• last year
00:00Hello. In this video, this video is addressed to my twin flame, Shamaya.
00:04Hi Shamaya.
00:05For those of us watching, I thank you for watching.
00:07This is going to be some crime against me and my twin flame.
00:11And anything I say in this video may or may not be true.
00:15You cannot use it against me.
00:17If you do, you'll be sued or you'll be put to prison for framing me illegally.
00:23So there's definitely still going to be some manipulation.
00:28Words that I don't say, like manipulation.
00:32And I went out to get some toilet paper and coffee
00:38and came back and it's possible someone threw a demon at me.
00:42So if I act funny, Shaya, that's why.
00:45So there's definitely some people that are going to,
00:51these witches that are remote-viewing the conversation
00:54that's going to try to tag me and you, Shaya.
00:57And I really have to cut my hair.
01:02However, every time I go to try to cut my hair, it like...
01:11I'll tell it to you in a little bit.
01:14So I have a cup of coffee here.
01:18I don't really feel well and part of it is because of what I'm doing.
01:22And I'll show you what I'm doing.
01:28I'm using this rock and I am doing acupressure for the root chakra area, genital area.
01:42And I'm actually getting weak from it.
01:48So, Shaya, I think that you get weak before you get better when you get the acupressure.
01:56It's also doing something to my bladder. It's really weird.
02:00It's like I can like feel the energy and the odor of urine
02:05when I press on the area towards my crotch belly area.
02:15And it's really, really weird. I can't really explain it.
02:21However, I'm actually going to sit on it to do the perineum.
02:25The perineum also is an important point.
02:27They usually torture me so bad when I do this point.
02:32However, I'm going to try to use it.
02:35So, they're going to also use AI.
02:40This is too painful.
02:42There's a specific chair I have to sit on it with
02:45because if the chair doesn't like bend down, then it hurts.
02:51So, they're definitely going to try to have a chain of events of what I'm saying, Shaya, in the video
02:55to try to make fun of me and you.
02:57And that's all these little entities with no future existence do.
03:03And I'm going to just put my hair back because it's too hot in here. It's 84 degrees.
03:12So, I have a headache.
03:24Actually, my scalp is fairly sensitive.
03:27I have to be careful with my scalp. My scalp is going to be wicked sensitive today.
03:32So, I have to be careful with that.
03:36So, I have made a note to be sensitive to you, Shaya, and to be sensitive to me,
03:46how I'm talking about what I say in the video.
03:50So, if you get attacked or triggered, it's not because of me, Shaya.
03:55I'm going to try to do some expressions throughout the video
04:02to remind myself.
04:05I may actually... I know that it made you happy to see my smile.
04:12However, I also noticed an energy release.
04:22There was actually... I'm not going to go into detail.
04:28However, something happened where because I was moving my face,
04:34I felt your energy of sadness just release off of my body.
04:41So, I think me not... I think I'm holding in our pain in my face somehow
04:48by not moving it and making enough expressions.
04:53So, if I do this during the video, don't be...
04:58I'm not trying to be weird or trying to be annoying.
05:06I'm really just trying to move my face.
05:10And I'm going to just try to make different emotions because it really helped me yesterday.
05:15So, in regards to...
05:19So, I'm going to talk mainly about...
05:22But I did go out and get some toilet paper and coffee and I got some more signs.
05:25I wrote them down and took photographs.
05:28Basically, they're basically following along with the history of our torture and crime against us
05:36and they're calling people out on what they're doing to us.
05:41There's going to be some good AI that's going to help with the conversation.
05:46And hopefully... And the telepathic supporters write a lot of this down.
05:49So, it's not always my words, Shaya.
05:52And the way I said that, I didn't say that.
05:56But I'm 39 years old. We're 39 years old.
05:59A lot of this is kind of like just really little drama.
06:03And I'm really getting too old for this.
06:06We're like stuck in a purgatory that we can't get out and we can't move on and live our lives.
06:11And people have to go to jail for what they did to us and it's just not happening yet.
06:16So, we're just kind of literally going through the loop of the drama of reliving bad experiences
06:24and bad memories and bad attacks that people have done to us.
