2013 Dirty Teacher Full Hot Movie

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2013 Dirty Teacher Full Hot Movie
00:00:30Get down, get down, get down, get down, baby, baby, get down and dance.
00:00:57Get down, get down, get down, get down, get down and dance.
00:01:27So what are you doing? You heading home?
00:01:30Soon. I'm going to go say goodbye to Miss Cohen first.
00:01:33Ah, teacher's pet.
00:01:35I'll see you after break.
00:01:42You are lucky.
00:01:44I know.
00:01:57Jamie! I was hoping I'd get to see you before I left.
00:02:01This is for you.
00:02:02Oh, you didn't have to.
00:02:04It's just a little something for the baby.
00:02:06Besides, you've helped me a lot this year.
00:02:08Jamie, you are going to do great.
00:02:10Your marks are excellent.
00:02:12And if you just keep working as hard as you have,
00:02:14you can get into whichever college you choose.
00:02:17Even Whittendale?
00:02:19Even Whittendale.
00:02:22What about the new teacher?
00:02:24Oh, Miss Mattson, don't worry. I've heard she's great.
00:02:27I'm sure you'll really like her.
00:02:44Good luck.
00:03:04Our school has always taken pride in our extracurricular activities.
00:03:09Music, drama.
00:03:11But the real feather in our cap is our baseball team.
00:03:16For eight seasons straight, we've won the state championships.
00:03:22Still, it doesn't mean these boys get any special treatment.
00:03:25They're all expected to maintain a passing grade.
00:03:29If not, they're cut from the team.
00:03:34Now, I'll be emailing you your class list by the end of the day.
00:03:39And if there's anything else...
00:03:42No, I don't think so.
00:03:50Hey, Dad.
00:03:51Hey, Jamie.
00:03:54Hi, honey. How was school?
00:03:56Okay. How did Dad's job interview go?
00:04:00Not so good.
00:04:02Can you do me a favor and make sure he gets some dinner?
00:04:05I gotta go to work.
00:04:07I guess this means I'm not getting my cell phone back anytime soon.
00:04:11Jamie, you know we'd like to be able to get you that.
00:04:14I know. We need to cut back on expenses.
00:04:19What's that?
00:04:20My application to Whittendale.
00:04:24Jamie, I need to tell you something.
00:04:27Your father and I...
00:04:30We had to borrow from the college funds to pay for the house.
00:04:34Taxes were six months overdue and the bank was threatening to take the house.
00:04:37I don't believe this.
00:04:38Jamie, I'm so sorry, but I'm doing everything I can but taking the two jobs and your dad's out of work.
00:04:43So what? I don't get to go to college now?
00:04:45No. No, no, no. I promise you we'll make back the money.
00:04:50How, Mom?
00:04:53Where are you going?
00:04:56Over to Danny's.
00:05:18Danny, stop. I know I'm not ready.
00:05:23I know.
00:05:26Just promise me that when you are ready, I'll be the one.
00:05:33I promise.
00:05:41You could knock first.
00:05:43I don't need to knock in my own home.
00:05:45Besides, shouldn't you two be studying at your own house?
00:05:51I'll see you tomorrow.
00:05:57Good night, Ms. Campbell.
00:05:59Good night, Jamie.
00:06:02That's the third time she's been here this week.
00:06:07Look, maybe you might want to think about starting to cool things off with her.
00:06:15You guys fired her dad and now you want me to break it off with her?
00:06:18Your father had no choice. We had to downsize.
00:06:21Danny, look at me.
00:06:23Your father and I have always expected that you would go to Stanford.
00:06:28But you are not going to get into any decent college if you spend all of your days
00:06:32playing baseball or looking after Jamie Hall. You're not.
00:06:35You need to get your grades up.
00:06:37And that needs to be your only focus.
00:06:58No wonder your real mama didn't want you.
00:07:01That's a lie.
00:07:03No, it's not.
00:07:04Don't say that, Mommy.
00:07:05No, I am not your mommy.
00:07:08She's dead!
00:07:09No, be quiet!
00:07:11Who would want a sad, ugly freak like you?
00:07:13Shut up!
00:07:23Hey, how's it going?
00:07:29Looks like I won't be skipping class anymore.
00:07:31Of course.
00:07:33Just kidding.
00:07:43Good morning, everyone. My name is Miss Mattson.
00:07:46I'm filling in for Mrs. Cohen for the rest of the year.
00:07:50Now, it's not my intention to come in here and to undo her curriculum,
00:07:53but to pick up where she left off.
00:07:55So, I had a chance to look at some of your papers
00:07:57on the meaning and impact of your favorite literary quotes.
00:08:00I have to say I was intrigued by a few of them.
00:08:04Um, one being...
00:08:06Trent Davies, Romeo, Romeo, wherefore art thou Romeo?
00:08:11Hey, Romeo.
00:08:12Hey, babe.
00:08:14And Jamie Hall's Love Never Claims, It Ever Gives.
00:08:19Jamie, who?
00:08:23Gandhi, if I'm not mistaken.
00:08:25Now, it's not a literary quote, but it's lovely. All the same.
00:08:30How about...
00:08:34He Whom Love Touches Not, Walks in Darkness.
00:08:42Plato's Symposium, and one of my personal favorites.
00:08:46Now, before you all start groaning
00:08:48about how you ended up with such a mean teacher,
00:08:51the following quiz is one that Mrs. Cohen prepared
00:08:54before she left.
00:08:56I'm just following her curriculum.
00:08:58Besides, you guys should know this.
00:09:00It's pretty easy, I think.
00:09:03Take one. Pass it down, please.
00:09:11See you tomorrow.
00:09:13See you tomorrow.
00:09:34Uh, Danny?
00:09:38Can I see you for a moment?
00:09:45I was speaking with the principal,
00:09:47and she mentioned that if you're going to stay on the team,
00:09:49you need to maintain a 3.0.
00:09:52How's that working out for you?
00:09:54Not great.
00:09:57Well, the team needs their captain,
00:10:00and I'm here to get you out of high school hell
00:10:04and to help you move on to where you really want to be.
00:10:07So, um, why don't you see me after school?
00:10:11I promise it won't take long.
00:10:14Um, yeah, all right.
00:10:24That test was ridiculous.
00:10:31Okay, which is a form of conflict?
00:10:34A, man versus man.
00:10:36B, man versus himself.
00:10:38C, both of the above.
00:10:45Let me ask you a question.
00:10:47Um, do you have a girlfriend?
00:10:50Uh, yeah.
