La Historia de Juana - Capitulo 58 HD

  • last month
00:00Yes, InƩs, you're seeing the new president of the blonde brewery.
00:05And here we all want to celebrate, so please bring champagne
00:09for those of us who are here and for those who are there.
00:13To celebrate everyone!
00:15Of the champagne of the blonde brewery?
00:17I mean, of the blonde star?
00:19No, silly, my dad deserves the best, so get a real one.
00:23No, silly, my dad deserves the best, so get a real one.
00:30Please, InƩs.
00:34Of course, I'll bring them to you right away.
00:37Excuse me.
00:42And well, what will be your first move as president?
00:46Ah, well, cancel the merger that was made with the Spaniards.
00:49It is something that should never have been done.
00:52They should be at this meeting.
00:54They are investors, not shareholders, like you.
00:58Are you a shareholder? Quiet.
01:01And they are very much in favor of leaving the business.
01:03Do you know why? Because of the situation in which Gabriel is.
01:06Obviously it will cost us, but we will do it well.
01:12That's not right.
01:14What's more, this decision you made without Gabriel is completely illegal.
01:23He is in a very bad situation with his nephew,
01:26but well, my daughter is still legally Gabriel's wife,
01:30so she is in representation of his actions.
01:34And are you going to keep Carlos in his position?
01:37Well, look, he's actually here for pity, he's Gabriel's uncle,
01:42and he leaves a lot to be desired as an executive.
01:45You just saw it.
01:47Oh, I forgot. Very important.
01:50My daughter is the new manager of distribution of the brewery.
01:57Bravo, my love!
02:03Marco, I have what I say.
02:05Your son will be ashamed to have a murderer father.
02:08Gabriel is the prosecutor.
02:09Calm down.
02:10What are you doing?
02:11You are covering up the murderer.
02:13You're going to pay for everything.
02:15I'm the lawyer.
02:16I'm the lawyer.
02:18Quiet, quiet, Gabriel.
02:19Quiet, please, quiet.
02:23Excuse me, Mr. Prosecutor.
02:25I ask you to please understand that my client is in a chronic stress situation.
02:31No, lawyer.
02:33Your client will not have a bail or a fair trial.
02:37No, lawyer.
02:39Your client will not have a bail or a fair trial.
02:43I'm going to send him to jail with all the murderers in the country.
02:46Mr. Prosecutor, it's not that.
02:51Carlos, Carlos, let's see, calm down.
02:54We have to talk to Claudio so he can advise us and tell us what to do.
02:57I called him as soon as I found out about the happy meeting of shareholders.
03:01He is with Gabriel in an interrogation.
03:03Do you realize?
03:04Do you realize?
03:05This is planned to destroy us.
03:07We can't face Rogelio.
03:09What worries me the most is how much it will cost us to liquidate the Spaniards.
03:13Very expensive.
03:15This could cost the brewery.
03:17I'm going to see if I can contact Claudio.
03:23Oh, well, what's wrong? You don't tell me anything.
03:26I mean, are you so afraid?
03:28Let's see, Vivi.
03:29The fact that I have a difficult relationship with my father does not mean that I am afraid.
03:33Well, since you don't say anything, what do you want me to do?
03:36So many things happening in the company and you here wasting time.
03:40What's going on? What are you talking about?
03:41Your father arrived.
03:42He called an extraordinary meeting of shareholders.
03:45I left the room.
03:46They are going to vote for a new president and apparently it will be your father.
03:49Hey, hey, hey.
03:50What did you tell him?
03:51I'm not talking to you.
03:53Let's see, Vivi, sorry.
03:54I'll see you later.
04:04I can do it alone.
04:25What happened?
04:26I heard that you did not do well with the prosecutor.
04:28I lost the competition.
04:29What happened?
04:30I heard that you did not do well with the prosecutor.
04:32I lost the competition.
04:33I could not avoid it.
04:34The safest thing is that the prosecutor has planned that.
04:36And it's pretty good when he plans it.
