• il y a 2 mois
Le nouveau patron de Starbucks n’a pas encore pris ses fonctions mais ses conditions de travail ont suscité la controverse: Brian Niccol aura accès à un jet appartenant au groupe américain pour se rendre au siège, situé à environ 1600 kilomètres de son domicile.

«Vous pourrez utiliser l’avion de la société pour (…) les voyages entre votre ville de résidence et le siège de la société à Seattle, Washington», indique la lettre du conseil d’administration proposant le poste au cadre, publiée jeudi sur le site du gendarme boursier américain.

Ancien patron de la chaîne de restauration rapide mexicaine Chipotle, Brian Niccol habite à Newport Beach, une commune de Californie au sud de Los Angeles, à environ 2h40 en avion de Seattle.

«Pendant la durée de votre emploi au sein de l’entreprise, il ne vous sera pas demandé de déménager au siège de l’entreprise», précise la lettre. «Vous acceptez de faire la navette entre votre domicile et le siège de la société (et d’effectuer d’autres déplacements professionnels) dans le cadre de l’exercice de vos fonctions et responsabilités.»

La nouvelle a fait polémique sur les réseaux sociaux, certains internautes accusant Starbucks de faire preuve d’hypocrisie alors que la chaîne de cafés met régulièrement en avant ses efforts en matière de protection de l’environnement, comme l’élimination des pailles en plastique.


00:00Starbucks soon-to-be CEO Brian Nicole is making headlines.
00:07Any idea why?
00:09Because of his choice of commute to work.
00:13Nicole will be taking a jet to work three times of the week.
00:18Let me just repeat that for you.
00:20Starbucks new CEO will be jetting to work thrice a week.
00:26Some of you must be thinking, wondering what kind of money is the man and the company making?
00:34Let's just break this down for you.
00:37Let's also tell you a little bit about this CEO.
00:40Brian Nicole, he is 50 years old.
00:45He lives in Newport Beach, California reportedly.
00:48The company where he was at earlier,
00:52the stock of that company reportedly sold 773%
00:58and Starbucks brought him on board hoping to replicate that growth and success as per reports.
01:05But here's the thing, the company expects the employee to work in hybrid mode.
01:11Meaning while they may work from home, there are days they must be in office.
01:16Like we said, Nicole lives in Newport Beach, California.
01:20So what Starbucks is reportedly doing is establishing a remote office in Newport Beach.
01:28But the company also expects the CEO to come to the headquarters, which are in Seattle.
01:35Nicole must be there at least thrice a week.
01:38Newport Beach to Seattle is a distance of over 1600 kilometers, by the way.
01:44Driving could take over 18 hours.
01:48So Starbucks has decided to sweeten the deal for the new CEO.
01:51It has reportedly offered the corporate jet to Nicole for his commute to Seattle.
01:58An excerpt of what is reportedly a part of Nicole's offer letter is doing the rounds on the Internet.
02:05Reading and I'm quoting here.
02:07You will be eligible to use the company aircraft for business related travel in accordance with the company's travel policy.
02:15Number two, travel between your city of residence and the company's headquarters in Seattle, Washington.
02:21And number three, your personal travel in accordance with the company's policies up to a maximum amount of $250,000 per year.
02:30Quote unquote.
02:32Any idea how much this new Starbucks CEO is getting paid?
02:36His yearly base salary reportedly is $1.6 million.
02:42On top of that, there is a cash bonus of anything between $3.6 million to $7.2 million.
02:51Nicole reportedly is also eligible for annual equity awards worth up to $23 million.
02:59And there's more.
03:00The new CEO will receive a $10 million signing bonus as per reports.
03:07Now, how many of you want to wash down that information with a cup of Starbucks latte?
03:15To stay up to speed with the latest news, download the WeOn app and subscribe to our YouTube channel.
