Wrestle Talk With Arabbidb3aver : Today Jared Boatfield is joining me from C1W aka KVN wrestling!

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Today on Wrestle talk We will be joined by Mr Jared Boatfield you may know him as the in ring voice and chief editing officer for Championship One Wrestling! come along for the ride and get slammed and lets have a good time!
00:00Then the Chief Editing Officer and in-ring voice of C1W, Mr. Jared Brodfield, thank you
00:05first and foremost for taking the time out of your day to be here.
00:09So a lot has happened in the course of two months and C1W now branded the Kevin Show,
00:14the KVN Show, and with the new staff hires, old staff hires, and a ton of new faces in
00:20ringing out, what do you think by far is your favorite new hire in addition to the C1W family?
00:28That's a great question.
00:29I mean, we've had so many people come into the fold.
00:33I would have to say one of my personal, personally one of the standouts for me, we just saw his
00:39debut this past Saturday, but Alex Stevens.
00:45That kid man, like I've watched him bust his butt in training and really put in the work
00:51and to see that pay off for him as it did on Saturday, he didn't get the win, but he
00:56put on a performance that I don't think anybody's going to forget.
00:59I think one of my personal favorites that we've had come in and been with us recently
01:03is Brando, Brando Bennett, big money Brando.
01:08He's just high flying.
01:09He's exciting.
01:10He's fun to watch.
01:11He has a lot of good stuff going for him in ringing out, and he had a heck of a match
01:15with the rabid reject Adrian Ace this past Saturday.
01:19So I'm with you, but I think that that's one of my favorite additions that they've added
01:23to the show, and I hope to see him come back and be a part of it more often.
01:28That's one of the great things about wrestling is we definitely get a variety of people to
01:32come in and outside of the shows with the absence of one Kevin at the show.
01:37Who would you like to see step up and out of the shadows to not only necessarily take
01:43his place, but to help do the job that he did?
01:47Well, it's not so much that Kevin is absent.
01:50He is very much there, but he prefers to watch from the shadows.
02:00If and when he returns full-time, do you think that there will be hell to pay for the time
02:06that he was in the back, in the shadows, as you said?
02:11I think there's going to be hell to pay, but I don't think it's going to be for Kevin,
02:16As the shows have been progressing, and I'm sure you've noticed it, he's pulling a lot
02:24of strings.
02:25He's letting a lot of things happen, and he's making a lot of things happen.
02:29You know, I mean, who do we think knocked the ladder out from under Xavier Gray while
02:33he was cleaning the gutters?
02:34Come on.
02:35A ladder doesn't fall.
02:37Not only that, but with the recent debacle that we saw with Dalton Blake, I guess they're
02:44going to be giving him a brand new title.
02:46What do you have to say about that, sir?
02:50It's just business as usual.
02:53I mean, Dalton Blake and Kevin have been in bed since Dalton sold Kevin the company.
02:59He sold his soul to him, it seems like.
03:02I think you're a hundred percent right.
03:04Dalton and Reed and Kevin, I mean, those three, they're tight.
03:10I see it in the back.
03:11They're always chatting each other up, scheming.
03:17It's an unholy alliance in the truest sense of the word.
03:21Let's talk about some in and around the ring performers, the Garden of Eden specifically.
03:28We have seen in recent weeks the abuse you have taken at the hands of the Garden of Eden,
03:33the words of this faction.
03:35We have also seen you hire in some muscle to ensure that that doesn't happen again,
03:40but I'm no Steiner mathematician here, but two is still far less than four, and the family,
03:50if they really wanted to, could have both you and your bodyguard pay.
03:55How will you deal with this if it escalates to that point?
03:59Well, my bodyguard, the collector, he's not so much my bodyguard.
04:04He's my good close personal friend who also happens to take payments to be an enforcer
04:08from time to time.
04:10Now we haven't seen the collector back at C1W, and the reason for that is, from what
04:18I understand, somebody put out a restraining order against him.
04:24Don't know who that is.
04:26Of course, they're not going to let me in on that information, but it precludes him
04:30from being within 500 feet of the C1W building on the day of the show.
04:35So is that what took place at the end of the show last week, as we saw?
04:41We saw the Guard of Eden basically come in and have their way with you, let's just call
04:46it like that.
04:49Because of that, because of the restraining order, they were able to get their hands on
04:53you in such a way that it cost you some pain.
