CID Magical Tree mystery case| Latest Full Episode in hindi| best episode of CID

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CID Magical Tree mystery case| Latest Full Episode in hindi|

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00:00May I come in, sir?
00:22Yes, come in.
00:28Good morning, sir.
00:31Very good morning.
00:34Sir, you called me for the interview.
00:36Oh yes, I remember.
00:39Please have a seat.
00:41Please have a seat.
00:42Thank you, sir.
00:48This is my CV.
00:51There is no need for this.
00:52I can see who is useful to me.
00:55You are perfect.
00:57Are you done for me?
00:59Sir, but you didn't see anything.
01:04I told you, there is no need for this.
01:07I have made many lives.
01:10Now you just wait and watch.
01:12I will make your life too.
01:17I have a gun in my hand.
01:21If you try to move or scream, I will shoot you.
01:29What do you want?
01:31Yesterday you met someone who wanted to sell you something.
01:35Who is he?
01:37I have his number.
01:39Give me the number.
01:50Vinod is his name.
02:20Glory to Lord Ganesha!
03:21Where is he?
03:22I have to find Vinod at any cost.
03:37Preeti, where is Vinod?
03:39Did he tell you anything?
03:41No, Baba.
03:43He is a strange boy.
03:44He came to meet his wife and disappeared.
03:49Baba, please calm down.
03:51I will go and see.
03:59He is not even answering the phone.
04:08Hello, Preeti.
04:09Where are you?
04:11I have come home to pick Vinod.
04:14I will be back in two minutes.
04:16It is time for the prayer.
04:18Come quickly with Vinod.
05:23Did any of you see Vinod talking to anyone in the temple?
05:29No, sir.
05:30We did not even get to know where he went all of a sudden.
05:37He got a good job three months ago.
05:41He was very happy.
05:43Anyway, Baba, don't worry.
05:47It looks like he was shot.
05:49But the strange thing is that the bullet did not come out of his body.
05:53Maybe it is still inside.
05:55So there was someone who shot Vinod before Preeti came here.
06:00And ran away from here.
06:02But how did he come inside?
06:04This door was opened by Preeti.
06:09There is no sign of force entry.
06:14Is it possible that the killer attacked Vinod here?
06:21Outside the house.
06:23And Vinod died after entering the house.
06:26No, sir.
06:28When Vinod came, I saw him.
06:30He was absolutely fine.
06:32And he was not even hurt.
06:35So did you see Vinod for the last time?
06:40Who are you?
06:42This is his neighbor.
06:44And who are you?
06:46I am Sapna.
06:49Friend of Preeti and Vinod.
06:57I found out what happened here.
06:59What happened?
07:01Vinod shot himself in this room.
07:04Sir, this must have happened.
07:06You solved the case.
07:08So is the killer and the victim the same?
07:11Sir, you are a genius.
07:14What nonsense are you talking?
07:16If he shot himself, then where is the gun?
07:19Did his soul take it away?
07:21It is lying here.
07:32Look at this.
07:34The papers have been burnt.
07:36Maybe Vinod burnt them.
07:38That's why his fingers are burnt.
07:40What is in this paper?
07:42The bullet that you are looking for is actually hidden here.
07:47Look at this.
07:48It went inside Vinod's chest.
07:51And the bullet that you are looking for is actually hidden here.
07:54Look at this.
07:55It went inside Vinod's chest.
07:58Look at this.
07:59It went inside Vinod's chest.
08:02The bullet that killed Vinod,
08:04did not go out of his body.
08:08There was no gun where Vinod's body was found.
08:11Once this bullet comes out,
08:13we will know which gun was used.
08:16Did Vinod commit suicide?
08:19Or did someone kill Vinod?
08:22Absolutely, boss.
08:23But now I want to show you one more important thing.
08:27A burnt piece of paper.
08:29The bullet has been burnt.
08:31But I have recovered a little bit.
08:33I have saved it.
