Coronation Street - Joel Is Being Questioned (21st August 2024)

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00:00I've told you everything. I wish I'd done it sooner, but I'm doing it now.
00:14Let's talk again about each and every occasion you had sex with her.
00:24She was a willing participant. More than willing.
00:28Look, they'll find traces of something in her blood, in the baby's blood, whatever.
00:33I'll be proved right.
00:35She'd had a drink when she admitted it, but why would she lie?
00:41Tell me again what she said.
00:45She said she'd looked up drugs that kill babies in the womb, or words to that effect.
00:53She bought the stuff online.
00:55But after all that, it didn't work.
00:59Thank God.
01:01I felt guilty reporting her. Please, just tell me I did the right thing.
01:07Despite her age, despite the vulnerable position you'd put her in,
01:12despite the fact she'd been missing all that time...
01:17Ethics versus law.
01:20Is that the best use of our time?
01:22We'll find out exactly who acquired it.
01:25When, how, with what bank account.
01:29Maybe she used cash.
01:33I think she said she got it online. Maybe I've misremembered.
01:38You seem fairly certain, according to DC Green's report.
01:43I'm guessing they've already tested it.
01:47Hospitals keep hold of some percenters, believe it or not.
01:50They found Misa Prostle in Lawrence.
01:58So she did do it?
02:03Not according to her bank account.
02:05Unless, of course, she misremembered and she paid cash.
02:12Maybe she used a friend's debit card.
02:15Seems unlikely she'd have thought it through to that extent.
02:19Covering her tracks? That doesn't seem far-fetched at all.
02:23No worries you covering your tracks.
02:25That's not so hard to believe, is it?
02:28You know how these things work. Took the necessary precautions.
02:31I let you check my bank statements. Maintain a search history.
02:35You're trying to spin a lack of evidence as guilt.
02:38You don't seem overly upset.
02:40You know, for someone who thinks the mother of his child tried to illegally abort it.
02:45Well, I've had some time to come to terms with it.
02:48Yeah, poor Dee Dee, by the way.
02:52I knew she'd find out eventually.
02:55I should have told her about the baby.
03:01But I left it too late.
03:03Do you know that's the first thing you've said that I actually believe?
03:06Lauren told you who attacked her.
03:09She gave you his name and he's in prison.
03:11Yeah, you were forced to drop it, you said, but the fact remains...
03:15you linked him to Lauren's DNA.
03:19Whether you chose to pursue it or not.
03:23So I'm still not entirely sure what I'm doing here.
03:26Who's the latest, Mr Dearing?
03:28Is there a long line of teenage girls that...?
03:31If so, where are they?
03:35These... young, disadvantaged girls.
03:39Why wouldn't they speak up?
03:41We're working on it.
03:46You know, I often work as a duty solicitor.
03:50I've had many, many clients.
03:53The young and the downtrodden amongst them.
03:56They, thanks to your lot, are often the ones who need us the most.
04:01Yeah, and many of them come to rely on you.
04:04Some of them feel like they owe you.
04:07Oh, no, correction, actually.
04:11You feel like they owe you.
04:15I mean, they're not so keen, but they oblige.
04:19For cash.
04:22Ah, see, now you're just improvising.
04:26If you're going to charge me set bail, if not...
04:29you can escort me to the door.
