Peppa Pig - What Babies Do

  • last month
(C) Respected

Hopefully the Official Peppa Pig YouTube channel will have this episode up soon.

00:00Peppa and George are going to their cousin's house today.
00:03I like playing with my big cousin, Chloe.
00:07Remember, baby Alexander will be there, too.
00:10Do you think you could play with him, Peppa?
00:12Yes. I know all about babies,
00:16because my dolly is a baby.
00:19When you squeeze her, she cries.
00:22Quack, quack.
00:23Tip her up and she laughs.
00:26Quack, quack, quack.
00:27Lie her down and she sleeps.
00:32Oh, remember that baby Alexander is not a dolly, Peppa.
00:36Yes, Mummy. I know all about babies,
00:40because George is a baby, too.
00:45George is not a baby.
00:47Peppa and George have arrived at cousin Chloe's house.
00:52Hello, Peppa and George.
00:54Hello, Peppa and George.
00:55Hello, Chloe.
00:57Hello, everyone.
01:00Peppa, Peppa, Peppa.
01:02Hello, baby.
01:04Would you like to play today?
01:06I think he would like that very much, Peppa.
01:10Peppa, Peppa, Peppa.
01:12He can't play any games yet, but he likes baby toys.
01:15This is his favourite toy, because it squeaks.
01:20And it has a little bell inside.
01:22Peppa, Peppa, Peppa.
01:25Pfft, pfft, pfft, pfft, pfft, pfft, pfft.
01:27What else does baby Alexander like?
01:30He likes rocking in his walker.
01:33Pfft, pfft, pfft, pfft, pfft, pfft.
01:35He likes peek-a-boo.
01:39George is very good at playing peek-a-boo.
01:43He also likes putting things in his mouth.
01:46Pfft, pfft, pfft, pfft, pfft, pfft, pfft.
01:48Ah! He's eating my dolly.
01:51Not really, Peppa. He's just teething.
01:54Babies chew on things to help their teeth grow.
01:58Alexander, one day you will have teeth like me.
02:04It won't be long because George has teeth. See?
02:09And he's a baby.
02:12Babies can't stand up and run around like George.
02:18Alexander has only just started to crawl.
02:21Yes, you started crawling last week.
02:24That was exciting, wasn't it?
02:27It's not that exciting.
02:30Show your big cousins how you crawl, Alexander.
02:33Pfft, pfft, pfft, pfft, pfft, pfft, pfft.
02:36He's not going very far.
02:39That's because he's still learning how to do it.
02:42Pfft, pfft, pfft, pfft, pfft, pfft, pfft, pfft, pfft, pfft.
02:46What's he doing now?
02:48I think he's filling his nappy.
02:52Oh, yes. Good boy.
02:56Let's get you cleaned up.
02:58In the meantime, who would like a cookie?
03:00Me, please.
03:01Yes, please.
03:01And me.
03:04Mmm, lovely.
03:07But no cookies for Alexander because he has no teeth.
03:12That's right.
03:13Soon you will know everything there is to know about babies, Peppa.
03:17Yes, it is easy because they don't do very much.
03:22Oh, it's not that easy, Peppa.
03:26It is. Look.
03:28You just play with a toy...
03:32or play peek-a-boo.
03:37Oh, why is he crying?
03:41Oh, he's just tired, Peppa.
03:43We all get a bit grumpy when we're tired.
03:48A bit of fresh air will sort him out.
03:54Baby Alexander has fallen asleep.
03:58Why is he sleeping now?
04:00It's the daytime.
04:03Babies sleep at all times of the day and night.
04:06And when he wakes up, he'll be hungry again.
04:09And he will eat again and then sleep and cry.
04:12Ha-ha-ha. Babies are funny.
04:14They can't do much more than that.
04:16And that's because they are just learning.
04:19Yes, and today you learned all about babies.
04:24Yes, I did.
