Rapat Paripurna Pengesahan UU Pilkada Ditunda

  • last month
Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat Republik Indonesia (DPR RI) batal mengesahkan RUU Pilkada dalam rapat paripurna yang digelar Kamis (22/8/2024).

Wakil Ketua DPR RI Sufmi Dasco Ahmad yang bertindak sebagai pimpinan sidang menjelaskan, rapat paripurna hanya dihadiri oleh 89 anggota dewan. Sementara 87 anggota izin.


00:00The People's Representatives' Council has postponed the full meeting with the agenda of revising the Constitutional Revision.
00:11The Chairperson of the DPR, Sufmi Dasko Ahmad, stated that the meeting could not be held because the meeting did not fulfill the quorum.
00:18As a result of the corruption that is not fulfilled, the revision of the Constitutional Revision is also in order to be carried out.
00:25As it is known, the DPR will announce the revision of the Constitutional Revision on Thursday.
00:29The DPR and the government have agreed to bring the revision of the Constitutional Revision to the DPR Legislative Council in Rabu.
00:37And in essence, this revision revises the decision of the Constitutional Court related to the limitation of the election of a candidate to the age requirement of the regional head.
00:48First, the Constitutional Court ruled that the decision of the Constitutional Court that abolished the limitation or threshold of the election of a candidate to the regional head for all political parties and voters,
00:58the Constitutional Court ruled that by abolishing the threshold, it only applies to political parties that do not have a DPRD chair.
01:06The threshold of 20% of the DPRD chair or 25% of the electorate still applies to political parties that have a parliamentary chair.
01:16The Constitutional Court also ruled on the age of the regional head candidate.
01:21The Constitutional Court held that the age is calculated during the election, not during the nomination as set by the Constitutional Court.
01:32The Constitutional Court ruled that the decision of the Constitutional Court that abolished the limitation or threshold of the election of a candidate to the regional head for all political parties and voters,
01:42the Constitutional Court ruled that by abolishing the threshold, it only applies to political parties that do not have a DPRD chair or 25% of the electorate still applies to political parties that do not have a DPRD chair.
01:53After being scored up to 30 minutes, the committee did not approve, so according to the existing rules, the committee cannot be continued.
02:05So the event today, the implementation of the revision of the Constitutional Court Law, automatically cannot be continued.
