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AltspaceVR Critic
00:00:00Hey what's up guys I'm gonna make a new series it's gonna be called the neutral
00:00:10zone that way I could talk about things I want to talk about and I don't have to
00:00:14worry about I'm in somebody's creation and I should be talking about them or
00:00:20their creation or promoting them this is a free template so I can talk to you the
00:00:26way I feel like talking to you without worrying about somebody saying hey you're
00:00:31in my creation and you're using it for your own benefit anybody can come in
00:00:36here you know let me tell you something somebody come here right now while I'm
00:00:40doing this video right if it was casted live maybe someone I'm gonna do it one
00:00:46day I'm gonna cast it live let's see if anybody comes in here all right so
00:00:50anyway check it out I just want to tell you a little bit about my journey
00:00:54that I had I'm gonna keep my eye on the time because every time I go into a creation I talk
00:01:00about the creation the creator and I do a little bit of talking to engage but
00:01:04nobody goes there because you know let me tell you this man there's no
00:01:08competition between engage and alt space it's a unity man it's not Republican and
00:01:15Democrat man it's like everybody join it it's for creators man a creator should
00:01:20have their fingers in everything that's creating buddy you know I'm saying you
00:01:26should know a little bit about everything man so you can take ideas
00:01:29from one spot and bring to another spot but I just wanted to tell you man that
00:01:34it's been a real journey man I had an idea oh first of all I want to give out
00:01:44to the gold team I want to give a real big shout out to the 45 members that I
00:01:52have my gold team on Facebook because before there ever was a YouTube there
00:01:56was a Facebook man and I had difficulty on Facebook with the Facebook people
00:02:01themselves with the Oculus people and also with I'm engaged people man I had a
00:02:07lot of struggles man to get over here this is not my first Oculus this is like
00:02:11my fourth or fifth I had to keep buying them because it kept breaking and got hacked or
00:02:15malfunctioned or something like that so I just wanted to tell you guys man what
00:02:23it's been like because actually you can do a psychology test on me man you can
00:02:28do an experiment like if you had to do an experiment for school what is it like
00:02:32for somebody who spent their time in virtual reality and made so many videos
00:02:38and met a lot of people since nobody interviewed me I can tell you a little bit
00:02:44about myself you know let me just say oh and for the gold team that's what I was
00:02:50talking about I want to thank every member of the gold team that stayed there
00:02:53because I had ups and downs I got 45 members now but I had over 100 or
00:02:59something I got rid of a lot of people because it was like dead weight every
00:03:02time I wrote a post nobody responded and everybody viewed it and nobody put a
00:03:07like anything like that and I got tired of the ghosts man so and then on top of
00:03:12that I had trouble with Facebook so I said you know what man I'm spending all
00:03:15my time over here every single day trying to get the most posts for the day
00:03:20man and the most posts for the day tomorrow I gotta get up and do it all
00:03:23over again I gotta find something else I'm amazing man and you know what I was
00:03:27putting on my post dude I was putting some homeless people in their bad
00:03:31conditions it was really bad conditions and that's what I was doing there
00:03:34because I what in a strange kind of weird way I guess I was trying to please
00:03:39the post people man that really wasn't me because I'm a light worker man you
00:03:43can google what a light worker is so um I decided to do YouTube man and I didn't
00:03:49know anything about YouTube at all I seen people that was on Facebook as a
00:03:52friend break off to go to YouTube and they got me they just got a post up there
00:03:57they never got any views or anything like that they never really did it consistently so
00:04:02they never really built up any clientele so I never knew how to do it
00:04:08at all period man but with the Facebook thing I got pushed into it to try
00:04:13something different man and let me tell you man it was the best move I ever made
00:04:17sometimes you make a move in life and it's the best move you ever made and I
00:04:22gotta honestly say without a shadow of a doubt man I tried to maybe three or four
00:04:26times get in contact with YouTube just so I can tell YouTube thank you so much
00:04:30for the opportunity to build a business out of the business that you have man that I
00:04:36really appreciate I learned a lot I've been trained a lot over here on YouTube
00:04:40I watched a few of the videos and I experienced a lot myself man and I
00:04:45really appreciate the opportunity from YouTube I appreciate the opportunity
00:04:50from the Oculus and you know even though I had trouble with Facebook I started
00:04:55off with Facebook so to a certain degree they gave me the training to come in
00:04:59here and do the things that I do man that's why when I do it I don't do it
00:05:02like an amateur I do it like a professional because this is who I am
00:05:05I'm not trying to intimidate I mean I'm not trying to be somebody else this is
00:05:10who I am so with all that said through all the ups and downs and I stopped
00:05:17posting on the goal team they still stuck there I haven't posted really for
00:05:24a while and months buddy and like a lot of people used to drop off when you
00:05:28don't post and they still there and I haven't looked for a while because I
00:05:33was getting discouraged with the post with the Facebook people man they never
00:05:37give you any comments and they never say anything positive and I did a lot of
00:05:41work in the virtual reality and I knew it was worth something man I knew that
00:05:44if I took my product to another place another place would appreciate it I
00:05:48didn't really have any friends on Facebook even though it says all those
00:05:51friends and members but when I came to alt space I kind of met I met friends
00:05:56I met more friends in alt space than I ever had in the real world and so I'm
00:06:03grateful for that man and then all the people that I met the creators man you
00:06:09know what it feels like to be called a creator I'm a creator just like the
00:06:14other creators I don't just go and interview I create myself too so if
00:06:19anybody can give me a title that's a great title it would be to be called to
00:06:25call me a creator man and somebody says yeah you know you are maybe you're a
00:06:28creator I'd be like yo man that's the highest kind of that's the highest
00:06:34compliment you can give me man they call me a
00:06:38creator so oh this is what I wanted to do man I'm gonna try dude I had these
00:06:50clothes on I hope they're not wet let me dry it off a little bit over here so
00:06:55check it out man I'm gonna get to everything I can possibly let me just
00:07:04tell you this man I had the virtual reality in my mind before virtual reality
00:07:10even came out man I had an idea right something like this but now that I look
00:07:16at it man it was nothing that I could have actually put together unimaginable
00:07:20buddy unimaginable I started off with the Google Cardboard box thing you know
00:07:28and then that was cheap because what happened was I saw a simulation at
00:07:32Microsoft and it showed a presentation of virtual reality and it was like