00:10:52All right, so, uh, let's say you meet another girl,
00:10:57and she rocks your world.
00:11:00But you love your girlfriend.
00:11:03So what's going on inside with you?
00:11:11Exactly. Man versus himself.
00:11:24This paper really has a lot more promise now.
00:11:30Thanks. Honestly, you're the first teacher
00:11:33who's ever given me a second chance.
00:11:37You're pretty cool.
00:11:39Thank you, Danny.
00:11:42That really means a lot to me.
00:11:45Yeah. Thanks again.
00:11:48Well, sure.
00:11:50Hey, I'm free after school on Thursday
00:11:55if you need more help.
00:11:58Your exams are coming up.
00:12:00Uh, actually, Jamie and I,
00:12:03our first year anniversary is Thursday.
00:12:06Oh. Okay, so you already have plans.
00:12:10Um, how about this?
00:12:13Why don't you, um, give me your cell number,
00:12:16and then I can help you with your paper.
00:12:19You know, find a topic.
00:12:21Um, yeah, okay. Cool.
00:12:25Thanks again.
00:12:40Here you go.
00:12:42And I'll be right back with refills of your tea.
00:12:51Lauren, it's me.
00:12:53Hey, Phil. How bad is he?
00:12:55Really bad.
00:12:56All right, well, I can't do anything about it now,
00:12:58but I'll take care of it during my break.
00:13:00All right. Thanks.
00:13:21Jamie, is your father home?
00:13:23No. Why?
00:13:24Well, Phil called,
00:13:26and he was in the bar going off about Mr. Campbell,
00:13:28and he tried to stop him,
00:13:30but he left in pretty rough shape.
00:13:32I'm just worried that he might be headed over there.
00:13:35Okay. I'll go get him.
00:14:29Hey, you pig!
00:14:31What in the world?
00:14:33Big bad wolf coming to blow your house down!
00:14:44What are you doing here?
00:14:46You're home.
00:14:48Of course I'm home.
00:14:50I just want to talk.
00:14:51What do you want to say?
00:14:53I was there with you on the ground floor, Brad.
00:14:5518 years I gave you.
00:14:59And for what?
00:15:01For nothing.
00:15:03Do you even know anything about loyalty?
00:15:05Dad, come on.
00:15:06I think it's time you went home, Steven.
00:15:07To what? To my house?
00:15:09The house that I'm gonna lose because my 18 years of service
00:15:11with your company are not valuable?
00:15:13Go ahead and go call the police.
00:15:14No, please. I'll get him home right now, okay?
00:15:16Dad, come on. Please.
00:15:18Let's go.
00:15:2018 years, and look at you.
00:15:23Who'd hire you now?
00:15:25You don't need to beat him down more than you already have.
00:15:28Come on.
00:15:49Oh, my God.
00:16:03What have you done?
00:16:05What have you done?
00:16:07What have you done?
00:16:09Who's ugly now?
00:16:19You're the first teacher who's ever given me a second chance.
00:16:23You're pretty cool.
00:16:40Very nice.
00:17:00All right. Great job, guys.
00:17:02Most of you did very well.
00:17:04I was very impressed.
00:17:08Uh, Ms. Madsen?
00:17:11I was just wondering.
00:17:13This is the first time I've gotten to see you on anything,
00:17:16and I really need a good grade to get a scholarship to Whittendale.
00:17:19Whittendale? Well, that's impressive.
00:17:22My dad's been out of work for over a year, and...
00:17:25Anyways, I don't want any kind of special treatment.
00:17:28I just... I want to know what I can do.
00:17:30Can I make it up somehow?
00:17:33Is there something I didn't understand about the assignment?
00:17:35Not at all.
00:17:36I mean, in fact, you nailed the assignment right on.
00:17:39See, that was the problem.
00:17:41There was nothing personal in the paper.
00:17:43You know, nothing showed me that Jamie Hall wrote it.
00:17:48Well, more I didn't realize,
00:17:49my teachers always expect a lot of references and footnotes.
00:17:53Well, I'm not any of your other teachers.
00:17:57Listen, I'm also not a mean teacher.
00:18:00So here's what we can do.
00:18:02How about you pull together another paper by tomorrow,
00:18:05same topic, just inject more Jamie into it,
00:18:08and I'll mark it as your first.
00:18:10By tomorrow?
00:18:13Is that a problem?
00:18:15No, I just... I had some important plans.
00:18:19More important than college?
00:18:25I'll cancel them.
00:18:26That a girl.
00:18:30All right, see you tomorrow.
00:18:36You guys are so great last weekend, honestly.
00:18:38Let's go out and do it again, guys.
00:18:42You excited for tonight?
00:18:44Um, actually, I can't go out.
00:18:50What do you mean?
00:18:51We've been planning this for weeks.
00:18:53It's our anniversary.
00:18:54I know.
00:18:55I need to redo my paper.
00:18:58It's just one C.
00:19:00But it counts for 10% of my final grade.
00:19:03I'm not lucky like you are.
00:19:05My parents don't have the money to send me to college.
00:19:07I need a scholarship.
00:19:09So this is my dad's fault again?
00:19:11No, that's not what I said.
00:19:15I gotta go.
00:19:24Happy anniversary.
00:19:42Sorry you guys lost tonight.
00:19:44Are you okay?
00:19:46I heard that Coach Braun can really dole out quite an earful.
00:19:51Yeah, especially with the team captain.
00:19:54Well, at least you have your anniversary to look forward to.
00:19:58I would, but Jamie bailed on me.
00:20:02Oh, that's right.
00:20:04Sorry, I just want to give her a chance to redo her paper.
00:20:07No, no, that's cool.
00:20:12Well, do you have any other plans?
00:20:15I was going to go over to Trent's.
00:20:19Well, if you're interested, I've got a sure way to cheer you up.
00:20:24Oh, yeah?
00:20:25What's that?
00:20:27Hop in and I'll show you.
00:20:47I can't do this anymore.
00:20:48I cannot keep holding down the fort
00:20:50while you go around feeling sorry for yourself
00:20:52and drinking and wrapping up the credit card debt.
00:20:55What do you want me to do?
00:20:57Eight years of engineering experience,
00:20:59and I'm not just going to throw that away.
00:21:01You know, maybe the problem is you should go out there
00:21:03and put your confidence to your ego.
00:21:05I have confidence.
00:21:06I have confidence.
00:21:07I've been out there every day looking for a job.
00:21:10I'm sick and tired of hearing you're too old.
00:21:13You're too qualified.
00:21:14I'm sick of hearing it.
