Modern Day Smiles Review

  • last month
This is just my experience not saying yours will eb the same:
On October 24, 2022, I visited the dentist to address significant pain in my back molar, tooth number 19. Upon explaining my discomfort and requesting a thorough examination, the dentist determined that I needed a crown. However, despite my concerns about the pain, the dentist failed to properly investigate whether the tooth might require a root canal before proceeding with the crown.

After the crown was placed, I continued to experience severe discomfort, but now it was coupled with more serious complications. The tooth underneath the crown became infected, leading to numerous health issues. Over the course of the next year and a half, I found myself visiting multiple healthcare providers, including ENTs, to figure out why my throat felt sore, and why I was experiencing persistent symptoms such as a tightness in my throat and what appeared to be worsening allergies. Despite undergoing treatment for these conditions, the root cause of my symptoms—the infected tooth beneath the crown—remained undiscovered.

It wasn’t until August 15, 2024, that I learned from another dental professional that the infection had been present all along, stemming from the dentist’s oversight. The infection had gone untreated, festering under the crown, which exacerbated my health issues and caused considerable pain and stress.

Not only did this oversight result in a prolonged period of sickness, but it also led to unnecessary medical expenses. I have spent the last year consulting specialists, undergoing various treatments, and experiencing significant discomfort, all of which were directly tied to the dentist’s failure to identify the infection at the time of the crown placement. Furthermore, I endured this infection during my pregnancy, which raises additional concerns regarding my health and that of my unborn child during that time.

Now, I am required to undergo a root canal and have the crown replaced by another dentist to correct the original mistake. This situation has caused me significant financial strain and undue stress. I am seeking compensation for the original dental work, the costs associated with correcting this mistake, and the emotional and physical toll it has taken on me over the past year and a half.
00:00What's up, y'all? It's your girl, Renee.
00:02What's good, y'all? It's your girl, Renee, here back at it again with another video.
00:09Let me first start off by telling you guys what happened. Put my windows up. I don't
00:13know if it's going to be some sound in there. Let me turn this ear down, too. Let me tell
00:16you guys what happened, okay? I'm here today at the dentist's office because I had a referral
00:24to come here today for a bad tooth, okay? Now, what happened was I had some wisdom tooth
00:32things going on, and then I had a crown that was done last year, maybe a little over a
00:39year, too. So I can't even say it's been a full year. It's probably been over a year.
00:43So maybe a year and a half I went to get some work done at a dentist's office called Modern
00:46Day Smiles, okay? And I'm saying their name because right now I am going through a lot
00:51of legal things right now with this dentist's office. My appointment is at 12.45. I'm here
00:59now August 20th at 12.12. I'm in the parking lot, so I'm going to go in there and get the
01:04work done. However, I want to do this review really quick to tell you guys exactly what
01:07happened. I got to make this very quick because I got to go in there and get signed in, and
01:10I got my paperwork and everything, and I got to make sure I have my referral. So I got
01:16everything with me today. The situation is I went to Modern Day Smiles initially because
01:24I was having issues with the back teeth particularly because I knew that I had some wisdom tooth
01:29that needed to be taken care of. I didn't want to wait any longer because I never got
01:34my stuff done when I was a kid. So I knew, okay, I'm going to have to get the back tooth
01:39taken care of. So I went to Modern Day Smiles, and I was having some issues with another
01:46tooth because they were doing a lot of work. I had a lot of cosmetic work done, meaning
01:51like the Invisalign type thing or just the whole cosmetic veneer type situation. It was
02:02just basically just for beautification. That's basically what it was. But I was having some
02:07issues particularly in the back, and I knew I had not had no wisdom tooth taken out, and
02:11I knew that there was some pain with the one next to the wisdom tooth. So when I went in
02:16there and I talked to the doctor, I was telling him about what was going on. I said, before
02:19you do any cosmetic things, can you please make sure you check the left side of my mouth