00:07:37$3,000 everything I thought I couldn't afford man and when I finally got the
00:07:41money that's the first thing I put everything in I invested all my money in
00:07:44this virtual reality thing man this is the only thing I got going on really
00:07:47because I put all my eggs in one basket I wanted to focus on this so let me tell
00:07:52you I started with the Google Cardboard box and then I got this silly thing that you put
00:07:57your cell phone in but I always had one of those low-budget cell phones that
00:08:00they never fit inside the arm then you put your cell phone in so I never got a chance to see
00:08:04that one plus that's not really virtual reality man and then what else then I got
00:08:09something that really claimed it was virtual reality but it was just another
00:08:11version of put your phone in there and then I got this man and when I got this
00:08:16my whole life changed and I tried to tell people about it on Facebook before
00:08:22I did YouTube videos which is close to like six seven hundred I don't even know
00:08:26if it's 800 or whatever now because I stopped counting and stuff like that I just keep
00:08:29making them man and every time I make my watching I'm like I want to watch
00:08:33another one and then I don't I can't just watch another one because I didn't
00:08:36make it so I gotta make another one to watch another one and I love watching
00:08:39them man because I keep it real so when I listen to myself I listen to the real
00:08:44me man and that feels good so once again I want to thank the gold team right
00:08:48because through tough times those guys stuck there man and I tried to bring
00:08:54them along over here on YouTube and tell them I could do a video for each and
00:08:57every individual 45 that I had which I'm still gonna do and that all my videos
00:09:02that I have on Facebook you don't have to worry about copywriting because if
00:09:06you're part of the gold team you can use them any kind of way you want you
00:09:09can share you can put them inside your posting or whatever you want so that's
00:09:14yours man all that over there is yours as a member of the gold team and if you
00:09:19come to the YouTube I could do more for you over there than I can do on Facebook
00:09:24because on Facebook I can only write you know post or something like that and show
00:09:27pictures but if you come over here to YouTube I can teach you how to do
00:09:31YouTube we can walk around environments together I can introduce you to people
00:09:35and I can make videos for you and your family on special occasions it'll be my
00:09:39pleasure to do that so anyway let me just tell you about this man the
00:09:44creators over here I wanted to get that out the way because I was gonna actually
00:09:47do a video the gold team personally but this one I want to tell you guys I want
00:09:54to tell you that the creators I want to thank everybody in here that I got a
00:10:00chance to visit your your world because I had a wonderful time man the reason
00:10:06that you made it was because you wanted somebody to enjoy it and I really did
00:10:10enjoy it man I had a really great time over there it took my mind off a lot of stress that I had going on
00:10:15and helped me cope with stuff it gave me new ideas and it made me happy man
00:10:22you know and this is what I want to tell you too guys I want to thank the creators so much
00:10:30that I had interviews with that allow me to go into their world man because
00:10:37um let me tell you buddy get over here real quick boom great man I was dude this wasn't great at
00:10:48all I didn't even make the spot I wanted let me just tell you this man the creators man I can't thank you
00:10:54enough I can't thank you enough because you created something and you took time
00:11:00out of your day to show me what you created man so I can have the same kind of pleasure that you
00:11:06had when you made it man and I did have that pleasure too man I want to thank you guys for
00:11:11the ones that had the special you know I'm gonna have to give a couple shout outs to some people
00:11:17man you know and I hope I don't miss anybody all right I'm gonna do my best so I'm gonna give a
00:11:24shout out to Ryan I started with Ryan first, Supergirl, Diamond Rider, T-Maxx, Akumi, Dolly, DW73 and Terry Smith 177 and Jim709
00:11:49oh dude and definitely Nico and Teemo, Real Molly, Queen um and Kane what's her name again
00:12:07Queen Bella and Kane, oh Mini, Mini Miji, Mini Muji, I'm sorry Mini, Mini Jiji, Mini Jiji, you know what I'm talking about
00:12:24I want to thank her too man, oh and Sentinel One and Princess and everybody else man that took the
00:12:41time out, oh and Batty Creations man you know let me tell you people took a whole hour and
00:12:51spent it with me and showed me around their world man they didn't have to do that you know and I
00:13:00really really appreciate that man the other day I had a wonderful time with Dolly, Terry and the
00:13:06spaceman and DW73 man who has a real heart buddy let me tell you I've seen some emotional things
00:13:16in here I have some emotional videos to her and let me tell you this what I just found out over
00:13:21there when I first started off thanks to Ryan and a couple other people thanks to Ryan and actually
00:13:29um what was her name she was part of the Ryan team oh and I want to thank Mugsy right from the Ryan team
00:13:39because he had a couple of ideas for me and who else oh and Seachet because he has a lot of great
00:13:46videos that are religious man that was great too man and Atesia she had the Manhattan one that was
00:13:58great man I had a great time over there so there's so many people to be grateful to over here I hope
00:14:06I didn't miss anybody if I did I'm gonna do more of these videos man now let me tell you something
00:14:11strange something spectacular about this area man when I first started I used to come over here
00:14:17and I came here a lot man there used to be a basketball court over here I used to play basketball with people from
00:14:25different countries oh and let me tell you this too guys my real name is Kenneth Brown people say
00:14:34it's only because I'm from New York right here so it's Kenneth Brown and it's actually New York
00:14:39so that's what the NY stands for because it'd be kind of weird to have Kenneth Brownie you know what I'm saying
00:14:44it's like a nerd name so it's Kenneth Brown NY New York City right here man it's nothing over here
00:14:52that you're looking at I worked over here man I worked in the World Trade Center I was in the
00:14:57stock market going a little further down here is a Carnegie Mellon what do you call it it's a bank
00:15:05I worked in a bank in a glass office when they had the World Trade Center I worked at World Trade Center
00:15:09on the 19th floor you can google a company called George International on floor 1907 that's where I
00:15:16worked at 1907 boom I used to deliver all around Broadway Nassau Maiden Lane it was wonderful man
00:15:25I got a chance to meet a lot of people I wish I knew what I do now man I'll be more successful
00:15:31with the information I have now I know how to network more so this is what I just found out guys
00:15:39just recently man just now actually I came in here is that I can fly in here man I've been here hundreds
00:15:45of times I've walked on the water I know I can fly too I'm so glad somebody left this template in here
00:15:52you know if somebody can when you get a chance can you help me build a world I haven't built
00:15:56anything yet man in all space I wanted to build a crystal Cathedral but I couldn't find anybody
00:16:03that can help me do it man it was a complicated project but if somebody can help me like if you