00:21:16So what is this place?
00:21:18It's exactly what you think it is.
00:21:20A hole in the wall in Chinatown.
00:21:25Is it important?
00:21:28It's nothing.
00:21:31So, I found that the best cure for anything is beer
00:21:39and a little MSG.
00:21:42You sure that's okay?
00:21:43It's just one beer.
00:21:45I won't tell anybody if you won't.
00:21:49So, um, what were your plans tonight with Jamie?
00:21:54Were you guys going to have dinner
00:21:56and then a little sex in the backseat?
00:22:03I know what it's like to be a teenager.
00:22:06You can't exactly do it when you're still living at home.
00:22:09Yeah, right.
00:22:11Maybe for those that are actually doing it.
00:22:25Hey, Heather, it's Jamie.
00:22:27Do you know where Danny is?
00:22:29Uh, yeah, he was supposed to come over to Trent's after the games.
00:22:32Hey, did Danny ever show up?
00:22:33Uh, no, I haven't seen him.
00:22:35I guess he didn't show up.
00:22:37That's weird.
00:22:38Look, well, uh, if he shows up...
00:22:41Can you tell him to call me?
00:22:42Yeah, sure, I'll tell him.
00:22:44Okay, thanks.
00:22:49Okay, Danny.
00:22:51Here, if you ever need any extra tutoring...
00:22:56Here's my address.
00:22:59My door is always open.
00:23:05Oh, uh, I must have forgotten my phone.
00:23:08I'll be right back, okay?
00:23:19Ugly little girl!
00:23:27You okay?
00:23:31Just need to get something, sorry.
00:23:38Here it is.
00:23:48I should probably get back to my car.
00:24:13So, I called you last night.
00:24:15Where were you?
00:24:17I just went over to Trent's after the game.
00:24:21Hey, Danny.
00:24:23What's up, man?
00:24:25Hey, you guys going to the Big Bash tonight?
00:24:27I don't know, where is it?
00:24:28It's at Gil's.
00:24:29His parents are going to Tahoe for the weekend.
00:24:31Yeah, I missed.
00:24:32What about you, Jamie?
00:24:33She's probably got to study or something, right?
00:24:36I'll go.
00:24:38Sounds like a party.
00:24:40All right, babe.
00:24:41We'll see you.
00:24:51Hi, guys.
00:25:00Hey, guys.
00:25:01Nice to see you.
00:25:25You made it.
00:25:27Yeah, I said I was coming.
00:25:31Look, I'm sorry about our anniversary.
00:25:34And I want to make it up to you.
00:25:42Come here.
00:25:54Come here.
00:26:08Danny, stop.
00:26:21I said stop.
00:26:29Screw it.
00:27:12Do you know where Danny is?
00:27:15You guys doing okay?
00:27:16I don't know.
00:27:39Well, look.
00:27:40I've come to find that when you're having boy troubles, the best way to get over them
00:27:42is by having a little fun.
00:27:43Bottom's up, then.
00:27:44Let's see here.
00:27:45Let's see.
00:27:46Uh, you know what's your battery terminal?
00:27:47My what?
00:27:48This is your negative battery terminal.
00:28:06It's usually connected here.
00:28:10Oh, no.
00:28:12Look how dirty your hands are.
00:28:16It's no big deal.
00:28:18Come inside and I'll clean them off for you.
00:28:20The movie I was going to see already started anyway.
00:28:22So, at least I could do.
00:28:24Come on.
00:28:32Do you have a lot of car problems?
00:28:34Well, my car is 10 years old.
00:28:36What do you think?
00:28:42If you need a good mechanic, I know one.
00:28:46Gino and Tony's Auto Body.
00:28:48They only take cash, but they do a good job.
00:28:52Are they like a chop shop?
00:28:54Something like that.
00:29:00I don't know if this is
00:29:02doing that great of a job.
00:29:06Well, what do you think?
00:29:22Sorry. I don't know what I was thinking.
00:29:24No, no. It's okay.
00:29:26You're 18.
00:29:28You can do whatever you want
00:29:30with whomever you want.
00:30:00It's okay.
00:30:10It's okay.
00:30:12I'm not going to tell anybody.
00:30:14It'll be our little secret, okay?
00:30:38Where have you been?
00:30:40God, Jamie, what are you doing here?
00:30:42It's 1 o'clock in the morning.
00:30:44And what are you just doing getting home?
00:30:46Have you been drinking?
00:30:48Don't turn this around on me.
00:30:50I know you were with someone tonight.
00:30:52I wasn't with anyone.
00:30:54Who is she?
00:30:58I thought you were supposed to be at Trent's.
00:31:00Tell me, Danny.
00:31:02Tell me who she is!
00:31:04Hey, what is going on here?
00:31:06Are you drunk?
00:31:08Why won't you talk to me?
00:31:10Go in the house and call her a cab, please.
00:31:14Jamie, where are you going?
00:31:16Jamie Hall, do not get into your car!
00:31:20You're not going with her.
00:31:22Jamie, come on.
00:31:24What are you doing?
00:31:30Okay. All right, great. Thanks, Gwen.
00:31:42Where have you been?
00:31:44I've been worried sick.
00:31:46I was at a party.
00:31:48Well, I just got off the phone with Danny's mother.
00:31:50She said you've been drinking.
00:31:52I had, like, one drink.
00:31:54You're not drinking at all, and you're driving?
00:31:56What's wrong with you?
00:31:58Mom, can you just leave me alone like you normally do?
00:32:06Today we're going to start reviewing
00:32:08in preparation for your midterm exam.
00:32:10Mike, stop talking.
00:32:14All right, we've got a lot to cover, guys.
00:32:16Let's get started.
00:32:18I can't believe she gave me a C.
00:32:20I did exactly what she wanted.
00:32:22I wrote the entire paper.
00:32:24It's like she has something against me.
00:32:26Well, maybe you should try talking to her again.
00:32:28Look, there he is.
00:32:30You need to talk to him?
00:32:34Have you even seen him since the party?
00:32:36I tried calling him all weekend, but he wouldn't answer.
00:32:38Are you sure he's fooling around
00:32:40and he's not just brushing you off?
00:32:42Heather, he's been lying to me.
00:32:44Why else would he unless he has something to hide?
00:32:46I don't know.
00:32:48I'm going to go get a Frappuccino on the way home.
00:32:50Are you coming?
00:32:52Maybe later.
00:32:54All right.
00:33:02I don't believe it.
00:33:04Coach Braun has actually threatened
00:33:06to kick me off the team.
