Did you know this phone keyboard trick #android #keyboard #tipsandtricks #howto #technology
00:00Hey Manik bhai, you do chat on whatsapp with someone right?
00:03Who doesn't do it?
00:04Let me tell you one thing, suppose you have written a sentence on whatsapp
00:09Then what you do is, after the sentence is over, you will put a dot on it
00:12and after giving space, you will start a new sentence
00:14Yes, this is what happens
00:15No, it doesn't happen. Let me tell you one more thing
00:17Suppose you have written the same sentence somewhere again
00:20Then what you have to do is, to put a dot, you don't have to tap on the dot
00:23If you put double space, it will be tapped
00:24Now you will ask, how will this setting be turned on?
00:27So here, tap on setting
00:29Go to test correction
00:30And here you will see double space
00:32If you turn on full stop or full stop, then this setting will be turned on
00:35It's great, right?
00:36And for such great things, you just have to follow technology