00:16:08look at it and you analyze it before you even talk to me and you think you can do it then I'd appreciate it man
00:16:14you know and I'll pay you too you know a reasonable amount of money we'll work together I got big
00:16:26plans for that one and you'll and I'll not only will I pay you and appreciate it but you'll always
00:16:35be welcome there even though I'll be the owner I'll always give you the creativity ability
00:16:43I hope you'll use it man I want to do that once you know I always wondered a little tiny bit how you get back up here man
00:16:51I'm walking and talking right but I kind of wanted to get back up there man
00:16:59yeah I remember one time I played hide and seek I came in here and a couple other people came in here looking for me
00:17:08right because people don't know me coming here and I was hiding down here man
00:17:13I can talk to people but I'm really like a um so I never came through here either man all this time
00:17:23I'm really like an introvert I like to be alone now but I like to be able to tap into other people
00:17:37like I like to be alone but when I don't want to be alone I like to know that I've got friends available that I can talk to
00:17:42so this has been a heck of a journey man I've had a oh I gotta fly to get up there right
00:17:51I gotta fly to get up there do I? let me see something real quick I don't want to fly yet man I want to save it for last
00:18:05oh how about this one bang dude I thought I was gonna go back up there yeah look
00:18:17we having like a night conversation man
00:18:22I bet people never really explored this man you know what I heard somebody say one time
00:18:27they said slow down to the speed of life and you heard people say you know smell the flowers while you can man
00:18:35you gotta enjoy every moment man I used to have people that travel that try to make me jealous
00:18:43make me jealous to say I went here I did this I went here I did this dude since I've been here man
00:18:50I'm walking on water put all your trips together you never walked on water put all your trips
00:18:57together you never been to the moon put all your trips together you've never been to Mars
00:19:04under the water the solar system
00:19:07you got geniuses in here buddy you got people in here oh and I forgot to give a shout out to Tiberius
00:19:14and Marty and Gangster and Mama Kimmy and Dee Kimmy her daughter
00:19:24look at this man from this angle my friends you don't even know there's a building look
00:19:32and I can fly too
00:19:36you know you have to keep the amazement man that you have in life
00:19:40or nothing will excite you again I remember when I was younger I used to know people
00:19:46they said did that did that been there done that bid it been there done that nobody could ever say
00:19:52that about this man if you say you've been there you've done it that means you gave up you can never do it
00:19:58that means you gave up you can never do it all in here man
00:20:04y'all went to some wonderful creations man did I had a wonderful time
00:20:09I had a wonderful time in DW73's creation
00:20:14I had a wonderful time with Nico and Timo avatars
00:20:21and I gotta tell you honestly man you know because I keep it real if you watch my videos
00:20:25you know all out of all the um out of all the young ladies in here man that I've always felt
00:20:33comfortable with it was always Dolly Ocean man I like saying the name Dolly Ocean
00:20:48I wouldn't want to see her too many times and nobody else too many times and trying
00:20:52and mess things up but I gotta tell you man I had a great time with these people man it's
00:20:59it's like one of those things that you only have that time and don't try to duplicate it because
00:21:03you might mess it up you just gotta cherish those moments and that's why check this out man that's
00:21:10why I do these videos man because if somebody ever says yo let me show you my picture album
00:21:16I'll go yo let me show you my video album look I can get back over here man
00:21:21I'll go let me show you my video collection man these are moments that you can share with
00:21:27your friends and your family and anybody that you're trying to get into own space
00:21:32these are moments that you can look back at when you don't have nothing else to do and remember
00:21:36when you were creating you can show your kids this video you can save this video
00:21:45save this video show your grandkids this video man of you so when you're gone
00:21:53they don't just have to have a picture they can't move they can actually have um
00:22:00they can actually hear you talk and see your creations man
00:22:03it's never been nothing like this virtual reality buddy
00:22:06so dude I guess I gotta fly
00:22:18that's why probably when I came down here I never got back up to it
00:22:24I end the video right in the water
00:22:28now let me tell you something man I live in New York City
00:22:30the only thing I had in my mind is California but other than New York City
00:22:37I wouldn't want to live anyplace else man when I get bored all I have to do is have a metro card
00:22:46that can take me someplace and bring me back like a um what do you call it a two-way ticket
00:22:51and I can go to Manhattan right here I can look at all of these things for free
00:22:56bring a lunch 10-15 dollars to eat with a good book and some music and just walk around and
00:23:04eat and sightsee in my own town man I don't have to go to anybody else's town
00:23:09I could stay right in my own town and sightsee man
00:23:14yeah so once again man I want to thank the gold team
00:23:19and I want to thank all my subscribers on the YouTube channel thank you so much man
00:23:25I really appreciate it I mean when I first started off man I didn't know anything and still
00:23:31I got a lot to learn I met a young lady at the store when I first started off and we were talking
00:23:38about I said I have a YouTube channel she said me too she said how many people you got and I
00:23:42thought embarrassed to tell him I said I have four she said I got four too and she was a beautiful
00:23:49chick buddy let me tell you she was super beautiful in real life you're not talking about avatar land
00:23:54okay in real life buddy let me tell you this man she had a video to a cooking right she only had
00:24:00four for um viewers on that but if she would have had a video just showing a picture of herself man
00:24:08she would have got more hits so she said she was gonna support me and um I was supporting her
00:24:15looking for her to make more videos and stuff she never made anymore and she gave me one like
00:24:20something made a comment and that was it oh let me tell you what I do now guys I forgot to do it
00:24:26my friend oh and I want to thank um JR Castro man um he was my partner a long time ago man
00:24:33check it out I didn't see him a long time met him on the train the other night two nights ago
00:24:40and um I told him I had a page next thing I know
00:24:42he posted on my page recharge you say I love you man because he was like a son to me
00:24:53oh and check this out man I don't really show myself like a personal picture of me
00:25:00because I don't want people to look at the picture and judge it but I'll just tell you a little bit
00:25:03about myself though buddy I work out every day I gotta make sure I work out every day I try to
00:25:09stay in shape and I don't look too bad buddy yeah but I don't want people to get hung up I
00:25:16don't want to start getting a bunch of views based on what I look like man I want to get
00:25:22views based on my contents like if somebody likes what I'm doing they go yo man I like that guy I