00:33:08Oh, don't worry.
00:33:10I'm sure he's just blowing off steam
00:33:12so you'll do what you have to to get your grades up.
00:33:14With my help,
00:33:16it's already happening.
00:33:20Do you think it's enough?
00:33:22Today's is definitely enough.
00:33:24Add your midterm grades to that,
00:33:26which I'm sure you'll pass
00:33:28with flying colors,
00:33:30and you're golden.
00:33:50If you're going to stay on the team,
00:33:52you have to maintain a 3.0.
00:33:54Why don't you see me after school?
00:33:58Great job.
00:34:08If I don't get into Stanford,
00:34:10my parents are going to be so disappointed.
00:34:12Do you want to go?
00:34:14Of course, yeah.
00:34:16I mean, it's a great school.
00:34:18I don't know if I can hack it.
00:34:20My dad's always been
00:34:22so successful
00:34:24at whatever he does.
00:34:28I guess he just assumes
00:34:30I'll be the same.
00:34:34mothers and fathers can
00:34:36drive us to do
00:34:38things we feel we have to do.
00:34:40Are your parents like that?
00:34:44I never knew my parents.
00:34:46I had a foster mother.
00:34:52She was something.
00:34:56She was the only mother I ever knew.
00:35:00It's too bad she...
00:35:04It's too bad she died when she did.
00:35:08In such a horrible way.
00:35:12To die by her own hand.
00:35:16What have you done?
00:35:22She killed herself?
00:35:26Insulin overdose.
00:35:30She was diabetic and
00:35:32they concluded that
00:35:34she made a mistake.
00:35:38A terrible, terrible mistake.
00:35:46I'm sorry.
00:36:17Who are you texting with?
00:36:19Ah, just Trent.
00:36:27I guess I'm just stressed
00:36:29with school and everything.
00:36:31Miss Mattson.
00:36:33For some reason she keeps being
00:36:35extra hard on me.
00:36:37What do you mean?
00:36:39She keeps giving me lousy grades
00:36:41when I know the work is good.
00:36:43I mean, why would she do that?
00:36:47How should I know?
00:36:50Look, I gotta go.
00:36:52Wait, Danny.
00:36:54Can we talk?
00:36:56Sorry, I've got some stuff I gotta do.
00:36:58Like what?
00:37:00Just running some errands for my mom.
00:37:03I'll talk to you later.
00:37:16I'll be right back.
00:37:46I'll be right back.
00:38:17Knock, knock.
00:38:35Did you miss me?
00:38:37I just saw you in class.
00:38:47Are you...
00:38:49Are you failing Jamie on purpose?
00:38:52What is she telling you?
00:38:54Nothing, nothing.
00:38:56I was just asking.
00:39:04She's just being paranoid.
00:39:13What the hell?
00:39:17Oh, wait, wait, wait.
00:39:19I'll make sure they shouldn't tell you.
00:39:21I gotta go.
00:39:59Jamie, please, wait.
00:40:01Hey, Jamie, Jamie, please.
00:40:03How could you?
00:40:05It's not what you think.
00:40:07Are you serious?
00:40:09I know what I saw, Danny.
00:40:11You're making too big a deal out of it.
00:40:13You're having sex with our teacher.
00:40:15You know how much of a hard-ass my dad is.
00:40:20If he found out about this, he'd kill me.
00:40:22He'd just...
00:40:24He'd cut me off.
00:40:27Ms. Madsen's flunking me out of senior lit
00:40:29while you two are messing around.
00:40:31And I'm supposed to protect you.
00:40:35I didn't mean for this to happen.
00:40:37Well, it did.
00:40:39No, please.
00:40:41I will take care of this, I promise.
00:40:45Just... just please don't say anything.
00:40:51Everything okay?
00:41:03Yeah, Mrs. Hall, everything's fine.
00:41:08What's going on with you and Danny?
00:41:12Didn't you hear him?
00:41:14Everything's fine.
00:41:16Didn't seem that way to me.
00:41:18Look, I'm sorry I got caught up with everything going on,
00:41:21but I'm here.
00:41:26Everything's fine, Mrs. Hall.
00:41:28I'm here for you.
00:41:30I'm here.
00:41:34Everything's fine, Mom.
00:42:00I'm here.
00:42:02I'm here.
00:42:04I'm here.
00:42:06I'm here.
00:42:08I'm here.
00:42:10I'm here.
00:42:12I'm here.
00:42:14I'm here.
00:42:16I'm here.
00:42:18I'm here.
00:42:20I'm here.
00:42:22I'm here.
00:42:24I'm here.
00:42:26I'm here.
00:42:28I'm here.
00:42:34It is her!
00:42:36Who would a sad ugly freak like you...
00:42:38Shut up!
00:42:40He's mine!
00:42:46Jamie, can I have a minute?
00:42:48I had another look at the paper you redid for me,
00:42:51and although I don't do this very often,
00:42:54I have to admit I believe I made a mistake.
00:42:59If you think this is how you're going to get away with what you're doing,
00:43:03you're wrong.
00:43:21So, how'd the stakeout go?
00:43:23Did you catch him doing anything or what?
00:43:27No. No, I didn't.
00:43:30See? I told you.
00:43:32Danny's not the type of guy that would fool around...
00:43:34I gotta go.
00:43:41I didn't want to say anything,
00:43:43but Jamie's behavior has been a little disrespectful lately.
00:43:47How so?
00:43:49Well, she became very belligerent the other day
00:43:52when I gave her a poor grade on one of her papers.
00:43:55She just stormed off in a huff.
00:43:57Do you want me to talk to her?
00:43:59No, no, I've got it under control.
00:44:01I just thought I'd share that with you.
00:44:03She's going through a lot of family problems at home,
00:44:07and I just want to be really supportive and encouraging.
00:44:10You know, she's one of our best students.
00:44:12She certainly is.
00:44:14Will, you let me know if you need anything?
00:44:16I will.
00:44:17You're doing a wonderful job, Molly.
00:44:19Keep it up.
00:44:20Thank you, Mrs. Jenkins.
00:44:28How's it going?
00:44:30Miss Madsen gave me an A.
00:44:32Obviously she was failing me on purpose.
00:44:35I'm sorry.
00:44:37I really am.
00:44:39Thank you for not saying anything.
00:44:41And I'm gonna end it...
00:44:46Do you mean it?
00:44:49I swear.
00:44:56My parents will be out later.
00:44:59And you can come over to the house and we'll talk.
00:45:26Of course he still wants me.
00:45:30Just look at you.
