand who you are.
22:03I just said that new things are coming.
22:06All this for some objects.
22:08They're just objects, right?
22:10They're just kids.
22:13You have to explain to them why you do it at least.
22:16Because I feel like it.
22:18Because you feel like it?
22:20You're starting to bore me.
22:24Well, now hold on.
22:26You're going to hold on.
22:27Because life is not for you to spend it being a selfish person and saying,
22:30Because I feel like it, or,
22:31It's just that I'm like that.
22:33They've never hurt you.
22:35Everything has been easy.
22:36That's why you don't understand people who suffer.
22:38That's it?
22:40What do you mean, that's it?
22:41Don't you care?
22:46Of course I do.
22:47Of course.
22:48We all go through a moment in life where we learn to be cruel.
22:52But I'm curious to know what happened to you.
22:57You're going too far.
22:59Remember why you're here.
23:02That's true.
23:04I'm still here because I felt sorry for you.
23:06I don't know how it happened with how heartless you are.
23:10But you know what?
23:12I'm ashamed that I stayed still and did nothing to a person as cruel as you.
23:17It won't happen again.
23:34Come here.
23:35Why did you ask me to come?
23:36I wanted to show you something.
23:38Take a look.
23:58What is she doing there?
24:00It seems that the little gazelle wanted to run away from us.
24:03She'll listen to you.
24:05At least I've learned a lesson.
24:09I must forget that I shouldn't depend on anyone.
24:13You're stupid, Leila.
24:19What am I going to do now?
24:27It can't be.
24:30Go get her.
24:32I won't let you hurt her.
24:35Okay, okay.
24:37Be careful.
24:46Don't go.
25:07Don't go.
25:16Leave me alone.
25:18Where are you going? Wait a minute.
25:20What's going on?
25:21Lower your voice.
25:24The little flower hasn't behaved so badly.
25:26She has found a target.
25:29And the new target is Ateis Ariali.
25:32We're going to bribe Ateis Ariali.
25:36Let's go.
25:47What are you doing?
25:49This is a joke, right?
25:51What do you want from me?
25:53I want you to help me.
25:55What do you want from me?
25:57I want you to stay.
25:59Really? Why?
26:01To annoy me too?
26:03You heard the lawyer.
26:05The kids need a teacher.
26:07So if you leave, I'll take a few days to find another one.
26:11You can't be more selfish, can you?
26:14Do you think of anyone else besides yourself?
26:17I think of you.
26:20You don't know what awaits you out there.
26:23Thank you, but I know how to take care of myself.
26:26Leila, what do I tell you to make you stay?
26:29Tell me. Tell me what you want.
26:35You want me to stay for the kids.
26:38Because you're going to ruin their lives tomorrow, right?
27:02You want me to stay for the kids.
27:04Because you're going to ruin their lives tomorrow, right?
27:07Then you'll have to find another one.
27:23I love you.
27:53I love you.
28:23I love you.
28:41Where is the money? Tell me.
28:44Where is the light? Tell me.
28:47Where is the money? Tell me.
28:51Tell me, dear. What's wrong?
28:54Something good has happened to you, Jakub.
28:56You seem very happy. What's wrong?
28:59Can't I be happy to hear your voice?
29:01Why did you call me? Tell me.
29:03Where are you? You locked us up. Where have you been?
29:06I had some errands to run.
29:08I'm on my way. Goodbye. We'll talk later.
29:13Well, Ates...
29:16Mr. Ates.
29:18Do you think you've left your conscience behind?
29:20You know him and you know how he is.
29:23It's more than obvious what's going to happen today.
29:26Mr. Ates is the most compassionate person in the world.
29:29That's for sure.
29:35And what happened? Why haven't I seen you?
29:37Did you leave it somewhere?
29:41Well, if that's your opinion,
29:43it would be better if I didn't go around the house today.
29:49Not this one.
29:51Not this one.
29:52Not this one.