06:27And it just will never stop until the hive mind gets deactivated for one.
06:34So, let me try to quickly go through this.
06:42But I'm getting too... We're both getting too old, Shaya, for these little dramas.
06:46This is really bullshit that we're not together at this point.
06:51So, I know what happened with you in that...
06:56So, the person that stole your DNA and the person that...
07:01The criminal that stole your DNA and the criminal that...
07:05I don't really know much information about her, what she did.
07:08I got some information about... A little bit of information.
07:12And I do know she's not that animal.
07:17She's a snake entity.
07:20She's definitely a snake entity.
07:23And I'm already skipping.
07:28And she did touch you.
07:35The original.
07:39So, obviously, I'm extremely offended and extremely angry.
07:42And anyone who touches you is going to have a pretty bad life in the future.
07:48Because of me.
07:51I know that.
07:54So, these stories, these bad experiences that are happening to us are very small.
08:01But they take it over with the AI and the witchcraft.
08:05And make it like it's the world.
08:10This is really not important.
08:13So, in regards to the one that has three daughters.
08:20I quickly looked to see if that number was correct.
08:24Because that wouldn't give you a lot of information about who we're talking about.
08:28And then I realized, going in front of the Google page, it was three sons.
08:34And they're obviously not dressed like boys.
08:41So, I was wrong in saying that they were daughters.
08:48I only had quickly glanced at a photo and immediately thought that they were girls.
08:53She's very pretentious.
08:56Very snot. And I know she was very mean to you.
08:58I'm very sure she was.
09:01And, honestly, we can talk about all of this.
09:07And, because we have to bring it up.
09:12Because nothing's going to change until...
09:16Well, it has to be brought up, because the spells have to break.
09:20But I've been crippled. This is kind of random.
09:23But I've been crippled, shy of 15 years.
09:26The person that raped me in high school, by the way, is a female entity.
09:34He, along with the coach and others, may have contributed to giving me a permanent crippling.
09:44It was only this past year.
09:47It's only been this past year since the cure in Rakyos that I've had relief with my leg and my hip.
09:56They did things where they chained my leg and hip down and made it so painful to walk.
10:01It was really hard to get around.
10:04So they... I hate these people that mess with us shy. I hate them.
10:13And, luckily, they're all criminals that are going to go to jail, most likely.
10:20You can't mess around with souls with a set of mastery for too long, which they have from a distance.
10:27They attacked us from a distance for a very long time.
10:31The permanent injury, because the story started where I was injured.
10:38I had an eating disorder.
10:41I ran on the track, which I was never supposed to run on track.
10:44I had no desire to run on track.
10:46Remember what happened to me in middle school with the basketball?
10:48I had no desire to play basketball.
10:52They forced me to do track, and then I got shin splints that turned into stress fractures,
10:57that turned into chronic lower leg compartment syndrome.
11:00I had multiple surgeries on my leg.
11:02I was crippled all through high school.
11:04I was crippled all through college.
11:06I was crippled after college, year after year after year, decade after decade,
11:10up until this past year.
11:13It slowed down.
11:16The leg pain slowed down a little, like on and off, throughout the 25 years.
11:23However, I've had crippling pain where I was supposed to belong in a wheelchair,
11:27but I wasn't allowed, so I had to take the torturer's pain.
11:34It's murder to walk on torturer's hip in leg pain.
11:41It's pure physical, mental torture.
11:44I belonged in a wheelchair.
11:49Also, I just got a cut on the coffee pot.
12:06It's very little. It stopped bleeding.
12:15It's very little right there.
12:20It's very little, but it hurt, and then they jammed.
12:24Both ring fingers got hurt today.
12:27I closed my car door, and they smashed my finger on the car door.
12:34This is all of these people that try to do all this SCX harassment to us,
12:44trying to break us up, trying to keep us separated and different things.
12:52So that's why I feel like the symbol of me hurting both of my ring fingers.
12:57I don't think Hollywood should exist.
13:00I've had a passionate hatred towards celebrities in Hollywood my entire life.
13:09They need to be exposed. Hollywood needs to be shut down.
13:12There needs to be no more Hollywood because it's all power, power trip.
