• 2 months ago
The King’s Avatar Season 3 Episode 14 English Sub || Sub indo,
The King’s Avatar Season 3 Episode 14 Sub indo,
The King’s Avatar Season 3 Episode 14 English Sub


00:00优优独播剧场——YoYo Television Series Exclusive
00:08全新统一冰红场 升级盛事 New Unified Ice and Red Factory, Upgraded Market
00:10邀你收看精彩动画 Invite you to watch wonderful animation
00:22来了 You're here
00:25等挺久了吧 Have you been waiting for a long time?
00:26你知道就好 You know it's good
00:28跟我来吧 Come with me
00:30来吧 Let's go
00:46陈姐 陈姐 Chen, Chen
00:49这是电竞之家 This is the TV station
00:50而这是记者站的长宣 And this is Chang Xian from the press station
00:51一直负责报道咱们新鲜的活动 Always in charge of reporting our new activities
00:54大家好 Hello, everyone
00:55先在前台登记入住吧 Let's register in the front desk first
00:57大家比赛加油 Let's do our best in the competition
00:58我看好你们 I have faith in you
01:00来吧 Let's go
01:07快看 Look
01:20居然没有叶秋 孙哲平 居然没有叶秋 孙哲平 There's no Ye Qiu and Sun Zheping
01:24这人怎么又跑到他们队伍去了 Why did he go to their team?
01:27先不管这个 Let's leave it alone
01:30叶秋这到底是怎么回事 What's going on with Ye Qiu?
01:32我以为他化名叶秀是怕曝光粉丝压力太大 I thought he changed his name to Ye Qiu because he was afraid of the exposure of his fans
01:37可怎么到了比赛叶秋还没现身呢 But why hasn't Ye Qiu shown up in the competition yet?
01:40肯定没什么好事 There must be something wrong
01:42说不定在背后谋划什么大阴谋 Maybe he's up to something
01:47看来有必要亲自去拜访他一下了 It seems that I have to visit him in person
01:51星星战队叶秋来了没有 Is Ye Qiu from the Star Team here?
02:01没有 No
02:04那这叶秀最后分哪个房间啊 Which room is Ye Qiu staying in?
02:08这个 星星战队在A座7楼的721到726房间 The Star Team is staying in the 721 to 726 room on the 7th floor of the A seat
02:15具体如何入住我们也不清楚 We don't know how to get in
02:19好的 谢谢 Okay, thank you
02:25会长好 Hello, President
02:27联盟主席 冯献军 Chairman of the League, Feng Xianjun
02:35星星战队被安排在哪边了 Which room is the Star Team staying in?
02:38A座7楼721到726房间 The 721 to 726 room on the 7th floor of the A seat
02:44为什么联盟主席对星星这么关注 Why is the Chairman of the League so concerned about the Star Team?
02:49哎 家事两大巨头不也去星星房间了 哼 这些大人物装在一起肯定是要大新闻的 Hey, the big shots of the family are also going to the Star Team
02:54哼 这些大人物装在一起肯定是要大新闻的 Hey, these big shots must be in the big news
03:19喂 长线 星星的那个叫叶修的 在哪个房间呢 Hey, Changxin, which room is the Star Team staying in?
03:25呃 722 722
03:26你赶紧去编 我马上就到 别被其他人抢先了 Hey, go and make it quick. I'll be right there. Don't get caught by the others
03:34进来 Come in
03:40小常来了 Xiao Chang is here
03:41啊 啊 啊 接着说吧 你们的那位队长叶修呢 在哪里啊 我们很想认识一下 叶修 他不就是我吗 哼 你还真敢承认 这有什么不敢 Are you crazy? You're using a fake identity to compete? Are you blind?
04:07谁说这是假身份啊 Who said it was a fake identity?
