Extremely Satisfying Workers-

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00:00Look at how satisfying this worker is and this worker is even more satisfying and this entire video is full of people like this and
00:06More. Oh my god. Look how fast he is. Wait, this guy doesn't need a nail gun
00:11He's doing it all in one fluid rhythm. Wow. I wonder how much faster he could do that
00:15If he had a nail gun, are you satisfied Jimmy? I could be more satisfied. Let's keep watching
00:20This person's gonna paint chairs with fire. All right, it's blue. You know what? He's probably doing
00:24Probably just melting the old paint off, right? I don't know how somebody science this
00:28I think he's melting the top layer of the plastic. Yeah, that's got to be it, right? Okay, that was satisfying. I'm satisfied now. I
00:35Don't know why that made me laugh, but this guy just looks so unbothered doing his job. What is he doing?
00:40Is he blowing it back on? Yeah, he doesn't want those grass clippings. That is satisfying
00:45Look, it went from dirty to everything's clean. Look at all those straight lines. I'm very OCD
00:51Wow, look how beautiful it is. It looks like it. Oh
00:55My gosh, no, they have to be pouring water on that or something. Yeah, there's no way it was like slightly off-camera
01:03that had
01:05Satisfying hydraulic press it was this hydraulic press channel better be not the Furby
01:12The soul leave its eyes, yeah loading a plane with luggage
01:15All right, this is satisfying how 80 bags are loaded in the belly of an airplane caught sleeping on the job wildfire
01:21We're sending to the airline. All right, my dad's a genius. Why is he a genius? Oh, he is a genius
01:26Oh, oh my gosh. All right. You know what that is perfect. Look how happy he is
01:30Oh, look at the smile and a face in his wife, bro. They're so happy. He's like, I'm a dad who will accomplish some
01:36That's the best thing he did all week. Yeah. All right. There's a sandwich factory
01:40Go ahead and get the jokes out the way Jimmy
01:41Yeah, my house is a sandwich factory because I make sandwich cutting plastic with a blowtorch what what is with fire?
01:48You being used to paint and cut I have done this though. It works so well. It's horrible for the environment
01:54You shouldn't do this. You should just use a knife balloon popping machine. Hey, that's what they used to call me back in the day
02:00Whoa, that's how they pop these things. That's a very specific tool
02:03I don't think that's like a tool that they use to like I mean that looks like a tool
02:07I don't know. Somebody let us know in the comment. Is that a thing or is that a tool?
02:15Keep going color that be in don't stop. Oh, I love how this got a hundred. I'm so close
02:20That why did not get more though. Oh, don't stop. Keep going finish be
02:27We're freehand circle drawing champion, all right, let's see this obviously he's gonna start out with Michelangelo Chris
02:32Shut up so I can admire the circle. Yeah, see but he didn't do it, right?
02:35You got to draw Michelangelo erase some of the detail and then that's you know
02:39Can we measure the circumference of it? I don't think that it's how do we measure the circumference of your mom?
02:44You know what? Let's do it
02:47All right. Oh my god. Look at that
02:50She washing that thing. It doesn't even look like bricks until she power washes. She washing that thing Jimmy
02:56Oh, that is so crazy. The dudes recording with two phones. That is so cool
03:00He needed two POVs for it honey comb extracting. This is how they get honey
03:04Never seen a honey come look like that. Is this where honey comes from from bees? Yeah from the cone
03:09Did you know that the honey that bees produces their food and it never goes bad. It never expires
03:15Well factual they've pulled honey from like Roman time. Yeah, and it's still fun to eat
03:19I want Roman honey old dice painting machine. Oh, oh they stamps it. I don't think it paints it is it?
03:25Well, it probably puts a little small indention as well. What if you actually hit your hand you get a five on your hand
03:31Oh bro, these are unpoppable not even a hydraulic press can pop. There's no way see what how is everyone seeing that ball?
03:39But not know what it is
03:40No, actually now that we're talking about nobody's ever bought it
03:42Nobody knows where it came from what its name is and it's unpoppable
03:45Is this some kind of alien device that just appeared on earth and they're just slowly taking us over?
