Vegeta's Hilarious First Day at McDonald's - In This video Bulma gives Vegeta an Ultimatum to find a job or move out. Thus Vegeta gets an interview at McDonald's and ACTUALLY gets hired. The whole day Vegeta runs into hilarious encounters his entire first day at McDonald's and ends up almost quitting, getting fired, and almost gets the McDonald's shut down. I hope you guys enjoyed this video I REALLY hope you guys enjoyed Also Rest in Peace to the GREAT Akira Toriyama, Fly High ๏ธ King
00:00Vegeta, you need to actually pull some weight and get some of your money, all right?
00:03We need to provide for our kids, especially you.
00:05By doing what?
00:07Obviously, you're getting some money.
00:09I can't run this company on my own.
00:10What should I do?
00:11Obviously, you should get a job or something, like, hello?
00:15Use that big brain of yours.
00:16I need to do my training.
00:17Training is not the only thing that's on your, uh, you know, your mind.
00:20You gotta work and get some money or, um, you're not gonna be able to live here anymore.
00:24I've got something on my mind?
00:27Oh shit, sorry.
00:28Who said that?
00:29Oh, that old man's running around again.
00:31Listen, I heard McDonald's was hiring or something.
00:34Maybe, maybe they'll even take your dumb ass.
00:36Fast food?
00:38I can't even crack an egg.
00:40You're hopeless.
00:41Let's just see if McDonald's can even get you.
00:43All right.
00:44So, uh, Vegeta, I hear you're interested in working for our company here at McDonald's.
00:49Um, I just have a few questions for you as the manager here.
00:52Um, could you tell me about yourself?
00:54Well, my work experience is very limited.
00:56I used to work for Frieza in the Frieza Force.
00:59Um, and I killed a lot of innocent people.
01:04How did you hear about this position?
01:06Well, you see, my wife was plastering me and yelling at me because I don't provide enough.
01:11Because training's not providing.
01:14Why do you want to work for this company, Vegeta?
01:16To make money.
01:17Um, to help my wife, apparently.
01:19She's not rich enough.
01:21So I need money.
01:23Why should we hire you?
01:24Because I'm the Prince of all Saiyans.
01:26What is your greatest strengths?
01:28I can fly.
01:29I have super strength.
01:30I can make my hair go yellow.
01:32What is your greatest achievement?
01:34Surpassing Kakarot, of course.
01:35All right, Vegeta.
01:36Well, you seem like a, you know, big, you know, strong guy.
01:39It seems like you could help us here at McDonald's.
01:41So, um, we're going to get you a uniform and I'm just going to, you know, kind of oversee
01:44your, uh, activities today and see how you do and see if we hire you.
01:47Does that sound good?
01:50Oh, boy, I'm hungry.
01:52Oh, hey, Vegeta.
01:53You working at McDonald's?
01:58You're supposed to ask him what he wants, man.
02:01He's here to get some food.
02:04What do you want for food, Kakarot?
02:07Well, I'm a little hungry.
02:08Um, can I get the number one?
02:12No, fat ass.
02:15Hey, we got to work on your, you know, etiquette.
02:17You know, you got to get your cut.
02:19You're your workers under control, man.
02:22Hey, come here for a second.
02:23I don't care.
02:24This is unacceptable.
02:25Come here for a second.
02:26Hey, you know, here the customer is always right.
02:28You know, I mean, he might, he does look pretty stupid, but, uh, you got to treat him with
02:33Hey, I heard that.
02:35Oh, what?
02:36Shut up, Kakarot.
02:37I have some managerial stuff to do in the back.
02:39I'll be right back.
02:40Oh, all right.
02:40Number one, no cheese.
02:43Not going to ask him because he's fat.
02:47I heard that you're just going to take cheese off my meal because...
02:51Just cause?
02:52Well, if you see on the menu, uh, Big Mac has no cheese.
02:59All right.
02:59Whatever you say, Vegeta.
03:01Good job, Vegeta.
03:02Good job.
03:02You can read.
03:03That's great.
03:04That's a good start.
03:06Shut up.
03:08All right.
03:09So as your, you know, for your first customer, you did a pretty good job.
03:12Uh, you know, you actually read the, you know, marquee there and you pressed the right option.
03:17So we're off to a good start.
03:19Oh boy.
03:21Do not go in there.
03:22Actually, I think I might've clogged it up.
03:25Oh my God.
03:26It smells terrible back there.