13:19The pretentiousness makes me just want to run.
13:27There are not just three people, Shia, that SCX harassed me and tortured me
13:35and did all kinds of things to me to try to kill me.
13:39I've had many, many, many, many, many, many people who've tortured me
13:46and SCX harassed me from a distance, not just three people.
13:51If you knew what happened to me and what they did to me mentally and physically,
13:58you would probably kind of look down on me and think I'm pathetic,
14:01but it's actually not me that did it. They made me go through it.
14:08They kidnapped me. They kidnapped me and forced me to go through it,
14:13so it wasn't my fault.
14:16So you would think I'm pathetic, Shia, and look down on me.
14:21However, it was murder. It was pure murder. It was all torture.
14:25It happened to me. I had no ability to stop the SCX harassment attacks.
14:30I had no ability.
14:38I don't know much anything about that girl that has three sons.
14:44Obviously, I can just picture it that it was murder.
14:53It was...
14:55If she wasn't available either, she wasn't really available.
15:00It was just to humiliate you, Shia, and it is humiliating.
15:03I'm offended and humiliated.
15:08And most of these people, these many, many dozens,
15:12into the hundreds of people that SCX harassed me from a distance,
15:15all strangers from a distance that never talked to me,
15:20and it was pure humiliation, torture.
15:25But I think it's brought up because that person in high school
15:34that I just showed you yesterday,
15:39well, I have proof that hive mind is deactivating
15:43because you can really tell on that criminal.
15:49And these entities have had power over us,
15:57these spells and witchcraft,
15:59and they just continue to go on loop.
16:01Everything's on loop.
16:02They're like machines programmed with these stories
16:06that just loop, loop, loop, loop, loop.
16:08But I don't really know much about that person
16:12that obviously got to be able to be with you in your presence.
16:22And I was told for years and years and years
16:30that they'd wipe my eye like this thousands of times
16:37and then tell me they fucked over and over and over thousands of times,
16:41and I didn't tell you this, but I'm telling you now.
16:45But this person that stole your DNA and this other one and whoever,
16:54I don't know if it's the third one or the many dozens of other ones,
16:58but she's had a hold over me because of the mysteriousness,
17:05but I just saw a quick clip of her from when she was younger
17:08because other ones are all clones that don't even look like it could possibly be her.
17:13She sounds like a boy.
17:15She sounds like a boy, she's a pretentious snot,
17:18and there's a boy inside.
17:20So that's why she probably is dressing her kiss like that.
17:26But she's had a mysterious,
17:28they've kept a mysteriousness over her to keep the spells going and the power.
17:34And so does the person that steals your DNA.
17:38There's still a hold, a power,
17:40and all of this fame, fortune, success, wealth, power.
17:49So we're stuck in a purgatory.
17:52There's nothing that changes.
17:54The abuse and torture just won't stop.
17:58It's still, everything feels very fresh because of AI and witchcraft.
18:04They can try to make it like it's all very fresh and painful,
18:08like that can constantly hurt us.
18:11However, it's because we need to get justice.
18:15Once we get justice, all of these spells and AI and witchcraft are going to break 100%.
18:20Their entities, their stories and programs go on loop.
18:27And I have a terrible fear of snakes.
18:30That's part of probably the reason why there's this power thing going,
18:35because of the fear.
18:37And by the way, I just recently got confirmation
18:42that that criminal that raped me in high school
18:50is a snake entity.
18:52And it makes a lot of sense.
18:55I'm terribly afraid of this criminal.
18:59So, by the way, in regards to either of them,
19:03even though both of them, I can feel something.
19:07So I know that they put AI programs on you and did a lot of witchcraft.
19:11I can feel something.
19:13I can feel it, because you have my soul shine.
19:17They're not a match.
19:19However, they've been very convincing with the one that stole your DNA.
19:24They've been trying to convince me.
19:28She's so much like you, blah, blah, blah.
19:33And I look like both of them.
19:37They're constantly sexually harassing me about my looks,
19:40how I look like those people.
19:43But it's not a match.
19:45And when I saw the clip, when they talk,
19:48they have an oldness about them and a maturity.