08:34There is something special written on it.
08:46What could it be, sir?
08:52Or Enterprises?
08:54This is definitely a company.
08:57But I don't understand one thing.
08:59What was so special about this piece of paper
09:03that Vinod wanted to burn it and erase it?
09:07And then this
09:12What kind of a company is this?
09:15Where is this company?
09:17Sir, I don't know what this tth is.
09:19I have heard this name for the first time.
09:21We found a burnt piece of paper near Vinod's body.
09:25It had tth written on it.
09:27Vinod used to work in your company.
09:29So we feel that there is some connection
09:33between tth and your company.
09:37Vinod was murdered.
09:39Do you know anything about it?
09:44Look, sir, I...
09:45Sir, one second.
09:46Sir, I will tell you.
09:48Mr. Subhash is a good-hearted man.
09:50He may not be able to tell you that.
09:55That Mr. Subhash hired Vinod.
09:59But in return, he...
10:02Sir, please let me speak.
10:04Sir, Vinod hasn't come to work for the past month.
10:10But Vinod's father told us
10:12that he used to leave him outside the office every day.
10:15Yes, sir, but he didn't come inside.
10:17And do you know how much loss Mr. Subhash has incurred
10:20because he didn't come inside?
10:23You are quite angry with Vinod, aren't you?
10:28Who are you?
10:29And what is this on your face?
10:31Sir, I am Arun.
10:33I work here.
10:34Sir, one day I caught Vinod outside the office
10:37when his father was leaving him outside the office.
10:40Sir, I scolded him a lot.
10:42I even scolded him a lot for not coming to the office.
10:45But he fought with me.
10:48And this...
10:49This happened because of him.
10:53Did Vinod tell you
10:54which new company he is going to work for?
10:56Sir, I asked Vinod, but he didn't tell me anything.
11:00Now if you ask me anything about Vinod,
11:03I will have no answer.
11:06Then this Vinod must have worked in the TTH company last month.
11:10Angad, get the call details of his last month.
11:13Check his location.
11:14You will know where he used to go.
11:17This is the same place where Vinod used to come regularly this month.
11:20This is the location of his phone too.
11:23Take this.
11:25He is sleeping on the watch during the day.
11:27He must be doing his duty.
11:29Hey, get up.
11:32Get up.
11:34Who are you?
11:35Do you know anything about TTH Enterprises?
11:38I don't know.
11:40If I know, why should I tell you?
11:42You have made a strange goon.
11:49Get up.
11:50What is it?
11:51We are from CID. Get up.
11:53Sorry, sir.
11:54Do you sleep during duty?
11:55Sorry, sir. I made a mistake.
11:56Sir, this TTH's office is in this building.
12:03Do you know him?
12:06Sir, he is Vinod.
12:08He works in TTH company.
12:11Who all work in this office?
12:13Sir, other people don't know.
12:15I have seen Vinod sir coming and going.
12:19Sir, is there a problem?
12:22Yesterday, a madam came and was enquiring about Vinod sir.
12:27And today, you people have come.
12:30What is her name? Do you know anything?
12:31We didn't ask her name but madam was very beautiful.
12:37Can you make a sketch of that beautiful lady?
12:40Yes, sir.
12:41Pankaj, call his artist.
12:43Do you have the duplicate keys of Vinod sir's office?
12:45Yes, sir.
12:48Give it to me.
12:49Take it.
12:52Don't sleep during duty.
12:53I won't sleep now, sir.
12:56This guard was behaving strangely.
13:13There is Blom in every box.
13:20Is it in this box?
13:33Empty box here.
13:40Look at this.
13:51Did Vinod supply medicines?
13:57This is also empty.
14:01What is this?
14:03Capsules are empty, boxes are empty, office is empty.
14:07So, what did Vinod come here for?
14:10Sir, look at this.
14:12This is a letterhead.
14:15This is exactly like the letterhead which Vinod burnt in his house.
14:18I think he must have written something on it and then burnt it.