03:27Hey, uh, Vegeta, can you clean that, uh, shit up back there?
03:30What the hell is this old man doing?
03:32Oh, he's picking up after Kakarot.
03:37Do you know this manager?
03:38Uh, quit banging on our window, sir.
03:40Uh, this is a public place and we would, uh, you know,
03:44appreciate it if you want to destroy our property.
03:47Do you clean dentures by chance?
03:50Fuck off.
03:54Oh God.
03:54Vegeta, you need to get in here and clean this shit up.
03:57Oh, this smells terrible.
04:01Uh, the plunger and everything should be already be in there.
04:10Oh my God.
04:10Do I really have to do this?
04:13You have fun.
04:13I'm gonna, I'm gonna peace out.
04:15You have fun with that, sir.
04:18God damn it.
04:19Even his shit suppresses me.
04:22Hey, Vegeta, are you still in there clean?
04:24It's been like 30 minutes, man.
04:27I got distracted.
04:31What are you doing in there?
04:34I got distracted and started reading shades of poop.
04:38What's shades of poop?
04:40I got to see this.
04:40What is this?
04:42Oh my goodness.
04:44Textures of poop.
04:46Shades of poop.
04:48That was Kakarots.
04:49Quick facts about poop.
04:52Hey, all right.
04:53Get out of here.
04:53Let's get going.
04:55We need to get you back working.
05:00Go in there.
05:00What is this guy doing here?
05:02All right, Vegeta, I think our next customers are walking out.
05:04I just saw him walking outside.
05:09Show some enthusiasm.
05:10You know, he should be happy to be working.
05:11Come on, man.
05:14Hi, Bulma.
05:16Looks like you actually got the job.
05:18I'm a little happy for you.
05:20He doesn't have it yet.
05:22This is just our test phase we got going.
05:24I do have it.
05:25I'll be the best worker here ever.
05:28Okay, I'll be.
05:29I'm the one on this side, but okay.
05:32Anyways, you got a couple of customers here.
05:35All right, babe.
05:36We can't call the customers, babe.
05:38Do you even know this person?
05:41Oh, I'm sorry.
05:43I did not know that.
05:44Yeah, I kind of forced him into this job because, you know,
05:46he's kind of broken, terrible at everything.
05:49I already told him the story.
05:51Well, good.
05:52At least he knows.
05:53Well, give me a Happy Meal.
05:54That's all I want.
05:55Let's test you.
05:56Happy Meals are right behind you there.
06:01God damn it.
06:02This is hard.
06:04What do you want, miss?
06:07I'll have the non GMO salad, please.
06:11We don't have those here.
06:12This is fast food.
06:13God damn it, sweetie.
06:15I mean, brokey.
06:16Oh, my goodness.
06:17Wait, what?
06:18Come on.
06:19Oh, I'm sorry.
06:21This is my husband, guys.
06:22He's so poor.
06:23I mean, hot thing.
06:25We have one big happy family here.
06:27Is this your friend?
06:28So these are your friends, Vegeta, and that's your wife.
06:31It's not my friend.
06:33It's a loser.
06:34What are your friends?
06:35What are you talking about?
06:37That's not nice, Vegeta.
06:41He got a job.
06:42Control your man.
06:43We do have extra positions right now.
06:45Where's your job, sweetie?
06:47We're poor.
06:48Wait, what?
06:49We're poor.
06:51Well, actually, I think King Kai was calling me.
06:55No, King Kai's dead.
06:58I suppressed Kakarot.
07:01You did.
07:01You actually did.
07:03I did.
07:03Now, let's see if you can keep the job for me.
07:08Are you going to live on the streets?
07:10Do you have the non-GMO?
07:12It's over here.
07:13You're going to press one of those buttons over there.
07:16Just one of those random buttons over there.
07:19It says right here.
07:23Promo item.
07:23Yeah, that's the one.
07:25Chi Chi food.
07:27Chi Chi food.
07:28Good job.
07:29And that one.
07:31A drink.
07:34Ah, what are you doing in here, Kakarot?
07:37Hey, are you guys still serving breakfast?
07:47It's okay.
07:48It's okay.
07:49Just grab another one.
07:50Hey, grab another one.
07:51It's okay.
07:52It's your first day on the job.
07:53So hard.
07:54Hey, good job.
07:55Good job.
07:56Now, don't spill that one.
07:57Don't spill that one.
07:59Oh, you've got the lid on it.
08:00Good job, Vegeta.
08:04Okay, good job.