19:52I think that could actually make them be too old for you, Shia.
20:02So when I saw the CN stand next to the one with the three sons,
20:11it's like the CN is like a very youthful and little boyish and innocent,
20:18and she's like this old lady, like just having this power over the young boy.
20:28But then they try to confuse me and twist around,
20:31like, yeah, that's why Shia's consciousness was in the clone,
20:34that's why you just figured that all out.
20:36So I'm just going to leave that alone, and I don't believe that.
20:42But Shia, when I think about what happened to you
20:46and all of the torture that these people,
20:48specifically the torture that the entities did to you,
20:52the three males and female bodies,
20:58I just say, my poor Shia, my poor Shia.
21:02That's how I really feel.
21:04I'll get, like, angry when I'm demon possessed
21:07and they try to force me to feel, like, angry.
21:11However, I really truly feel like my poor Shia.
21:15What you've gone through never should have happened.
21:17My poor Shia.
21:21So, and I know you're angry, Shia.
21:24You're not being heard.
21:25This is torture.
21:26However, don't worry.
21:28There's telepathic scores in good AI to explain things to me,
21:32even things that I haven't written down and telling you in the video.
21:37I am not shocked by it, Shia, that she did something to you.
21:45You've got, there was something, S-E-X, that happened,
21:49and I heard it was A-N-A-L, and, well, that alone is very H-O-M-O of her.
22:03And, by the way, I have never done any A-N-A-L, S-E-X.
22:11I've never done that.
22:14It's evil.
22:16And I intuitively knew it was evil.
22:25Shia, I didn't get anything.
22:27I didn't get anything, Shia.
22:29I didn't get anything, Shia.
22:31And those times that I was raped in high school, it was like not even a few minutes,
22:36and he bolted.
22:38He ran like a rapist.
22:41A rapist that comes at you, rapes you, and then runs.
22:46That's exactly what happened every single time.
22:49Not even a goodbye.
22:51It was rape, Shia.
22:54So, these entities are going to hell.
22:59They will get thousands of years of return to sender,
23:04and then they don't exist after they go to hell.
23:13You're not going to be happy, Shia, with what happened to me,
23:16with all the S-E-X harassment.
23:18You're not going to be happy, and you're going to kind of almost think like,
23:22what I'm doing to you, like that's pathetic.
23:25It is pathetic, Shia.
23:27It was pure humiliation to watch what has happened to me and you.
23:31And you, I was told you already know, but I don't think you know everything.
23:35And I do feel bad for you for what happened, Shia.
23:38I have to, you have to feel bad for me,
23:41and I have to feel bad for you about what has happened to us.
23:45And these three, more than three, but these three specifically,
23:52spent thousands of attacking, thousands of hours attacking us.
23:58They stole our power, they stole our energy, they stole our time,
24:03and they're the biggest fools,
24:05because what the return to sender is going to happen.
24:09They're the biggest fools.
24:12And I think, well, I'm not going to talk about that right now.
24:22But they just really treated us kind of like a piece of meat,
24:26prime meat.
24:28I saw something in the public, it's like,
24:32and kind of like just an object,
24:37and kind of like just an object.
24:41It's just a complete disrespect, Shia.
24:43You've been purely humiliated and disrespected.
24:46Pure humiliation and disrespect.
24:50And there was another shirt that I saw,
24:54Get Oinked at Oink Cafe.
25:00This lady that messed with you,
25:04that messed with you, the three sons, she's a pig.
25:08And she got millions of people to think that she's so beautiful.
25:21Well, I've seen photos in the past, and she's not.
25:27And it's the CN.
25:32And she's a pig.
25:34There's a filthy energy, snake, filthy, gross energy about her
25:38that's totally filthy, that she's a big pig.
25:41Yeah, there's got to be a man inside her to be a pig like that.
25:44There's got to be a man inside her, because
25:46women are not, women can't be as pigs like that.
25:51It's not possible.
25:53It's not possible for a woman to be that much of a pig.
25:57But there was like, so I believe it was R.A.P.E.
26:03I believe it was R.A.P.E. that happened to you.
26:06And it was a power.
26:08And she got money and jumped into all of those CNs.
