El Angel de Aurora - Capitulo 19

  • last month
00:00I want you to be in my heart, and you still are.
00:07I know you don't love me, Suculous.
00:10What do you know about what I feel?
00:13Your eyes. I see it in you, I see it in me.
00:19Since I saw you again, Aurora, I get nervous, damn it.
00:25My hands are sweating.
00:27I love you.
00:30I love you.
00:32I love you.
00:34Well, here's the time when Isabel took me to that DNA test and told me...
00:40What did she tell you?
00:42She told me she was in love with me.
00:44That she would break up.
00:45Here we all grow up to be good people for nothing.
00:58Of course, that's not the case with Anita.
01:01No, you're wrong.
01:05Well, and you, miss, what do you do for a living?
01:09Are you a teacher or what do you do?
01:35Don't you want me to help you?
01:40I'm going to help you put on your pants.
01:46Miss Aurora, Miss Isabel spoke and said she wasn't coming back to the office.
01:53Excuse me.
02:07I'm not a teacher.
02:09Nor do I intend to change anything.
02:11I'm not a teacher.
02:13Nor do I intend to change Anita.
02:16If you think I'm meddling, I apologize. I won't do it again.
02:21Oh, no, my daughter, don't worry. It doesn't bother me.
02:24It's true that Anita sometimes uses some swear words.
02:27And I don't like it either.
02:29Well, it bothers me, boss.
02:31And why?
02:33Elena is just trying to help Anita.
02:35Because if the lady thinks she has to correct her speech, my little girl,
02:40it's because she thinks she's rude.
02:42And we have raised our children very well.
02:45No, Mr. Pascual, no.
02:47Don't get me wrong about your children.
02:49They are educated from love and respect.
02:52Your daughter is very sensitive, very good.
02:54I just don't want her to say rude things.
02:57But I would never dare to say that she needs another education.
03:01I identify with her.
03:03When my mom died, my dad married a woman who pretended to be a good person.
03:10And at first he treated me very well, but then he started hitting me.
03:15My dad never found out because he was never there.
03:18And that woman brought her daughter Briana, who is now my sister.
03:23Ah, Briana?
03:25Yes, Briana.
03:27She was very rude, but then we changed her way of speaking.
03:34Oh, what a moving story.
03:39It's like you like to change everyone.
03:44Stop it, right?
03:46You don't have to think about my family and you have nothing to do here either.
03:50Son, please.
03:52Don't worry, Angel.
03:54I mean, it was just a comment, it's not for you to get upset.
04:04Sometimes I feel a lot of anger and I feel like crying.
04:09I feel like hitting my dad.
04:12Don't worry, Julio Cesar.
04:15Look at your son.
04:17Please continue, Luis Alberto.
04:19But then I regret it.
04:21I have mixed emotions.
04:24Sometimes I hate him and sometimes I love him.
04:28What makes you feel that way about me?
04:32That I feel that you always got along better with my brother.
04:38And I think you would have preferred that he lived and not me.
04:44No, don't say that.
04:46I've never thought about that.
04:49I've been remembering things and it's always been like that.
04:53Eduardo was always your favorite.
04:56I never, never fulfilled his expectations.
04:59I never fulfilled them.
05:03I left everything for you and I suffered a lot.
05:06I lost two of the people I loved the most and I didn't want to lose you too.
05:10Listen to me.
05:12When you were in a coma, you were debating between life and death.
05:16I would help you all my life.
05:18I need you with me.
05:20Teach me to live life by your side.
05:22Teach me to live life by your side, please.
05:29You help me too, dad.
05:33I need to get out of this hell I live in.
05:36I need to get out.
05:38I need to get out.
05:50I'm coming.
06:04Mr. Demian.
06:06Excuse me.
06:08Don't worry.
06:10Can I come in?
06:12Come in, sir.
06:15Can I sit down?
06:17Are you at home?
06:19Would you like something to drink?
06:20A coffee? Water?
06:22No, thank you.
06:29I came to tell you that you can return to the corporation whenever you want.
06:33But I already signed my termination, sir.
06:35I know.
06:37My aunt's signature is still missing.
06:39We are still in time to stop the process.
06:43Ms. Esperanza.
06:45You are a very important element for us, the Camperos.
06:47You were there when my grandfather started with the corporation.
06:51You've known me since I was a child.
06:54What's wrong with you, sir?
06:58Actually, I just came to tell you that.
07:01You're right about something.
07:03I've known you since you were born.
07:05And that's why I know something's wrong with you.
07:07Tell me, please.
07:11Ms. Esperanza.
07:12Ms. Esperanza.
07:15How well do you know Angel?
