• il y a 2 mois
L'ancien président américain et candidat à la présidentielle américaine Donald Trump a prononcé un discours en Caroline du Nord derrière une vitre pare-balles. Lors d'un précédent meeting, il avait reçu une balle à l'oreille.


00:00Si Kamala wins this November, World War III is virtually guaranteed to happen.
00:11Everything she touches she destroys, everything that she's touched, you look at her life.
00:19She was District Attorney in San Francisco, the place went to hell.
00:24Four years ago, our country was strong and respected like never before, our allies admired
00:30us, our enemies feared us because everyone knew that as an American president, I was
00:37all about putting America first.
00:39That's true.
00:40Under my leadership, we rebuilt the United States military, created Space Force and we
00:45made our allies pay their fair share and their fair dues.
00:49You know, we went to NATO and we say, you're not paying, you got to pay.