00:25:30like what he's saying I want you to get to know my voice so that in any kind of video you'd be like
00:25:36yo this is that guy in the walking dead this is that guy and engage this is that guy like that
00:25:40man you know I have other videos besides alt space you know I have engage and I have um I'm
00:25:49gonna fly now but because I was holding off my last people who watch me you know I don't like
00:25:53that I don't like to fly too much because I don't want it to get um I don't want to become used to
00:25:58flying and it's not special to me anymore but I can't get back up there man while I was talking
00:26:05to you I was walking around the circle really looking for angle there's no angle and the reason
00:26:10I didn't want to fly here is because uh I love this place man I don't want to do anything to get
00:26:17look look look at this thing man spectacular look at this I kept trying to get up that fire escape
00:26:26I had trouble getting up there but
00:26:32gotta know how to fly too right or you'll be hitting the walls
00:26:39this is what I wish man I wish I could sit down right here with all my friends
00:26:44and we could just have a good conversation about life man real friends man nobody have to impress
00:26:50people that like you for who you are you know I've got more friends in alt space than I thought in
00:26:55the real world man dude the basketball is over there
00:27:01thank goodness dw73 dolly olsen's and terry's still here
00:27:08don't embarrass me I wouldn't be able to get a shot in
00:27:15go a little higher what's up here
00:27:18yeah so I want to take the time out man to thank you guys the creators the subscribers
00:27:24and my gold team members thank you so much man I know I haven't gotten back to you
00:27:30but I just want you to know man I really appreciate it every time I see a subscription
00:27:34I subscribe right back to you as soon as I see a subscription I automatically hit it
00:27:38and let me tell you man I think I helped some people out some people only had four subscribers
00:27:42let me tell you what um what my buddy dw73 did buddy
00:27:48he didn't even have a youtube page he got a youtube page just to subscribe to my page man
00:27:57which I really appreciate
00:28:01you know I appreciate everything everybody's done for me man I never took nothing for granted
00:28:06I always wanted to have a friend so when I finally get one man I do my best to keep her man
00:28:11sometimes I feel like I'm under pressure to keep a friend man because I'll do whatever I can if I
00:28:16find a good person to keep a good person man you don't find too many good people in the world
00:28:22you got to encourage them by complimenting them supporting them and subscribing to them
00:28:28you don't find too many good people in the world you got to encourage them
00:28:32by complimenting them supporting them and subscribing to them and putting likes on
00:28:37their videos too man because when I go and visit somebody else's world I ask them do you have a
00:28:41page because I'll subscribe to your page do you have a page so anybody else can subscribe to it
00:28:46man it's not about me man I don't want to be the only one eating if I'm going to be eating I want
00:28:51to make sure everybody's eating man so I formulated this business right here let me tell you a secret
00:28:57that you're never going to know unless I tell you man
00:29:01how I formulated this business right here is based on Amway
00:29:09Amway has a principle that you become successful when you help other people become successful
00:29:17and I can see it really does work man so I spend all my time here in old space promoting everybody
00:29:24else because there's so many beautiful creations in here nobody get a chance to see
00:29:32let me tell you this man if you had a a grandmother or mother and used to be a
00:29:39drug addict alcoholic and she was sick and about to die right and you went to the hospital bed
00:29:46and your mother said my only wish is that you get your life together man
00:29:51and you say mom I do have it together I'm creating an old space she go what is that
00:29:56well dude you can't bring oculus to the hospital man and you can't bring a computer for her to see
00:30:05it but dude you could say mom look at my cell phone on my cell phone this is what I created man
00:30:16this is what I created man these are my friends over here look how many views are that
00:30:23your mom could look at and go what what is that you did that that's you I'm so proud of you man
00:30:33you did get your life together and then before your mom go you can make something that's best
00:30:38for her and then when she finally passed away and she's at the grave or something like that
00:30:47you know that she's not gone there's a part in you there's a part of her in you and a part of
00:30:55you and her that knows man that when she left you didn't she didn't leave you a loser she left you
00:31:02doing something positive to make the world a little bit better man so um that's all I'm gonna say right
00:31:09now guys but I just want to thank the gold team subscribers and um gold team
00:31:19to subscribe and the friends I have friends on Facebook too that stayed there and were loyal to
00:31:24and if anybody ever came to um Facebook um from Facebook to YouTube but you didn't make yourself
00:31:34make yourself known man because I want to give you a shout out
00:31:37wow look at this young lady over there
00:31:41I hope it's a young lady you can't tell in this place buddy I seen some weird things in here buddy
00:31:47I seen a female name but looks completely like a dude
00:31:51I seen a dude that had no shirt on he only had wings
00:31:56you know she don't even know I'm making a video I don't know what to call people in here now
00:32:02um anyway guys thank you for watching and listening thanks for your support and um if you like my
00:32:09videos please put a like and uh you can make a comment I'm starting to get comments now thank
00:32:15goodness for that because uh I like to have a thread I like to have comments somebody else
00:32:20making a comment and I make a comment it looks good man don't look too good when you look in
00:32:24your page and it says a bunch of views but you don't have to make comments man I don't like
00:32:27saying that like that so of course I want to have some likes and comments but I definitely want
00:32:32subscriptions guys and uh watch the whole video because sometimes you never know what's going to
00:32:37happen it'll start off boring because I'm just a messenger man but then at the end it'll be a joke
00:32:44or it'll be something motivational or something like that you know let me see this young lady
00:32:51it's great to see people explore too you know and you know you know what I think was um really
00:32:56exciting too man this part about last night with the um Dolly Ocean and the Terry and the DW that um
00:33:06it's incredible man that they got a chance to see the world through my eyes it's like you came into
00:33:12my body and you saw what I saw and you got a chance to feel what I felt so hopefully man
00:33:21um it bonded us a little bit that you feel like you know there's a connection we have a friendship
00:33:26and stuff like that and also I'm a light worker guys as you can see over there and a light worker
00:33:31it's a spiritual being man and an empathetic I have a lot of emotions man a lot of happy emotions
00:33:37and a lot of sad emotions that I don't have a problem expressing anything anyway I'm at any
00:33:42time because I don't care what people say man I'm gonna be me you know what I'm saying in order