07:20Well, it was just a party at his house.
07:23I've seen him a couple of times at the corporation.
07:25But nothing else, sir.
07:29Because he wants to harm Elena.
07:36Doctor, is it normal for Luis Alberto to have reacted so aggressively and rebelliously?
07:40Dr. Mendiola explained to us that there are times when patients in a coma
07:45may have vivid nightmares related to what happened to him.
07:52The brain is the most complex organ we have.
07:55And it is clear that Luis Alberto's experience has repercussions in his emotional world.
08:00He wants to go back to college.
08:02Is that so, Luis Alberto?
08:06I would like that very much.
08:07I think it's an excellent idea.
08:09That, and him going back to his social life,
08:12will help him feel better every day.
08:14Everything that helps him situate himself in the present is welcome.
08:26I can't believe it.
08:28That boy looks so good.
08:31Well, he's not good at all.
08:34With all due respect, I've been taking advantage of Elena.
08:37Mr. Esperanza, he's an interested person.
08:40And not only has he entangled Elena in a false friendship,
08:43but now he's also trying to take advantage of my aunt Aurora.
08:46What? Of Mrs. Aurora?
08:49But she's very good, I know.
08:51I've seen her help so many people in her association.
08:54And not just there, in the corporate world, sir.
08:57That's why.
08:59There's never anyone who doesn't realize that and wants to take advantage.
09:02The truth is, I never thought that boy was like that.
09:04He gave me the impression of being a good person on the day of the party,
09:10Faces, we see, intentions, we don't know.
09:13Well, I'm going to talk to Elena, because she's a very smart girl.
09:17But I think she's very naive.
09:20Can I ask you a favor?
09:22Yes, sir, tell me.
09:24Go to the company tomorrow.
09:26Get back to work.
09:28And I'll make sure you get a good compensation for all the trouble you caused him.
09:31No, no, sir, you don't have to.
09:32I'll take care of it, really.
09:35Well, it serves that you take a walk around Elena's office, okay?
09:39Of course, sir.
09:43Excuse me.
09:44No problem, I'll go with you.
09:52It didn't take me long.
09:54I just went to talk about an issue with Aurora and we talked.
09:57I'll wait for you here.
09:59Better than at the parking lot.
10:00Hey, don't worry so much about me, okay?
10:03I'm not a kid anymore, I know how to take care of myself.
10:05It's doing us a lot of good to go to therapy together, right?
10:09Don't be late.
10:14Jess, I did what you asked me to.
10:16I told Mrs. Aurora that you wouldn't come back to the office.
10:20And you are?
10:22Luis Alberto Rey, ma'am.
10:24Nice to meet you.
10:25Luis Alberto Rey?
10:27Yes, I'm Julius Caesar Rey's son.
10:30I didn't know Julius Caesar had a family.
10:32I'm Jezabel Campero, nice to meet you.
10:36I'll go to the toilet and I'll see you in my office.
10:38Excuse me.
10:46Come in.
10:47Hey, guys, come here.
10:49How did it go with La Cruda?
10:51Because it was horrible for me.
10:53I woke up singing Guadalajara.
10:55What a mess.
10:57Weren't you going to Mrs. Esper's house?
11:00Well, yes, but not always.
11:01It's just that...
11:05Hey, Cassandra.
11:06We need to know what exactly happened between Mrs. Jezabel and our Carlitos.
11:13Tell us.
11:18I'm glad you're here.
11:20Hey, I'm very sorry about what happened to my friend.
11:24But above all, Elena and you witnessed that scene.
11:27I think the best and most correct thing is that he doesn't live here.
11:31So I'm going to ask him to leave, although I will continue to support him.
11:33No, no, no, no.
11:34Don't worry about me.
11:35I have no problem with him staying.
11:38A lot of people have nervous breakdowns.
11:40In the artistic world, that's the bread of every day.
11:44The important thing is that you can support your friend here.
11:47You really don't want him to leave?
11:49No, no, no.
11:50He can stay.
11:52But what if you go to your apartment and you can see Aurora or whatever you want without any problem?
12:00Let's see.
12:01Why did you change your mind, Patricia?
12:04Were you reluctant for me to leave the house?
12:16Stay seated in my chair.
12:18I was going to the house, but Carmelita told me you weren't there.
12:23I didn't believe Cassandra either that you weren't going back to the office.
12:28I want you to leave the house.
12:34I just can't believe Elena did this to me.
12:37To me.
12:39I saw them kissing, Briana.
12:43Let's see, I'm sure you got confused.
12:45I don't think Angel really likes Elena.
12:50How do you think I'm going to get confused with something like that?