04:11这真是我听过最可笑的笑话 这不是假身份 难道叶修是假身份不成 这真是我听过最可笑的笑话 这不是假身份 难道叶修是假身份不成 你不会认为 认识你的人不多 你就可以这样随便变换身份 没人知道了是吧 你不会认为 认识你的人不多 你就可以这样随便变换身份 没人知道了是吧
04:25啊 原来叶修就是叶修 这 是我能知道的吗 你说对了 其实叶修才是假身份 这并不是一个笑话 而是一个谎言 This is not a joke, but a lie
04:40你说什么 你说什么 你说什么 你说什么 你说什么 你说什么 你说什么 你说什么 你说什么 你说什么 你说什么 你说什么 你说什么 你说什么 你说什么 你说什么 你说什么 你说什么 你说什么 你说什么 你说什么 你说什么 你说什么 你说什么 你说什么 你说什么 你说什么 你说什么 你说什么 你说什么 你说什么 你说什么 你说什么 你说什么 你说什么 你说什么 你说什么 你说什么 你说什么 你说什么 你说什么 你说什么 你说什么 你说什么 你说什么 你说什么 你说什么 你说什么 你说什么 你说什么 你说什么 你说什么 你说什么 你说什么 你说什么 你说什么 你说什么 你说什么 你说什么 你说什么 你说什么 你说什么 你说什么 你说什么 你说什么 你说什么 你说什么 你说什么 你说什么 你说什么 你说什么 你说什么 你说什么 你说
05:10你不会以为现在你换回真身份一切事就都没发生了吧 你当所有人都是傻瓜吗
05:18当然不会 所以这个问题我们一定要小心妥善地处理 我们 我当时在家试不是吗 用这样的方法帮家试拿到了三个总冠军 你不会假装忘记了吧
05:36只要内部共同好 特外形势并不难 你要怎么跟他们交这个比呢 谁啊 我 洪献勋 先藏起来吧 厕所 床底下 算了吧 开门的总是要来的 好 开门吧
06:07人不少啊 主席 玉秋 果然是在这里 把门关了
06:30You! Close the door!
06:32But Chief Cao will be here soon.
06:35Hurry! Close the door!
06:39Brother Cao, I'm sorry.
06:49Damn it!
06:53You seem to have someone called Ye Xiu in your heart.
06:57Chief, please sit down.
06:59I'll explain it to you.
07:03President, please sit here.
07:08What? Is it complicated?
07:10What's going on?
07:12How's your heart lately?
07:15If it's good, I'll tell you.
07:17The Ye Xiu you're looking for is actually Ye Qiu.
07:27Medicine! Medicine!
07:29President, take the medicine!
07:31Do you need to go to the hospital?
07:42What's going on?
07:44About this...
07:48What are you talking about?
07:50Damn it!
07:52You're so ungrateful!
07:54That's it.
07:56What does your brother do?
07:59He does a lot of things.
08:01You don't want to take him as the old Ye Qiu, right?
08:06This is a big loophole.
08:08That's not necessary.
08:10I just want to make sure.
08:12You're the only one who plays the game, right?
08:20How are you going to explain it?
08:23I'll give you a name.
08:25You can call me whatever you want.
08:35What did you come here for?
08:50Ye Qiu is your nickname.
08:52My real name is Ye Xiu.
08:56Let's go.
09:06Boss Tao, Manager Cui.
09:10This is all your fault.
09:12But in the end,
09:14you're busy wiping your ass.
09:16It's not a family affair or an alliance.
09:18It doesn't seem to have anything to do with you.
09:21Xiao Chang.
09:23You can't use this news as an interview.
09:25You have to report it.
09:39Since you guys trust me so much,
09:41don't worry.
09:43I won't tell anyone about this.
09:45I won't tell anyone about this.
09:49This afternoon, at the site of the challenge,
09:51Jia Shi and Xing Xin's two teams met.
09:53But the players of Jia Shi's team
09:55were surprised to discover
09:57that Jun Mo Xiao,
09:59who has been active as Ye Xiu,
10:01is their old captain, Ye Qiu.
10:03Let's listen to the boss of Jia Shi's club,
10:05Tao Xuan's opinion.
10:11It's hard for me to believe now
10:13that Ye Qiu has become our opponent.
10:15He hid his identity
10:17and was still in the challenge
10:19against Jia Shi.
10:21I can't figure it out either.
10:23I just hope that Ye Qiu and Jia Shi
10:25can be in the most perfect moment
10:27in Teng Jing.
10:31Jia Shi is too shameless.
10:33How do we deal with it?
10:35Defeat them.
10:37What about this?
10:39This is not enough.
10:41Of course, okay?
10:43What about now?
10:45How do we fight back?
10:47No need.
10:49It's okay to be promising.
10:51If you always carry a black pot like this,
10:53you will be killed by the black ball soon.
10:55This is too vulgar.
10:57Stop laughing.
11:01I'm so angry.
11:05Don't be angry.
11:07The game will start tomorrow.
11:09Let's do it tomorrow.
11:11Don't be distracted.
11:13We must defeat Jia Shi.