00:33:46for me to be me if I feel really happy I'm gonna say I'm really happy if I see something beautiful
00:33:51I'm gonna say oh that's beautiful that's spectacular that's wonderful I was gonna google
00:33:55all the positive words man so every time that I come into a creation I could have a different word
00:34:01but besides just saying beautiful man I could say like something else man
00:34:05that you can also learn from my English words that I'm improving also
00:34:10so um I don't know what else to tell you man I met you here right oh by the way another thing man
00:34:16when I do creations I hope it doesn't bother anybody but let's start to put music in there
00:34:20because if I didn't put any music in here it would be total silence you just hear my voice
00:34:25and I watch my own videos I watch music versus no music and since I put the music in all of a
00:34:32sudden the ones that I used to like that didn't have music they don't grab me as much man it's
00:34:37informational and stuff like that but uh music adds a special taste to it man so I'm gonna start
00:34:42putting music in it like we're doing right now this music that you hear here that you hear right
00:34:48now if you come in here you're not gonna hear the music I make the music that's my theme song
00:34:53everywhere I go I'm gonna write a theme song based on the environment
00:34:59so what time is it good I didn't want to stay too long right people don't have a
00:35:04long attention span thanks a lot again everybody I hope I gave a shout out to everybody let me
00:35:09pick again the videos I had horse has collections Nico has a collection Timo has a collection
00:35:19man well Terry has a collection now oh look at that man
00:35:24yeah let me see if I can interact I wasn't thinking about it did I take my fly off and interact
00:35:34look at this man
00:35:40let me find out this of course down here
00:35:42she might not know everything she could fly though how you doing
00:35:54is this your first time here have you been here before
00:35:59yes I've been here before oh yeah oh that's great man I'm the I'm the alt space vr world
00:36:05oh it is oh great man yeah um I just want to just want you to know that I'm the alt space
00:36:12vr critic I have 800 videos on youtube I've been um recording this whole time so you happen to be
00:36:19in the environment so you're going to be on youtube also so if you want to see it actually
00:36:23I do uh some recording too for vr um my my business is called 3vm certified so my business
00:36:30partner yeah yeah yeah um actually um so I'm facetious but facetious vr and ig if you look
00:36:38to me maybe we can connect and we can swap videos I can highlight you need to highlight
00:36:42mine we're like um across different metaverses um but I would love to see what you're so what
00:36:48did you record in here this is so this is one of the first worlds that I visited when I first
00:36:52came to alt space so I love this space and I'm from Manhattan me too I'm in the Bronx right now
00:37:00oh my god see and something about this I don't know if it's like the noise in the background and
00:37:05because right now I'm in Florida oh yeah but my my entire family and everything they're they're
00:37:11New York and I'm born and raised in New York City Manhattan uptown definitely I used to work in the
00:37:15World Trade Center my brother did yeah yeah and I worked at all this so incredible right yeah oh
00:37:25you was going to say something I wanted to ask you about you said um what were you talking about
00:37:28exactly you said oh first of all um whatever your station is since you're being recorded you can let
00:37:34people know now about your channel like whatever your um your station is you can let people know
00:37:38that they can find you on whatever what is it exactly awesome awesome actually you can find us
00:37:44um if you don't know me already I'm facetious VR you can find me and my business partner and my
00:37:50friend Xiao Boogie at 3vm certified you could also find us at the Harlem film house mall of the
00:37:56metaverse that's all of us um yes it's 3vm certified on IG follow us for all the latest
00:38:03and dopest trends and everything that's happening in social VR and also the VR games so uh forward
00:38:09to connecting and uh DM us if you if you want to collab incredible man because um I did a video
00:38:15already in the Harlem film house I did a video with everybody I know Molly, Ryan, Diamond Rider,
00:38:21I know Timo, Nico, I know Terry, I know DW, Dolly Ocean, you know everybody because I did videos
00:38:31knows me I'm just kind of incognito right now like I had a a game night or whatever so I wanted to
00:38:37come to my favorite world before logging off and I just like to come to the roof yeah everybody you
00:38:41know I've been here for about two years now um and also my business like I said my business partner
00:38:45and my friend she's actually one third of 3vm Xiao Boogie the owner of um the mall of the metaverse
00:38:52she's also the founder of the Harlem film house so if you've been to any of the Harlem film house
00:38:57worlds so together we make up 3vm and 3vm certified that's that's my business partner
00:39:02I'm a little of the incognito one so you don't see me around much unless we're like doing events or
00:39:07we we uh actually host a gaming night called Chick Mob with Nina Crease she's awesome she's
00:39:14down with the tribe that's our um she's actually yeah she's amazing she's a mentor tribe so she's
00:39:21super dope she teaches a lot of these DJs out here how to DJ in VR um so we just had a we just
00:39:26kind of finished up our night and I'm about to log off but you know what New Yorker doesn't log
00:39:30off without seeing New York first wow that's incredible man that you happen to stop over here
00:39:36before you log off man that's incredible I know and I saw you in the hot tub and I'm just like
00:39:40okay I'm gonna let him chill in the hot tub I'm just gonna hang head upstairs and uh get Manhattan
00:39:46real quick because uh yeah that's cool too I like it like that too that's uptown yeah I know
00:39:52everything we're talking about the Empire State Building we're talking about work at the World
00:39:56Trade Center over here the Brooklyn Bridge is down here going a little bit further to Water Street
00:40:00Maiden Lane you have um what do you call it um South Street South Street Seaport South Street
00:40:06Seaport yeah yes yes and let me tell you man Bryant Park all the way down on that side and
00:40:10everything definitely it's a vibe it's a vibe it almost makes me feel like we're like almost by
00:40:16like not the Dumbo section but like if you know if they had the bridge coming along here but
00:40:21anyway you know New Yorker so when I first came into VR I remember looking around before I even
00:40:29had a world you know you have your your regular world they gave you whatever and this is one of
00:40:34the featured worlds this is one of the featured worlds and I came here and to see it was one
00:40:39thing but then to hear like the sirens and everything in the background I'm like yeah
00:40:44so for some reason this world always gives me peace even before I log off definitely I was
00:40:48literally just about to log off it is so good to meet you Kenneth um me too you know I was
00:40:54collab on a lot of different things because he I mean look we didn't even know that we would know
00:40:59each other's people but like definitely let's like to just like you you're doing such awesome
00:41:04and amazing things on YouTube but you could find you here in the middle of the night by yourself
00:41:09nobody would think that we'd like to sometimes just to take that time by ourselves exactly why
