Spinning Ballerina Optical Illusion - Solving it with Generative AI

  • last month
Spinning Ballerina Optical Illusion - Solving with Generative AI! #shorts #illusions #ai

I have always been intrigued by the spinning ballerina optical illusion created in 2003 by Japanese web designer, Nobuyuki Kayahara.

I'm working on a longer (in-progress) video of using classic optical illusions to experiment with various generative AI video/image generators and wanted to see how Stable Diffusion (with Controlnets such as Canny/Depth/etc) would handle these images and also experimented with various video to video generators which I'll get review in my longer video.

For this one, I thought it was interesting to be able to use the stable diffusion images to "force" a change in how our brain see's the direction of the dancer.