12:53I'm going to get confused with something like that, damn it!
12:55Please, don't be stupid.
12:59I had to swallow the courage not to break that dog's snout.
13:04Well, then it's Elena.
13:06The one who's already dragged.
13:09She looks for me every now and then.
13:11With any excuse.
13:13Do you know what she's doing?
13:17She's using her little sister.
13:30Come in.
13:32Come in.
13:35Come in, Edgar.
13:40Thank you, but I'm not Edgar.
13:48Look, I don't know why you're going through depression, but I'm not going to let you get away with it.
13:53No depression.
13:56I finally see how you really are.
13:58Why have you been cheating on me for so many years?
14:07Sir, we...
14:09Thank you, Briana. I'll see you later.
14:17We're giving each other some time, Elena and I.
14:20That gives me freedom to do certain things.
14:22No, you don't have to give me any explanation of what you do or stop doing with your life.
14:27Right, what do you care?
14:31What can I do for you, Julio Cesar?
14:33I wanted to know what happened at the meeting.
14:36I'm sure that with the financial plans that your aunt made,
14:40we can have good results whenever they reach the specific areas.
14:47That's a decision that the board of directors has to make.
14:50Not the lawyer.
14:54Now it's Edgar.
14:57Excuse me.
15:10I'm tired of having to explain to you each of the decisions I've made in my life.
15:15They've all been to help you.
15:17I can't believe you're so cynical.
15:20I have plenty of reasons to think like that.
15:23You don't even have the right to disrespect me.
15:25And less to kick me out of a house that...
15:27What do you think?
15:29It's between the two of us.
15:31Telling the truth is not disrespecting.
15:34I warned you, Isabel.
15:36One more lie and I wasn't going to touch your heart.
15:39I don't want you near me.
15:41Then leave!
15:44I've never lied to you.
15:45I've never lied to you.
15:48I hid things from you, yes.
15:50But it was for your own good.
15:52And that's very different from lying.
15:54Get out of the house because I order you, Isabel!
15:58Why are you coming to give orders to me?
16:00If you look at yourself, you can't even put order in your life.
16:03Let's see.
16:05What was really your intention in bringing Antonio to the company?
16:09Why did you accept Elena's relationship with your son for so many years?
16:13Knowing that that was going to make me very bad.
16:16For you.
16:18For me?
16:21So you can overcome your past, so you can face your fears, so you can be strong.
16:25Make me stronger by crushing me.
16:28Who do you think you are to manage my life and my feelings?
16:32I'm your older sister.
16:34And I'm the only person who hasn't abandoned you, Aurora.
16:39My dad abandoned you.
16:41Antonio abandoned you.
16:43Your son abandoned you.
16:46And you live your life thinking about everything you lost, don't you?
16:50Do you see what you have in front of you?
16:53My son didn't abandon me.
16:55But you did to me.
16:59And since that damn day, I lost my sister.
17:06And all I've done since then is try to get you back.
17:13You're just as manipulative as my father.
17:18Maybe I am.
17:20If unconditionally wanting you is being manipulative.
17:24Yes, I am.
17:28But look.
17:32You're always here with me.
17:35You've never loved anyone more than yourself.
17:38It seems that you stay close to me just to torture me.
17:44I don't know how you can think like that about your own sister.
17:48You're obsessed.
17:50No, I'm not obsessed.
17:52I'm disillusioned.
17:56And I already knew that you were always in love with Antonio.
18:00Is that why you took him to the DNA test?
18:03What else did you do to separate us, Isabel?
18:07I admit it, yes.
18:09I was in love with him.
18:21You are not my sister.
18:36Thank you for coming and worrying about me.
18:39See you tomorrow at the office to work hard.
18:41Excuse me.
18:43Goodbye, Miss Elena.
18:46It was a pleasure to meet you and talk to you.
18:51And here this boy came out just like his father.
18:56All a conquering gallant.
19:00Yes, yes, more.
19:02With a tremendous woman.
19:06You already have me, Rat.
19:08Who do you think you are to come
19:09and say all those stupid things, huh?
19:12Get out of my house right now and respect Elena.
19:17Let me go!
19:19Let me go!
19:21No one raises their voice to me.
19:23Shut up, you bitch!
19:25You respect me.
19:27Let me go.
19:29I'm not like your mediocre father.
19:31I can give you your good blows.
19:33Because I am...
19:35Shut up!
19:37Let me go!
19:39Let me go!
19:41Let me go!
19:48Let me go!
19:50Come on!
19:52I don't want you to get involved with my son again.
19:54Son of a bitch!
19:56I'm going to break your face!
19:59Shut up, Rita!