04:56Would you like to talk about that?
04:59I've got a lot to say specifically about one Cameron Cox.
05:06I'm going to save some of that for a better time, but what I can tell you is my partner,
05:12my girlfriend, she did take me directly to the ER after the show, well technically during
05:18the show.
05:21The doctor confirmed that I definitely have a concussion, low grade, and I have bruised
05:28He said if I was a smaller guy, I would have had broken ribs.
05:33If you have a 357-pound man fall on you with all of his weight, it's a miracle that my
05:38ribs aren't broken.
05:39It's a miracle that I didn't collapse a lung, to be honest with you.
05:46Even though I would say I got out lucky, I'm in a tremendous amount of pain.
05:53I had to leave work early on Monday because I had a migraine so bad that I couldn't see
05:58We know a man who has a vendetta against the Garden of Eden, the sawed-off man, the Pied
06:04Piper, and the killer beside you, and he is ruthless, a complete destroyer in the ring.
06:09When he has his head on straight, Robert Blade could be the very one to avenge you in such
06:15a case.
06:16Not only him, but the enemies that the family has made also recently, Draven Lee, John Bishop.
06:23Surely, somebody is looking for vengeance to help you out as well.
06:26Do you have any thoughts on that?
06:28Oh, I mean, there is a laundry list of people who have a problem with the Garden of Eden,
06:35and that's why I'm not too upset about what happened to me.
06:40Because I know they have theirs coming, whether it's in the form of ruthless Robert Blade,
06:44whether it's in the form of juicy John Bishop, whether it's in the form of AMJ.
06:53They don't have a lot of friends in that locker room.
06:57And even beyond the locker room, they have people that are not the biggest fans of them.
07:04I would say that what they have coming to them is going to come from a lot of different
07:11So I'm not too worried about whether or not they're going to get theirs.
07:15Right now, I'm just worried about recovering.
07:17Well, I'm not sure if you watched it, but August 8th, Christopher Battle came on our
07:21show and he was talking about the Garden of Eden a little bit.
07:24Now Battle, like you, seems to have a special interest in keeping the Garden of Eden out
07:27of the title picture.
07:28How do you think he can accomplish this while defending that title each and every show and
07:33also having what has come from nowhere with Dalton Blake to him?
07:40I think Christopher Battle needs to focus on Dalton Blake.
07:44I love Christopher Battle, but he's dealing with a madman in Dalton Blake.
07:51He doesn't need three more madmen to deal with.
07:55That being said, if he would be willing to come to my aid, I'm not going to tell him
08:01But personally, I would be concerned about the guy that just caved your head in with
08:05a chair.
08:06That would be a definite person to watch.
08:13For those of you watching that don't know, that happened two weeks ago.
08:15You can catch it on the Championship One Facebook page, aka the Kevin Wrestling page now.
08:20You can go back and re-watch that.
08:22It's about halfway down the page.
08:24If you scroll down, you can catch Dalton Blake coming out.
08:27He's dressed up in a costume and he just demolishes him in the head with a chair.
08:33You can catch all that action right there on Championship One Wrestling.
08:36Sometimes unlikely forces seem to come together, Mr. Jared, in professional wrestling.
08:40The oddest of couples of all seem to grace us with Tennessee Hayes.
08:45You know, just like I do, Ray still doesn't play nice with others.
08:48As a matter of fact, he's been a lone wolf, especially since the Dalton Blake stuff that
08:52took place with the Stud Buds.
08:54Why do you think he hasn't turned his back and snuffed out Rodney Hayes like the lone
08:59wolf he is?
09:02From what I understand, Ray Steele is on an indefinite hiatus from C1W.
09:10I don't know the reasons behind that or anything, nor is it any of my business, but as far as
09:17that team goes, I definitely think something was coming there.
09:23I don't know who was going to turn on who.
09:26I don't know what, but the tension there I felt was pretty palpable.
09:31I think they looked at each other and they saw one another as the weak link of the team
09:37and that kind of animosity is not conducive to teamwork.
09:43Well, I absolutely agree, and I think it was just only a matter of time before it became
09:47dog eat dog inside that faction.
09:50I can't speak personally.
09:51I did not know, so I'm going to apologize to the viewers because I did not know that
09:56he was on a personal hiatus from Championship One Wrestling or the KVN Wrestling Show, but
10:00I do know that it was only going to be a matter of time before that blew up and it
10:03was not going to be a good thing at all to look back upon.