14:23What is going on here?
14:40Yes, Purvi.
14:41Sir, look at this.
14:44There is something hidden inside this.
14:48Take out the camera.
14:52See, does it turn on?
14:54Switch it on.
14:58This is a CCTV footage of some place.
15:02This is live.
15:04This means Vinod was keeping an eye on this place from here.
15:09It looks like a factory or a warehouse.
15:18Who is this girl?
15:20And why was she after Vinod?
15:23Boss, the bullet which we found near his chest in Vinod's body,
15:28Vinod's death was not caused by that bullet.
15:32What are you saying, sir?
15:34If Vinod did not die from that bullet, then how?
15:37Look, boss.
15:38We don't know how he died.
15:40But not from that bullet.
15:42When the bullet enters the body, it comes at a very high speed.
15:46At a speed of about 700 km per second.
15:49And whatever thing comes in front of it, it damages it.
15:53But there is no such damage in Vinod's body.
15:55The tissues around the bullet are not damaged.
16:00How is this possible?
16:02One more thing.
16:05Do you see these pieces?
16:08I found these pieces from the place where Vinod was shot.
16:12From near that wound.
16:14What is this?
16:15How did they reach here?
16:16I don't know about this.
16:17But there are many such pieces.
16:19We will have to connect all these.
16:21Then we will have to see where these pieces came from.
16:23And what are these pieces made of?
16:36Sir, my daughter.
16:40My daughter, sir.
16:46When did your daughter Preeti disappear?
16:50I had kept her in the locker.
16:52After that, I don't know where Preeti went.
16:55So you didn't try her phone?
16:57I did.
16:59But her phone is switching off.
17:02First the son was murdered and now the daughter is missing.
17:08There is someone who is harming her family.
17:13You told me that there was a mourning session at your house.
17:15So many people came.
17:17So your daughter Preeti disappeared from among them.
17:20And you didn't come to know?
17:21And the people who were there, didn't they see anything?
17:23They didn't see anything?
17:25Pulvi, check if there is a CCTV camera around their house.
17:28Maybe we will get to know from the footage.
17:33What has happened to my family, sir?
17:36First my son was murdered and now...
17:40Now my daughter is missing, sir.
17:43My daughter.
17:49We have come to know that...
17:51...your son Vinod...
17:53...used to work in an office in Andheri.
17:56Do you know what work he used to do there?
18:01No, sir.
18:02You people must be mistaken.
18:05Vinod's office was in Bandra.
18:08And he used to go there for work.
18:11That means Vinod didn't tell you anything about his other work or other office?
18:18Maybe he didn't tell you this on purpose.
18:22And maybe your daughter Preeti...
18:24...was aware of this.
18:26Because Vinod's murder... somehow connected to his other office and TTH company.
18:35And we will get to know all this...
18:37...only after we meet Preeti.
18:40Sir, this is the car in which Preeti and that other girl went.
18:43The CCTV that was installed near the house...
18:45...had the same car.
18:48Sir, the traffic police traced this car here...
18:50...and informed us.
18:54The car is open.
19:01Oh no!
19:02There is blood on the dashboard.
19:04Sir, maybe Preeti had a fight with Vinod.
19:06And this blood belongs to her.
19:10This is a very strange place, sir.
19:12Maybe Vinod kept Preeti around here.
19:14Maybe Vinod kept Preeti around here.
19:46This is Preeti.
19:53There is no one here.
20:04I think she was given some kind of drug.
20:06That's why she is in this condition.
20:18What happened to you?
20:19How did you come here?
20:22A girl came here...
20:24...for Vinod's funeral.
20:28She brought me here.
20:31She told me that...
20:33...she has a packet of Vinod.
20:36She wanted to give it to me.
20:43She is keeping it back.
20:48Ankar, show her the sketch.
20:53Was she the girl?
20:58She is the same girl.
21:00My father.
21:03Your hands have stopped working.
