What Actually Holds Women Back || Acharya Prashant (2022)

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Acharya Prashant listens to a group of men who are struggling to understand women. Then we are given wisdom that enlightens us about women, love, sex, and marriage. If you have every wondered "How to understand women" then this series is for you!

Wisdom Quote: “When the relationship has a lot of love then you're not afraid to be blunt.”

Watch this wisdom video about how to understand women. And why the current gender equality paradigm is not showing the true picture.

00:00 What Actually Holds Women Back
08:00 We don't want this to happen
14:00 What arises from bondage cannot take you to liberation
20:00 This common symbol is a distortion



00:00Just a thought that I have seen that the basic approach, the very base of how a woman is
00:18looking at the world as well as I have come near to a woman's mind and I have tried to
00:25is that they think through a lens that I cannot even fathom and that obviously has the kid
00:33in the center.
00:34They are always thinking about a family.
00:37In fact, when I look at societies or when I look at colonies or when I go to a mall
00:45or anywhere, I find that every kind of infrastructure that has been laid in the name of civilization
00:57has been laid keeping the family in the center and family basically means that you are simple
01:06nature's game of, because ultimately what we are, we are products of nature and everywhere
01:13when I look at in nature, the only two things are getting that save the body and propagate
01:18the body.
01:19Genes are being saved, genes are being propagated.
01:22So I always find that the basic thing that civilization is doing is that they are saving
01:26the human body and they are propagating it.
01:29Here what I find is that because the woman's role is that they are the ones who are creating
01:35that body inside, whereas man has the free will of impregnating maybe two or three women.
01:46It does not have any kind of liability or collateral liability just after the act.
01:54So I have observed that for a woman, the family, the kid is very important, the nest is very
02:05This woman that you are talking of, is she a function merely of her body or also of the
02:13school she studied in, the college and university she went to, the belief system she inherited
02:22from her grandfather and mother, the kind of things she saw in the movies and the serials,
02:31is she a function merely of her body or also of these things?
02:35But these things are also a genesis, they are coming from somewhere, the university
02:40or the belief system.
02:41No, they are not really coming from the woman herself, they are coming from the collective
02:45ignorance of mankind.
02:46And the ignorance might have started from the biology itself.
02:52That's true, the ignorance starts from the body itself and the ignorance is therefore
02:59on both the sides.
03:01Acharya ji, Marxist feminists say, it's a very cliché statement that sex is created,
03:11sex is born but gender is created.
03:14So the probing, fundamental probing is in the process of gendering.
03:19So sex is assigned to you when you are born by the doctor, seeing the chromosome that
03:25you carry and your genitals.
03:28But the gender that is assigned to you and the process of gendering is indeed very complicated.
03:33Fully agree, that's why the female gender in let's say India will be very different
03:42from a person of the same gender in a first world country.
03:48But physically they will be absolutely alike.
03:52Two kinds of bodies are born and so what forces decide which body is going to become so called
04:00man and which body is going to become a woman.
04:02In this sense, the LGBTQ discourse is very revolutionary because they have proven that
04:10a female body can also be a man, that you can have genitals, I mean you can have a vagina
04:17and be a man.
04:18So this is a revolution which is really trying to deconstruct the process of gendering, if
04:26you are a male you have to be a man only.
04:29So the probing, my argument that I would want, my basic argument is that when it comes to,
04:38I totally agree with the fact that a woman is born but gendering is something that is
04:45a, yeah, my argument here as far as my observation or my conviction stands is that the biology
04:57has a very vital function in the basic approach of how they perceive the world and that has
05:03the kid in the center.
05:05That is one of the most core values of their existence because logically speaking, just
05:10my own logic if I may, that nature, we are a part of nature apart from the fact that
05:20spirituality enables us to go beyond nature but we are a part of nature.
05:25What are our basic functions?
05:27We have the civilization, we are earning, we are, but ultimately it is propagating the
05:33So if the basic function of our existence as human beings or as any kind of creature
05:41in the animal kingdom is save your body and propagate the body, then the basic approach
05:49propagates from that objective and that objective in itself when looked at from a woman's perspective,
05:58it is that they have to think about the kid, they have that, with gendering, the intensity
06:07with which they value that objective, that may change, a woman in America, she might
06:16not think about a kid or might not favor so much but the fact that they have that value
06:24system of thinking about the kid itself, I think that very value system, that very
06:32value or that very outlook is something that is missing in man.
06:36No, it's not missing in man, it's relatively smaller in man but all that you are saying
06:44is applicable only as long as we take ourselves as physical beings, as you said parts of the
06:55animal kingdom driven purely by our physical desires.
07:00If we are driven purely by that then obviously we live to just eat and reproduce but that's
07:06not where we stand as human beings.