00:45:32Who'd want a sad, ugly freak like you?
00:45:42Play it cool.
00:45:44Play it cool.
00:45:46Play it cool.
00:45:48Play it cool.
00:45:50Play it cool.
00:45:52Play it cool.
00:45:57All right, I'll be home later.
00:45:59Wait just a second.
00:46:01Where are you going?
00:46:02To meet Jamie.
00:46:03You have midterms in a few weeks.
00:46:05You need to be studying.
00:46:06I just have something I gotta take care of, all right?
00:46:08I'll be home soon.
00:46:09What do you need to take care of?
00:46:11Danny, are you and Jamie breaking up?
00:46:45Nice spot.
00:46:47Dark, secluded.
00:46:50What do you have in mind?
00:46:52A backseat.
00:46:56What's wrong?
00:47:00I just don't like the way that you've been treating Jamie.
00:47:03I gave her an A.
00:47:05What, is she still bitching about it?
00:47:06No, she's not...
00:47:08It's not about that, Molly.
00:47:10It's about this.
00:47:11I can't...
00:47:12I can't do this anymore.
00:47:13Wait, wait, wait.
00:47:14She's been talking to you, hasn't she?
00:47:16She's trying to scare you.
00:47:18There's nothing to worry about.
00:47:21She's not gonna tell anybody.
00:47:24She doesn't have any proof.
00:47:26And besides, you'll just deny it.
00:47:30That's enough.
00:47:33I gotta go.
00:47:35Where are you going?
00:47:37To see Jamie.
00:47:41Because she's alone, Molly.
00:47:43What's she gonna do for you?
00:47:47We both know she's not gonna give herself to you.
00:47:51That's enough.
00:47:52I know that you want me.
00:47:54No, I don't.
00:47:55Stop it.
00:47:56I don't want you anymore.
00:47:58Yes, you do.
00:47:59Stop. God.
00:48:02You're such a freak.
00:48:18Come on, come on, come on.
00:48:38Oh, no.
00:48:47Oh, God.
00:49:17Oh, God.
00:49:33Oh, come on.
00:49:47Oh, God.
00:50:17Oh, God.
00:50:47Oh, God.
00:51:18Oh, God.
00:51:48Hey, sunshine.
00:51:49What are you doing out here?
00:51:51Nothing. I just thought I heard something.
00:51:56It's just me.
00:51:57You okay?
00:51:59You okay?
00:52:17Oh, my God.
00:52:48Hi. I know it's almost over, but can I get a ticket to the 8 o'clock show?
00:52:59What do you want for breakfast?
00:53:09Sweetie, I'm opening...
00:53:17I'm opening...
00:53:48You have reached your destination.
00:53:57Hi. Can I help you?
00:53:59Uh, yeah. Can you... Can you fix this?
00:54:04How'd that happen?
00:54:06You didn't get on the way to the mall buying some new shoes?
00:54:09Does it matter how it happened?
00:54:11Easy. I'm not your husband, lady.
00:54:14Okay, uh, is there somebody else I can talk to?
00:54:17Somebody more qualified?
00:54:19As qualified as they get.
00:54:21Carla, go pump some air in some tires.
00:54:24What can I do you for?
00:54:26How fast can you fix this?
00:54:31There's blood here.
00:54:34What happened?
00:54:35No, no, no, no, no.
00:54:37No, I hit a deer.
00:54:39How fast can you fix this?
00:54:41No, I hit a deer.
00:54:43How fast can you fix it?
00:54:45My express service will cost you extra.
00:54:50I'll give you what you want as long as you can guarantee discretion.
00:54:53I don't need a receipt.
00:54:55Discretion will cost you a little extra, too.
00:54:58How much?
00:55:00Teenager. 18 years old. He didn't come home last night.
00:55:03Wow, that's a new one.
00:55:04Yeah, his name is Danny Campbell.
00:55:06Father's name is Brad Campbell.
00:55:07Now apparently he's a big mucky-muck friend of the mayor's.
00:55:10They have just called, and they want us to move this right away.
00:55:13Right, because boy with a silver spoon's got to get back by dinner.
00:55:16So did they order a trace on the cell?
00:55:1720 minutes ago.
00:55:18All right, let's go.
00:55:19All right, I'll drive.
00:55:25Hey, it's Danny.
00:55:26Leave me a message and I'll hit you back.
00:55:28All right.
00:55:39How long before you get rid of the old one?
00:55:42Salvage truck comes by on Monday.
00:55:44And then what?
00:55:46Then it gets shipped off to a yard in Fontana.
00:55:48Then it disappears forever.
00:55:52It should.
00:55:54For $2,000.
00:55:57Don't worry.
00:55:58Your little secret is safe with me.
00:56:01So is yours.
00:56:16All right, here we go.
00:56:18Text sent at 7.21 p.m. to an unidentified number.
00:56:21Fantastic. Says here to meet me at Bellevue Park.
00:56:24Rivers Lane. Right.
00:56:26It's Peter's.
00:56:28Need a team to meet us at Bellevue Park.
00:56:30Got it.
00:56:31Let's go.
00:56:32All right. Thank you, sir.
00:56:54Let's go.
00:57:10Someone didn't make much of an effort to hide him or his wheels.
00:57:13Looks like they were in a bit of a hurry to get out of here, huh?
00:57:15What's Forensics saying?
00:57:17Not a hell of a whole lot, actually.
00:57:19But whoever did this is one sick son of a bitch.
00:57:21I mean, look at this poor kid.
00:57:24Want me to call the family?
00:57:26No. No, I'll do it.
00:57:34Oh, my God.
00:57:36Yes, we'll be right there.
00:57:41I'm done with my homework.
00:57:45What's wrong?
00:57:47Honey, sit down.
00:57:51That was Detective Allen from the police department.
00:57:53Danny's house.
00:57:56Danny's house?
00:57:59They don't have all the details yet.
00:58:00What they need is to come down to the station.
00:58:02Mom, just tell me what happened.
00:58:08Danny's dead.
00:58:17They found his body in Bellevue Park.
00:58:31What did you do to him?
00:58:32Excuse me?
00:58:33Danny said he was going to go see you last night.
00:58:35Were you drunk? Is that it?
00:58:36Were you just so angry with him that he was going to end it with you
00:58:38that you ran over him with your car?
00:58:40Is that what you did?
00:58:41Is that the way you raise your daughter?
00:58:43Why am I not safe?
00:58:44Hey, calm down.
00:58:45Hey, calm down. Come on.
00:58:46Listen, Detective Allen, this is Detective Peters.