02:24because I'm having pain in the back. He examined the tooth and he said, oh, it seems like you
02:28might need a root canal or a crown for this particular tooth. And then he was concerned
02:34about the wisdom teeth in the back that would have to be also extracted most likely. I would
02:38have to go outside with a referral to have that done. However, he wasn't even worried
02:43about the whole wisdom tooth situation. He was more concerned about the tooth that needed
02:48the crown. So I said, okay, do whatever you need to do. If it needs a root canal, I'll
02:52do it. If it needs a crown, I'll do it. Whatever I got to pay, I'll pay it. I just want to
02:55be able to be comfortable and don't have to worry about this in the long run. Okay. So
03:00maybe a week or two after I had got the crown, I was saying to them, I'm still in pain. I'm
03:05having a lot of pain. So I called them on the phone and let them know I was having the
03:09pain first. And so he said, well, you know, normally after you get a crown, which I did
03:13read up online that normally when you get a crown, you will have some pain. That's not
03:18the, you know, so I decided that maybe I need to wait it out a little bit and then it'll
03:23probably just go away. But because they told me that instead of saying, come in and let
03:28me look at it, then we will handle it. Because what happened was, I don't know if you guys
03:34have ever had this particular situation, but what happened to me was that the pain
03:38did go away and it went away for a very long time. But just now, a year and a half later,
03:46I was going to doctors for sinus issues, ENTs. I was having, I was constantly spitting. I
03:52had my lymph nodes in my throat were just swelling up. We could not figure it out. We
03:56were trying to see if it was an allergy, if it was cancer, we just could not figure it
04:00out. Okay. And now I trusted the judgment of the dentist saying, okay, it'll just go
04:04away. So I'm thinking, well, it couldn't possibly be the crown they did a year and a half ago
04:10because at that point I still wasn't feeling any pain. It didn't start hitting me until
04:14three weeks ago. And so now I'm in a situation where this whole side of my mouth, you can't
04:20really tell now I've been taking infection medicine. They put me on amoxicillin. I've
04:23been taking this medicine to just kind of keep things under control. But how I found
04:27out guys, I went August 15th to the dentist that actually did the work. This is what pissed
04:31me off. Modern day smiles. So I go in there and I say, look, I need to have the dentist
04:35who did my mouth to look at my tooth and I want a refund for whatever was not done or
04:40he needs to fix it. First of all, I get to your office. You're trying to sign me up with
04:45a plan, paying $199 for a plan or cleaning. I'm not doing shit else until you can tell
04:51me what the hell is going on with my tooth. So when I get into the office and sign in
04:57and got everything going on, they're like, okay, well don't worry about it. We'll just
05:00put you on a $149 plan. I'm like, I don't care about plans right now. I just want to
05:03see the doctor who did the work on my mouth so he can fix what he fucked up. That's pretty
05:08much it. And I didn't say it like that. I said a little bit more kinder because I knew
05:12I had to have these people look at me. So I was very kind. I wasn't like irate. I was
05:16a little angry. They could tell in my tone that I was a little angry. I just wanted them
05:19to fix whatever was wrong with the tooth. Okay. So we get into the situation and this
05:25is not good either. I see people, ambulance and people running this way towards the dentist
05:29office that I'm about to go into. So child, Florida, I just haven't been having any luck.
05:33Let me just say that. Okay. So pray for me today cause I got to go get this work done.
05:37I'm going to try to show you guys what the building looks like here that they got me
05:40going into because I've never been here. It was a referral. So it's like when I came here,
05:43I'm like, it doesn't even like a standard dentist office. It looks like, and I can't
05:48go by judging. This is Florida, but y'all do your research. Anyway, let me get back
05:53on track cause I got like 10 minutes to finish this up. So I get into the seat into the dentist
05:59office when they call me in the back and the lady says, how are you doing? I said, I'm
06:02not doing great. I explained her the situation. She says, okay, um, we'll do some x-rays and
06:07do some x-rays. Clearly they could see the tooth was infected and they don't need a bracket
06:10fucking sign to see that. Okay. So I'm in the seat, I'm getting my x-rays done or whatever,
06:15you and then all of a sudden, um, the doctor comes in like maybe five, 10 minutes later.