20:01And don't mess with my son again.
20:03I'm going to teach you to respect your elders.
20:05Because I am...
20:06Shut up!
20:08Get out! You're not welcome in this house.
20:10Don't mess with my son again.
20:12Shut up!
20:14Don't mess with my son!
20:16Get out!
20:18Get out!
20:20Your mother will take care of you!
20:22Calm down, son, please.
20:24I understand very well that Fabricio needs more of his friends
20:28than some doctors who don't care if he recovers or not.
20:31Did you talk to Isabel?
20:33And did she change her mind?
20:34Yes, I talked to her.
20:36And in fact, she told me to kick him out of the house.
20:41But no one controls me.
20:43And you have no faith in my heart.
20:45Look, I just find your change of attitude very strange.
20:48That's all.
20:50Well, believe it or not, this time I'm on your side.
20:54Fabricio is wrong.
20:56And although he needs his friends, he must return to San Antonio.
20:59I understand that you are worried, Antonio.
21:01But I'm fine.
21:02The only thing I need is your help.
21:05Burying me would mean ending my life.
21:07Look, look, look.
21:09That's exactly what I don't want.
21:11That you end your life.
21:15Then don't take the opportunity to get me out of that hell.
21:17Don't take the opportunity to get my son back.
21:21I don't care if Julio Cesar hasn't seen Adriana and me.
21:25Yes, but he's a very good friend of your aunt and he can tell her.
21:29The one I see that they also caught was you.
21:32Who hit you?
21:34They were the ones who work in the offices below.
21:36I don't even know who they are.
21:38Find out their names.
21:40No one is going to hit my best friend without me ordering them.
21:43How are you doing with what I asked you?
21:45I'm just talking to the people who are going to take care of that monkey.
21:53And what else has Antonio's girlfriend been up to?
21:56I don't know.
21:57I've never been in love with Antonio.
22:00It wasn't important, I swear.
22:02I was very young, I was confused, I was a fool.
22:06And then I realized that the one I loved was Fabricio.
22:11So why did I tell you?
22:13And that was also my father's fault.
22:17He also forced you to fall in love with my boyfriend.
22:19That was my fault.
22:21And it was because I was stupid.
22:24All that time I was very anxious that you would realize.
22:28And then what I did was cling to Fabricio, to the love that Fabricio offered me.
22:39What happened to those men who promised to love us and always take care of us?
22:47Nothing. They all left.
22:51And here we are alone.
22:57Attacking each other.
23:00For bitter memories.
23:04You make yourself the victim, Isabel.
23:07You're not going to convince me.
23:14Sorry for putting myself like this, but I can't control myself, I can't stand that Pintas.
23:20It's my fault this happened.
23:21If this happened to me, I'm not going to get into Anita's things again.
23:25Although my intention was never to cause a real problem.
23:28Don't worry, daughter. We know that your intentions are good.
23:31Pintas is the one who always causes problems.
23:34Son, come with me to the room. We need to talk.
23:38For what? To defend your friend?
23:40Let's talk, Angel.
23:42Stay here, please.
23:44Let's go.
23:46You cheated on me.
23:48You took advantage of my emotional state.
23:51And you do it again now, telling me that we are alone.
23:55Do you want me to forget everything?
23:58Do you want me to forget that you have manipulated me all these years?
24:02No, I no longer trust you, Isabel.
24:05I don't want you to talk to me again.
24:11Don't say a word.
24:16And one day, you know what's going to happen?
24:18You're going to realize that you were wrong,
24:20and you're going to come to thank me for everything I've done for us.
24:25Life doesn't treat us very badly, Aurora, but...
24:30And maybe you're my mom's living portrait.
24:34But can I tell you something?
24:36You're just like my father.
24:39I don't have anything like that, ma'am.
24:41Look at you.
24:43Look at you.
24:45All full of anger, violent.
24:48You're a real camper, man.
24:51Surely your son was going to be just like you.
24:54Don't talk about my son.
24:57Look, if I have to be the one you come to get rid of
25:01and vomit all your pain, it's okay.
25:03I accept it.
25:05I put my other cheek on you.
25:07And you know why? Because I love you.
25:09For a long time, I tried to convince myself
25:12because you really, really loved me.
25:15You really wanted to take care of me.
25:18But hiding your love for Antonio,
25:21the DNA test,
25:25I'll never,
25:27I'll never forgive you for that.
25:29But I'm going to keep asking you for forgiveness for that.
25:32For that, yes.
25:34But everything else I've done,
25:36I've done it because I love you.
25:39And even so,
25:41from my house, from our house,
25:43I'm not going to leave.