00:58:49We talked on the phone earlier.
00:58:50If you wouldn't mind just following me over here
00:58:52Yeah, if you wouldn't mind just having a seat right here.
00:58:54I'll have somebody get you some water.
00:58:55Just right here. Just for a few minutes, okay?
00:59:00Jamie, when was the last time you saw Danny Campbell?
00:59:02At school.
00:59:05Around three.
00:59:06Did you talk to him?
00:59:09What did he say?
00:59:11He said he was going to come by.
00:59:14And he never showed up.
00:59:17That's it?
00:59:21He also said that he was going to take care of something.
00:59:28What was that?
00:59:31It's okay, honey. Go ahead.
00:59:34He said he was going to break up with his girlfriend.
00:59:38Jamie, I thought you were his girlfriend.
00:59:40He was seeing someone else.
00:59:43Any idea who?
00:59:49Our teacher, Miss Matson.
00:59:53Jamie, do you have any proof?
00:59:55He told me.
00:59:57And I saw them together.
00:59:59Okay, where?
01:00:00At her house.
01:00:03Mr. and Mrs. Hall, you knew nothing about this?
01:00:07Hey, Jamie, so you never mentioned any of this to your family,
01:00:09to your parents, or to any high school officials?
01:00:13Why not?
01:00:18He didn't want me to.
01:00:49It's just, that's such a horrible thing to say.
01:00:52I just, I can't believe it.
01:00:55So, Miss Matson, there was nothing inappropriate
01:00:57about your relationship with Annie Campbell, then?
01:00:59Oh, absolutely not.
01:01:01I would never do anything to hurt any of my kids.
01:01:04The thought of that is just so vile.
01:01:07So why do you think Jamie Hall made this accusation?
01:01:11I don't know.
01:01:12She's one of my best students.
01:01:16I will say that she has had a change in behavior
01:01:21the past couple of weeks.
01:01:23Such as?
01:01:24She's become increasingly belligerent.
01:01:27We had an episode a few days ago.
01:01:30Go on.
01:01:32She got a bad grade on a paper,
01:01:34and she almost threatened me, sort of.
01:01:37She said, you will never get away with this.
01:01:39And did you discuss this with anybody?
01:01:41Yes, I did, Principal Jenkins.
01:01:44And we decided not to do anything about it.
01:01:47We thought, you know, it's due to stress.
01:01:50You know, family problems.
01:01:52Her father's out of work.
01:01:56Miss Matson, if you'd be so kind as to tell us
01:01:58about her problems with Danny.
01:02:00Oh, I don't know.
01:02:01I mean, I obviously don't pay attention to
01:02:03the teenage dramas that swirl around high school.
01:02:07But I did overhear that Jamie was accusing Danny
01:02:11of seeing someone else.
01:02:16Who knew it was me?
01:02:18Oh, I almost forgot.
01:02:20Miss Matson, where were you Friday night
01:02:22between the hours of 7.30 and 10 p.m.?
01:02:25Friday, I was at the movies.
01:02:28Oh, yeah? What did you see?
01:02:30I saw Blackberry Winter, actually.
01:02:33Down at the Broadway Palace downtown.
01:02:37I love those old theaters.
01:02:39You wouldn't happen to still have that ticket stub, would you?
01:02:43I don't know. I think I might, actually.
01:02:53Yep, Blackberry Winter.
01:02:55It says here, and the time is there.
01:02:57Yeah, 8 p.m.
01:03:01So it does.
01:03:04Okay, well, she was acting a little weird.
01:03:08I mean, Danny was blowing her off,
01:03:10but she was taking it like he was cheating on her or something.
01:03:13Was he?
01:03:14No. Not that I know of.
01:03:17She even followed him home one day.
01:03:19And I told her that was crazy, and I was right.
01:03:22She said she didn't catch him doing anything.
01:03:24So she admitted to you that she never saw him with anyone else?
01:03:28What was her general disposition that day at school?
01:03:31I'd say she was sort of pissed off.
01:03:35I'm just saying, I'm not buying the fact
01:03:37that he was sleeping with his teacher.
01:03:39Well, it's Jamie's word against Molly's.
01:03:41But we do know that Jamie was angry at Molly for giving her the bad grade.
01:03:44Okay, what do we have here, right?
01:03:46The key to this whole case is this prepaid cell phone, right?
01:03:49If we can find out who Danny sent that text to, we've got our killer.
01:03:52Well, I say we start with Jamie.
01:03:54She's the only one with a clear motive.
01:03:55And the only one who can't prove to us
01:03:57her whereabouts between the hours of 8 and 10.
01:03:59on the night of the murder, right?
01:04:01Think we've got enough?
01:04:03Just enough.
01:04:05Calling it in?
01:04:07Gonna need a warrant.
01:04:09The hall residence.
01:04:14Nice to see you again.
01:04:15We have a search warrant.
01:04:18No, you can't just come in here and start searching my place.
01:04:20Let me see that.
01:04:21No, Jamie didn't do anything.
01:04:22She's been really cooperative.
01:04:23She told you everything that she knows.
01:04:25Mom, what are you doing?
01:04:27Everything that she knows.
01:04:28Mom, what's going on?
01:04:30The detectives brought a search warrant.
01:04:33That's exactly what I want to know.
01:04:34All right, folks, please.
01:04:35Let's just calm down, okay?
01:04:36This is just part of the investigation.
01:04:38Now, if you're telling us the truth,
01:04:39we'll be out of here in no time.
01:04:41And you could really help us out if you gave us your cell phone.
01:04:43I don't have one.
01:04:44Yeah, that's right.
01:04:45We took it away a couple months ago.
01:04:48I think I'll check the car.
01:04:49Excuse me.
01:04:50Good idea.
01:04:51I'll check the lift.
01:04:53Jamie, are you telling us everything you know?
01:04:56No, I don't know what's going on.
01:04:57You know what?
01:04:58I'm gonna call our lawyer.
01:05:01Hey, check this out.
01:05:03What you got?
01:05:06Right here.
01:05:10There's something you should see.
01:05:12Excuse me.
01:05:13What do you got?
01:05:14Check out the front bumper.
01:05:17This is your car, isn't it, Jamie?
01:05:21That looks like you got some dried blood on your bumper.
01:05:25I don't know how that got there.
01:05:28What happened?
01:05:29What is that?
01:05:30Did you hit something on it?
01:05:34I've never seen that before.
01:05:36What was that?
01:05:37Jamie, did you see that?
01:05:38No, I didn't.
01:05:39It was a car.
