'Oh No... Poop!' - 2 y/o girl makes stinky revelation during car ride

  • last month
It's completely normal for parents to worry about various things as their kids grow up, but one thing Audrey will never have to stress about is her daughter hiding anything from her.

In this comical clip, Audrey captures her toddler daughter candidly informing her parents that a diaper change is needed.

"We were in the car, and my two-year-old was pooping in her car seat and being funny," Audrey told WooGlobe.

Audrey can't help but chuckle at the little one's immediate admission to pooping her diaper.

Location: Wichita, Kansas , USA
WooGlobe Ref : WGA978047
For licensing and to use this video, please email licensing@wooglobe.com


00:00Oh, oh no, Pope.