25:47If I discover
25:49another deception,
25:51I'm not going to ask you.
25:53I'm just going to get you out of the house.
26:00And from the company too.
26:07I love you.
26:27Oh, Aurora.
26:30You're going to go back and forth
26:33as many times as I want.
26:39What's wrong? Are you okay?
26:42Can we leave here, please?
26:44Yes, yes, of course. I came with my son.
26:46It doesn't matter if the three of us go, right?
26:48No, no.
26:50No, I'd better see you later.
26:52I'm very tense. I don't want to cause you problems with Luis Alberto.
26:55No, really, there's no problem.
26:57My son has nothing against you.
27:00No, it's not that.
27:02I argued a lot with Jezebel. I need to calm down.
27:06We'll talk about that later, okay?
27:08Let's go.
27:12I understand that you don't want to go back to the sanatorium,
27:15but you got away, Fabricio.
27:18At least introduce yourself.
27:20Look up, as it should be.
27:22If I go, they're going to lock me up again.
27:24Well, I can go with you.
27:26Well, if Antonio can't.
27:30Look, maybe he can integrate you into the construction company.
27:33They know you work.
27:34And if they don't have a problem with us,
27:36they'll probably fire you, right?
27:38I totally agree.
27:40Because work ennobles a man.
27:42And Fabricio needs to distract himself.
27:50I'm innocent.
27:52I don't remember anything.
27:54Calm down, baby.
27:56Didn't you see that she was fine and frisky?
27:58She didn't even know her name.
28:00What are you doing?
28:02What do you mean, what am I doing?
28:04I know.
28:06Of course, you want to be the good cop.
28:08Don't play the bad cop.
28:10You're a genius.
28:12Go, go, go.
28:15Cassandra Ávila.
28:18You stated that Mrs. Isabel had a relationship with Carlitos.
28:23Our Carlitos.
28:25No, no, no, no, no, no.
28:27Don't make me look like a liar.
28:29Oh, no, no, no, no, no.
28:31It's such a shame that Mrs. Espe isn't here
28:32to pull their ears.
28:34I didn't say any of that.
28:38You mentioned a musical box.
28:40Yes, and that musical box
28:42had something to do with all this.
28:45No, no, no, no, no.
28:47Don't get me into your gossip.
28:49No, no, no, sir.
28:51Cassandra Ávila, we're not done.
28:53Let her go.
28:55She probably knows something, but she won't tell us.
28:58The lawyer was right, Ray.
28:59We shouldn't play the investigators.
29:01They'll end up firing us.
29:05But what if Carlos died?
29:07It's no one's fault.
29:09Just because.
29:11Carlos, my best friend, is dead.
29:13Are you going to blame Mrs. Isabel or what?
29:19If she's guilty, yes.
29:23We're just simple employees.
29:26Small, weak.
29:29God, how are we going to compete
29:32with the owner of the company?
29:34With the boss?
29:38God gave his strongest battles
29:41to his best warriors.
29:43It was like that, right?
29:45Yes, it was like that.
29:49Don't worry, son, I'm not scolding you.
29:51What you did was very wrong.
29:53But you're not a little boy anymore,
29:55so you don't understand.
29:57I know, boss, I know.
29:59And the worst thing is that it was in front of Elena.
30:02Now what is she going to think of me?
30:04You care a lot about that little girl, right?
30:10I swear to God that I tried to control myself,
30:13but I can't, I can't.
30:15That guy gave me a bad sprain since I met him.
30:18Your mom and I have told you a thousand times,
30:20violence doesn't solve anything.
30:22Boss, I'm going to tell her something.
30:24No, no, no, no, no.
30:26This has happened to you many times,
30:27and you don't pay attention.
30:29Anita imitates you in everything.
30:31Your mother gets stressed and I get sick myself.
30:34And if you don't take care of yourself,
30:36you grab yourself with the kid or anyone else.
30:38Son, if you don't control yourself,
30:41one day a tragedy is going to happen.
30:43And that,
30:45we're not going to stand that, Angel.
30:49I'm sorry, boss.
30:51I don't know what to tell you.
30:53It's not the first time Elena sees me get like this.
30:57Right now she wants to kick me out of her life, literally.
31:28I'm going to raise you to the quadrillion.
31:30The legend of Boricua and the alcohol of a murderer.
31:33Do you know why they call me El Ruedas Mágicas?
31:36I'm a fighter, I owe my audience.
31:39What you owe me is the taxi.
31:41It's free this Thursday at the end of the lottie.
31:57For me it was very important that you were with me today,
32:00you accompanied me to look for my mother.
32:02Monday to Friday at 1.30 in the afternoon.