08:06Hey, good job.
08:10Her salad's in this one right here.
08:12I think they all look the same, but I know the salad's in that one.
08:16What the hell?
08:17Are you sniffing it?
08:18Are you sniffing it?
08:19Don't sniff it in front of the customers.
08:22They're going to think you're weird.
08:25It's okay.
08:27That's already passed.
08:28I already think he's weird.
08:29Give me that damn.
08:30Sometimes you have to pay.
08:36Sometimes you have to deal with rude customers.
08:38You know, you just have to kill them with kindness.
08:39You know, don't kill them.
08:42Wait, that's her.
08:44She forgot it.
08:46Okay, well, she did call you a bitch.
08:47So, you know, I think it's fair.
08:49It seems like you're training pretty decent.
08:51Good luck.
08:51Don't lose the job or I'll kill you personally.
08:54Then your wife's kind of feisty.
08:58You really working here, Vegeta?
09:01What the hell are you wearing?
09:02What do you mean?
09:03I just got done balling.
09:05You already know.
09:07What's the matter?
09:08I'm getting the real money in the NBA.
09:11And you're getting peasant coins.
09:18What would you like?
09:27You don't have to force it, Vegeta.
09:29He looks like he's going to eat a lot.
09:30You know what that means?
09:31More money for McDonald's.
09:34Hey, Vegeta.
09:36Joke's on you.
09:37I only came here to dog your ass.
09:39See you, loser.
09:41Hey, f**k you.
09:44Oh, s**t.
09:45I'm sorry.
09:46Don't take after me.
09:47Sometimes you have to do that, though, when they do that s**t, though, okay?
09:51Vegeta, we got some more customers coming in.
09:53Get ready.
09:54You're doing good so far.
09:55You're doing good.
09:57So this is McD...
10:02Look at this loser.
10:04This f**king idiot.
10:05Shut up!
10:06They got you.
10:07They got you busting the counters, huh?
10:10I'm going to beat both your asses right now.
10:13Oh, yeah?
10:14More like the Prince of McDonald's.
10:15Get my right.
10:16Yeah, that was a good one, Tien.
10:19He does look pretty good with that hat and the hairline.
10:21I do kind of see it.
10:22Oh, s**t.
10:23I'm sorry.
10:24Anyways, what would you guys like?
10:27I'll get a Big Mac.
10:30What about you, Tien?
10:31No, I'll have what he's having.
10:33Did you punch him?
10:36He's my bro.
10:37You know what I mean?
10:38Oh, dude, that's some freaking power behind those.
10:40But holy s**t, I can feel that.
10:43Do you want to see what happens when I punch them?
10:45No, you can't punch the customers.
10:47We can't go back to your old lifestyle.
10:48But they're idiots.
10:50They suck.
10:51He died to a little green guy.
10:54And his friend's a clown because he's lonely.
10:56You don't see me and Tien here working at this joint.
11:00Sir, if you are in the...
11:02I'm not going to do that.
11:03I'm not going to do that because that is not going to be monetizable.
11:06So I'm not going to say that.
11:08I'll ask him, like, if you're friends with little kids, sir.
11:13You can't even be here.
11:15The school's right there.
11:17Hey, hey, we didn't bring child two, all right?
11:20Let's get off the man's case.
11:21Did you say child two?
11:23Did they just say he's friends with a clown?
11:25Did you just say he's a friend with a clown?
11:27He's a little kid.
11:28He's like...
11:29Is he friends with Ronald McDonald?
11:31Is that who he's friends with?
11:32Or is it...
11:32Hey, listen, the customer's always right.
11:34Get us our food, man.
11:35Yeah, hurry up.
11:36I'm starving.
11:38Big Mac.
11:39Big Mac.
11:40You can read.
11:41You can read.
11:41You can do it right there.
11:42Right there.
11:43See, the one that says Big Mac.
11:44No, that's fish filet, Vegeta.
11:47That one.
11:47Yeah, yeah, that one.
11:48It's still hot.
11:49Hey, we got places to be, you know.
11:51Shut up!
11:53And, uh, what was the other one?
11:55Was it two Big Macs?
11:58Uh, yeah.
11:59Okay, go grab another one.
12:01You're treating it like your newborn child, man.
12:02Big Mac.
12:03I'll crush your food.
12:05And that'll be...
12:06Only took you seven years.
12:0917 zeni.
12:11All right.
12:12Here's my half.
12:14And my half is the compensation of how long you took.
