Juniper | movie | 2021 | Official Trailer

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Mack attempts to connect spiritually with her recently deceased sister by escaping to her family’s rustic cabin. Her s | dG1fblJhZFhrUlA2bWc
00:00I just I think I haven't figured out how to be around people yet. I think I came
00:09here to try to find that because I haven't really been able to. Yeah I just
00:18wanted to spend time with her. Just be in her. How did you know that I was here?
00:30Your mom told me and we're here to take care of you. Um so I was wondering how
00:35long you were planning on on staying. Oh my gosh you do not have to worry I am
00:40here until you want to leave. I'm here the whole time. Okay so she's really
00:50upset. Yeah obviously. She gets like this where she's just pretend she can handle
00:58everything and she can't. I mean you're just a human and like it is a loss for
01:03you too you know. I missed you. Yeah I missed you. Yeah wherever we go. Who's
01:11your blonde friend? I'm like uh she's straight. This isn't about me this is
01:14about you. Every single thing you do is about you. It's hard to talk to people
01:18about anything. You know how I will never smoke with y'all? It's because of that one time we spoke to here and I got so paranoid.
01:30I thought people were gonna come out of the fort. I'm peeing. I'm peeing. They're gonna see me.
01:36She's like I'm peeing. Wait were you actually peeing? No I wasn't peeing but I felt you know when you feel kind of warm?