32:28Don't tell me it's you.
32:30No, Federico.
32:31These are for you.
32:34You filthy rat.
32:36Here, fun comes in all sizes.
32:39In Más Vale Sola, we know how to make you laugh.
32:42This is Sunday, September 1st, 8pm.
32:45Look at me, you're going to be honest.
32:48What did you do, Tornatiu?
32:50I don't know what's wrong with me.
32:51I think of something and I say it.
32:53I'm not a sir, I plagiarized my thesis.
32:54Now, the truth.
32:55How do I look?
32:56Do you have colitis or is it normal belly?
32:59Being honest is destroying my life.
33:02The Honest Candidate, August 8th, only in cinemas.
33:05In El Dicho, we remind you that every experience is an opportunity to grow and acquire experience.
33:11I'm not going to forget it.
33:12Forgetting is allowing them to keep treating us that way.
33:15I know you're not having a good time.
33:16Me neither, I'm very worried.
33:18Count on me for whatever you need.
33:20I accept very gratefully.
33:22As El Dicho says, stories that connect with you.
33:24Curio announces that the first of his children to give him a heir will be the one who stays in control of the company.
33:31Amelia will do everything she can to take away what is Renato's due to give to the first grandson.
33:36A war will break out because of The Succession.
33:39La Rosa de Guadalupe, premiere episode.
33:42Juegues con las Estrellas.
33:45Because on Sundays, sports don't stop.
33:48Dynamics and the best entertainment are here.
33:51Welcome to the show that always gives you more.
33:55More sports.
33:57This Sunday, 11am with Las Estrellas.
34:21Este Viernes al terminar el Noti por Las Estrellas.
34:25Se les cruzará un Viernes 13 en el calendario.
34:28Son siete años de malas fuertes.
34:31Las dos traen sucia el alma.
34:33Parece que no nos hemos bañado.
34:35Ahorita se arreglo.
34:37Yo soy Lucia Tepilar.
34:39Quiero lucir una cabellera envidiable.
34:42Tal para cual este domingo 5.30 de la tarde.
34:45La guerra de los cuartos continúa.
34:47Y mientras ellos viven entre estrategias, risas y romances.
34:51Sabemos que esto es un juego.
34:53Donde nos divertimos todos.
34:55Nos vemos diario en...
34:57La Casa de los Famosos México.
34:59Lunes a Viernes, 10 de la noche, por El Cinco.
35:01Domingo, 8.30, por Las Estrellas.
35:03Y 24.7, por VIX.
35:05Entonces viene dispuesto a todo.
35:07Hacer la imagen de la empresa y volver a conquistar el corazón de Sebastián.
35:10En mi mente y mi corazón existe otra mujer.
35:12Me daré mi vida porque ella me correspondiera.
35:14Eres guapa, talentosa, sensible.
35:16Todo lo que un hombre podría desear en una mujer.
35:17¿Quién nos iba a decir que tú y yo íbamos a estar enamorados de madre e hija?
35:21¿Tú sabes quién es Federico?
35:23Lunes a Viernes, 6.30 de la tarde.
35:48Lunes a las horas.
35:50Con el análisis de la información y las historias que te importan.
35:55Además, todo sobre el deporte, el entretenimiento y el clima.
35:59Despierta, un noticiero de NMASC.
36:01Lunes a Viernes, 7 a 9 de la mañana, con Las Estrellas.
36:17El precio de amarte inicia lunes 2 de septiembre, 9.30 de la noche, por Las Estrellas.
36:48Nos dicen jóvenes con pocos recursos.
36:51Pero nuestros recursos son ilimitados cuando descubres nuestras capacidades.
36:59Imagina todo lo que tu donación puede hacer por nosotros.
37:05Porque los domingos, el deporte no se detiene.
37:09Dinámicas y el mejor entretenimiento están aquí.
37:13Porque si sabían que perdió la América, ¿no?
37:15Perdió la América todavía, ¿no?
37:17¡Vamos al programa que siempre te da más!
37:20Más deporte, este domingo, 11 de la mañana, con Las Estrellas.
37:48Yo te voy a subir al cuadrilátero.
37:50La leyenda de Boricua y el alcalde asesino.
37:53¿Sabes por qué me dicen en ruedas mágicas?
37:56Yo soy luchador, me debo a mi público.
37:59Tú lo que me debes es el taxi.
38:01Está Libre, este jueves al terminar el noti.
38:18Cuando se enoja, se transforma.
38:22Perdiendo el juicio, este lunes al terminar el noti.
38:26La guerra de los cuartos continúa.
38:28Y mientras ellos viven entre estrategias, risas y romances.