04:38Well, now you have the perfect excuse to send me to jail and do whatever you want with me.
04:44I need to see Salvador.
04:48If they transfer Gabriel to a prison, I don't have people there who can protect him.
04:54This is very clear that the prosecutor set him up and Gabriel fell instantly.
04:58And look, I asked him to control himself.
05:00I don't blame him.
05:01They touch what they want most in life.
05:03He doesn't have it easy.
05:04That's exactly what the prosecutor did to get him out of prison.
05:07The final blow.
05:08He told him about his son and the shame he would have when he found out he had a murderer father.
05:14I would have done the same.
05:17And look, the prosecutor has been my boss for years.
05:24I didn't think he was so corrupt at that level.
05:28Not so dog.
05:30Well, yes, but there's nothing to do.
05:32What day, sir? What day?
05:34Did something happen to you too, detective?
05:36Personal issue for not falling into a blackmail.
05:39I'm very sorry.
05:40Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to have to go back to the brewery because I received an urgent call.
05:46Apparently, Rogelio Fuenmayor has just taken the presidency.
05:49Well, the war of the titans between the Fuenmayor and the Rubio for generations.
05:56So far, the most likely thing is that Gabriel Rubio loses it.
06:06Hey, Abu.
06:08Have you called Salvador or something with news of Gabriel?
06:12Don't you want a broth?
06:13No, no, I'm fine.
06:15And, uh, well, at least a little juice.
06:17No, Abu, I'm fine.
06:18Understand me.
06:19It's just that I have a knot in my stomach.
06:21Oh, well.
06:22Well, you're so nervous that you made me nervous.
06:25I'm going to grab a Coca-Cola from the fridge.
06:27I don't understand.
06:28Why hasn't Salvador called me or even Gabriel?
06:30He could have called me.
06:31Don't you think?
06:33My love, Gabriel can't call you.
06:35And Salvador came earlier to know how you were.
06:40Well, yes, yes.
06:41Abu, why didn't you tell me?
06:42Well, my love, because the one he actually spoke to was your mom.
06:46And, well, he didn't say anything beyond what we know,
06:49that Gabriel is still in the DA's office or something.
06:52Where is my mom?
06:53I don't know.
06:59Oh, my daughter.
07:01Let's see.
07:03Gabriel was supposed to be released today, right?
07:06And if not, well, anyway, he'll have to be on parole.
07:10well, I think the best thing is to go back to the DA's office.
07:13No, no, no.
07:14Hold on, Juana Guadalupe.
07:15You're not going anywhere.
07:17You're not going anywhere.
07:19Let me remind you what your mother told you yesterday.
07:22And she made it clear.
07:25What Gabriel and Salvador said.
07:28Don't go to the DA's office because you can complicate things.
07:32You're going to make Gabriel more nervous.
07:34And besides, it's not even the best.
07:35Let me see him.
07:37Well, then what do I do?
07:39Oh, my love.
07:40Calm down for that little thing you have in there.
07:43For God's sake.
07:46Well, yes.
07:49You're right.
07:51It's just that
07:52I have a very bad feeling.
07:55Let's see, daughter.
07:57God does not move or abandon.
08:00At this time, it is proof that He puts us.
08:04Everything will be fine.
08:06Sit down.
08:08If you want, I'm not going to give you a call.
08:09Because the baby, the baby.
08:12My little thing you have in there.
08:15Needs to eat.
08:19Where would Jenny have gone?
08:20Well, to complain to Salvador about the video.
08:23But with that it is proven.
08:24That he is my boyfriend.
08:26What boyfriend?
08:27What nothing.
08:28What happens is that you don't even know what tree you are part of.
08:29And you're just hurting.
08:31Police, please.
08:32There is a crazy woman who is going to come over me again.
08:36Do you need help?
08:37Is something wrong with you?
08:39No, my love.
08:41What happens is that
08:42I'm tired of filling myself with illusions and suddenly someone comes
08:46to take me down from the clouds in hats.
