A Tettenhall man is trying to solve the mystery of his aunt that went missing many years ago

  • last month
A man has given his best efforts to find out what happened to his aunt who went missing many years ago. He is putting the appeal out to the community. His aunt was Lilian Broome and she had a daughter called Joan, so there may be people who's mom was a Joan and they had a nan called Lilian. if so maybe they can help.
00:00So Roger hello sir how are you? Fine thanks yeah. And we're here in in Tettnall? Yes Tettnall.
00:07Tettnall Wolverhampton and a bit of a family mystery that you've never quite been
00:11able to solve despite best efforts. Your dear aunt Lily. Correct. Just fill us
00:17in a little bit on what we know then. Bit of a mystery as to what happened to her.
00:21We know very little actually. Yeah. Except that Lily disappeared from her home on
00:27Armistice Day in 1918. Yeah. In All Saints Road. And that was the last anyone ever saw her.
00:35Yeah. So I understand she'd she'd gone missing just a few days before that
00:41actually. I think she'd gone missing once or twice. Yeah. But after that date nobody
00:47saw her ever again. So she popped up back home. Hello mum here I am and a day later
00:54she was off again. Correct. So what do we know about her then? So she was born?
00:591898 in Wolverhampton. Yeah. She was a couple of years older than mum obviously. So your mum was
01:07Dulcy. Dulcy yes. And mum's brother Bill William Brew he died in his
01:17fifties. Yeah. And that knocked mum about a bit of course and possibly that brought
01:22more recollections or reminiscences about Lily into her mind. Yeah. And since then to
01:30cut a long story short I've been trying to track down what became of Lily. So Lily
01:35Broom was that a common name back then or was there quite a few? I think it was
01:40fairly common. Yeah. I don't know of any other Brooms. Yeah. But if you look in the
01:45found books that's not an uncommon name. Yeah. So over the years you've had a few
01:50different leads that you've but they've just come to nothing have they? Absolutely nothing. So did your mum
01:56speak of Lily much? Now and again. Yeah. And obviously that's why I took on the search. Yeah. I mean it
02:04must have been frustrating for yourself to have a picture of her there in your
02:08hands but never know what happened. It must have left a hole really in your
02:14mum's life as well. Oh she never forgot it. Yeah. As I say she didn't talk a bit
02:19often. Yeah. But now and again she'd say I wonder what happened to her Lily. Yeah. And that's where it all stems from. Yeah. So you're
02:30wondering because you've you know you're all kinds of searches isn't it you've
02:35done over the years. Oh yes. So you're starting are you starting to come to
02:38conclusions she may have ended up going abroad then? I think it's possibly the
02:43answer. Yeah. And I don't know where to start with that. Yeah yeah totally. To be honest. And you
02:49were saying although we've got the internet which makes it in some way
02:52easier to look at records back in the day you could just fill us in on what
02:56you were saying about the services they used to offer years ago that we don't
02:59have now. Well I used to go to the reference library to do all the research because we
03:04haven't got computers then for all the births marriages and deaths records
03:09which the commonplace now to find on the internet it's free. Yeah. And but then I
03:15had to go to the reference library and sit there for hours trawling through
03:19stuff. Yeah. To try and find births marriages or deaths. Yeah. And people used to you were
03:25saying there was a service where they used to be able to pay if you had a list
03:28of names you could pay a couple of quid and they'd do a check whereas now it's
03:32kind of 15 quid at a time on a certificate. You have to buy the certificate now if you if
03:37you think it's a possibility. Yeah. You can't have it checked for three or four
03:41pounds at the GRO general registry office. You have to buy the certificate. So it can
03:46end up becoming a dear game as well. Well if you've got dozens. Yeah yeah. So what what would it
03:52mean to you you know personally if you could kind of close this chapter and put
03:58the end to this story. Just that. The end of the story. Yeah. I don't know. Yeah. What became of Lily. Yeah. So did your mum
04:07just kind of try and console herself and just think well she's met a chap she's
04:12gone abroad and you know. I think that's what mum thought. Yeah. Yeah. But you don't you don't know I mean I've even checked deaths you know. Yeah. I can only check underbroom. Yeah. But there's nothing there. So she was
04:25popular with the lads there was some thought that mum might have had a bit of
04:29her telling off with her saying you know calm it down. That's true. But there was
04:34nothing really to your knowledge nothing major that kind of gave her a reason to
04:39disappear really. Not major no. Yeah. No. That's why it's a mystery. Yeah. So a birth certificate and two
04:47little pictures is all that remains that we know. Well we wish you all the best in
04:52putting an end to this this family story Roger. Thank you very much.