10:07Well, speaking of odd couples, Dalton Blake and his manager, The Ravishing Reed.
10:12What are your thoughts on them?
10:16I love Reed.
10:17Let me just put this out there.
10:19I love Reed.
10:21I just think he is a fundamentally funny individual.
10:25I could do without Dalton Blake, and I think that's, I mean, you are at the show on Saturday,
10:32I believe.
10:33Yes, sir.
10:34You heard the contrast in the reactions for Reed and Dalton Blake.
10:41To use one word to describe Dalton Blake, con man.
10:50Wow, those are strong words, Mr.
10:54Extremely strong words.
10:55Do you have a reason why you would say that specifically?
10:59Well, he just always seems to have money coming from everywhere, and I never really see him
11:06do anything to earn that money.
11:11So something tells me that dirty money isn't just a nickname.
11:17Well, I would absolutely agree with you.
11:19We called him the Professor of Pain, the demented one, Dalton Blake, for a long period
11:23of time, and as he has progressed with Championship One Wrestling, and as he's moved forward,
11:28you can absolutely see that his dirty money is buying different things, such as with Christopher
11:36We saw him buy a set of enforcers, you could say, over the past couple weeks to take him
11:41out in several different episodes, which you can catch all that through the Championship
11:44One page.
11:45You can watch it on YouTube or also through Facebook.
11:47It's on both.
11:49So I would have to agree with you.
11:51But moving on a little bit, we have to talk about a big power couple in Championship One
11:56Wrestling currently, and that's Mama Hanna and the rabid reject Adrian Ace.
12:00Since losing that Mixed 104.1 Championship, he seemed to have completely come unhinged
12:05a little bit, a little more every day.
12:08And Mama Hanna is embracing that sadistic, violent side that we see of him constantly.
12:13So the question is, how do you stop the rabid reject currently?
12:19I mean, if I knew the answer to that question, then I'd probably be telling the entire locker
12:25room, because that guy scares me, I'm not going to lie to you.
12:28He freaks me out.
12:29In the back, I mean, you just see him and there's nothing behind the eyes.
12:36What do you do to stop the rabid reject?
12:39You're going to have to bring in somebody that's willing to be as sick, as demented,
12:45as brutal as the rabid reject, and that's not a lot of people.
12:49That's really not.
12:50And even if you do, you saw we had Brad Cash, one of the most acclaimed deathmatch wrestlers
12:57in Tennessee.
12:58Now, it wasn't a deathmatch, so maybe that was the reason he didn't pick up the win.
13:02But I mean, I don't know that he can be stopped, is the answer that I'll give you there.
13:09I think you're referring to the one-year anniversary show that you guys did with Mix 104.1, being
13:14there at the Armory in Cleveland, Tennessee.
13:17And I believe that we saw at the end of that show, there was a foreign object that was
13:21entered into the ring, aka a metal spike, and it knocked Brad Cash off of his feet and
13:27knocked him out completely, to be honest.
13:29And I see where you're coming from with him being sadistic, being that violent person,
13:34having that there.
13:35And I think that Brad Cash deserves a rematch and deserves it the right way in a deathmatch.
13:42That's my personal opinion.
13:43Now, it doesn't matter for anything, but what do you think, sir?
13:47Oh, I mean, anybody that knows me knows that I am a huge fan of deathmatch wrestling.
13:52I would love to see that style brought to C1W, even if it's just for a single match.
13:59And I know that, I don't know if you know, but Brad Cash is currently on something of
14:02a retirement tour.
14:05And to see him make another stop at C1W in that fashion, I think, would be phenomenal.
14:11I think, if we're being completely honest, that the people did not get what they wanted
14:15to out of that match between Brad Cash and Adrian Ace.
14:18I don't think it's either one of those guys' faults.
14:21I just think that it was such a packed show in a match like that.
14:27It deserves a stipulation and it deserves room to breathe on its own.
14:33And so I would love that.
14:35I don't make those decisions, of course.
14:36I don't either, but I would love to see it too, sir.
14:39Yeah, no, absolutely.
14:41I mean, I would love that match.
14:45I might even step back behind the camera so I can have the privilege of recording it.
14:49That's a big step, sir.
14:50That would be an awesome thing to do.
14:52And especially to have your name attributed to the titles on something like that.