08:48Don't play the martyr.
08:49Did you also look for it?
08:51That's what Zoraida, Carmela and all the gossip in the neighborhood would say, right?
08:54That everything that happens to me is because I look for it.
08:57Don't you get tired of throwing garbage and talking badly about people?
09:00Oh, Jenny, don't overdo it either.
09:02No, no.
09:03It's not our fault.
09:04What's our fault?
09:05Didn't they have a party?
09:07A tremendous party they had when Berto was cheating on me and they found out, right?
09:11When they saw their daughters out here.
09:13They made fun of me.
09:15Humiliating me.
09:16But I'm tired.
09:17I'm tired and I look them in the eye.
09:19I'll have a bad time with men.
09:21But I'm not one.
09:22Let's see, wait.
09:23We don't have the fault that I always have a problem with men.
09:25And much less that Salvador wants my bones.
09:29You better shut up.
09:30Because when my brother sent you the gossip, you were running with Salvador.
09:34Well, that's true.
09:35Yes, it's true.
09:36He doesn't love you.
09:37And he'll never love you.
09:40On a night of contempt, right?
09:41There you go.
09:42You get into his bed.
09:43You cover him.
09:44You record it.
09:45For what?
09:46To extort him?
09:48To hurt me?
09:50I congratulate you.
09:51You did it, huh?
09:53Because I don't want to see Salvador in my life again.
09:57Are you happy?
10:07They told me that David is occupying my office.
10:10I want to see how you run it.
10:11Because that has always been in favor of Juan and Gabriel's relationship.
10:15Look at him.
10:18If it's true.
10:20I was just telling Paula.
10:24And it's true.
10:26You have a big chair.
10:28And I'm glad to see the three of you.
10:30Because there are points that we have to deal with.
10:33Carlos, why are you so smiling?
10:36Cheer up.
10:41Have a glass of champagne to cheer up.
10:46Come on.
10:50Carlos, please.
10:52You're a bastard.
10:54All this.
10:55All this.
10:56About Gabriel.
10:57You planned everything.
10:59You want to end up with this brewery.
11:02And you have creditors who help you with your revenge.
11:05Do you have proof?
11:06Because it's just your word against mine, Carlos.
11:09Carlos, you feel a little aggressive.
11:11I think it's family.
11:13Just like Gabriel.
11:14You've been planning this revenge for years.
11:18You and your father.
11:21They've always felt a miserable envy.
11:24With everything that has to do with the blondes.
11:26Don't mention my father again.
11:28Because you're not going to finish it.
11:30The truth is uncomfortable, right?
11:32That's the truth.
11:35We are miserable envious.
11:38Well, that's enough, please.
11:41Listen to me.
11:42We all want the best for the brewery, right?
11:51How are we going to pay the Spaniards if they leave?
11:56That is a decision that is being made.
11:59It is a presidential decision.
12:01Not of employees.
12:03I am the president.
12:05And you are the employees.
12:11I have to go in.
12:13Are you coming?
12:14For what?
12:15For your father to run away?
12:17Things are much worse than we thought.
12:21Your lawyer has just left urgently to the brewery.
12:24He told me.
12:25Yes, it must be because of what Rogelio told me.
12:27That he wants to take over the presidency of the brewery.
12:30I'm locked up here without being able to do anything.
12:32I heard you were wrong at the interrogation.
12:35Yes, I lost control. I couldn't help it.
12:37That's what they wanted.
12:39That's what they achieved.
12:41The transfer order to the prison is already being prepared.
12:44Before they move me from here, I would like to talk to a journalist.
12:48To tell them the truth.
12:49And not only would I have Paula's and the prosecutor's version, but also mine.
12:53We ran out of time, Gabriel.
12:54We depend on your lawyer to do it.
12:58Now you have the right to a phone call to a relative or your lawyer,
13:02no more than five minutes.
13:06Are you already classified as dangerous?
13:08But that's to send me to jail and get rid of me, you know?