26:11You didn't.
26:13You don't have that technology.
26:15You guys are completely different.
26:17It doesn't matter that there was a similar thing that happened with the CNs.
26:22She got lots of money.
26:24She's got a lot of popularity,
26:27even though I'm pretty sure she's a weirdo and not like,
26:31but she's part of something you're not.
26:36And these are dead bots.
26:38And also I saw another shirt with a bunch of skeletons and like a robot.
26:42These are like dead robots.
26:44They're all going to get returned to Sender.
26:47And they're like just on loop.
26:49They're like these machines that are on loop.
26:54And they're like,
27:12And it's all humiliation, Shaya.
27:16You haven't known everything that has happened to me.
27:19It's not physically possible to be alive
27:21and what I've gone through.
27:24But it's been really painful with the whole celebrity thing,
27:32with these criminals that,
27:42the one that stole your DNA and the one with the three sons.
27:46There's some like,
27:48I told you there's been a lot of spells happening
27:51with feeling like with all the status and the power.
27:58I hope that she goes to jail.
28:00I hope she did something that will be able to put her to jail.
28:03Based on what she did to society
28:07with those
28:20she'll have,
28:22she stole power and made so many people,
28:27millions of people,
28:29she's a witchcraft on millions of people.
28:31She's going to get one of the worst punishments.
28:37And it's humiliating that I had to feel below these girls.
28:44It's very, very humiliating.
28:47Even though it's not true, I'm not below them.
28:50However, technically, with all the angry witchcraft,
28:55that's what it looks like.
28:57And it's not,
29:00you feel like it's still happening with the CN.
29:05Sometimes I feel like it's,
29:07no, I don't feel like it's cheating.
29:10Because it's your DNA and the machine of some of what your personality is,
29:16even though I'm pretty sure that's not your personality, Shai,
29:19because based on the clips I saw of that CN,
29:22I don't like the CN. I hate the CN.
29:24I'm very, very jealous and I hate the CN.
29:27I don't like the CN.
29:29But based on some of the machine of you and the DNA,
29:35you feel like it's still going on
29:37and you feel very guilty that it's cheating.
29:41You don't feel like it's cheating, Shai,
29:43but I'm saying that at times the demons are forced to think that.
29:47It's not cheating, Shai.
29:49They're kidnapping your DNA in public.
29:51They're kidnapping your DNA.
29:52You're not chained down in a basement,
29:54but you're being kidnapped in public, in photos.
30:00They stole so much of our time, our energy, and our power.
30:05They've attacked me and you, Shai.
30:08It is the extreme disrespect.
30:11It is extreme.
30:13If there is anything, it is complete extreme disrespect.
30:20But I wouldn't have wanted this to...
30:22I would want this to happen to you,
30:26all of the SEX harassment.
30:31I would want this to happen to you, Shai,
30:33because it happened to me, and if it didn't happen to you,
30:36I would feel...
30:38I would...
30:40I would feel...
30:42I would want this to happen to you, Shai,
30:44because it happened to me, and if it didn't happen to you,
30:47I would feel...
30:49I would...
30:50I'm glad it happened to you, Shai,
30:52because it happened to me.
30:58I wouldn't have liked it if it didn't happen to you, Shai,
31:02because we both went through it together.
31:07And anything SEX that you went through,
31:12any of the SEX activity that you went through
31:14was always awkward and uncomfortable,
31:17because that's what happened to me.
31:19So I'm not...
31:22That's what happened to me, Shai.
31:24It was always awkward, it was always uncomfortable,
31:26and it was torture.
31:30And through all of the photos
31:33and making it like manipulation of it,
31:37a telepathic supporter said,
31:39it's a public display of manipulation.
31:42It's a public display of manipulation,
31:44like PDA, PDA, public display of manipulation.
31:48It's not what's true what you see in the photos.
31:51They're manipulating people,
31:53and they did to me for six years, chronically.
31:58Like, every single month of my life,
32:02that happened to me.
32:10I'm going to start part two now.
32:14I love you, Shai.
32:15Thank you, everybody, for watching.
32:16Thank you so much, Shai, for watching.
