Doraemon new episode 9-08-2024 in hindi full episode_ Doraemon latest episode _Doraemon best episode

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Doraemon latest episode _Doraemon best episode
00:00Are you okay, Nobita?
00:03What's in it, Nobita?
00:05I don't know, but I found it in the iceberg.
00:08What's this?
00:09Is it Doraemon's gadget?
00:11It's not mine.
00:16What did you do?
00:17I dropped it by mistake.
00:19This is a bracelet. I think someone must have lost it.
00:23Should we give it to the police?
00:25But no one will believe that we were there.
00:28It was frozen, so it must have been lost for a long time.
00:32That iceberg came from Antarctica, right?
00:36That means it was lost in Antarctica.
00:39Do people live in Antarctica?
00:41Yes, of course. There are research bases in Antarctica.
00:45I think this could be a big discovery.
00:49What do you mean?
00:52Ice Age Measuring Device.
00:55With this gadget, we can find out when the ice was frozen.
00:58You're right.
01:04Just as I thought.
01:05100,000 years.
01:06What? 100,000 years?
01:08Is it that old?
01:10When a layer of ice keeps falling for thousands of years,
01:14it becomes an iceberg.
01:16Its core is the oldest.
01:18That means Doraemon was lost so many years ago.
01:21That's not all, Nobita.
01:22Antarctica was discovered 200 years ago.
01:25Before that, no one went there.
01:27100,000 years ago, it was a stone age.
01:29That means humans didn't have such technology at that time.
01:34That's why they were able to make this bracelet.
01:37That means it's not a human's work.
01:39100,000 years ago, in Antarctica?
01:42What if we find its owner?
01:44The entire world.
01:46It will be the biggest discovery.
01:49Nobita, tell me quickly.
01:51Did you find anything else there?
01:53Let's go and search again.
01:55No, wait.
01:56It's too late today.
01:58If we want, we can go later.
02:01See you tomorrow.
02:03Okay, bye.
02:04Don't be late.
02:08Good night.
02:10Good night.
02:18Good night.
02:53It's too cold.
03:12Ice fortune means you have to stay with the snow.
03:15Your lucky item is a star.
03:17Did I lose it?
03:19If you lost it, you should give it to the police.
03:27Don't run.
03:41We are going.
03:43Where are you going so early in the morning?
03:46We are going to Antarctica, mom.
03:48Okay, but come back by dinner.
03:53What did you say? Antarctica?
03:55My cousin told me that some people believe that...
03:58...there is a city under the thick ice of Antarctica...
04:01...which is Atlantis.
04:02I think Atlantis must have made that ring a million years ago.
04:06They can do anything.
04:08And you know, my cousin knows everything about it.
04:11He does a lot of research about it, like me.
04:14Yes, okay.
04:15But I don't understand where Atlantis is in Antarctica.
04:19If I knew the place of Atlantis... wouldn't have been just an imagination.
04:24Is it true?
04:26I can't say for sure that it is Atlantis.
04:29But maybe there is something in the ice of Antarctica.
04:33Look at this map.
04:35This is the place where we found the iceberg yesterday.
04:39Show me the ocean waves of this place.
04:42The iceberg must have floated away from the ocean waves.
04:45Now let's follow the waves.
04:47What if we turn a little to the west in Antarctica?
04:55Oh, no!
05:08Look, it stops here.
05:11That means the iceberg was here.
05:14Let's go this way.
05:16Atlantis is here.
05:17No, the ring didn't land here, Jian.
05:20Do you understand?
05:21I don't understand.
05:22The iceberg must have floated away from here.
05:25Now look at it carefully.
05:27It is said that the ice in Antarctica...
05:30...began to form 4 billion years ago.
05:33And slowly the ice turned into a long, big and tall sheet.
05:39It is moving.
05:40Similarly, a big glacier was formed...
05:43...which is called an ice sheet.
05:45And this ice sheet keeps on forming by itself.
05:50Do you understand, Nobita?
05:52The ice broke.
05:53Because of its weight, the ice goes from the top to the bottom.
06:03That means the place where the ring was...
06:06It is called an iceberg.
06:08According to the map, the ice flowed from here to the water.
06:13According to the map, we should look under the ice.
06:16Doraemon, I still don't understand... the ice can flow like this.
06:20All that later.
06:22I think we should go and see the place shown on the map.
06:27Are you ready?
06:28Yes, of course.
06:29Let's go.
06:31All of us will find Atlantis in Antarctica.
06:34Let's go and find the owner of the ring.
06:37Let's go.
06:38Let's go.
06:44Let's go, friends.
07:08To be continued...
07:38To be continued...
08:08To be continued...
08:38To be continued...