13:12We are already looking for people inside who can support us.
13:17Please don't tell her anything, Juana.
13:19Tell her yourself, Gabriel.
13:21It's for the best.
13:22She's going to find out through the media.
13:26Do you have a way I can talk to her?
13:27Of course.
13:29Right now.
13:33Thank you, David.
13:34Thank you, Enriqueta, for calming Carlos down.
13:37The truth is that he doesn't take it badly.
13:39I understand how you must feel knowing everything Gabriel did.
13:44Gabriel did absolutely nothing.
13:47The important thing here is that I am the president of the company
13:51and that I have to take action in favor of the company, right?
13:55The first thing we're going to do is for you to go back to your area, to marketing.
14:00What do you know how to do?
14:01Gabriel is no longer there.
14:03So the privileges of a friend, of an uncle, are over.
14:08Well, the same goes for you, Enriqueta.
14:13You have to be fair in life and all employees deserve the same treatment.
14:17Let's see, Paula, why don't you let Dad talk?
14:19Better, right?
14:21Well, I'm going to use the office that was Gabriel's.
14:26This office, which was mine, will be used by Paula
14:29because from now on, my daughter is the new distribution manager.
14:35So she's going to work here?
14:37Yes, she's going to work here because she was older.
14:39We have to be more united than ever.
14:41And I'm going to support my father.
14:44She, son, is going to be your boss.
14:48And well, if any of you don't agree with what's happening,
14:53well, the door is very big, right?
14:55I'm going to respect your age completely.
14:59And don't hesitate, because you also know my generosity.
15:06No, Rogelio.
15:07No one is going to give up here.
15:09In fact, we're going to stay to help you keep the company from sinking.
15:15Well, move.
15:26What's up?
15:27Why didn't you tell me Salvador was coming?
15:28Did he tell you anything about Gabriel?
15:30No, he didn't tell me anything about Gabriel.
15:31Oh, Mom.
15:32Who's going to believe you? Look at that face.
15:35Oh, honey, if I have this face, believe me, it's not because of Gabriel.
15:37It's for something else.
15:39Well, what happened? Is everything okay?
15:41I'm very tired.
15:43I'm going to go to bed.
15:44And if you want, we can talk later.
15:49Juana, come here.
15:55Leave her alone.
15:56They're not telling me anything.
15:58Did something happen to Gabriel?
16:00Oh, no, honey.
16:02It's because of the fight I already told you about.
16:03That he was out with Yadira in front of the little virgin.
16:07That's what it brings.
16:09Well, do you think she's gone to talk to Salvador?
16:12Well, we'll have to wait.
16:16No, but Jenny, everything she told me is envious.
16:20She envies everything about me.
16:22That Salvador is flirting with the girls.
16:25Well, she's jealous.
16:26No, Yadira, you're very wrong.
16:28Because, look, one thing is that you record a video there with your boyfriend because you want to.
16:32And another very different thing is that you make him dizzy and put a camera there to fool him.
16:36Yes, it's true.
16:37Juanjo, Juanjo, you recorded a video to extort the police.
16:40Of course not.
16:41Don't you see that Jenny only says things to make me look bad?
16:44Yadira, Yadira, Yadira.
16:45For God's sake, Yadira.
16:47The word says it.
16:51And that is respected.
16:53Hey, by the way, did you delete it?
16:56No, I'm just asking you to know because there is already a law.
17:00That's not right.
17:02That's not just done by bad people.
17:05No, but I'm not bad.
17:07You love me.
17:08I'm not a bad person.
17:09I swear I'm not.
17:10You know what?
17:11Don't touch me, don't touch me.
17:12Comadre, let's go to the San Cosme salon.
17:13Because I don't want this boy to touch my hair again.
17:15No, neither do I.
17:16How about the other day I changed in your house and recorded me?
17:19No, I'm not exaggerating either.
17:20But let's go there.
17:21Do you believe me?
17:23I didn't do it badly.
17:26I did it out of love.
17:29I have the right to defend my man.