14:56That would be extremely well.
14:58Mr. Jared, let's talk about where Championship One is located.
15:02We know that they're at 130 McDonald's School Road in McDonald, Tennessee.
15:05Can you tell us how much it's going to cost to get in, what time the doors open, and what
15:09time the show starts each week?
15:12So first of all, I will not be there this Saturday as I'm still recovering from my attack.
15:20But that doesn't mean y'all should stay home.
15:23So 130 McDonald's School Road, it's $8.
15:27Kids under five are always free.
15:30You can get there at seven o'clock, the doors open, the show starts at eight.
15:34We usually have people lining up at 630.
15:37So if you want to get a good seat, get there at six.
15:42Mr. Jared, are you booked anywhere else currently for any other shows?
15:47Are you going to be a part of anything else that's going to be happening in the Tennessee
15:49area, Georgia area, Kentucky area, all that, Alabama?
15:54Well, unfortunately, due to my injury, I've had to take a hiatus from bookings, at least
16:02for a little bit.
16:04But I have had lots of shows that I have been involved with that have things going on.
16:09Forever Pro has a show coming up this Sunday at Sweet Melissa's Bar.
16:13It's a 21 and up show, TWE Chattanooga.
16:18They have night one of their 11-year strong show happening this Friday.
16:24Of course, this Saturday, C1W.
16:28If you're in the Knoxville area, you can't get down to Cleveland.
16:31Athens has Ego Pro coming up this Saturday as well.
16:36There is no shortage of wrestling right now.
16:37I think it's understated that, especially in this area, we are really seeing a wrestling
16:45I think, broadly speaking, but especially here in the Southeast.
16:49I have a question for you about Ego Pro really quick, and we've got to decide which side
16:53you're on.
16:54Are you a Christopher Wright man, or are you a Barry Allen man?
17:00I am a Barry Allen guy through and through.
17:04You believe in the product.
17:05You believe in everything that he's going through is right.
17:08I believe in the mad scientist Barry Allen, and I believe that Christopher Wright is nothing
17:14but a pencil neck, ambulance-facing geek.
17:17Yes, sir.
17:18I love it.
17:19I love it every time that this comes up.
17:22I think that Wright and Wright, the lawyership that he's a part of, his own personal office
17:30that he comes out of, I think that they're just power hungry, and they're trying to do
17:33anything they can to snuff Barry Allen out of Ego Pro.
17:36I honestly don't think it's going to work, because Barry Allen is such a mastermind of
17:41the wrestling business and the wrestling world.
17:43I think it's going to be something great.
17:45You also spoke of, just a minute ago, the show that's going to be taking place with
17:48Forever Pro at Sweet Melissa's.
17:50Do you know how much the tickets are going to be at Sweet Melissa's this week?
17:55I believe that the tickets are going to be $10, and I will verify that as we speak.
18:02Thanks to the benefit of modern technology.
18:06I want to say that it's 10, but I will check on that.
18:10Forever Pro Wrestling, let us see, yes, tickets $10, bell time is 4 p.m.
18:22That's going to be Sunday the 25th, correct?
18:25Yes, Sunday's the 25th, Sweet Melissa's Billiards in Hickson, Tennessee.
18:29Again, tickets $10, bell time 4 p.m.
18:33Come out and see some of the hottest acts in the Southeast.
18:36You've got Chris Crunk, you've got Kevin Ryan.
18:40There's a whole host of people that are going to be appearing, and I don't think
18:44that anybody's going to want to miss that show, especially on a Sunday.
18:47Where else are you going to be?
18:49Other than church, I don't think anybody has anything to do, so it'd be a great time
18:53for everybody to come out and see some good professional wrestling.
18:55It is good to mention that this is going to be an adult-only show at Sweet Melissa's.
19:00Is that correct?
19:0221 and up.
19:03Unfortunately, there was no way to get around that, and of course, at Forever Pro, we love
19:08our young fans, but this is something for the older audience.
19:14Now, are there going to be any surprises that the fans need to know about this coming week
19:18at any of the shows that you know of?
19:20Hey, man, if there's a surprise, I'm going to be the first one who's surprised.
19:25They don't tell me nothing.
19:27Well, they don't tell me nothing either, but we just have to ask.
19:30We just got to try to find out.
19:31Now, Mr. Jared, we know that you're the chief editing officer, but you also have a lot of
19:35hats that you wear at Championship One Wrestling and also in the world of wrestling.