21:08And then slowly...
21:10And then slowly...
21:12...your entire body...
21:15...will be paralyzed.
21:19Your life can be saved.
21:22But for that you will have to tell me...
21:25...who was Vinod's partner.
21:30...heard brother...
21:32...talking on the phone.
21:36Who is Vinod's partner?
21:39Is Vinod's partner...
21:41...also involved in this conspiracy?
21:44That woman...
21:46...was looking for Vinod's partner.
21:50You told me that Vinod called his partner...
21:52...outside a factory.
21:56Is this the same place...
21:57...we saw in the CCTV footage?
21:59In Vinod's laptop?
22:05When Vinod...
22:06...was talking to that man on the phone...
22:08...did you hear anything or remember anything?
22:11Any name?
22:12Any name of the place?
22:15I took the name of Khoregaon.
22:21...the place we saw in the CCTV footage...
22:23...could be in Khoregaon.
22:24Find it.
22:27That factory, that girl...
22:29...and Vinod's partner.
22:31The case is getting more complicated.
22:33Once we find out about that place... will be solved.
22:39...take him to the hospital.
22:45Sir, this case is very complicated.
22:47We are finding new faces one after the other.
22:49We don't even know...
22:51...who the real killer is.
22:57...Vinod is murdered.
23:00That too... a closed house.
23:03No witness... evidence.
23:05When we find out about Vinod...
23:07...we come to know that...
23:09...he has two jobs.
23:11And his family doesn't know anything about him.
23:14And he was keeping an eye on a factory...
23:16...from his other office.
23:19And these people?
23:21These people...
23:24...could be a part of this conspiracy.
23:27But the real killer is still out of our reach.
23:31And this watchman...
23:33...Vinod has been keeping an eye on that building...
23:35...for the past one month.
23:37And he doesn't know anything.
23:39Vinod paid him to shut him up.
23:42And Arun...
23:44...he even had an argument with Vinod...
23:46...regarding a small matter.
23:47The matter had reached the point of no return.
23:49And this Subhash... the owner of Vinod's first company.
23:54Vinod hasn't been going to the office for a month.
23:56But it doesn't matter to him.
23:58And now this missing partner... being found by this girl...
24:02...whom no one has seen.
24:04And about Vinod's other office...
24:06...this missing partner...
24:07...someone must know something.
24:10And it's also possible that this missing partner... Vinod's real killer.
24:17We still haven't got an answer to our question.
24:20Why did Vinod's murder take place?
24:24I think the answer to all your questions... in that factory...
24:30...on which Vinod was keeping an eye with a CCTV camera.
24:38Yes, Pankaj.
24:42You found out about the factory?
24:55This factory has been closed for many days.
25:06No entry board.
25:08The camera must be somewhere here.
25:11Here it is.
25:17It was there too.
25:19It was there too.
25:26Sir, these are the same capsules...
25:27...which we saw in Vinod's office.
25:39These capsules are full.
25:41And that one is empty.
25:43It means these capsules...
25:45...are going from here to there.
25:49Why are these boxes kept here?
25:51Move it.
26:05That girl died 48 hours ago.
26:07Saru sir told me.
26:09Shoot her.
26:12But what is there in that factory...
26:14...that Vinod used to keep an eye on it 24 hours a day?
26:17And now...
26:19...we found this girl's dead body from there.
26:22And those medicine capsules...
26:23...we still don't know...
26:24...what was inside those capsules.
26:27Sir, the powder found in those capsules... it for that?
26:32But why would anyone kill someone for a powder?
26:35What is so special about that powder?
26:38We will know what is there in the powder very soon.
26:41ACP sir is in Saru sir's lab.
26:46ACP sir is in Saru sir's lab.
27:12Oh, Mona.
27:13Oh, Donna.
27:26What happened?
27:29It was amputee.
27:33This is a kind of addictive medicine.
27:35Oh, so this is the matter.
27:38And look at this.