01:05:40It was a car.
01:05:41It was a car.
01:05:42It was a car.
01:05:43It was a car.
01:05:44What was that?
01:05:45Jamie, did you buy a phone?
01:05:46No, I didn't.
01:05:47That's not mine.
01:05:51Got what we need.
01:05:52Bag it.
01:05:53You're under arrest.
01:05:54Wait a minute.
01:05:55Wait a minute.
01:05:56What are you doing?
01:05:57Hold on, Detective.
01:06:00I'll see you in a quarter of an hour.
01:06:01Jamie told me everything.
01:06:03You have a right to an attorney.
01:06:04I'm sorry.
01:06:06I promise I won't tell you anything.
01:06:21Get some sleep and we'll see you tomorrow.
01:06:22I know she's fine.
01:06:23I know.
01:06:24I know.
01:06:25I know.
01:06:26I know.
01:06:27I know.
01:06:28I know.
01:06:29She's gonna be fine.
01:06:30I know.
01:06:31I know.
01:06:32What was that about the school teacher?
01:06:33There he is.
01:06:34There he is.
01:06:35How is she?
01:06:36She's fine.
01:06:37They're gonna hold her overnight until the bail hearing tomorrow.
01:06:38Will she be safe?
01:06:39They'll put her in a private cell.
01:06:40She won't have to mix with the general population.
01:06:41I made sure of that.
01:06:42In any given case, the blood they found on Jamie's bumper was positively identified as Danny's.
01:06:47Oh, my God.
01:06:48Goodness, someone planted it there. And the phone.
01:06:51Yes. And these are the arguments that I'll be making tomorrow.
01:06:54Along with the fact that she's an honor student. She's got no priors.
01:06:57I think there's a good chance the judge will grant our request.
01:07:00Don, how much will all this cost?
01:07:03For manslaughter, the statute is $100,000.
01:07:06And so you'll need $50,000 to make bail.
01:07:17Thanks, Carl. I'm sorry to call you so late.
01:07:19It's all right.
01:07:20But you know what we're up against.
01:07:21All right, so I'll see you in the morning.
01:07:23Take care.
01:07:24I really appreciate it.
01:07:26What happened?
01:07:27Thank God for my brother.
01:07:28Between him and my parents and whatever we can borrow off our credit cards,
01:07:32I think we can come up with the $50,000.
01:07:4818-year-old Jamie Paul was arrested in connection with the hit-and-run death
01:07:52of what we have since learned was her boyfriend, Danny Cameron.
01:07:55And while police are saying very little about the charges,
01:07:58we have learned that a bail hearing has now been set for 11 o'clock tomorrow morning.
01:08:02We'll, of course, be here and have a live report for you.
01:08:05For now, though, from Wilfrid High School, I'm Rick Chambers.
01:08:07Let's go back to the studio.
01:08:10All right.
01:08:40Look at this thing.
01:08:47I feel like a dog on a chain.
01:08:50Yeah, well, according to Don, we're lucky the judge let you at it all.
01:08:53So I think that's a small price to pay.
01:08:55So I can't leave the house?
01:08:57At all?
01:08:58Not until the trial.
01:09:00But that could be months.
01:09:01Your mom and I are doing everything we can to get you out of this.
01:09:05Did they question Ms. Madsen?
01:09:08Apparently so.
01:09:11She's got an alibi.
01:09:13But she's lying.
01:09:15Danny told me he was going to go see her that night.
01:09:18She's the one who killed him.
01:09:19I know, honey, we believe you.
01:09:21It's just the police have nothing to connect her to the crime.
01:09:24Did they check her car?
01:09:27I don't know.
01:09:28Well, there has to be some sort of evidence in it.
01:09:30And if the police won't look, then maybe we should look ourselves.
01:09:41I'll be right back.
01:09:43Okay, see you.
01:10:05Ms. Madsen?
01:10:08Yes, may I help you?
01:10:10I'm Lauren Hall, Jamie's mother.
01:10:18Are you here to pick up her homework?
01:10:22Something like that.
01:10:25How is she?
01:10:27Not good.
01:10:28She spent the night in jail.
01:10:31I heard about that.
01:10:32I'm so sorry.
01:10:33Ms. Madsen, someone's trying to frame my daughter for murder.
01:10:40Who would do such a thing?
01:10:43I don't know.
01:10:46Maybe you.
01:10:50Mrs. Hall, I really resent that.
01:10:54The police have investigated this and I have been completely exonerated.
01:10:58She saw you with Danny.
01:11:00You're her mother.
01:11:02Of course you're going to believe her, I can assure you.
01:11:05She's making that up.
01:11:07You know, I never held Jamie's accusations against her.
01:11:10Even after Danny told me the trouble that they were having.
01:11:13You know why?
01:11:15Because I know about love, young love.
01:11:19And that makes people say and do crazy things.
01:11:24So Danny confided in you?
01:11:28He was looking for someone to talk to.
01:11:30Oh, and lucky for him, you were there.
01:11:35Or was it luck?
01:11:39Mrs. Hall, I have a faculty meeting right now.
01:11:43So, I'll have her homework ready for you to pick up tomorrow.
01:11:47See you then.
01:13:01Your destination.
01:13:18Hey, are you Gino?
01:13:21I was wondering if you could help me.
01:13:23Was there a car that was brought in sometime this week?
01:13:26It was like a silver jeep, license plate 4D0Q678.
01:13:31Sorry, don't ring a bell.
01:13:32Are you sure?
01:13:33A woman, dark hair, attractive.
01:13:35She may have brought it in with some damage to the front end.
01:13:38Told you I don't remember.
01:13:40Look, my daughter might go to jail for a hit and run that she didn't commit
01:13:44unless I prove that she didn't do it.
01:13:45And I am sure that you have the evidence here that would just...
01:13:48Look, I don't need any cops snooping around my place, you got it?
01:13:51So like I said, I don't remember.
01:14:04I know the chick you're talking about.
01:14:06You do?
01:14:07Yeah, skinny bitch with hot peep lips.
01:14:09Came in here with a broken grill.
01:14:10Do you still have it?
01:14:12Not anymore.
01:14:13It went to scrap three days ago.
01:14:15So is it true?
01:14:17This chick really is someone?
01:14:18A young man.
01:14:20My daughter's being blamed for it.
01:14:22Are you sure you can't help me?
01:14:24You think you can talk to the police and tell them what you know?
01:14:26If I talk, I'm out of a job.
01:14:28I got kids too.
01:15:07She was there, Steven.
01:15:09The owner, Gino.