19:39We know that you have a current business that you're running as well.
19:42You like to make vignettes.
19:44You like to make entrance videos.
19:46You like to make highlight reels for different people.
19:50Can you tell us a little bit about that, how much you charge, where your starting rate
19:53comes from, and we'll go from there.
19:57So this is something that I've been doing in wrestling, at least since 2018.
20:06That was when I first started holding a camera and editing videos for wrestling shows.
20:10As far as what I do, you pretty much hit all of the points.
20:16Entrance videos, vignettes, highlight reels, full shows.
20:19I also can touch up images, but my rate starts at $20.
20:26What that comes from is I feel like, you know, if it's going to be worth it for me to do
20:31the work, you know, that's the least that I can get paid.
20:34You know what I mean?
20:35Yes, sir.
20:36And what $20 will get you with me?
20:38A two-minute highlight reel, it'll get you an entrance video with a picture, a custom
20:43text logo, and a background and song of your choice.
20:47Well, let's talk about some of the people that you've worked for, such as, but not including,
20:52not only including, Juicy John Bishop, the Adams family, and so many more.
20:57Tell us more about some of the people that you've worked with.
21:02One of my favorite commissions was Mr. Jaden Newman of TWE.
21:07He had a new theme song made for him and needed a video to go along with that, and he reached
21:13out to me, which was an honor.
21:16I've made several videos, ironically, for Mr. Cameron Cox.
21:22Don't know that I will be anymore.
21:24Especially after the attack.
21:27Tank was one of the first ones I did for C1W that I'm very proud of.
21:33All the new faces that come into C1W, their first stop is getting me their music, their
21:39image, and an idea of what they want for their video.
21:43I have to say, Mr. Jarrett is very talented at what he does.
21:47We attend Championship regularly.
21:50We attend that Kevin show regularly, and every time somebody comes out, you can see his handiwork
21:56on everything that's gone through Championship 1 Wrestling.
22:00He's done such a wonderful job.
22:01The music fits the videos that go perfectly.
22:03We definitely want to give you a shout out, Mr. Jarrett.
22:06You do the best work inside the world of wrestling in this area, and we definitely want to get
22:10you some business if we can get you some business.
22:13Tell the people how they can contact you, how they can get a hold of you, and that way
22:17you can get that business rolling.
22:20The best way to get a hold of me is through Facebook.
22:24Mr. Jarrett Eads Bowfield is my name on Facebook.
22:27If you don't have Facebook, you can also reach me via email.
22:31That's Eadsman03 at gmail.com, E-A-D-S-M-A-N 03 at gmail.com.
22:39Let's do some business.
22:40If you have something that you need made, or even if you just need a little bit of creative
22:45direction, holler at me, and I will be more than happy to do a consultation.
22:48Mr. Jarrett, we had two people come into the chat while we were talking about that.
22:53The first is AMJ.
22:55Mr. Gage Howard came in directly, and he said, the best video editor and Titantron maker,
23:01is what he said.
23:02Then Rocky Shaw said, my right-hand man presentation is key.
23:06You've got a lot of things that are going for you in this business with the people.
23:10Mr. Rocky Shaw, especially from the River City Media Company.
23:14Yes, and I really appreciate those kind words.
23:19I try to be a very humble person, and so I don't always know how to respond to that
23:25kind of praise, but it just makes me happy to know that I can contribute positively to
23:30the wrestling business, especially at this level.
23:35My philosophy when it comes to this video work is, I want to make things that wouldn't
23:41look out of place if I saw them on TV.
23:44If I saw a WWE superstar come out to this video, would it look like it's shoddy or not
23:49up to the quality of the rest of the roster?
23:57I say that, at least in my own opinion, I think that I do achieve that level of quality.
24:04That's what I want to keep doing.
24:05I want to bring TV-level video production to the local wrestling scene here in the Southeast.
24:13Quite frankly, the talent we have down here is good enough that they deserve it.
24:18They deserve that better presentation.
24:19I absolutely agree with you.
24:21I think that with just a little bit of guidance, the River City Media Company directly and
24:27anybody else that's interested could actually be looking to host for television inside of
24:32our area.
24:33I mean, the talent we have is ridiculous.
24:35Jameson Shook, Chris Kronk, you mentioned just a few minutes ago, Mr. Jaden Newman.
