Millie, Esme & Eva - TPS

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Millie, Esme & Eva from TPS in Petersfield on GCSE results day.
00:00So I got straight Grade 9s, which are A-star stars in whole terms, yeah and I got, yeah I'm
00:07really happy with them. I'm going to Godwin College next steps to do Maths, further Maths,
00:14English Literature and History, so four A-levels but I'm going to try and tackle that. I'm going
00:18for probably History in University, maybe Maths, I'm not really sure, I'm kind of trying to keep
00:25my options open. So I've got the results that I really wanted and then I'm also gonna go to
00:33Godwin to do History, Maths and 3D Design and then hopefully I'll take that forward to Architecture.
00:40So I got results I'm super happy with as well, so I have, I don't actually, I've not counted them,
00:45I think I have like nine 9s and then two 8s I think and then I had a 9 last year for my GCSE
00:50Statistics and I'm super happy with that and I'm planning on going to Bochum 6th Form to study
00:57Biology, Chemistry, Maths and to do an EPQ with an end goal of hopefully Medicine. Everything paid
01:03off, yeah very happy.