• last year
It can be difficult to pay full attention to a Mass when your toddler is having a meltdown -- and that's okay! Caroline Fischer offers four simple prayers that may help.
00:00A group of friends and I were talking about how sometimes mass is very difficult with
00:08small children to really be able to pay attention and listen to all the readings and enter in.
00:12As much as I really, really try to be present, sometimes the closing hymn comes and my mind
00:17is literally reeling and I don't remember half the stuff that I prayed, what was read,
00:23none of it.
00:24My friend's dad gave her this advice and I just thought it was too good to not share.
00:28At the end of mass, there are four short things you can pray to help kind of sum it all up.
00:33I love you.
00:34I'm sorry.
00:36And help me.
00:37Sweet and simple.
00:38Easy enough for a mom's hectic mind and it definitely gets the job done.