24:41These are just a few.
24:42Dalton Blake, to say the least.
24:44I mean, we have a plethora of talent that could be TV-ready in a matter of days if just
24:50the right things are applied.
24:52I think that you're working in the right direction with them to make sure that their interest
24:57videos, their vignettes, all their reels, all their highlights are shown in that manner.
25:02You do such a great job that we definitely, here at WrestleTalk, want to give you a shout-out,
25:05Mr. Jared.
25:06Thank you for the hard work that you do in the world of wrestling for us, the viewers,
25:10for the fans, because at the end of the day, if they had a shoddy video, nobody would remember
25:15it or they would remember it being bad.
25:18You make it memorable in the opposite direction.
25:20You make it memorable in the good way for everybody, so thank you, sir.
25:26That means a lot to me.
25:28Obviously, I haven't been completely on my best game during this interview.
25:33My head is still ringing from the DDT and my ribs are still aching from the senton that
25:38I got from TK, but my hands still work and my eyes still work, so I can still pump out
25:44these videos.
25:48Like I said, just to know that I'm making a positive impact with the work that I do
25:52in wrestling, it means everything.
25:54Wrestling to me is very sacred and very special.
25:59To know that I can contribute to it, that makes me the happiest man in the world.
26:03It makes all the difference in the world, and it doesn't matter where you come from.
26:06It doesn't matter if you come from behind a camera or if you've just set up chairs or
26:11if you're cleaning toilets for the arena.
26:14It doesn't matter.
26:15As long as you're doing something to better the world of wrestling every day and you're
26:19trying to better yourself every day, you're making a difference.
26:22I do have to correct myself on something I said earlier.
26:26Rocky Shaw is partnering with River City Media, but he is the owner of 12 Gauge Uncut, so
26:33I made that mistake.
26:34That's my personal mistake, so I'm going to correct it.
26:36You're right here, live on the air.
26:38Come on, Joseph.
26:39Get your facts straight.
26:40I've got to get them straight, Mr. Jared.
26:43Well, Mr. Jared, I thank you for all the time that you spent with me today.
26:47I really appreciate you being here, and in the future, I'd love to have you come on if
26:51you have some time to do that.
26:52Unfortunately, we're all out of time for today.
26:54We're at the 27-minute marker.
26:56We're going on 30 minutes.
26:58Before I go, let the fans know one more time how to get ahold of you.
27:02Yes, the best way to get ahold of me is through Facebook.
27:06You can find me, Jared Eads Boatfield, on Facebook.
27:09I have a public profile.
27:11If you don't have Facebook, you can reach me via email at Eadsman03 at gmail.com.
27:18That's spelled E-A-D-S-M-A-N-03.
27:23Make sure to come out to C1W this Saturday, 130 McDonald's School Road.
27:27Doors open at 6, doors open at 7, bell time at 8.
27:30There, look at me making mistakes.
27:32Who doesn't have their facts straightened out?
27:35There's a lot of really good wrestling going on right now.
27:37I mean, you can throw a paper airplane, and you're probably going to land in a
27:41wrestling company that you're going to want to watch.
27:44So go out, enjoy the wrestling this weekend.
27:48I'm going to be at home nursing my head injury and my ribs, but you best believe
27:54that I'm going to be paying attention to social media and seeing all of the
27:57happenings going on around here.
27:59And Joseph, thank you so much for having me on.
28:03Was there any other questions for me before I hop off here?
28:05No, sir.
28:06I think that's going to be enough for today.
28:08I appreciate you being here, sir.
28:10And before we go, I got to say, you guys heard it here first.
28:13And stick around with me just for one minute, Mr.
28:16I'm going to hit our intermission screen.
28:18So before we go, we always like to give you the opportunity to
28:21buy WrestleTalk merchandise.
28:22We have that available for you.
28:24As you see, we have the polos, the hoodies, we have rain jackets.
28:27We have the baseball shirts that are available.
28:29And you can catch all that good merchandise at www.streamlabs.com
28:34forward slash rabid beaver, just like it's spelled right there in the green,
28:36in the middle forward slash merge, go ahead and do that for us.
28:40And that's how you help us keep this show, which is 100% viewer
28:44supported by viewers just like you.
28:46So thank you guys so much.
28:47And I hope to see you on our next WrestleTalk with a rabid beaver.
28:51Thank you guys.