29:55He's going to this store to buy cucumbers and bring them.
29:58He's eaten them all.
30:02It's very far.
30:04Yes, it's the farthest store.
30:06Do I have to go?
30:17Ilgas, goodbye. I'm going. See you later.
30:31Where are you going?
30:33Mr. Ilter sent me to get cucumbers.
30:35I have to go to a store that's very far away.
30:38He punished you.
30:40Get in. I'll take you.
30:42No need. I'll take the bus.
30:47No, not many people pass through here.
30:55Okay, but I don't want to talk on the way.
31:00First we have to make a stop.
31:25Hello, aunt.
31:27Ates has left.
32:03What is this? What's going on, Jakub?
32:05The table is all the way up.
32:07What's going on?
32:09We're celebrating Meriem, you know.
32:14Come on, come on, come on.
32:16A lot of sugar.
32:20What are we celebrating?
32:22Has he already left us in Pad Hassan, or what?
32:24No, much better.
32:26We have a lot of sugar.
32:28We have a lot of sugar.
32:30No, much better.
32:32We have a new objective.
32:34In fact, a very good one.
32:36Thank goodness. We're back in action.
32:38The truth is, I was getting bored.
32:40Don't get so excited. We don't have anything yet.
32:43Well, you leave them.
32:45First, we have to get rid of the phones.
32:47New job, new phones.
32:49Come on, take them out.
32:51Come on, come on.
32:53Give me the turned off ones.
32:55My phone too?
32:57That's it. Give me the phone, Meriem.
32:59One thing.
33:01How are we going to do the job without Leila?
33:03Leila has already found the objective.
33:06She's seduced Tej Arjelim.
33:09Although you already know that.
33:15Waiter, quick water.
33:17Let's go.
33:19I'm fine.
33:29I'm fine.
33:35Don't look at the cup.
33:43Who is Julide?
33:45My mother.
33:47My mother.
34:01Come here.
34:03I'm glad to see you.
34:05Tej, it's been a long time.
34:07Where have you been?
34:09I went to Italy to look for you.
34:11And the little man was in Norway.
34:13So I'm going to Norway.
34:15And you were in Canada. How do you see it?
34:17Well, it seems I've come to be scolded.
34:19No, I can't get angry with you.
34:21Come on, we have a lot to talk about.
34:23What I don't understand is why you're in such a hurry.
34:25I'll tell you now.
34:27One thing. You have to stop being so handsome.
34:29Don't do this to me, please.
34:31You embarrass me.
34:33Let's see, you own a big company.
34:35But you're still very attractive.
34:37And your belly.
34:39That's what you think? I'm not going to stop there.
34:43Don't even think about introducing me.
34:45Well, none.
34:49Hey, I'm going to have a talk with Vigée.
34:51Wait for me.
34:53Of course, it's fine.
34:55Okay, come in.
34:59We're going to have a great time.
35:01Like in the old days.
35:09He's still there, inspiring the students.
35:11Where was that drawing?
35:13I remember well the day he did it.
35:15We were playing something.
35:17He got an idea in his head and drew that.
35:23Come on.
35:25Let me invite you to a coffee.
35:31Now he wants to throw our things away.
35:35What if Tess stays with the company
35:37and we live with Umut?
35:39How am I going to live my life?
35:41How is he going to throw your things away?
35:43My brother would roll in his grave.
35:47But since my name is Fusun Arjali,
35:49he won't take advantage of you, that opportunist.
35:53I don't want to live with him.
35:55You won't live with him, don't worry.
35:59Come closer, I have a plan.
36:03Mrs. Fusun, welcome.
36:05I'm sorry, but Mrs. Tess didn't tell me she was coming
36:07and I haven't prepared anything.
36:09It's okay, Mayor Tomo.
36:11My niece made me tea with her special recipe.
36:13At least she appreciates me.
36:17It would be good if she told me
36:19before coming to be warned.
36:23It will be possible.