27:42...this packaging... absolutely real.
27:46You mean to say that...
27:48...the fake medicines are in the real packaging?
27:52And yes, I remembered.
27:54You were asking...
27:55...why Vinod didn't die from the bullet...
27:57...which was in his chest?
27:59I have found out, boss.
28:00Why he didn't die from that.
28:05Look at this.
28:07Actually, Vinod was a security guard.
28:11The time when he was a security guard...
28:13...six years ago...
28:14...there was a robbery there.
28:16He was shot in the robbery.
28:19The doctor operated on him...
28:20...but left the bullet inside.
28:22If he had taken out the bullet...
28:23...Vinod's life was in danger.
28:25Oh, Sarangi.
28:27Again the same question.
28:29If Vinod didn't die from this bullet...
28:31...then how did he die?
28:33Yes, boss.
28:35Do you remember...
28:36...I showed you some white pieces of silver?
28:43I have put all those pieces together.
28:45Look at this.
28:46This is made.
28:52This looks like a silver coin.
28:54This is not a silver coin.
29:00We are saved.
29:04The owner of the factory, sir.
29:06He was not ready to come here.
29:08I tried to convince him, but he agreed.
29:10Look, sir.
29:11This is wrong.
29:12My hand is not moving.
29:14My neck is not turning.
29:16This is not the way to convince him.
29:20This is how you convince a fool.
29:24Now tell me.
29:26What is going on in your factory?
29:29Tell me quickly.
29:31I used to make fake medicines in my factory.
29:35And used to sell it in the market.
29:37I used to get good money for this, sir.
29:40But there was someone who used to steal medicines from my factory.
29:45That's why I hired a girl.
29:48To find out who is behind this theft.
29:52A girl?
29:54Who is this girl?
29:57I called her from abroad.
29:59She is an expert in murder, sir.
30:03She is an expert in murder?
30:05Where is she now?
30:06Sir, I don't know where she is.
30:09She used to contact me all the time.
30:12She used to call me from different numbers, sir.
30:14Yes, I know.
30:16We are tracing all those numbers.
30:19Tell me one thing.
30:20Who was the girl's corpse found in your factory?
30:25That body belonged to Riya.
30:26And she used to work in my factory.
30:29She was helping a man named Vinod.
30:32To steal medicines from my factory.
30:35And that killer girl came to know about this.
30:38And she killed Riya, sir.
30:41Riya can be Vinod's partner.
30:44No, Pankaj.
30:46Riya is not Vinod's unknown partner.
30:50Why, sir?
30:51Because the girl who is looking for Vinod's partner.
30:54She killed Riya two days ago.
30:57And kidnapped Preeti today.
31:01If Riya was Vinod's partner.
31:03Then this girl wouldn't have asked Preeti about Vinod's partner.
31:08What do you mean, sir?
31:09That girl is still looking for Vinod's partner?
31:15Sir, the killer girl who called Vivek from six different numbers.
31:18All those numbers were switched off.
31:21But just now one number was activated.
31:23For just one minute.
31:27Then this girl must have switched on this number to talk to someone.
31:31One minute is enough for us to trace.
31:33Get to work, Purvi.
31:47That girl has just gone inside.
31:49In front of me.
32:04Lord Ganesha.
32:05Hail Lord Ganesha.
32:07Lord Ganesha.
32:08Hail Lord Ganesha.
32:09Lord Ganesha.
32:35That girl has just gone inside.
32:39In front of me.
32:48He is the one.
32:49Vinod's friend.
33:10I have brought all the stuff in this.
33:13I will check it before buying it.
33:24Pankaj, do one thing.
33:26Take the bag that the girl has and run away from there.
33:30Sir, what are you saying?
33:32If I run away with the bag, the killer will kill me later.
33:34The public will catch me and kill me.
33:35Do as I say.
33:36Do as I say.
33:38Take the bag and run away from there.
33:42Give me money so that I can leave from here.
33:46Catch him. Catch him.