12:17Later, idiot.
12:18Yeah, loser.
12:19We're out of here.
12:21Come on, Tien.
12:23I could go beat him up right now.
12:26We'll just...
12:26We'll just...
12:27We'll just call the cops on him, okay?
12:28But, uh, we have...
12:29We have another customer.
12:30You open this thing.
12:32Sorry about earlier, guys.
12:34It was the senile kicking in, you know?
12:37Uh, so I was looking online and I saw you guys had the hidden menu and, uh...
12:42I, uh...
12:43I hear you got some over power level 9,000 Big Booty Hoes here.
12:48How much were those cost?
12:51Excuse me.
12:53I don't think we served those.
12:55Is that, like, a...
12:56What about the lower power level Big Booty Hoes?
12:59I don't discriminate.
13:01Oh, we actually have the level 5,000 ones here.
13:02I don't think you were on McDonald's.
13:05You might have been on
13:08No, no, no.
13:09It's a special we're doing.
13:10Hold on.
13:11It's a special, uh...
13:13It's, uh...
13:13Let me check my phone real quick.
13:17I was on MrCastle's YouTube channel.
13:19Oh, my God!
13:20Man, that must have been...
13:23Oh, shit, dude.
13:24That guy got us.
13:25He f***ing got us good.
13:27He left his credit card.
13:31Since that guy was banging on our...
13:33We're not gonna do this normally, but we're gonna run his card.
13:36I left my credit card!
13:39Oh, it went back on the counter somehow.
13:40I died.
13:42It's because I just...
13:45God damn it.
13:46Hey, Vegeta.
13:47Back and forth.
13:48Back and forth.
13:49It's all in the hips.
13:51It's all in the...
13:53Okay, I'm playing.
13:55I'm playing, bro.
13:57This job sucks.
13:58Yeah, yeah.
13:59So much cleaning.
14:00So much training.
14:01All right, good job.
14:02I think we might have some customers here soon.
14:05But yeah, just, you know, back and forth.
14:06Back and forth, Vegeta.
14:07You're doing a great job.
14:09You don't have to be that careful with it.
14:10It's just a piece of plastic, Vegeta.
14:12Oh, hi there.
14:16Is that you?
14:18Is Bulma trying to make you work again?
14:23You know, you guys are like really rich.
14:25Well, he's a good employee.
14:28He's a good employee.
14:28So we're going to, you know, we're going to help you in one second.
14:31Just get that one last spot right over there and help these guys out.
14:40This guy is supposed to be the Prince of Sands.
14:43And you don't have a planet anymore either.
14:45Hey, good job with the floor.
14:46And wait, wait to put the wet floor sign out there.
14:48You know, that way people don't trip and we don't get sued.
14:51Ask him what they like, Vegeta.
14:52What would you like, Gohan?
14:54Um, you know, I think I'll take the number five.
14:57It's the one that says five.
14:59You press on that one.
15:01No, when I clicked on five, it went to a different page.
15:05Is that a five?
15:06No, that's a five.
15:08All right there, Vegeta.
15:09Click that one, Vegeta.
15:10This is the slowest I've seen you move.
15:12This is the slowest I've seen you move.
15:14Shut up!
15:15Green, man.
15:17You don't act like this when you speak to my dad.
15:19And what would you like, sir?
15:21One of those little bird looking things.
15:24Yeah, it's one of these guys here.
15:25I'll help you out.
15:26I think these are called Furbies.
15:28As your superior, I got you.
15:30I got you.
15:31There you go, sir.
15:32This is the Happy Meals you have to eat.
15:34And the number one, which is a Big Mac.
15:37No, it was a number five.
15:39Oh, I mean, Quarter Pounder.
15:40Oh yeah, shoot, my bad.
15:41See, I was testing you, Vegeta.
15:43I was testing you.
15:44Wow, thanks, Vegeta.
15:45Here you go.
15:47And that'll be...
15:49What's the price on this thing?
15:52Actually, it's going to be $3.99.
15:55I'm really sorry about the wait, guys.
15:57You guys are free to leave.
15:58You don't have to pay.
15:59Sorry, my employee's just taking way too long.
16:01Vegeta, come here.
16:02Come here real quick.
16:03See ya, Vegeta.
16:04Vegeta, you gotta...
16:07You gotta speed up, man.
16:09You are taking way too long to press the buttons,
16:12and you're taking way too long to get the money, okay?
16:14But I can't read.