17:33Yes, do you believe me?
17:34Hey, Chimis.
17:35How long ago did you change the oil for this?
17:38Oh, I don't remember, bro.
17:40What do you mean you don't remember?
17:43Hey, FelipĆ³n.
17:45Your sister, Jenny.
17:47No, the other one, the half-sister.
17:49Felipe, I need you to come to the house right away, please.
17:52What happened?
17:53What happens is that Jenny and Juana are having a hard time.
17:55Neither my father nor Mrs. Fina can put them well.
17:57Please, but they need you right now.
17:58Wait, wait, hold on, I'm going to change.
17:59No, already.
18:00Hold on.
18:01I won't take long, I won't take long.
18:06I'm not telling you if I'm going to clean this house for real.
18:18No, RamĆ³n, no, no, no, no, don't scare me right now, please.
18:24You have a lot of misfortunes in this family, but we don't need another one.
18:30You know what, Katrina?
18:31Listen to me carefully.
18:32You're not going to take him to dance yet because the time has not come, understood?
18:37Is it clear to you?
18:38You leave this man in peace.
18:47Things don't look good.
18:50I already started sending resumes.
18:52Because I just bought a social interest deposit.
18:54Can you imagine?
18:55I can't lose my job.
18:56No, no, no.
18:57It's just that with Rogelio as president, things are ugly.
18:59Oh, don't even tell me.
19:00With my boss in prison, this man really doesn't give me a good throat.
19:05The truth.
19:06Yes, me too, the truth.
19:07There he comes, there he comes.
19:09Let's see, kids.
19:10If you're done cleaning here, go get rid of the lice that David left me in what was my office.
19:16Because now Paula is going to use it.
19:18So I want you to leave it very pretty, without dust.
19:27Let's see.
19:31What's missing there, daughter?
19:40How do I look?
19:42You're leaving.
19:44You're leaving.
19:45This is the place of the greats, my love.
19:47This is.
19:48And before we go home to continue celebrating.
19:51Well, let's go.
19:52Hey, dad, by the way, I need a decorator.
19:55In your office, because I need to make some urgent changes.
19:58Your office, daughter, yours.
20:01I'll catch up with you later.
20:02I have to finish a few things in my office.
20:04I think it's very good.
20:06I just want you to know how all the other employees are doing.
20:10And above all, pay a lot of attention to Enriqueta, Carlos and David.
20:16We already know that these three can do anything to help Gabriel.
20:22Hey, you haven't told me how I look.
20:25Very good.
20:26Very good.
20:27Powerful, right?
20:31Your brother is always so smiling.
20:33More champagne, daughter.
20:37From what they tell me, there is nothing that can be done.
20:41The meeting of the shareholders to nominate Rogelio for the presidency of the brewery is legal.
20:49He's a bastard.
20:51He had everything planned.
20:52Well, then we have to put up with it.
20:54But we're not going to let things go that easily.
20:56We're not going to give up.
20:58Gabriel needs us to be in here.
21:24I love you.
21:54It was for things of destiny
21:57Or maybe good luck
22:00That the least expected day
22:03Would change forever
22:05And it's very true when they say
22:08That love sometimes comes
22:11In different ways
22:16And this happened to Juana
22:19Juana the Virgin
22:21She didn't expect it
22:24She didn't imagine
22:27What would happen to her
22:30Dear Juana
22:37How beautiful you are
22:47Why, my love?
22:49Why was I so happy?
22:51I thought I had found the love of my life
22:54And that I was going to be completely happy
22:57Let's see, but ...
22:59Explain something to me
23:00This video ...
23:01I mean, Yavira arrived and ...
23:03Do you want to see it?