38:31Afuera sabemos que esto es un juego donde nos divertimos todos.
38:35Nos vemos diario en La Casa de los Famosos México.
38:39Lunes a viernes, 10 de la noche, por El Cinco.
38:41Domingo, 8.30, por Las Estrellas.
38:44Y 24.7, por VIX.
38:45Tu día empieza en Despierta.
38:50Con el análisis de la información y las historias que te importan.
38:55Además, todo sobre el deporte, el entretenimiento y el crimen.
39:00Despierta, un noticiero de NMASC.
39:02Lunes a viernes, 7 a 9 de la mañana, con Las Estrellas.
40:15Bueno, lo mejor cambiar de aire y de amistades te ayuda.
40:19No, no puedo dejar al barrio ni a mis amigos, jefe.
40:22Pero le prometo que le voy a dar una pensada.
40:27Me asusta pensar que por mi culpa pudo haber pasado algo peor.
40:31Tranquila, hija. Así es la gente como el Pintas.
40:35Ocasionando problemas adonde van.
40:40Dime la verdad, Elena.
40:42¿Qué sientes por mi hijo?
40:43¿Por qué me preguntas eso, señora?
40:45Porque mi hijo te quiere.
40:48Y no quiero que eche a perder algo contigo solo porque no puede aguantarse esa furia.
40:55Ángel ya no es un chamaco.
40:57Es un hombre que si sigue con ese carácter, un día va a tener un accidente.
41:02Aunque haga las cosas por defender a la gente que ama.
41:06¿Y siempre ha sido así?
41:10Él es explosivo.
41:11Él es explosivo.
41:13Pierde el control muy rápido cuando alguien se mete con su familia.
41:18Tiene que aprender a calmarse.
41:22Igual necesita a alguien que lo comprenda.
41:26Alguien que le dé un empujón.
41:29¿Y cree que esa persona soy yo?
41:33Yo sé que quieres a mi hijo.
41:36Por eso te pido que lo ayudes.
41:38No se trata de que si es tu culpa lo que pasó o que si le ayudas a Anita.
41:45Se trata de amor.
41:50Amor, Elena.
41:52Si de verdad quieres a mi hijo, entonces no lo abandones.
41:57Ayúdalo a ser mejor.
42:00¿Qué haces, Rolas?
42:02Matiendo mis domingos.
42:06Oye, pero eso es mucho dinero.
42:09¿A poco todo eso te lo dan de domingo?
42:14Bueno, son varios domingos juntados.
42:17Ay, ajá.
42:19¿Sí? ¿En serio?
42:21Eso te lo dio el Pinta, ¿sí o no?
42:23Ay, ajá.
42:25¿Sí? ¿En serio?
42:27Eso te lo dio el Pinta, ¿sí o no?
42:29Que no son varios domingos juntados.
42:33Bueno, ya vamos a jugar porque si no va a llegar mi mamá y nos va a poner a hacer la tarea.
42:41El que seas jefa de recursos humanos no te da el derecho de despedir a los empleados sin autorización previa.
42:48Esa atribución no solo te corresponde a ti.
42:50Tienes razón, Aurora. Cometí un error, pero no va a volver a pasar.
42:54Necesito que llames a doña Esperanza.
42:56Le das una cita para que venga a la empresa.
42:58Quiero que la trates bien y con todo el respeto que se merece.
43:05De ahí no va el gafete, Briana.
43:13Corre, corre, corre.
43:15¡Salta, salta!
43:17¿Ya me vas a decir quién te dio tanto dinero?
43:19Son varios domingos juntados. ¡Ya te dije!
43:24A mí se me hace que ese dinero te lo dio el Pintas. ¡Ya te dije!
43:33No, hombre, me cae que el ángel no tiene respeto ni por los ancianos de la tercera edad.
43:37¡Cállate los hilos, morro!
43:42Le voy a cortar las alas a ese angelito.
43:48Para que aprenda quien manda.
43:58Bueno, igual la enfermera puede seguir viniendo dos veces a la semana, ¿no?
44:06¿Qué tienes? Estabas últimamente muy callado.
44:10Papá, conocí a la señora Yesabel.
44:14¿Y le dijiste que...?
44:16¿Que soy tu hijo? Sí.
44:18Pero a mí no me pareció tan mala como dicen Aquiles y Glorio.
44:24Al contrario.
44:26A mí me pareció una mujer...
44:30muy hermosa.
44:32Y muy... todo.
44:39Yo quiero todo. Muy bien redactado.
44:42Para mañana. Primera hora.
44:46¿Qué es lo que quieres bien redactado?