16:17Oh gosh, I forgot.
16:18I'm a slow reader.
16:20Okay, well, we'll work on that.
16:22So this is their prized McDonald's, huh, Whis?
16:25I've heard there's good ice cream here.
16:27There better be, or I'm going to blow this planet up.
16:31Hiya, how's it going?
16:32Can you believe the Prince of Saiyans working at a...
16:36What is this place again, Whis?
16:37Oh, McDonald's.
16:39Have you snooped this low, Vegeta?
16:41Whoa, what is that?
16:42Was that a ball of energy?
16:43Oh, jeez.
16:43Forgive me, I sneezed.
16:45Do you know these guys?
16:46You seem really nervous, Vegeta.
16:48This is the God of Destruction.
16:52And what does that mean?
16:54I don't know what that means.
16:55God of Destruction.
16:57He's our God.
16:58Who kills all.
17:00Every last one of us.
17:02Okay, well, you have to treat him with respect.
17:04Just give him so much respect.
17:06Don't test me, Vegeta.
17:08I'm very hungry.
17:09Okay, everything's free.
17:11What would you like?
17:12Hope everything's free.
17:14Yes, you can have whatever you want, Lord.
17:16What are you going to get, Whis?
17:18Oh, I would like a delicacy.
17:19Ice cream.
17:20Sweet Tots, as they're called.
17:22What flavor?
17:24Would you hurry up?
17:25I'll help him.
17:25All of them.
17:26Okay, all of them.
17:30Make that double, please.
17:33Oh, shit.
17:34I don't even know how to make them.
17:36Um, I figured it out because your machine's always broken.
17:40I don't know where the ice cream cone went.
17:41Here's a cone by itself, too, if you want to try that.
17:45Here's a pink one.
17:48Ah, yes, the pink one.
17:50It matches you, Lord.
17:52Here, sir.
17:56And chocolate.
17:57The best one yet.
18:06They're going to eat us out of business.
18:09What else would you guys like?
18:10There's this thing called apple pie, and it is very hot, but they're very delicious.
18:17That sounds good.
18:19Why don't you get us a couple of those?
18:23Here you go, Clay.
18:28How's the food?
18:28Are you guys enjoying your time here at McDonald's?
18:33What do you say, Whis?
18:35I like the ice cream.
18:36That's about it.
18:36I haven't tried much else.
18:38Yeah, I'm not sure about this whole box thing.
18:41Hopefully he leaves soon.
18:42But you know what?
18:43I think I'll spare this.
18:45What is it again?
18:46McDonald's, as it was called.
18:48Right, Vegeta?
18:49This is where you work.
18:50Yes, it's where I work.
18:52I think we'll spare this McDonald's for today.
18:55Let's get out of here, Whis.
18:57Thank you, Lord, sir.
18:58Good job, Vegeta.
18:59Oh my god, when he pulled out the energy ball, I thought we were dead.
19:03You do not understand how powerful he is.
19:07Is he stronger than you?
19:10I could beat him any day.
19:13Well, then why were you acting like such a little bitch?
19:16Hey, shut up!
19:18So far, so good, Vegeta.
19:19You're doing pretty good today.
19:23Oh, shit.
19:23Oh my goodness.
19:25The Prince of Monkeys working in a, what, a McDonald's?
19:31Shut up, Frieza!
19:33So low, you have to work here, eh?
19:36What is money tight?
19:38Hey, remember, you know, the customer's always right.
19:41Even if they're, you know, mean, you gotta treat them with respect.
19:43Shut up, Frieza!
19:44Nobody likes you!
19:45Oh, really?
19:47Listening to this, this human?
19:50Wow, I didn't know monkeys evolved that far.
19:54Can't do it with this guy right now.
19:55What do you want, Frieza?
19:57Hmm, that's a good question.
19:59Maybe to see your planet blow up again, monkey.
20:04I'll beat your ass right now.
20:06Oh, really?
20:07You're gonna beat my ass?
20:09Maybe you should check the most recent manga chapters.
20:16That's crazy.
20:18Damn, that does have a point.
20:22Damn, he does kind of sulk.
20:23Did you read those too?
20:24Yeah, I kind of got a glimpse of them.
20:26I didn't read them, but I know what happens.
20:30All right, Frieza.
20:30That's right.
20:32All right, he's just gonna come here and pester us.
20:33You can leave.
20:34Oh, but I'm a paying customer.
20:36You can't send away someone with money.