23:07Let's see, mom, look
23:08All you have to do is delete it
23:10No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no
23:11In case I relapse or my feelings are shaken, I'll see it again
23:14And so I remember how lying it was to me
23:18And you, get out of here
23:19Well, I'm going to delete it then
23:21No, let's see, Juana
23:22I'm your mother, even if it doesn't seem like it, no
23:24Mom, I don't understand why you're hurting yourself like that
23:27Besides, this video was before you and Salvador were together
23:32Well, for me it was as if it were yesterday
23:34Well, yes, because you're watching the video over and over again
23:37Well, obviously it seems like it was just now
23:39I just can't, I swear I can't
23:41I have the images of that video
23:43I try to remember the beautiful things that happened to him
23:46But I can't, I can't
23:48It hurts me a lot
23:50Well, I already deleted it so you don't torment yourself, come
24:01Why do all our love stories have to end in tragedy?
24:04What do you mean why?
24:05Because all the women in this family have...
24:07No, no, no, don't say it, enough
24:09Enough with that
24:11We can't deal with those superstitions
24:24We couldn't do anything
24:25Rogelio is the new president of the brewery
24:30I feel that every minute I've spent here since I surrendered
24:32I lose something important for my life
24:36First, saying goodbye to Juana and my son
24:38And then what happened to Paula and her humiliations
24:42What happened to the DA that I shouldn't have done
24:45And I understand that you feel that your world out there is falling apart
24:49But you have to be strong, brother
24:52It's easy to say
24:53Let's see, I'm not telling you as your lawyer
24:55I'm asking you as your friend
24:59Even if you look lost
25:01You can recover everything
25:04But you have to be strong and hold on to what's coming
25:10That's Gabriel Rubio's transfer order to the North prison
25:14As a precautionary measure, boss?
25:16I did know that he became aggressive
25:18But locking him up with all those thugs and scoundrels
25:22Detective, I know that you want to do the right thing
25:24But look at what happened to us with those hitmen that we arrested
25:28And that our own separatists eliminated
25:30Yeah, well
25:32You'd say that the scoundrels are not even in jail anymore
25:35They're safe, right?
25:36But that's not our fault
25:38These kind of criminals always have the guillotine on their necks
25:42And they associate themselves with people who have them sentenced
25:46And that's out of our hands
25:48And anywhere, detective
25:52What you're telling me about Paula
25:54That she's presenting herself as my wife
25:56To make use of the actions of the brewery
25:58It's a farce
25:59I know
26:00And everything would be clear if the divorce sentence had come out
26:03I was talking to some colleagues, friends
26:06From the family court
26:08And they told me that Paula's lawyer
26:10Was in charge of putting all kinds of obstacles
26:12To delay the divorce
26:13If the divorce sentence had already come out
26:16She couldn't present herself as my wife
26:18And make use of the actions of the brewery
26:21Because I inherited those actions
26:23Before I married her
26:24That's right
26:25And Rogelio knows that too
26:27That's why he's playing dirty and cheating
26:29To be the president of the blonde brewery
26:31And do you know what's going to happen next?
26:33Rogelio doesn't care about the brewery
26:35Because he's blond
26:37Because he belongs to my family
26:39He just wants to destroy it
26:41To finish it
26:47Well done, Kiros
26:48You got your act together
26:50Gabriel made it easy for me
26:53He'll go to the northern prison today
26:55And we already know that the violence in that place
26:58Is out of control
27:01I want them to wait to finish him
27:04I want Cain to suffer
27:10I would also do anything to see you again
27:14I've been locked up here for years
27:16Just because I can't be close to you
27:18I miss you so much
27:21I want to go see you
27:22But my family won't let me
27:24And it's okay, listen to them
27:26Look, if the press comes
27:28Or the people who want to hurt me
27:30You're just going to put yourself at risk
27:32I don't want you to be in danger, please
27:34But I don't care about that
27:36You and I have to be together
27:38We made a promise
27:40I know
27:41I know, but the thing is
27:43You're not going to be able to come here
27:45Because I'm not going to be in the DA's office
27:48What do you mean you're not going to be in the DA's office?
27:50What are you talking about?
27:52The DA is going to take me to a prison
27:54No, no, no, no, no
27:56No, that's not true
27:57What are you talking about?