01:15:10He didn't want to talk about it, but his mechanic.
01:15:14She was telling me everything.
01:15:15She confirmed that Molly dropped her car off Saturday morning.
01:15:19The grill in her car?
01:15:20That's the only evidence we would have.
01:15:22I guess that was hauled off, what, three days ago.
01:15:24Other than getting her to confess, there's nothing we can do.
01:15:29Then let's do it.
01:15:31Do what?
01:15:33Let's get her to confess.
01:15:35I mean, if I confront her, maybe she'll...
01:15:37No, no, no. I don't want you anywhere near that woman.
01:15:39And besides, you can't leave the house with that thing on your ankle.
01:15:41Police will track you down in ten minutes.
01:15:44I don't know why I did that.
01:15:46Oh, my God, what's going to happen?
01:15:48You're so stupid!
01:15:50Okay, I'm going to be okay.
01:15:52Okay, I'm going to be okay.
01:15:53Oh, my God!
01:15:54Oh, my God!
01:15:55Oh, my God!
01:15:56I'm sorry for this, you idiot!
01:15:58Okay, where are you?
01:15:59Where are you?
01:16:00I'm here.
01:16:02What did I do wrong?
01:16:05Shut up!
01:16:06Ugly little bitch!
01:16:07Shut up!
01:16:08Shut up!
01:16:09Shut up!
01:16:10Shut up!
01:16:11Shut up!
01:16:12Ugly little girl.
01:16:15Ugly little girl.
01:16:18Ugly, ugly, ugly, ugly little girl.
01:16:20Shut up!
01:16:28You go back to Brad, I don't know.
01:16:30If we can get any money from Brad.
01:16:31I don't know. I don't think that's a good idea.
01:16:33I mean, I could try.
01:16:35Okay, but still, it all takes money, honey, and we don't have the money.
01:16:38We have to think of other options.
01:16:40I don't know what to do anymore.
01:16:42And we know that she's innocent.
01:16:44And we just have to keep fighting.
01:16:46This isn't one of those surreal moments you think.
01:16:48I'm not going to wake up.
01:16:52I'm not sure.
01:17:21What are you doing?
01:17:24We need to talk about your good friend, Gino.
01:17:26You know, the one who runs the chop shop?
01:17:32We have the grill.
01:17:34You know, the one you replaced the day after you killed Danny?
01:17:37Oh, I don't...
01:17:39They didn't haul it off like they told you.
01:17:41They kept it.
01:17:42That's not true.
01:17:43Gino gave it to my mom.
01:17:45She's on her way to the police right now.
01:17:47I'm sure there's plenty of evidence on it.
01:17:50No, there's not. I didn't do anything.
01:17:53Did you wipe it off?
01:17:55The same way you wiped the blood on my bumper?
01:17:58Okay, I'm not going to listen to this. You need to go.
01:18:00You put that blood on my car and stashed the phone in the glove compartment.
01:18:04No, I didn't. You're crazy. Get out of my house.
01:18:06Why did you kill him, Molly?
01:18:09Was he going to tell on you?
01:18:10Was he going to get you fired from your job?
01:18:13If you have the grill, why are you telling me this?
01:18:20You're trying to get me to say something.
01:18:23What, are you trying to trick me or something?
01:18:25What is this?
01:18:29You were.
01:18:33You're trying to record my confession?
01:18:37Get out of my house.
01:18:38He didn't want you.
01:18:40He used you like a whore.
01:18:42He used you to get what he thought he needed.
01:18:45But he told me what he really thought of you.
01:18:48He said you were a crazy old lady.
01:18:51That you disgusted him.
01:18:53How long did you think he was really going to be with you?
01:18:57Look at you.
01:19:02You're pathetic.
01:19:05That's not true.
01:19:06He wanted me.
01:19:09You think because you're so pretty and so popular that you're better than I am?
01:19:15You think who would want to be with poor, ugly Molly?
01:19:18He wanted to be with me.
01:19:20But because you interfered, he's not with me anymore.
01:19:24You stupid, selfish little...
01:19:31You cut my face.
01:19:43Oh, look who's pathetic now.
01:19:47Don't like that, do you?
01:19:48You know what?
01:19:50I can't believe that Danny made such a stupid mistake for this.
01:19:55Danny got what he deserved.
01:19:56And now...
01:20:01Oh, God. Detective.
01:20:02I'm so glad.
01:20:03She broke into my house.
01:20:04No, stop. Listen.
01:20:05She's telling the truth and I heard everything you said about Danny.
01:20:07No, no, no. This is her fault.
01:20:08She got me.
01:20:09Ms. Matson, calm. I need you to calm down.
01:20:11Please, calm down.
01:20:22Are you all right?
01:20:23You're not hurting anyone, okay?
01:20:34Don't move!
01:20:38You don't know what to do with a gun.
01:20:41Wanna bet?
01:20:50Hey, it's okay.
01:21:05I'm just...
01:21:07Here she comes.
01:21:23Well, apparently this wasn't the first time.
01:21:25She admitted to being involved in the student affair back east, but the district covered it up.
01:21:29And she was able to move to LA and just get a job like nothing ever happened?
01:21:33She got all the credentials. That's all she needed.
01:21:35What kind of sentence will she get?
01:21:37Manslaughter and attacking a police officer, I'd say 20, 25 easy.
01:21:42Detective, I wanted to ask you something.
01:21:45Why did it take you so long to get here?
01:21:47My dad said it would only take 10 minutes, so I was kind of counting on that.
01:21:50You know what, Jamie? Next time you want to jump in, I suggest you do it before rush hour.
01:21:54It'll be good.
01:21:57Thanks, baby.
01:21:59Oh, no problem.
01:22:09Hey, Mom.
01:22:11Is Dad home yet?
01:22:12Nope, but he promised he'd be home from working time for dinner.
01:22:15Oh, by the way...
01:22:18You got some mail today.
01:22:30We are happy to offer you admission to Wittendale University
01:22:34and are delighted to have you as our new student.
01:22:37Oh, honey, I am so proud of you.
01:22:41The day after Molly Madsen was sentenced to prison for manslaughter,
01:22:44we asked a variety of students how they might react if confronted with a teacher temptress.
01:22:49Here's what John Ludlow from Lytton High School had to say. Take a look.
01:22:53Well, if she looks anything like that Miss Madsen,
01:22:55hell yeah, I'd let her have her way with me.
01:22:57I mean, look at her. She's hot.
01:22:59If that was my teacher, I'd never skip class.
01:23:04Oh, that's sweet.