00:41:15we love VR exactly you know why I'm here because I made this a neutral zone so not all my videos
00:41:20oh I'm also on I'm engaged I'm also the walking dead saints and sinners my name is Kenneth Brown
00:41:25so you can look me up over there so don't forget all space VR critic man because um if you put a
00:41:30subscribe I'll subscribe to your channel and that way we'll be staying connected even if I don't see
00:41:34you so what happened was I was in a pool and I saw you and I didn't want to be like one of those guys
00:41:39you know those hounds as soon as you see somebody you got hounded and stuff like that so I saw you
00:41:43you was peaceful and then I said hey I told my audience you know because the audience is over
00:41:48there I said no let me just say hi don't see how you are and I'm glad you're really a woman because
00:41:52sometimes you look like it could look like a woman it sounds definitely a woman sound like a dude
00:41:57said that when I first saw you I'm like I hope this guy's not a creep I hope he understands
00:42:01because like as soon as I portal into the world I'm like look I just want to come up to the roof
00:42:05and look at Manhattan real quick before I log off and then you didn't you didn't like tell me like
00:42:09you know sometimes just you know you come hey tell me about it buddy tell me about it but you
00:42:14were mad normal and I that's why when you first came up and I heard you say hello I was like
00:42:18about to like I'm not even gonna lie I was about to like portal out I'm not even gonna lie to you
00:42:25but then I was like nah he's super cool because he took a while to come up here it's not like
00:42:28you just followed me up or anything like that so no you know what's funny so we actually you said
00:42:34so listen we um chick mob we actually host a uh uh like a streaming video game where well what it
00:42:43is is that we actually highlight all the new apps and everything whether they're different video
00:42:47games all vr we do it every sunday night um creative music gaming castle she's super awesome
00:42:54guys look her up she is the truth she's a producer in real life actually her studio is in new york
00:43:00yeah she's super cool and so her myself and shabba the one who um is the founder of harlem
00:43:05film house we make up chick mob and so we go and we actually highlight the different apps
00:43:10and everything one of our favorite apps and games to highlight is um is um oh my god uh
00:43:19what game is that with the zombies um now you know the walking dead it's not the walking dead
00:43:25the last of us no no it's not the walking yeah it's not the walking dead it's um oh my god i
00:43:29don't know why because you have the walking dead you have the last of us that's like an
00:43:33animated thing and you have another thing the walking dead it's not the walking dead i have
00:43:37the new one you know i have the walking dead um saints and sinners chapter two i just started
00:43:41doing that the other day you have the actual walking dead i have the actual i have i have
00:43:45the walking dead saints and sinners i did all of that and then i just started the walking dead
00:43:50chapter two the one that just came out on oculus maybe like this week
00:43:54i bought it and i already started putting videos i gotta get that one
00:43:58then you have to try after the fall it's after the fall after the fall after the fall is what
00:44:04i was talking about that's one of the our favorites we play that oh that's the one i
00:44:07have you stream it live that's the first one i have that one oh we just played that actually
00:44:11that's why i was about to head so we played after the fall sometimes we'll just do a round before
00:44:16we go to bed but on sundays is when we highlight different apps in different vr spaces um and we
00:44:23in different games like we'll do cookout we'll do after the fall is one of our favorites so we kind
00:44:27of went and played a little bit tonight it was super fun um and what's the name of that creation
00:44:31is the walking dead where can i find that where can i find that like i was gonna try to go to
00:44:36oculus go to your oculus menu and go into search and just hit after the fall it is actually like
00:44:41i said do you have any trouble from now on uh kenneth hit me up we'll be buddies because we do
00:44:47the similar things i feel like we're kind of very uh kindred spirits so hit me up and i'll keep you
00:44:53abreast of what we're doing and perhaps well so we so when we uh play every sunday and highlight
00:44:58we also bring on a special guest bring on that special guest and we allow you to kind of we
00:45:02interview you we bring you to our public as well wow that's what i do you're doing i interview
00:45:08people i interviewed super girl have you ever heard of the queen you ever heard the queen let
00:45:13me take my bubble up the bubbles up okay how cool is that even in the vr space you can meet people
00:45:18who you're supposed to meet um absolutely let's definitely connect and then what we'll do is we'll
00:45:23have you on the show one day um one of these sundays either this sunday or next sunday um
00:45:28as we're playing the games we're talking to you so we'll we're killing zombies and we're like so
00:45:32kenneth tell me what you do in the you know in the vr space and what you're you know and then
00:45:37they're streaming into our audience everything so you're telling me that we can play together
00:45:42we can play the walk in there together and we're in there together playing it together a multiplayer
00:45:46game so this one is four players so because it's three of us at chick mob myself job boogie and
00:45:52nina crease we have a we always have a fourth person who we come on and we interview them wow
00:45:58everything is streamed live and in person we actually even have um like uh the chat and
00:46:04everything is live so people are conversing people are talking to us and everything in real
00:46:08time i had a question you get to swap audiences let's do it gotcha i got a question uh um whenever
00:46:14you um because i was thinking about today whenever you cast where's it casting to because it's not
00:46:20casting to my youtube channel right so where's it actually going it depends it depends so what we've
00:46:26uh been able to master in here um is the art of streaming out of the metaverse and into the
00:46:32metaverse at the same time for example we do an event called past the meta aux we do it um
00:46:38here and in horizon we do it in different apps we're not biased to just one app we like to go
00:46:44across multiple multi uh you know metaverses just because we we want to utilize the space for what
00:46:49it is right but like um in doing so for example nina's show that is in the real life studio in
00:46:58queens new york city we get to stream it into the vr space here which is the music gaming castle
00:47:05space yeah it's a stream it in and then the avatars that are in the music gaming castle
00:47:10space we stream outside so they're watching it in the studio and vice versa in real time do you
00:47:16have a youtube channel that has that do you have a place that i can go to i can take a look and see
00:47:20um see what it looks like so you guys are switching everything actually just hit me up um and i'll put
00:47:26you on to our 3vm certified channel guys if you haven't started following 3vm certified follow us
00:47:32we're the biggest branding and marketing in vr but what it is we really just try to highlight
00:47:38the dopest creators and everything um but we we highlight the games we highlight a ton of things