07:10I would agree that even in a well-educated and spiritually liberated woman, the desire
07:24for a kid would be probably relatively larger compared to that in a man but I don't suppose
07:40that kind of a difference is a problem because ultimately the earth does need kids and I
07:50am saying this with all consideration.
07:54We are talking of responsible reproduction, we are not talking of zero reproduction.
08:00We are not wanting a state where the woman becomes an absolutely zero woman with no desire
08:13at all to be a kid.
08:16That's not the objective, is that?
08:18That's not the objective.
08:20What we want to talk of is whether the compulsive desire or passion to keep the kid and the
08:31family at the center of her life is necessary.
08:37If the kid is just one of things in her life, what's the problem?
08:45Nobody would say in his right senses that we want a situation where the fertility rates
08:50drop to absolute zero.
08:53That's nobody's objective.
08:56We started with the question not being upfront but it's not about just women in the society,
09:07generally in the urban society, when nobody is upfront, they talk in terms of hints, symbols,
09:16like in corporates, for example, if somebody has a handicap, we don't say handicap, we say some nice euphemisms and we hide the facts totally.
09:30See, that's when these things are absent in your life, fearlessness, love, truth.
09:40When the relationship has a lot of love, then you are not afraid to be blunt.
09:46Because you know the other one would understand.
09:48You also know that the other one would not be hurt.
09:51You also know that being straight and blunt and direct deepens love.
09:56So you are not going to hesitate then.
09:59Equally, when you value truth a lot, then you do not want to deal in symbols and indirect
10:09kind of diplomatic behavior.
10:14But when the most important values are missing and there is a lot of fear and there is a
10:25chronic need for security, then you don't open up.
10:34So when that is happening, you probably need to look at the entire ecosystem rather than
10:43one single gender.
10:45Why is there so much of fear in the environment?
10:49And also, mind you, when there is fear, it would be affecting not only one gender but
10:56the entire population.
10:59In one gender, it's more readily visible to the other gender because the other gender
11:08does not behave in that way.
11:10So they can spot it out, she is being just too roundabout.
11:17But the same kind of fear in the ecosystem is troubling men as well.
11:22Won't it be pertinent to see how even men have to cater to their own insecurities and
11:33their own stereotypes and their own false beliefs?
11:39Because if women have been trained to live and behave and be in a certain way, equally
11:45men have been trained to live and believe and be in a certain way.
11:51At this point I'll present a certain thing to you all.
11:59You see there are what we call as womanly values.
12:03You can identify a woman with those values.
12:09Human being giving value to this, this and this and you'll be easily able to say this
12:15person is a woman with almost 95% accuracy.
12:22Another human being giving value to this, this, this thing, for example, somebody giving
12:28value to, what do women give value to typically, what would you say, children and the nest
12:40and clothes, emotionality.
12:46So these you could call as the female values for want of a better word.
12:54I know it's a generalization, but because it's a general thing, so generalization here
12:59is not very useless.
13:02And then there are a set of what we can call as the manly values.
13:09What do you call as the manly values?
13:14Chivalry, achievement, ambition, aggression.
13:21What we probably need to consider is whether there is a third set of values superior to
13:29both these sets.
13:31No point declaring one set higher than the other.
13:39If we indeed are caged consciousnesses yearning for freedom, then neither the womanly values
13:53nor the manly ones take us to our liberation, do they?
14:01One is emotional, one is logical, neither of them necessarily give to you what you want.
14:08If I am the suffering consciousness, logic does not take me to liberation, nor do my
14:15emotions because they all arise fundamentally from the same center of bondage.
14:23That which is arising from your bondage cannot lead you to liberation.
14:28So she is emotional, he is logical.
14:34She cares more for the nest, he cares more for ambition.
14:41Neither her nest will bring her deliverance, nor would his ambition bring him freedom.
14:53So is it men versus women or is it so that both men and women are equal partners in their
15:04It's just that either side calls its own slavery as better than that of the other side.
15:13I am enslaved, you are enslaved, but because I am enslaved, I call my slavery better than
15:22your slavery.
15:25Had this been an all-women gathering, I am sure they would have had much the same things
15:33to say about men, say in the sense of opposite, opposite things in the same tenor.
15:42Why are men like this?
15:44Why are men so ugly?
15:46Why can't men understand subtle things?
15:50Why do they have to be so gross?
15:52What's convoluted and dishonest to us may be subtle and mysterious and beautiful to
16:00Subtle and aesthetically nice.
16:02You really have to punch in somebody's face to communicate, that's how they say.
16:07They say the way men talk to each other is like punching each other in the face.
16:12Now, it's very gross.
16:14What we are calling as convoluted and roundabout is in their language subtle and aesthetically
16:23beautiful, which is not true, I agree, that's not the case.
16:31That's not the case to anybody, see.
16:34Just as your manly stuff is a great thing only to you, similarly, their womanly stuff
16:44is obviously great only in their own value system.
16:49It's not an absolute virtue.
16:55There has to be a third set that both men and women have to be educated into, indoctrinated