44:55La destitución de mi tía como presidenta de la empresa.
45:03Te traje aquí porque hay algo muy sospechoso en Patricia y no quiero que no se escuche.
45:11¿Has hablado con ella o te ha dicho algo raro?
45:13No, no hemos hablado de nada relevante. Solo lo necesario.
45:19Bueno, ¿ella sabe el motivo de tu crisis?
45:23No, no sabe nada de eso.
45:25Yo te pido que confieses bien.
45:28No le cuentes a Patricia detalles de tu vida.
45:32Ella no debe saber lo que pasó en tu familia.
45:37¿Qué es lo que te tenía tan tenso?
45:46¿No me vas a contestar?
45:51No sabe nada de tu pasado.
45:53Contéstame, Fabrizio.
45:55Patricia no sabe de lo que te pasaron.
45:56¿No sabe nada de tu pasado?
45:58Contésteme, Fabrizio.
46:00Patricia no sabe de lo que te pasaron.
46:04¿Por qué le dijiste a Isabel que eres mío?
46:07¿Por qué le iba a mentir?
46:09¿No crees que ya es tiempo de enfrentar al mundo?
46:12¿No es lo que tú quieres?
46:14¿Que yo salga de este encierro y empiece a vivir la vida?
46:17Sí, pero en la empresa yo siempre he sido muy discreto con mi vida privada.
46:24Y tú sabes muy bien por qué, ¿no?
46:26Yo estoy de acuerdo en que sigas fingiendo que eres un godín más sin dinero.
46:30¿Cuándo podrías comprar esa empresa si tú quisieras, papá?
46:33Mira, Alberto, no cuestiones mis decisiones, ¿de acuerdo?
46:36Después de la pesadilla que vivimos, ¿quieres que todos sepan que somos millonarios?
46:40Papá, yo solo quiero olvidar lo que pasó.
46:45Quiero vivir mi vida normal.
46:51¿Puedo saber cómo te fue con tu papá?
46:54Tu amiga Patricia no pierde el tiempo.
46:57Típico de tu generación, ¿no, mamá?
47:00Bueno, quiero que sepas que mañana después de la junta me voy a ir a Las Flores.
47:04¿Todo bien?
47:08Solo no tengo ni tantitas ganas de ir a declarar al Ministerio de Público.
47:13No entiendo por qué vas. Inventa cualquier pretexto.
47:16Por favor, evítanos a todos el seguir alimentando el circo de mi tía.
47:20Mamá, ya bastante escándalo es que la presidenta de la empresa haya puesto esa denuncia.
47:26¿Ahora también vas tú?
47:29No, mi amor, no puedo.
47:31Pero es algo que tú no entenderías. Es personal.
47:35Ay, mamá, ya deja de hacerte lo interesante, por favor.
47:40¿Sí? Lo que hizo mi tía Aurora es lo que estábamos esperando para quitarla de la presidencia.
47:45Mamá, ahora es fácil. Somos mayoría.
47:52Las cláusulas del contrato son muy claras.
47:56Podemos quitarla del camino sin ningún problema.
47:59¿Sabes qué? A pesar de todo, tu papá era un hombre muy inteligente.
48:05Seguirá igual.
48:08No estamos hablando de mi papá.
48:10No estamos hablando de mi papá.
48:15Mamá, sí me vas a apoyar, ¿verdad?
48:23Lo que tú digas, bebé.
48:26Voy a ir a mi oficina y yo creo que ya me voy a la casa porque no he comido nada y me está empezando a doler la cabeza.
48:41Les ofrezco una disculpa a ambos por las molestias que pude haber causado con mis comentarios.
48:47A todos ustedes.
48:49No pasa nada, Elena. No te preocupes.
48:52Ya, mañana tengo que ir a la oficina. Seguramente nos vamos a ver por ahí.
48:56Yo creo que es mejor que descanses unos días más, Ángel, al menos hasta que se te quite el dolor del golpe.
49:02No puedo retrasarlo más y además mi jefa necesita hacerse unos estudios médicos con urgencia.
49:16Ok. Sí, claro. Cuando ya estés aquí me mandas un mensaje para salir.
49:23Ángel, Aurora viene en camino. Quiere verte.
49:27¿Es neta?
49:28Sí. Aprovecha para explicarle que te atropelló una moto.
49:31No. Mejor le digo que pase para que conozca a mis jefes.
49:41Aurora es más inteligente de lo que pensé, papá. Pero me voy a volver a ganar su confianza.
49:46Miren, se sienta así en la mesa como si nada, quitándome a mis hijas y al amor, al amor de mi vida.
49:54Jefe, la señora Aurora.