00:47:44but hit me up first i'll put you on to our page but facetious just add a vr
00:47:50i don't what am i in here i'm facetious 35
00:47:53just facetious
00:47:57all right just add a vr for vr and that's how you'll find me on on on ig we work with a lot
00:48:02of people like real life people specialize in bringing them into vr space so we have to figure
00:48:06out a lot of those um weird first of like how do we how do we cast a lot of these things haven't
00:48:15been written ahead of time like i have to give it to my business partner shop boogie she's freaking
00:48:20genius i heard of shop boogie breaking the tech that shop boogie so shop boogie is the one who is
00:48:26the creator of the harlem film house she's the founder excuse me yeah actually you're from new
00:48:31york harlem film house is an actual um existing organization it's a non-profit organization that
00:48:37exists on 126th street in harlem it's real it's actually a brick and mortar that's been in
00:48:42existence but because of the pandemic you know a lot of people kind of merged businesses in here
00:48:48so we just did what we do in real life and merged into the vr space and we figured out a way to make
00:48:53it mirror what we're doing in outside for real so it's not that anybody's greater than anybody
00:48:59it's just that we had a particular focus and goal on how we wanted it to look because we wanted it
00:49:06to mirror what i mean harlem film house has been in existence for several years along with the hip
00:49:11festival that we do annually um so 3vm is the metaverse version and leg of it whenever you
00:49:18see 3vm certified or 3vm that's synonymous with the harlem film house all the metaverse all of
00:49:25that i've been there many times man i've been to two different versions i've been to one version
00:49:29you had the pictures on the outside it looks like 125th street because you have the train station
00:49:33you have all the crap that's on youtube you know that's on youtube you need to take a look at it i
00:49:38have 800 videos i have people that i like and we're going to share your stuff too i mean the
00:49:43fact that you're doing all the stokeness in here and you're and you're from new york we love new
00:49:47yorkers because there's a certain vibe you know that we try to mirror or mimic in this space and
00:49:53i think it's just so big and important because i'm gonna see you my channel that we would find
00:49:59ourselves in this world here because this and we're from new york to the first world that kind
00:50:05of felt like the authentic new york in this definitely definitely i was telling people
00:50:09it actually gave me ideas on what we could actually do wow like okay so we can mirror
00:50:15this so yeah so harlem harlem film house that that uh metaverse world yeah i've been on the
00:50:21train a replica i took the portal in the train i saw people dancing in the train station doing the
00:50:26flip dance the girl like the avatars in the back i do i make videos we're going to be doing more
00:50:30partying oh my god we're gonna be oh look i'm flying we're gonna be doing more parties back
00:50:34there that's what happens when you get happy when you get happy you start flying i just fly like
00:50:38we do dj dj events and everything there it's about it's it's all about nostalgia and all of
00:50:43those like harlem like you know block parties and everything one day i'm gonna connect with you on
00:50:49ig would love to give you a tour i'm pretty sure you haven't seen all definitely have definitely
00:50:55a block party world and these are worlds that you could even come on in on if you
00:51:00have any events that you want to plan that you envision and everything too
00:51:03um this is our first time meeting i'm glad i didn't just portal out when you came
00:51:08yeah i'm glad i took that um opportunity to come and see you and stuff like that right
00:51:12absolutely so i have another question i didn't get that um when you cast where does it go like
00:51:18let's say i wanted to cast right now because you have oculus i see your hands moving so you have
00:51:22oculus so i want to care you know how come some people have like black fingernails and i don't
00:51:27have any kind of color fingernails well i put i put nail polish on that's why it was a concert
00:51:32effort you can do that with the avatar you can cat yeah you can do that you go on your me you go
00:51:36on your menu you customize yourself and then you can go ahead and put it in the i put nail polish
00:51:42on but when you cast you can cast to like uh your television oh yeah cast to like yeah yeah so like
00:51:49for example if you're hanging out with friends and you want them to kind of see your experience
00:51:55yeah you can once you hit cast in your oculus menu you have an option where you can cast it to
00:52:02your your tv screen sometimes a computer or wherever it'll show you a bunch of different
00:52:06electronics i wanted to cast it actually to my youtube channel so people can watch it live
00:52:12and then when i'm in here talking i can say well come on in here and i want to see somebody come
00:52:16in here and say i came in here you got to see my videos man um i do an engage right and engage
00:52:22i can create myself in doubles and four times and i can talk and do the whole it's completely
00:52:26different alt space i'm glad i met you too man oh so um you can't are you in other metaverses
00:52:32as well other than all space or just all space i'm in alt space i'm in the walking dead sex and
00:52:38centers and i think i wouldn't i think um you know um engages metaverse engages metaverse
00:52:44so i'm like an engage also no that's awesome because i think that all space is so dope that
00:52:49i think that it needs to get out like the community and everything that actually exists
00:52:54within and the capabilities so listen let's connect send me a message on i on ig like i
00:53:01said i'm facetious gotcha just add a vr to it i got two more questions before you leave though
00:53:06two more questions in brooklyn rooftop and then we'll connect i'll introduce you to my my my
00:53:11partners um uh nita and uh boogie he's my business partner um he's our client um and we
00:53:19work with a lot of people but at the same time we're all doing the same things that you're like
00:53:22you're talking about so we can kind of expand your mind on it and i make movies too i make
00:53:26movies i make i go from one scene to another i do move on look at that blind it just happens
00:53:30like that sometimes when you hit the button so i got two questions tiny west have you heard
00:53:38coming the moets by any chance no i don't think so all right so after we connect i'll put you on
00:53:43to that that was the very first reality show that was filmed produced everything here in the
00:53:48metaverse it's actually on our um film station at 24 seven uh so yeah like i said when
00:53:54we connect i'll put you on to more but yeah that's what we do in real life so we just bring it in
00:53:58here but what was your other question before i log off okay oh the other one than i'm supposed
00:54:02to be gotcha the other one is um right next to you is that pen thing um right next to you
00:54:09does that help you fly because i've seen people talk about the pen because i'm flying without the
00:54:13pen yes i'm flying without the pen so what's the difference what's the difference i'm about
00:54:18to tell you the difference this difference blew my mind because i'm like a harry potter fan
00:54:22so when i found this when someone told me about this it's made me feel like harry potter so
00:54:26you probably have your flight on so that means if you look up you'll fly right
