• last year
Winners announced at WI tent at Holsworthy Show 2024


00:00For a representative from Leeds and Mary to take the cup for the representative, this is for the House Party of your choice, as you can see on the table there.
00:15Thank you very much.
00:30The next award goes to Valerie Wannacott for a floral arrangement in a cabbage.
01:00The next award goes to Jill Daniels for her favourite photograph.
01:27The next award goes to Rachel Allen for a decorated photo frame.
01:56The next award is for Jane Culpepper for the cider apple cake.
02:25The last individual award is for a sweet dessert which has been adored at McDonalds at Marrakesh, but unfortunately can't be here today, so I'm going to take that one.
02:54We also have the trophy for the overall WI that got the most points, and that goes to Marron Church.
03:23Our final award goes to our overall individual winner, and there's been a tie between Valerie Wannacott and Rachel Allen.
03:50You have to do six months to see it.