17:09If you turn the man into more of a man, then he is just an alpha gorilla, right?
17:17If you turn the woman into more of a woman, then she is just the mate of the alpha gorilla,
17:26I don't know how it sounds, but from where I see it, the man has to be demanned.
17:42The woman has to be de-womanized.
17:50I am not talking of emasculation, don't get me wrong.
17:54I am not talking of neutering and stuff.
17:59The man has to be liberated of the social and biological values that give him the persona
18:09of the man.
18:11Equally, the woman has to be liberated of the biology and the history that turns her
18:17into the kind of woman that we see on the road, yeah, de-gendering.
18:23That de-gendering has to happen and equally, a love and appreciation for the right values,
18:30right and gender independent values has to be fostered in both the boy and the girl,
18:36the man and the woman.
18:40Truth is beautiful.
18:43The woman is not beautiful, the man is not beautiful either.
18:47Truth is beautiful.
18:48Have a thing for truth.
18:52Compassion is wonderful.
18:59She is gorgeous, he is handsome, none of that is a patch on compassion.
19:07The compassionate one stands head and shoulder above the gorgeous one or the handsome hunk.
19:17So these values have to be there.
19:21See, Ishwankar, I can see you restless, but the thing is if in this society you are seeing
19:28a lot of distorted women, the law of duality dictates that there would be an equal amount
19:37of distortion in the men as well, because both are products of the same ecosystem.
19:43You cannot just say, oh the women are distorted.
19:46The women might be distorted and I concur that a lot of women are indeed distorted,
19:51but an equal kind of distortion would then there be necessarily present in the menfolk
19:58as well.
19:59Both the genders have their own set of problems.
20:02And hence, unless both are taken care of, neither can be taken care of.
20:12Men's liberation just cannot happen without women's liberation.
20:16Acharyaji, in light of what you just said, it's like a small digression, but I am sure
20:23it will add value to the discussion.
20:26Would you want to comment on this Indic symbol Ardhanarishwar?
20:32It seems that it is a mixture of both the genders.
20:35It is not a mixture and that pertains to something totally different.
20:41The way you see the Ardhanarishwar image, to me that's a distortion.
20:50Everything that exists in the language of Sankhya Darshan is Prakrti which has been
21:01taken as feminine.
21:03So the entire body is female.
21:06Body means everything that exists, everything that is bodily.
21:10So the body itself is female, the world, the universe itself is female because it exists.
21:17That's how the thing has been connoted in the philosophy.
21:22Everything that exists has at its heart something that is non-existent in the sense of being
21:32formless, formless, nameless.
21:36So there is Shakti, the female, which is bodily and at the heart of Shakti is Shiva.
21:44That is the right depiction of Ardhanarishwar.
21:46We see something else.
21:48Now what is shown normally, I beg to say with all due consideration is a caricature.
21:58You take 50% women and 50% men and rivet them together, that's not Ardhanarishwar.
22:06This kind of symbolism is coming from people who just don't understand what that great
22:11word means.
22:14Shiva and Shakti are not two halves glued to each other.
22:22Shiva is the heart of Shakti.
22:25Shakti is not one half of Shiva.
22:29All that exists is Shakti herself, the feminine, entire existence is feminine.
22:37At the heart of that feminine existence is Shiva.
22:42Shakti includes both men and women.
22:45All that exists, men, women, the road, the concrete, the third gender, the fourth gender,
22:55the fifth gender, all that is feminine.
22:59Everything is feminine.
23:00Why they called it feminine because, I mean, it's again got distorted into, like women
23:07It's like this.
23:09You'll have to understand it almost graphically.
23:17Because Acharya ji, those who charge Hinduism of sexism, they take, I mean, these two words,
23:23Purush, first mistake they do is they equate Purush with man and then they say that why
23:29did these…
23:30No, no, Purush is not man, Purush is consciousness.
23:35Pur is a fort, Pur.
23:39The same word is also used for man, I mean, it's used for man, it's a coincidence,
23:45it's a coincidence, right?
23:48Knowledgeable people do not hide behind coincidences.
23:52In all languages of the world, we have words that have two or three meanings in two or
23:58three different contexts, right?
24:03You know of the number of meanings it holds.
24:07My dear, dear is very dear.
24:10Now it would be quite, in fact, malignant of me to pick up one meaning of the word and
24:24impose it on the other one, which is then totally unrelated thing in a different context.
24:33So, Purush is consciousness, Purush does not mean man or male, no.
24:42Pur means fort, Purush is the resident of the fort.
24:47The fort is the world in general or the body in particular.
24:53This is the fort.
24:55In this fort lives the Purush.
24:58Now the body of the male is a fort and equally the body of the female is also a fort.
25:08So the Purush lives both within the male and the female, right?
25:15So in social language, you have the physical male and the physical female.
25:28In spiritual existential language, you have the physical male who is a female and the
25:40physical female who is obviously a female.
25:45And the only male is a cleaned or liberated consciousness.
25:53That is the only male.
25:55That is the only Purush.
25:58Everybody else is female.
26:00So men are females with male genitals, women are females with female genitals.
26:22But everybody is, in the spiritual sense, a female.
26:30But why do you want to get confused, bringing in the male-female and then you do not know
26:36who is a male and who is a female and get totally confused and end up entering the wrong
26:41washroom and get beaten up.
26:46So keep that aside.