06:21He's like, so tell me what happened. I'm saying, well, no, you're not my doctor. The doctor that
06:26did my work, which was Patel. I don't know his first name, but it was a Patel and that wasn't
06:31the doctor. Uh, he messed up my mouth. I put in this crown in and it was infected. So he put in
06:36a crown on infected tooth and he should have did his due diligence to make sure that it was nothing
06:41wrong with this tooth before he put that crown on. Okay. Cause I could have just got the work
06:45done. Now you got me going out of pocket double and people ain't got it like that in these times
06:48of days. Okay. We, the economy is in a sham. We just don't have that type of money to be throwing
06:53out a thousand here, a thousand there, 3000 here, 3000 there for you to fuck up my mouth.
06:57And now I still have to come back and get somebody and pay them a thousand dollars today
07:00just to get this shit corrected. And on top of that, y'all not even that, but I still got to get
07:05this done to get infection out. Then got to go back to another fucking doctor for him to fix the
07:10crown, which what I'm saying is if you don't really have good insurance, thank the Lord,
07:13I have some good insurance. You know, I can actually get this stuff done cause I had to do it
07:17overnight. Okay. And there are people that will work with you with supplement or they'll put you
07:22on a plan and they'll try to start you right away if you need to get some medical work done.
07:27Ciao. I, um, and I explained, so, so after the doctor saw me, he was like, well,
07:33unfortunately the doctor, we don't know where he is right now. Um, but I'm thinking I called you
07:37guys three days ago to let you know I was coming in for an emergency because I was having issues
07:45with the tube. So really at the end of the day, you could have contact that doctor who did my
07:49work and said, okay, we'll contact him and make sure he's here so that he can look at what he did
07:54because talking to a doctor who didn't do the work ain't gonna do me a bit of good.
07:57Okay. Because I want to let him know you messed up and I need a solution. And right now what I'm
08:03going to do, because I had to pay $146, mind you, when I go in and check in because they'd want to
08:07put me on a plan. So when he realizes that the doctor made a mistake, oh yeah, sure enough,
08:13it's an infection. Like you think, uh, it's an infection. And he's like, well, oh man,
08:21this might be pretty bad. We can't do the work here. We're going to have to end up going and
08:26sending you to a referral, which I didn't go to their fucking referral. I went to another dentist
08:30and got his referral because the other dentist that I went to said that they did a lot of things
08:33wrong. And so, but this lawsuit that I'm about to bust out, it's going to be well worth it. Okay.
08:40So anyway, um, they sent me a referral. Then she came in, the lady at the desk, which was very
08:45unprofessional talking out, well, we'll give you your money back for the day. I'm like, for the
08:50day you get my money back for the day you get, hold on, let me get this correct. You're giving me
08:57my money back for today. Not for, uh, the, the, the tooth that is not fixed, which caused me more
09:06problems now because you guys messed up, which I got to get it corrected. You're giving me my 146
09:11today when you needed to give me about two grand and a half for cosmetic work that was done. And
09:17the end ain't even right on top of an infected tooth that you put a fucking crown on that ain't
09:21right. You're going to give me my $146 for the day. Well, thank you for that. But I would like
09:26to have my full amount back because at the end of the day, the work wasn't done. Right. Let's be
09:31clear. Okay. And I'm a little bit PO about this because I'm here today and this could have been
09:36all avoided because when I come out of this place, I'm going to show you guys how swollen my mouth
09:41is going to be. Cause I know they're going to have to dig up in this crown, try to get this
09:43infection out or rip off the crown and then do it, get, get whatever they need or pull the tooth
09:47because of the fact that he was so dumb. He couldn't operate on it at the time when it was
09:52for me to have it done. Okay. So I'm going to go in here and let them do their work.