03:50Yeah, we all just found them on the road and just assumed everyone else
03:52We're like, oh, these are fun. They're squishy and it's like a device to kill us. Wait is
03:57Why why oh, they're making mulch that is so cool as the head of team trees
04:02I will not stand for this instead of being satisfied. Now. I'm angry. Whoa, holy crap
04:07He's not spilling a drop except for those couple that spilled in the puddle. Well, we'll ignore it. Oh, well ignore it off
04:11He looks very British. Oh my god, you know, we're spot-on team. We're gonna get you going. Oh bit of cream for the tea
04:17What is this drink? He's made? I don't know, but he's very satisfying Edward knife hands. Wait, he doesn't actually have a knife
04:24Wait, he doesn't actually have knives on his hands. His hands are just doing that. Is he making those sound effects?
04:31I think he is satisfying baking. He's making a bowl with the bread
04:35He's making a bread bowl. I like eating food people touch with their hands. All food is touched by people's hands
04:40No wear gloves gloves as long as you wash. I don't want to eat that now
04:43It's also gonna get cooked anything's gonna get kicked out of it. I don't care. I don't want to touch it. You're so
04:48Bougie, this is why you shouldn't become a rich successful youtuber. Then you won't eat things made by all right
04:53So you're fine it with someone going to the bathroom taking a dookie now watching their hands coming back touching your food
04:58And just be like, oh, that's fine. It'll get cooked. You left out something very important
05:02It is the law that they have to wash their hands. Uh-huh. It's also the law not to jaywalk
05:07Have you jaywalk every day? It's my favorite crime splitting a giant copper cable
05:11Oh that looks like the underwater cables for Internet. Whoa. Wow. Look at all that copper wire
05:18I bet that's worth a lot of money. That's probably why they're doing it to get the copper out of it. Holy crap
05:23Oh, they have these a gap. I saw one a gap one time
05:25I was there a kid doing it because his parents are raising him correctly this Tucker folded shirt Tucker unfolds his shirts
05:31Tucker sees a whole thing of folded laundry and he's like
05:35That is cool. Whenever Tucker does start doing his laundry. You should buy him that you know, that's just a piece of cardboard
05:40They probably cut to do that. I'm just saying I'm a piece of cardboard. All right, all smart people clean snow off their car
05:45Yeah, this works if there's no ice. Yeah, right come to North Carolina where any snow we get instantly turns to freezing rain
05:52And then the entire everything is covered in ice. This next person is carrying a giant stack of boxes. Whoa
05:58No, no. Oh boy. How did he get the boxes up there? What are these boxes for? What is this?
06:03I have so many questions. Well, I couldn't they have put those boxes somewhere else
06:07So you wouldn't have to carry them once they're that high just I don't trust that truck
06:11I would not drive behind that truck drifting out of a tight spot. I love drifted. Oh
06:16All this genius he crab-walked it that was really cool giant can crusher how giant we talking
06:23That's pretty giant Jinx. Yeah me go. Oh wait, there's one right there. So what now they just have a giant
06:29conglomerate of cans oh
06:31my oh
06:33That's cool. Yeah, my friends. It's how recycling works fine removal. Hey Twitter did that. Oh, that's so sick
06:40That's crazy. Wow is all holding on by an edge. Yeah, just a little bitty making a giant barrel. No way
06:46What is this a giant barrel, but what is that?
06:50Substance made out of oh, it was like some kind of plastic or something. I guess how big is that compared to a human?
06:55Oh, wow
07:01Insane drone pilot. I think the drifting race is yeah, it's cool. Is it a drum?
07:07It's getting pretty close if you got in the car with the drone, that'd be cool. Yeah, dude
07:10What if he's like rides right beside the window? Oh, he's doing that thing. Have you guys noticed the drone shots in our main channel?
07:16They've been getting better reason we're using more drones. Now. We've always been using drones
07:20We just remembered how to add them to the video this satisfying way to juice line. That is pretty satisfying
07:26It's like a steady solid movement every single time. Whoa, look at him sheep going. Oh my gosh
07:34Look at that little doggy up there
07:35Those dogs are hurting all of the three dogs are hurting all those sheep whoever's dogs those are if you give me an address
07:42I will send you unlimited dog treats. I want to pet your dog
07:45You know, I'm gonna go start a farm purchase a thousand sheep just so I can hire two dogs to hurt them
07:50You could just get the dogs. Yeah, but then they wouldn't have sheep to her. That's fair. Yeah, they need jobs hydro dipping Crocs
07:55I love hydro dipping. I want to do it Wow GTA 5 look at Michael's face. Yeah, wait
08:01Oh my gosh, does this face say subscribe it does do it. Bye