27:59No, that can't happen
28:01Juana, hey, hey
28:03My dear, calm down
28:05Calm down?
28:07But how are you going to be okay
28:09If you're going to be between criminals and murderers?
28:11No, they can't take you to that place, no
28:13Calm down, I'll be fine
28:15I promise
28:16How can you ask me to calm down?
28:18I can't be without you
28:20Much less knowing that they're going to take you to that horrible place
28:22My dear, listen to me
28:24You have to calm down
28:26You have to try for our son
28:28No, wait
28:30I'll be fine, I promise you
28:32I'll be fine
28:33And I have to go now because they only gave me five minutes
28:35But listen to me, I love you
28:37I love you, Juana
28:43No, no, no, no
28:44No, Gabriel, Gabriel
28:48Oh, my love
28:49They're going to take him to prison
28:52Don't let yourself fall
28:54Look, I know it's hard
28:56But you can't do anything about it
28:58I have to go to the DA's office
29:00No, Juana, no
29:01What's going on?
29:03Chaparra, why are you like this?
29:05They're going to transfer Gabriel and Juana here
29:07To see him before they take him
29:09No, that doesn't make sense, Chaparra
29:11You know I always support you
29:13But think about yourself, think about your baby
29:15Why am I going to think about Gabriel?
29:17Am I going to think about my son's father?
29:22Calm down
29:25Oh, my God
29:29Oh, no, I thought these three were going to give up
29:32Good thing they didn't
29:34But why are they here?
29:35Did Rogelio's jewel take away their offices?
29:37Oh, I don't know
29:42The employees are very worried
29:44Rogelio doesn't care about that
29:46He's never been interested in the employees
29:48All he wants is to undo the legacy of the blondes
29:55They're transferring Gabriel to a prison
30:07I'm sorry, Engineer
30:09Your spirit, my whole
30:11I know it's not your fault
30:18Let's go
30:24Let's go
30:31I am pleased to witness the transfer
30:33According to the protocol dictated by the Attorney General
30:36Mr. Vilorio
30:38Let's go
30:52Nani, I'll help you
30:58No, it's okay, leave it in the closet
31:00Yes, that's how it works and I put your things in your office
31:04Oh, I'm glad you left that creepy office
31:10I admire you a lot for how you're handling things, Nani
31:13Thank you, I can imagine how you must feel
31:18Everything that's happening is so unfair, I swear that...
31:22What? What's wrong? Tell me, or you'll get sick
31:26They just took Gabriel to a prison
31:32Oh, no, David, no
31:37Let's go
31:54Shall we proceed?
32:37Let's go
33:07Let's go
33:21For the triumph of the Fuenmayor, my love
33:23For the joy of having seen Gabriel behind the bars
33:31Manuel, come and toast with us, I'll serve you
33:38What are you doing with Camila?
33:40Lately I've seen you a lot together
33:45Are you sure?
33:47Of course, are you crazy or what?
33:56What did Rogelio tell you?
33:58Does he want you to keep working with him or not?
34:00I don't know what's going to happen to me
34:02In these days that we've been working together
34:05I realized how smart and valuable you are
34:08Thank you
34:12I'm going to get the rest of your things
34:16To Rogelio's office
34:18I love you
34:39Are you crying, daughter?
34:42I'm even hearing you in the bedroom
34:45Why are you crying?
34:48Because of that man who has you living here?
34:51He's not worth it
34:53Let him go
34:55Let him go, you can find someone who really loves you
34:59You don't need to be putting up with a jerk who only has you in his torment
35:06Oh, mom
35:11It's not that easy
35:14The only way to get rid of a man like him is to send him to jail
35:27I'm going to do the same thing I did to my dad
35:35Is she calmer now?
35:37Yes, she just fell asleep and cried so much
35:41It's been a rainy day
35:46A lot of tears for Juana, a lot of tears for you
35:50Dad, I'm sorry
35:53I'm sorry for not telling you what was going on
35:57You should have told me earlier
36:01You called me, didn't you?