10:00Word of warning. If you go into a doctor's office, you don't have your crap together,
10:06especially for those of you who struggle. Cause I know dental and medical is very expensive.
10:10I just thank God that I had the money to do it because I could have been in a situation where
10:13I didn't have. And there's a lot of people that don't have, and I'm going to talk about
10:17Everett health because I had to take my aunt Rachel to the doctor the other day and that
10:20bullshit they pull. I'm going to tell y'all about their asses too. Cause my aunt is on like
10:24a low income type of medicine. Uh, what do you call that thing? It's called Everett health,
10:28but I'm going to tell you guys about that when I get home, I can't do that now. It's too long of
10:32a video, but the point of matter is modern day smiles knew exactly what they did. I went to the
10:38better business Bureau. I got Morgan and Morgan on deck and I'm looking to recover everything that I
10:44deserve. Okay. Everything that I deserve. I expect it in tenfold. Okay. And so somebody
10:50going to be giving up some money real soon. They're going, they're going to figure this
10:54out real quick. So what I'm gonna do is go in here. I'm gonna go ahead and what did I do with
10:59my arm? Get my water here. Y'all got to have me some pure life. I like the fact that they're doing
11:03these in the aluminum cans. Y'all, I was going to talk about this on my review channel. I like
11:06the fact they're going this route. So I'm sorry if my camera's really bad because this camera on
11:15my phone, it sucks. I have an Android and I'm about to switch over to get me another phone
11:20because it's right. I just never want to part away with the phone because I had so many years
11:24with it and I got so much stuff on this phone, but I am going to go and switch my service because
11:29I'm not really happy with the service and I'm going to get me a brand new phone. So the camera
11:33quality is not the best on this phone. And so when I get this all situated, we will have a better
11:37looking cell phone quality. I didn't bring the Canon because I just didn't pack. I was really
11:42focused on the tooth in the mouth. That's what I'm worried about right now. So my, my, my camera here
11:48is kind of grainy and I really don't like that from this camera phone. It's just really bad.
11:52Um, so yeah, this is what we're doing today. We're going to go into this doctor's office.
11:57I'm going to go ahead and work on my mouth and get myself back to normal.
12:00And I got to make sure I have my keys. If you didn't do something right,
12:05give the people back the money that they spent on getting the work done.
12:08You know what I'm saying? Like don't rush people and you just collect the money. You being selfish.
12:15Sorry. Oh, he's taking pictures. Oh my God. Um, it's something I got to go into this dentist
12:23office. Y'all I'm a little scared of going to the damn dentist office. This man is coming from
12:26a dentist's office. Um, Oh Lord. Okay. So pray for me. I'm going to show y'all where I'm at though
12:35before I get off this, this, um, let me turn off this and I got to make sure I turn off my, um,
12:41wait, I got to lock the door. That would be smart. And it was so hot today. Y'all Florida is
12:52Florida's doing the most right now to y'all. I got to flip y'all some way though. Cause I
12:56can't have y'all come with me. I want y'all to see what the place looks like. Cause I was scared.
13:00I was really scared to come here. So hold on. Let me flip y'all. It's crazy how I have to flip this
13:05phone. Y'all I apologize. Let me, um, lock my door. I got to make sure I get all my information
13:10here. I got to have my referral. Hold on. Let me get my referral. Do I have it in here? Y'all do.
13:21So I'm trying to make sure I got everything. I don't want to have to walk all the way back over
13:24here to this cause I couldn't park further down because, um,
13:31because I had to wait for the EMT so y'all could see the rescue and everything. But
13:41I want to show y'all what this place looks like. Cause I really wanted to park further down and I
13:45might do that. I had to come all the way to suite seven, but it looks like a house.
13:49Hold on. This is what it looks like. Face side and I almost killed myself.
13:58To watch this full vlog, please feel free to go to the video page at your girl,
14:02Renee vlogs on rumble, or just feel free to click the link in the description later.