33:54Hey, stop.
33:57Hey, where are you running?
34:07Hey, you idiot.
34:08Come on.
34:09Come on, return it.
34:10Return it fast.
34:11Leave me.
34:18You sacrificed your friend for money.
34:20You killed him.
34:22This is wrong.
34:24Vinod and I used to work together.
34:27With the help of Riya, I used to buy fake medicines.
34:31I used to sell fake medicines.
34:33With the help of Riya, I used to steal fake medicines.
34:37And Vinod used to deliver the fake medicines to the boss.
34:41And for this work, the boss used to give us a lot of money.
34:45Who is your boss?
34:46Sir, we don't know that.
34:49Because Vinod used to deal with him.
34:52The plan was very good.
34:54You removed Vinod from the way and started the business of fake medicines.
34:58I have nothing to do with Vinod's death.
35:00Yes, it is true that after his death, I was a little scared.
35:06And that's why I wanted to sell all the money I had and leave this city.
35:15And that's why I came here.
35:18And you.
35:20You were looking for a chance to kill Vinod.
35:23That's why you were kept here.
35:25No, sir.
35:26What will I get by killing Vinod?
35:29In fact, I couldn't even ask Vinod about the stolen medicines.
35:34He was killed before that.
35:37You didn't kill him.
35:38You didn't kill him either.
35:40He died on his own.
35:45Why did you call us here, sir?
35:48Because all of you have a reason to kill Vinod.
35:52And for that, you can kill Vinod.
35:59Sir, what are you saying?
36:02Vinod was my son.
36:20You had so many reasons to kill Vinod.
36:25Sir, Vinod was my brother.
36:29Why would we kill him?
36:34You can't find Vinod's killer.
36:37That's why you are making up a story to trap us.
36:41We have found Vinod's killer.
36:44Vinod was killed with a silver coin.
36:50With a silver coin.
36:52And this is that silver coin.
36:57Sir, how can anyone kill anyone with this silver coin?
37:06Even I used to think that how can anyone kill anyone with a silver coin.
37:11But when our forensic surgeon, Dr. Sarunke, saw this coin,
37:16he found a small hole in this coin.
37:24And there was a bomb in that hole.
37:34And this bomb was connected to a circuit.
37:38And when Vinod found this coin,
37:41he kept it in the pocket above his shirt.
37:43After some time, Vinod's mobile phone rang.
37:46As soon as Vinod picked up his phone,
37:48the bomb kept here exploded.
37:52It's clear.
37:54Whoever gave this silver coin to Vinod,
37:58he is the killer.
38:04Who must have given this coin?
38:07Sir, who is the killer?
38:09Who is the killer?
38:11The killer is one of you.
38:15Anyway, all the people present here,
38:18Vinod knew all of you.
38:33What's the matter, sir? You called me?
38:36Mr. Subhash.
38:37Please come. We were waiting for you.
38:40The case is a little complicated.
38:43We need your help.
38:46We have something that we think is yours.
38:50And this thing?
38:55Do you recognize it?
39:01You gifted this silver coin to Vinod.
39:04Take the return gift as well.
39:12I found out
39:14that Vivek was making a lot of money
39:16by making fake medicines in his factory.
39:18So I thought
39:20why not steal fake medicines from Vivek's factory
39:23and make money too.
39:25For this, I needed a man
39:27who could steal these medicines from his factory.
39:30Vinod could do this.
39:33But Vinod was thinking of cheating me.
39:35I found out
39:37that he had made a deal with someone else.
39:39That's why I had to get rid of him.
39:42And Vivek knew about this.
39:45That's why he hired Sonali.
39:48The bomb that you planted on Vinod
39:51had a chemical called ammonium nitrate in it.
39:54And we know that you make and sell this chemical.
39:57You gave us the list. Do you remember?
40:01You brought fake medicines to the market
40:03and played with the lives of millions of people.
40:09There is only one punishment for such crimes.