00:54:30go into your go into your turquoise circle button uh-huh that's what you call a turquoise
00:54:38circle button i never knew that well that's what i call it that's definitely
00:54:45all right and then at the bottom row um right next to close on the left you're gonna see where's
00:54:51the settings okay got it i'm in the settings all right so i'm looking at the part you probably
00:54:57pointing aim right so you're doing a line no no no no no just go to just go to settings first
00:55:02are you at settings i'm in settings i'm in settings all right now go okay now go
00:55:06okay so if you look on your far left do you see where it says general up top
00:55:12general yes fly uh-huh okay go down go down go down go down until you see items which is
00:55:17right below audio see it i never hit item before click on items and now you're gonna see this is
00:55:25flight tool spawn i see spawn perfect click on your spawn button okay here we go now when you
00:55:33exit out of there now when you see the spawn button exit out of there you're gonna see this
00:55:38little tool right there looks like a little harry potter tool i don't see mine yet you see there's
00:55:44yours there's yours oh okay pointing at it now here's a cool thing i'm about to show you something
00:55:49that's gonna blow your mind okay so now when you hold on to your spawn whoa hold up a second
00:56:00well how'd i get to you i'm just i just took off man
00:56:03you can fly higher with this or what what can you do with this can you hear me
00:56:11what what's going on here what are you doing
00:56:15what am i doing when you hold on to it what happens i point it somewhere is that what happens
00:56:26so i remember the first person who told me how to use this i was like oh my god i feel like i'm
00:56:31harry potter there's a ghostbusters world and you get to fly around the ghostbusters world
00:56:37oh yeah so what happens with this exactly though what's going on because what's the
00:56:41so what happens with this exactly though what's going on because what's the difference between
00:56:46oh whatever line you make or something what is going on here
00:56:52what's actually happening when you use this what happens if i let it go i still have it on me
00:57:04did you leave incredible
00:57:07incredible oh you still there
00:57:22wow this is a heck of a view
00:57:25this is gonna be a great video i can't wait to watch this one
00:57:28to watch this one can you still hear me i gotta put myself on microphone or megaphone
00:57:40so what actually happens when you grab it
00:57:50i think i lost that
00:57:52wow it's one o'clock so you're leaving now huh it's one o'clock but play around with that toy
00:57:57it's pretty fun it makes me feel like harry potter can't use it in every world but whenever
00:58:02you can it's fun um well yeah i'll definitely like i said shoot me a message and i'll connect
00:58:08with you i'll introduce you to my people and um we'll go from there we do a lot of professional
00:58:12stuff in here too so a lot of the stuff that you're trying to figure out how to do we can
00:58:16a lot of the stuff that you're trying to figure out how to do we can probably help you with as
00:58:19far as casting and all that stuff we we cast and um stream every single week so excellent man you
00:58:27know what's great is always meeting new yorkers even in a metaverse yeah so the other question
00:58:31is this do you hear any music no i just hear background like you know new york city sounds
00:58:39okay because check this out man when you watch the video you're going to hear music i know how
00:58:42to put music into the videos now so even while you're talking the whole time you've been in here
00:58:46there's been music in here and it's so incredible man because while i'm talking to your recording
00:58:51i'm looking down below and it's like we're talking in the air man i never did that one before
00:58:57isn't it so cool i mean this is freaky as hell i love metaverse i i am a true metaverse enthusiast
00:59:03myself my business partners um that's why we created 3vm we wanted to have make sure that
00:59:09like our story is told in here 3d aspect and not just cultural just like black but also like new
00:59:16york you know we have a very raw authentic feel and approach to the the world and to be able to
00:59:21like mirror that in here is amazing i don't normally go on camera so i think it's best that
00:59:26i didn't know you were on camera because i'm always the one in the background i'm always
00:59:30oh yeah well it's about time you come up to the front once in a while on the forefront and stuff
00:59:35but like i don't like to be on the stage talking much but like she should be on stage because
00:59:41she's done a lot of super dope things just like i said before the metaverse you know everybody
00:59:46that i rock with and you'll see when we connect on vr um you'll be able to see um like the people
00:59:51that's on my team and stuff and um and we'll go from there and hopefully we'll have you on a game
00:59:55coming up definitely man so you already put me as a friend right so next time i see you i'll
01:00:01i did add you as a friend kenneth brown from new york yeah and i'm yeah and that's what the ny
01:00:06stands for it says kenneth brownie but the ny i thought it was brownie but now i get it it's from
01:00:11new york um yeah yeah so when you send me an ad i'll go ahead and um uh my page is private but um
01:00:19i'll go ahead and add you and then uh just like i said just remind me just say brooklyn rooftop
01:00:23that's already um i already text you um my um my handle all space we are critics so you should
01:00:29have it and then hopefully i see you again make sure you keep your eyes open for the video because
01:00:34this is incredible check it out send me a link or something on my on my uh i hear a lot of things
01:00:39that people come to our page for like the newest updated things about what's happening and not just
01:00:43all space but in vr so if you share it to me i'll make sure i share it out to the vr world thank you
01:00:48so much man and have a great night i don't have any hands what happened to my other hand
01:00:55go fly around play with your plate all right okay okay thank you dude i only have one hand
01:01:01what happened that pin thing got me i can't even dude i can't even click the thing because i don't
01:01:12oh my goodness buddy i might have to end the video in a strange way
01:01:22i don't only have one hand
01:01:26i did that trick she told me all right guys so check it out i'm gonna have to leave you guys
01:01:30with only one hand right and see if i can get my other hand back so this is wonderful man i just
01:01:36came in here to talk to you guys and just explain to you how um you can meet new people here
01:01:45like i just did and it's amazing now because check it out man
01:01:51she said all she hears the background from new york city right and over here
01:01:58the whole time i've been playing this music wait till she hears it
01:02:02dude what happened to my hand all right so this is what was listening to guys
01:02:08dang once you see the whole thing you can't copy off me now that'd be a resume now i started right here
01:02:17with no intention of staying long
01:02:20and as you can see buddy there are weird people in here so that's why when i meet
01:02:25good people you gotta hang on to especially her man she got a lot of things going on okay guys
01:02:32i'm gonna get out of here right now if you like the video please put a like make a comment and
01:02:37definitely subscribe right and um you see more videos thank you for watching god bless and stay
01:02:43strong look i got my thing back