• 2 months ago


00:00So we're down, this is the newsletter down at Drumore High School this morning.
00:06Many happy GCSE students collecting their results.
00:09We're speaking to Rebecca, Eva and Lewis here.
00:12They've all got the results, they're all happy, they're all making big plans.
00:16We're going to come to you first Rebecca, tell us a little bit about your results.
00:21Well I got a handful of B's and a couple of A's from one C star, so I'm very happy with
00:28Big relief?
00:29So you're going to work all paid off?
00:30I think so, yeah.
00:31That's great.
00:32And what's next?
00:33Well I'm hoping to go on to the A levels, I'm hoping to do sport and business, and then
00:38hopefully do it again and go back to uni.
00:41So you're thinking of doing criminology at university?
00:43I think so, yeah.
00:44Okay, so you've been inspired by detective shows and series, Brooklyn Nine-Nine, so some
00:50sort of criminal justice career ahead perhaps?
00:53Oh yeah.
00:54Great, congratulations.
00:56Thanks so much.
00:57We'll come on to Eva next.
00:58Eva, can you tell me a little bit about how you've done?
01:00Yeah, very happy with myself, we got all A's and A stars, so yeah, very pleased.
01:04We were definitely nervous coming in this morning, I think my mum might have been more
01:07nervous than me, but yeah, very happy with everything, and just, we'll see what happens
01:14I'm sure your mum's pleased too?
01:15Yeah, definitely.
01:16A big relief off her shoulders I think.
01:17And two years has gone quickly?
01:18Yeah, definitely.
01:19But the work has all paid off, you've all been happy with the amount of work you've
01:22put in.
01:23What's next for yourself?
01:24A-levels here probably, if all the subjects work out, staying here for A-levels, and then
01:30hopefully everything goes well with that.
01:32What A-level subjects are you thinking of?
01:34Biology and chemistry and history is what I've put down.
01:39And then uni probably, but not exactly sure on what I want to do yet.
01:42Any ideas?
01:43Any interests?
01:44Well, I kind of thought of medicine, but I know it's a very hard path to go down, so
01:48you know, it's kind of nervous, it makes me kind of nervous going into it, but hopefully
01:52everything will go well and everything will work itself out in the end.
01:55I'm sure it will, congratulations on all your hard work.
01:58Last but not least, Lewis.
01:59Lewis, tell us a little bit about your results.
02:01Yeah, big results, went well, a few A-stars, a few As.
02:05He's such a modest chap, isn't he?
02:07And so you're pleased, you're happy the results have paid off?
02:11And what's next for you?
02:12I hope I can replicate them in A-level, and look forward to uni.
02:18Okay, and what are you hoping to go on and do at uni, do you think?
02:22Engineering Path.
02:24And Maths and Physics, that's the general direction.
02:26Very good, and what is it that interests you about the Engineering Path?
02:29I just love Maths.
02:30You just love Maths?
02:32Wow, I'm sure your Maths teacher loves you, Lewis, what?
02:34So that was a quick two years, guys, it's all been worth it, you're all coming back?
02:39So you must be pretty happy with school, I'm sure Mr McConkey will be glad to see you all
02:41back again, yeah?
02:43Thank you so much and congratulations.