36:05My mom told me
36:07Yes, she told me you had a problem with Yadira
36:12How many things did you tell her in front of everyone?
36:15Dad, I'm in everyone's mouth, I'm the worst
36:19Not at all, that's not true
36:24Of course, daughter
36:26To do what you did, you need a lot of courage
36:32And you have plenty of that
36:35You're a woman with a heart
36:39Bigger than this house
36:42You're a wonderful woman
36:44Give me a hug
36:54You, you, you hurt me
36:57You, you made fun of my feelings
36:59All you wanted was to sleep with me
37:02You're a bastard
37:04No way, Jenny, what am I talking about?
37:07You're a hypocrite, you're a hypocrite liar
37:20I can't believe that after everything that just happened with Jenny
37:23That everyone found out that you cheated on me with her
37:25You didn't even talk to me
37:28I did it, Yadira
37:31Because I'm clear about one thing
37:35I don't want you to ever come back here
37:41And above all, never try to blackmail a man like you tried with me
37:47Because you don't know how he's going to react
37:52Love yourself, respect yourself, and value yourself
37:58If you don't do it, no one will do it for you
38:05Is that clear?
38:42How are you, Mommy?
38:44Oh, my love, you don't know this, Precious is a success
38:47Look, sales, sales, sales, sales
38:50You gave me luck
38:52I love you, I love you
38:54I'm in a hurry, my love, but I'm going, this dress, who was it?
38:57Hi, Grandma
38:59Did I help you?
39:00No, I'm fine
39:04Oh, how delicious, can you serve me a plate?
39:06Yes, my love
39:15I've been saying this for a long time
39:29No matter how hard it is
39:33I have to believe that the three of us will be together again
39:47Good morning, my favorite person
39:50Oh, Juana, that's your six-month-old belly, imagine your nine-month-old belly
39:54I know, you look beautiful
39:57My child, I am your visa
39:59Oh, a place to wake up
40:01The good thing is that my grandson is going to be born when his father gets out of jail
40:05Well, it would be fair, right?
40:07Let's see, everyone to eat, let the food get cold
40:10What happened?
40:11He broke the fountain, he broke the fountain
40:13And what do I do?
40:14Go get the car
40:17Grandpa, you have to call Gabriel
40:19Don't worry, my love, I'll take care of this
40:21Okay, okay, you call him
40:22Let's go, let's go
40:23Let's go outside, my love, slowly
40:24Let's go, let's go
40:25Oh, but now
40:26Slowly, slowly
40:27Don't worry, Juana
40:28Don't you feel the contraction yet?
40:29It's very soon, it's very soon
40:30Let's go, let's go
40:39It hurts
40:41Good morning, I need to see the intern
40:44Excuse me
40:47Thank you very much
40:49Excuse me
40:50It's your own
40:52Look, as soon as I could, everything was fine, what did the doctor say?
40:55I'm alive, it's a miracle
40:58The intern who attacked me is in isolation
41:00But I'm sure that when I get out, he'll attack me again
41:03My head is already full of pressure
41:06Hey, and Juana?
41:09Let's see, she's very well and soon she'll be much better
41:17She'll be much better because she'll be much better
41:19Because there's good news
41:22I just talked to Josefina, careful, careful
41:27And she told me that Juana just started labor
41:34But there are two months left for that, Salvador
41:37And the people say that life never waits
41:42Oh my love
41:44You're doing amazing
41:46Is everything okay?
41:47Everything is perfect, Juana
41:49Yes, we're doing very well
41:51And now, it's coming, it's coming
41:53It's already born, it's already born
41:56Is it okay?
41:57It's perfect, it's a beautiful boy and very healthy
42:00Let's see, can I see?
42:01Oh my love
42:02Is it okay?
42:05Let's see
42:07Oh my love
42:09It's so beautiful
42:11Oh my love
42:16Oh my love
42:22I love you
42:24I love you so much
42:27I love you so much
42:37I love you