36:33Girls! Girls!
36:35Did you know?
36:37Yes, I saw her. She went to Mrs. Biggie's office.
36:39I haven't seen her, but maybe I'll see her later.
36:41Tess, Tess.
36:43What's wrong with you and Tess?
36:45I'm sick of it.
36:47Excuse me?
36:51I'll tell you something.
36:53I'm going to give you some advice
36:55as the most experienced woman I am.
36:57We, as independent women,
36:59I don't think we should admire someone
37:01just because of their looks, don't you think?
37:03Very well, but this is not the case.
37:05If Mrs. Tess hadn't opened this institute,
37:07none of us would have been able to study.
37:09We study thanks to the scholarships
37:11she offers and her internship program.
37:13Are you saying Tess did all that?
37:15That's right.
37:17This place is very important to Mrs. Tess.
37:21It seems she does have something she cares about.
37:23Yes, a lot.
37:25Let's go, girls.
37:33So she cares.
37:39Wait a minute.
37:41Wait a minute. Is this a joke?
37:43I understand about the company.
37:45But you, as a babysitter,
37:47are you sure you're Tess?
37:49And three kids.
37:51And why did you accept?
37:53I didn't have a choice.
37:55Well, I understand that.
37:59But what does Umut think about you taking over the company?
38:01Did he think he would do it?
38:03He also thought so.
38:05Look, I'm going to propose something to you.
38:07Take the design department.
38:09Of the company?
38:11I would never work with Fusun.
38:13I'm sorry.
38:15It's not with her.
38:17It's replacing her.
38:19What? She left the company?
38:25No, they fired her.
38:27You fired her.
38:29I'm Fusun Arjali.
38:31I'm Fusun Arjali.
38:33Are you in or not?
38:35Well, you called me for this
38:37and I came from Paris.
38:39And now you call me to go to war.
38:41Fleeing conflicts goes against
38:43my fighting instinct.
38:49Deal done, boss.
38:53Are we going out tonight?
38:55I don't know.
38:57You'll see how we go out tonight.
38:59We'll see, Migue.
39:01What's going on?
39:05Who did this?
39:07Tell me, who did it?
39:13Who changed all the plates?
39:15It was me.
39:21Do you like it?
39:27I'd like to talk to you outside.
39:35Why did you do it?
39:39Because I wanted to.
39:41Because you wanted to?
39:43This place is the most important thing I have in my life.
39:45You can't change everything because you want to.
39:47It's true.
39:49I have no right to change anything.
39:51But you can't either.
39:55You can't change anything.
39:57That house is very important to the kids.
39:59If you don't like
40:01to be touched,
40:03you shouldn't touch
40:05other people's things.
40:07Don't you ever come back
40:09to anything that has to do with me.
40:25As we have already discussed,
40:27let me know
40:29anything that happens here.
40:31Tell me in detail
40:33what happens in this house,
40:35especially what has to do with Ates.
40:37If you do your job well,
40:39I'll give you more money.
40:41And make me a decaffeinated coffee right now.
40:43Yes, ma'am.
40:49What did she ask for?
40:51A decaffeinated coffee.
40:53She doesn't want to get nervous.
40:59Understood, ma'am.
41:05What a bad smell.
41:11You will be my witness in the trial
41:13that will take place in three months.
41:15You can make up whatever you want.
41:17For example, that she yelled at them,
41:19that she hit them, that she caused a scandal.
41:21Keep that to yourself.
41:23Understood, ma'am.
41:43Leila, you can't be here today.
41:45Where are the cucumbers?
41:47I didn't bring them. I forgot.
41:49That's unacceptable, ma'am.
41:51Go get them now.
41:53I couldn't buy them, Mr. Hilter.
41:55I'm sorry. I was impressed, Mrs. Ates.
41:57Ask him for an explanation.
42:19I love you.
42:21I love you.
42:49I love you.
43:19I love you.
43:49I love you.