20:39You can't tell our customers to leave, Vegeta.
20:41Come on, man.
20:42Why couldn't Beerus show up when he was here?
20:44This man is a b**ch to Beerus.
20:49Wait, you're saying Lord Beerus is here?
20:51Uh, he was earlier.
20:52That guy was kind of scary.
20:53Oh, he was?
20:54Oh, he was?
20:56They've got a destruction to save you now, monkey.
20:59What are you going to do?
21:00You know what?
21:01Here's your f**king Happy Meal.
21:03I'm out of this b**ch.
21:04Vegeta, where are you going?
21:06F**k you.
21:07End this f**king job.
21:08Oh, you're running away again, monkey.
21:10You were my best employee.
21:12I was your only one.
21:13Because you can't keep hirees.
21:15You b**ch.
21:16Hey, hey, hey.
21:18I'm the health inspector.
21:20You better get your stupid little booty cheeks behind that damn counter
21:23and get ready to get inspected.
21:24And I ain't talking about your physicalities.
21:26I'm talking about your work environment.
21:28Get the hell back there, boy.
21:29Get the hell back there.
21:30Right now.
21:31Don't tell me what to do.
21:33What the hell?
21:34All right.
21:35Oh, Jesus Christ.
21:37Not now.
21:38Hey, health inspector.
21:40You know what this means?
21:41I'll be with you in a second, sir.
21:43Here's your free premium Happy Meal.
21:46Thank you very much.
21:47He's my employee, Frieza.
21:49You know what to do.
21:50Bring his dog ass back in here.
21:52All right.
21:53He's a secret shopper.
21:54Watch this.
21:56Watch this.
21:59You'll see.
22:00Hold on.
22:03Get your ass back in there, monkey.
22:09Do I get paid?
22:10Um, maybe.
22:11Depends on how you act.
22:13Now get in there.
22:16What do you want?
22:17Get behind that damn counter, boy.
22:19I heard there was fecal matter all over the walls.
22:21Kicked on that damn bathroom.
22:23I thought you cleaned that, Vegeta.
22:26No, he didn't.
22:27I got pictures all over social media.
22:29Hashtag Vegeta poopy pants.
22:31We're going to get shut down now, Vegeta.
22:33Screw you quitting your job.
22:35There's no way that's true.
22:36This place is gone.
22:37Remember, I was reading the poopy side.
22:40No, no.
22:41I even heard rumors.
22:42Change of poop.
22:43I even heard rumors that your employee wears diapers
22:46under that clothing right there
22:47because he can't control his bowels.
22:49And he shits everywhere.
22:51Poopy pants.
22:52You were too busy reading 50 Shades of Poop.
22:54Damn it.
22:56I don't wear diapers.
22:59Wear leggings.
23:00Oh, yes, you do.
23:02Shut up.
23:02Remember, I was your employer.
23:05It's quite disgusting.
23:07We've also got rumors that there's rats around this place.
23:09And no, I ain't talking about Goku.
23:11I'm talking about the real rats.
23:13Damn it, Vegeta.
23:14They found the rats.
23:15I thought you cleaned those earlier.
23:17Damn it.
23:17I did.
23:19I washed it really well.
23:21Looks like I'm fired, too, Vegeta.
23:23Well, it was a pleasure working with you.
23:26Well, it was, you know.
23:27Hey, there's a stipulation.
23:29Hold on.
23:29You know, with every door closed, two doors open, right?
23:33As long as the viewer likes and subscribes,
23:36you guys might stay employed.
23:38How does that sound with you?
23:40That sounds great, actually.
23:41You know, that really helped me out.
23:43Oh, my gosh.
23:44Damn right.
23:45If they don't like and subscribe.
23:47I think Mr. Poopy Pants is going to start pooping on their walls.
23:50Well, Vegeta, we get to keep our jobs, man.
23:52How does that sound?
23:55Oh, not again.
23:56Did you eat our fries?
23:58The ones that are there?
23:59Hold up.
24:00I've seen this.
24:00For like 10 hours?
24:01This monkey is about to poop his pants.
24:04Oh, here we go.
24:05The rumors are true.
24:07Hey, the bathrooms are this way.
24:09I have to come out this way.
24:12Well, you better hurry.
24:14He's holding his breath.
24:15Vegeta, you better clean it.
24:17Don't forget this.
24:20Do it in this one.
24:21In the f***ing urinal, bro?
24:23That's wild.
24:25That's wild, bro.
24:27That's crazy.