Midnight Family Season 1 Trailer HD - Plot synopsis: Every day they save lives. Every day they fight for theirs... Inspired by the award-winning documentary of the same name, MIDNIGHT FAMILY follows Marigaby Tamayo (Renata Vaca), an ambitious and gifted medical student by day, who spends her nights saving lives throughout a sprawling, contrasted and fascinating Mexico City aboard her family's privately owned ambulance. Along with her father Ramon (Joaquin Cosio) and her siblings Marcus (Diego Calva) and Julito (Sergio Bautista), Marigaby serves a population of millions by tackling extreme medical emergencies to make a living.
starring Renata Vaca, Joaquin Cosio, Diego Calva, Sergio Bautista, Yalitza Aparicio, Jose Maria de Tavira, Dolores Heredia
release date September 25, 2024 (on Apple TV Plus)
starring Renata Vaca, Joaquin Cosio, Diego Calva, Sergio Bautista, Yalitza Aparicio, Jose Maria de Tavira, Dolores Heredia
release date September 25, 2024 (on Apple TV Plus)
00:30No, no, no, no, no.
00:31Don't stay here.
00:32What's all this about?
00:34My family is paramedics.
00:35I've been on an ambulance since I can remember.
00:36How long have we been working for free?
00:37You'll pay us later.
00:40It's going to be late soon, Ramón.
00:41Hello, I'm still with the boss.
00:42How are you?
00:43Fine, boss.
00:44The problem is that in my school the rules are very clear.
00:45If you go to medicine, you can't exercise while you're studying.
00:46I think you have a lot of potential.
00:47I'm going to be a doctor.
00:48I'm going to be a doctor.
00:49I'm going to be a doctor.
00:50I'm going to be a doctor.
00:51I'm going to be a doctor.
00:52I'm going to be a doctor.
00:53I'm gonna be a doctor.
01:07I'm gonna be a doctor.
01:22That's how it's been since my wife left.
01:26With pain.
01:29Your heart.
01:31Promise me you won't tell your brother or anyone else.
01:34I was born driving this ship.
01:37And I feel like I'll never get off it.
01:42No one asked us if we wanted to be on this ship.
01:45We're on the same ship.
01:47It's shaking!
01:53A lot of adrenaline.
01:56Putting on the hero's cape.
01:59Not everyone can take it.